/* -*- mode:c; c-file-style:"k&r"; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width:4; indent-tabs-mode:nil; mode:auto-fill; fill-column:78; -*- */ /* vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et tw=78 fo=cqt wm=0: */ /* Copyright (C) 2014 Stony Brook University This file is part of Graphene Library OS. Graphene Library OS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Graphene Library OS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /* * db_socket.c * * This file contains operands for streams with URIs that start with * "tcp:", "tcp.srv:", "udp:", "udp.srv:". */ #include "pal_defs.h" #include "pal_freebsd_defs.h" #include "pal.h" #include "pal_internal.h" #include "pal_freebsd.h" #include "pal_debug.h" #include "pal_security.h" #include "pal_error.h" #include "api.h" #include #include typedef __kernel_pid_t pid_t; #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* 96 bytes is the minimal size of buffer to store a IPv4/IPv6 address */ #define PAL_SOCKADDR_SIZE 96 typedef uint16_t __be16; #define SOL_TCP 6 #define TCP_CORK TCP_NOPUSH static inline int addr_size (struct sockaddr * addr) { switch (addr->sa_family) { case AF_INET: return sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); case AF_INET6: return sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6); default: return 0; } } /* parsing the string of uri, and fill in the socket address structure. the latest pointer of uri, length of socket address are returned. */ static int inet_parse_uri (char ** uri, struct sockaddr * addr, int * addrlen) { char * tmp = *uri, * end; char * addr_str = NULL, * port_str; int af; void * addr_buf; int addr_len; __be16 * port_buf; int slen; if (tmp[0] == '[') { /* for IPv6, the address will be in the form of "[xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx]:port". */ struct sockaddr_in6 * addr_in6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *) addr; slen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6); memset(addr, 0, slen); end = strchr(tmp + 1, ']'); if (!end || *(end + 1) != ':') goto inval; addr_str = tmp + 1; addr_len = end - tmp + 1; port_str = end + 2; for (end = port_str ; *end >= '0' && *end <= '9' ; end++); addr_in6->sin6_family = af = AF_INET6; addr_buf = &addr_in6->sin6_addr.s6_addr; port_buf = &addr_in6->sin6_port; } else { /* for IP, the address will be in the form of "x.x.x.x:port". */ struct sockaddr_in * addr_in = (struct sockaddr_in *) addr; slen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); memset(addr, 0, slen); end = strchr(tmp, ':'); if (!end) goto inval; addr_str = tmp; addr_len = end - tmp; port_str = end + 1; for (end = port_str ; *end >= '0' && *end <= '9' ; end++); addr_in->sin_family = af = AF_INET; addr_buf = &addr_in->sin_addr.s_addr; port_buf = &addr_in->sin_port; } if (af == AF_INET) { if (inet_pton4(addr_str, addr_len, addr_buf) < 0) goto inval; } else { if (inet_pton6(addr_str, addr_len, addr_buf) < 0) goto inval; } *port_buf = __htons(atoi(port_str)); *uri = *end ? end + 1 : NULL; if (addrlen) *addrlen = slen; return 0; inval: return -PAL_ERROR_INVAL; } /* create the string of uri from the given socket address */ static int inet_create_uri (char * uri, int count, struct sockaddr * addr, int addrlen) { int len = 0; if (addr->sa_family == AF_INET) { if (addrlen != sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)) return PAL_ERROR_INVAL; struct sockaddr_in * addr_in = (struct sockaddr_in *) addr; char * addr = (char *) &addr_in->sin_addr.s_addr; /* for IP, the address will be in the form of "x.x.x.x:port". */ len = snprintf(uri, count, "%u.