#!/usr/bin/env bash ## On Ubuntu, this script requires apache2-utils for the ab binary. # Run like: ./benchmark-http.sh server # where server is the host/port running the web server declare -A THROUGHPUTS declare -A LATENCIES LOOP=5 DOWNLOAD_HOST=$1 DOWNLOAD_FILE=random/10K.1.html REQUESTS=10000 CONCURRENCY_LIST="1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256" OPTIONS="-k" RESULT=result-$(date +%y%m%d-%H%M%S) touch $RESULT RUN=0 while [ $RUN -lt $LOOP ] do for CONCURRENCY in $CONCURRENCY_LIST do rm -f OUTPUT echo "ab $OPTIONS -n $REQUESTS -c $CONCURRENCY http://$DOWNLOAD_HOST/$DOWNLOAD_FILE" ab $OPTIONS -n $REQUESTS -c $CONCURRENCY http://$DOWNLOAD_HOST/$DOWNLOAD_FILE > OUTPUT || exit $? sleep 5 THROUGHPUT=$(grep -m1 "Requests per second:" OUTPUT | awk '{ print $4 }') LATENCY=$(grep -m1 "Time per request:" OUTPUT | awk '{ print $4 }') THROUGHPUTS[$CONCURRENCY]="${THROUGHPUTS[$CONCURRENCY]} $THROUGHPUT" LATENCIES[$CONCURRENCY]="${LATENCIES[$CONCURRENCY]} $LATENCY" echo "concurrency=$CONCURRENCY, throughput=$THROUGHPUT, latency=$LATENCY" done RUN=$(expr $RUN + 1) done for CONCURRENCY in $CONCURRENCY_LIST do THROUGHPUT=$(echo ${THROUGHPUTS[$CONCURRENCY]} | tr " " "\n" | sort -n | awk '{a[NR]=$0}END{if(NR%2==1)print a[int(NR/2)+1];else print(a[NR/2-1]+a[NR/2])/2}') LATENCY=$(echo ${LATENCIES[$CONCURRENCY]} | tr " " "\n" | sort -n | awk '{a[NR]=$0}END{if(NR%2==1)print a[int(NR/2)+1];else print(a[NR/2-1]+a[NR/2])/2}') echo "$THROUGHPUT,$LATENCY" >> $RESULT done echo "Result file: $RESULT"