%u.%u.%u:%u", (unsigned char) addr[0], (unsigned char) addr[1], (unsigned char) addr[2], (unsigned char) addr[3], __ntohs(addr_in->sin_port)); } else if (addr->sa_family == AF_INET6) { if (addrlen != sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6)) return PAL_ERROR_INVAL; struct sockaddr_in6 * addr_in6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *) addr; short * addr = (short *) &addr_in6->sin6_addr.s6_addr; /* for IPv6, the address will be in the form of "[xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx]:port". */ len = snprintf(uri, count, "[%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x]:%u", addr[0], addr[1], addr[2], addr[3], addr[4], addr[5], addr[6], addr[7], __ntohs(addr_in6->sin6_port)); } else { return -PAL_ERROR_INVAL; } return len; } /* parse the uri for a socket stream. The uri might have both binding address and connecting address, or connecting address only. The form of uri will be either "bind-addr:bind-port:connect-addr:connect-port" or "addr:port". */ static int socket_parse_uri (char * uri, struct sockaddr ** bind_addr, int * bind_addrlen, struct sockaddr ** dest_addr, int * dest_addrlen) { int ret; if (!bind_addr && !dest_addr) return 0; if (!uri || !(*uri)) { if (bind_addr) *bind_addr = NULL; if (dest_addr) *dest_addr = NULL; return 0; } /* at least parse uri once */ if ((ret = inet_parse_uri(&uri, bind_addr ? *bind_addr : *dest_addr, bind_addr ? bind_addrlen : dest_addrlen)) < 0) return ret; if (!(bind_addr && dest_addr)) return 0; /* if you reach here, it can only be connection address */ if (!uri || (ret = inet_parse_uri(&uri, *dest_addr, dest_addrlen)) < 0) { *dest_addr = *bind_addr; *dest_addrlen = *bind_addrlen; *bind_addr = NULL; *bind_addrlen = 0; } return 0; } /* fill in the PAL handle based on the file descriptors and address given. */ static inline PAL_HANDLE socket_create_handle (int type, int fd, int options, struct sockaddr * bind_addr, int bind_addrlen, struct sockaddr * dest_addr, int dest_addrlen) { PAL_HANDLE hdl = malloc(HANDLE_SIZE(sock) + (bind_addr ? bind_addrlen : 0) + (dest_addr ? dest_addrlen : 0)); if (!hdl) return NULL; options = HOST_SOCKET_OPTIONS(options); memset(hdl, 0, sizeof(union pal_handle)); PAL_GET_TYPE(hdl) = type; hdl->__in.flags |= RFD(0)|(type != pal_type_tcpsrv ? WFD(0) : 0); hdl->sock.fd = fd; void * addr = (void *) hdl + HANDLE_SIZE(sock); if (bind_addr) { hdl->sock.bind = addr; memcpy(addr, bind_addr, bind_addrlen); addr += bind_addrlen; } else { hdl->sock.bind = NULL; } if (dest_addr) { hdl->sock.conn = addr; memcpy(addr, dest_addr, dest_addrlen); addr += dest_addrlen; } else { hdl->sock.conn = NULL; } hdl->sock.nonblocking = (options & SOCK_NONBLOCK) ? PAL_TRUE : PAL_FALSE; hdl->sock.linger = 0; if (type == pal_type_tcpsrv) { hdl->sock.receivebuf = 0; hdl->sock.sendbuf = 0; } else { int ret, val, len = sizeof(int); ret = INLINE_SYSCALL(getsockopt, 5, fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, &val, &len); hdl->sock.receivebuf = IS_ERR(ret) ? 0 : val; ret = INLINE_SYSCALL(getsockopt, 5, fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, &val, &len); hdl->sock.sendbuf = IS_ERR(ret) ? 0 : val; } hdl->sock.receivetimeout = 0; hdl->sock.sendtimeout = 0; hdl->sock.tcp_cork = PAL_FALSE; hdl->sock.tcp_keepalive = PAL_FALSE; hdl->sock.tcp_nodelay = PAL_FALSE; return hdl; } static int check_zero (void * mem, int size) { void * p = mem, * q = mem + size; while (p < q) { if (p <= q - sizeof(long)) { if (*(long *) p) return 1; p += sizeof(long); } else if (p <= q - sizeof(int)) { if (*(int *) p) return 1; p += sizeof(int); } else if (p <= q - sizeof(short)) { if (*(short *) p) return 1; p += sizeof(short); } else { if (*(char *) p) return 1; p++; } } return 0; } /* check if an address is "Any" */ static int addr_check_any (struct sockaddr * addr) { if (addr->sa_family == AF_INET) { struct sockaddr_in * addr_in = (struct sockaddr_in *) addr; return addr_in->sin_port || check_zero(&addr_in->sin_addr, sizeof(addr_in->sin_addr)); } else if (addr->sa_family == AF_INET6) { struct sockaddr_in6 * addr_in6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *) addr; return addr_in6->sin6_port || check_zero(&addr_in6->sin6_addr, sizeof(addr_in6->sin6_addr)); } return -PAL_ERROR_NOTSUPPORT; } /* listen on a tcp socket */ static int tcp_listen (PAL_HANDLE * handle, char * uri, int options) { struct sockaddr buffer, * bind_addr = &buffer; int bind_addrlen; int ret, fd = -1; if ((ret = socket_parse_uri(uri, &bind_addr, &bind_addrlen, NULL, NULL)) < 0) return ret; options = HOST_SOCKET_OPTIONS(options); /* the socket need to have a binding address, a null address or an any address is not allowed */ if (!bind_addr || addr_check_any(bind_addr) == 0) return -PAL_ERROR_INVAL; fd = INLINE_SYSCALL(socket, 3, bind_addr->sa_family, SOCK_STREAM|SOCK_CLOEXEC|options, 0); if (IS_ERR(fd)) return -PAL_ERROR_DENIED; /* must set the socket to be reuseable */ int reuseaddr = 1; INLINE_SYSCALL(setsockopt, 5, fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &reuseaddr, sizeof(int)); // maybe SO_REUSEPORT ret = INLINE_SYSCALL(bind, 3, fd, bind_addr, bind_addrlen); if (IS_ERR(ret)) { switch(ERRNO(ret)) { case EINVAL: ret = -PAL_ERROR_INVAL; goto failed; case EADDRINUSE: ret = -PAL_ERROR_STREAMEXIST; goto failed; default: ret = -PAL_ERROR_DENIED; goto failed; } } ret = INLINE_SYSCALL(listen, 2, fd, DEFAULT_BACKLOG); if (IS_ERR(ret)) return -PAL_ERROR_DENIED; *handle = socket_create_handle(pal_type_tcpsrv, fd, options, bind_addr, bind_addrlen, NULL, 0); if (!(*handle)) { ret = -PAL_ERROR_NOMEM; goto failed; } return 0; failed: INLINE_SYSCALL(close, 1, fd); return ret; } /* accept a tcp connection */ static int tcp_accept (PAL_HANDLE handle, PAL_HANDLE * client) { if (!IS_HANDLE_TYPE(handle, tcpsrv) || !handle->sock.bind || handle->sock.conn) return -PAL_ERROR_NOTSERVER; if (handle->sock.fd == PAL_IDX_POISON) return -PAL_ERROR_BADHANDLE; struct sockaddr * bind_addr = (struct sockaddr *) handle->sock.bind; int bind_addrlen = addr_size(bind_addr); struct sockaddr buffer; socklen_t addrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr); int ret = 0; int newfd = INLINE_SYSCALL(accept4, 4, handle->sock.fd, &buffer, &addrlen, SOCK_CLOEXEC); if (IS_ERR(newfd)) switch(ERRNO(newfd)) { case EWOULDBLOCK: return -PAL_ERROR_TRYAGAIN; case ECONNABORTED: return -PAL_ERROR_STREAMNOTEXIST; default: return unix_to_pal_error(ERRNO(newfd)); } struct sockaddr * dest_addr = &buffer; int dest_addrlen = addrlen; *client = socket_create_handle(pal_type_tcp, newfd, 0, bind_addr, bind_addrlen, dest_addr, dest_addrlen); if (!(*client)) { ret = -PAL_ERROR_NOMEM; goto failed; } return 0; failed: INLINE_SYSCALL(close, 1, newfd); return ret; } /* connect on a tcp socket */ static int tcp_connect (PAL_HANDLE * handle, char * uri, int options) { struct sockaddr buffer[3]; struct sockaddr * bind_addr = buffer, * dest_addr = buffer + 1; int bind_addrlen, dest_addrlen; int ret, fd = -1; options = HOST_SOCKET_OPTIONS(options); /* accepting two kind of different uri: dest-ip:dest-port or bind-ip:bind-port:dest-ip:dest-port */ if ((ret = socket_parse_uri(uri, &bind_addr, &bind_addrlen, &dest_addr, &dest_addrlen)) < 0) return ret; if (!dest_addr) return -PAL_ERROR_INVAL; if (bind_addr && bind_addr->sa_family != dest_addr->sa_family) return -PAL_ERROR_INVAL; fd = INLINE_SYSCALL(socket, 3, dest_addr->sa_family, SOCK_STREAM|SOCK_CLOEXEC|options, 0); if (IS_ERR(fd)) return -PAL_ERROR_DENIED; if (bind_addr) { if (IS_ERR(ret)) { INLINE_SYSCALL(close, 1, fd); switch (ERRNO(ret)) { case EADDRINUSE: ret = -PAL_ERROR_STREAMEXIST; goto failed; case EADDRNOTAVAIL: ret = -PAL_ERROR_ADDRNOTEXIST; goto failed; default: ret = unix_to_pal_error(ERRNO(ret)); goto failed; } } } ret = INLINE_SYSCALL(connect, 3, fd, dest_addr, dest_addrlen); if (IS_ERR(ret)) { ret = unix_to_pal_error(ERRNO(ret)); goto failed; } if (!bind_addr) { /* save some space to get socket address */ bind_addr = buffer + 2; bind_addrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr); /* call getsockname to get socket address */ if ((ret = INLINE_SYSCALL(getsockname, 3, fd, bind_addr, &bind_addrlen)) < 0) bind_addr = NULL; } *handle = socket_create_handle(pal_type_tcp, fd, options, bind_addr, bind_addrlen, dest_addr, dest_addrlen); if (!(*handle)) { ret = -PAL_ERROR_NOMEM; goto failed; } return 0; failed: INLINE_SYSCALL(close, 1, fd); return ret; } /* 'open' operation of tcp stream */ static int tcp_open (PAL_HANDLE *handle, const char * type, const char * uri, int access, int share, int create, int options) { int uri_len = strlen(uri) + 1; if (uri_len > PAL_SOCKADDR_SIZE) return -PAL_ERROR_TOOLONG; char uri_buf[PAL_SOCKADDR_SIZE]; memcpy(uri_buf, uri, uri_len); if (strpartcmp_static(type, "tcp.srv:")) return tcp_listen(handle, uri_buf, options); if (strpartcmp_static(type, "tcp:")) return tcp_connect(handle, uri_buf, options); return -PAL_ERROR_NOTSUPPORT; } /* 'read' operation of tcp stream */ static int tcp_read (PAL_HANDLE handle, int offset, int len, void * buf) { if (!IS_HANDLE_TYPE(handle, tcp) || !handle->sock.conn) return -PAL_ERROR_NOTCONNECTION; if (handle->sock.fd == PAL_IDX_POISON) return -PAL_ERROR_ENDOFSTREAM; struct msghdr hdr; struct iovec iov; iov.iov_base = buf; iov.iov_len = len; hdr.msg_name = NULL; hdr.msg_namelen = 0; hdr.msg_iov = &iov; hdr.msg_iovlen = 1; hdr.msg_control = NULL; hdr.msg_controllen = 0; hdr.msg_flags = 0; int bytes = INLINE_SYSCALL(recvmsg, 3, handle->sock.fd, &hdr, 0); if (IS_ERR(bytes)) switch (ERRNO(bytes)) { case EWOULDBLOCK: return -PAL_ERROR_TRYAGAIN; default: return unix_to_pal_error(ERRNO(bytes)); } if (!bytes) return -PAL_ERROR_ENDOFSTREAM; return bytes; } /* write' operation of tcp stream */ static int tcp_write (PAL_HANDLE handle, int offset, int len, const void * buf) { if (!IS_HANDLE_TYPE(handle, tcp) || !handle->sock.conn) return -PAL_ERROR_NOTCONNECTION; if (handle->sock.fd == PAL_IDX_POISON) return -PAL_ERROR_CONNFAILED; struct msghdr hdr; struct iovec iov; iov.iov_base = (void *) buf; iov.iov_len = len; hdr.msg_name = NULL; hdr.msg_namelen = 0; hdr.msg_iov = &iov; hdr.msg_iovlen = 1; hdr.msg_control = NULL; hdr.msg_controllen = 0; hdr.msg_flags = 0; int bytes = INLINE_SYSCALL(sendmsg, 3, handle->sock.fd, &hdr, MSG_NOSIGNAL); if (IS_ERR(bytes)) switch(ERRNO(bytes)) { case ECONNRESET: case EPIPE: return -PAL_ERROR_CONNFAILED; case EWOULDBLOCK: handle->__in.flags &= ~WRITEABLE(0); return -PAL_ERROR_TRYAGAIN; default: return unix_to_pal_error(ERRNO(bytes)); } if (bytes == len) handle->__in.flags |= WRITEABLE(0); else handle->__in.flags &= ~WRITEABLE(0); return bytes; } /* used by 'open' operation of tcp stream for bound socket */ static int udp_bind (PAL_HANDLE * handle, char * uri, int options) { struct sockaddr buffer, * bind_addr = &buffer; int bind_addrlen; int ret = 0, fd = -1; if ((ret = socket_parse_uri(uri, &bind_addr, &bind_addrlen, NULL, NULL)) < 0) return ret; assert(bind_addr); assert(bind_addrlen == addr_size(bind_addr)); options = HOST_SOCKET_OPTIONS(options); fd = INLINE_SYSCALL(socket, 3, bind_addr->sa_family, SOCK_DGRAM|SOCK_CLOEXEC|options, 0); if (IS_ERR(fd)) return -PAL_ERROR_DENIED; ret = INLINE_SYSCALL(bind, 3, fd, bind_addr, bind_addrlen); if (IS_ERR(ret)) { switch (ERRNO(ret)) { case EADDRINUSE: ret = -PAL_ERROR_STREAMEXIST; goto failed; case EADDRNOTAVAIL: ret = -PAL_ERROR_ADDRNOTEXIST; goto failed; default: ret = unix_to_pal_error(ERRNO(ret)); goto failed; } } *handle = socket_create_handle(pal_type_udpsrv, fd, options, bind_addr, bind_addrlen, NULL, 0); if (!(*handle)) { ret = -ENOMEM; goto failed; } return 0; failed: INLINE_SYSCALL(close, 1, fd); return ret; } /* used by 'open' operation of tcp stream for connected socket */ static int udp_connect (PAL_HANDLE * handle, char * uri, int options) { struct sockaddr buffer[2]; struct sockaddr * bind_addr = buffer, * dest_addr = buffer + 1; int bind_addrlen, dest_addrlen; int ret, fd = -1; if ((ret = socket_parse_uri(uri, &bind_addr, &bind_addrlen, &dest_addr, &dest_addrlen)) < 0) return ret; options = HOST_SOCKET_OPTIONS(options); fd = INLINE_SYSCALL(socket, 3, dest_addr ? dest_addr->sa_family : AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM|SOCK_CLOEXEC|options, 0); if (IS_ERR(fd)) return -PAL_ERROR_DENIED; if (bind_addr) { ret = INLINE_SYSCALL(bind, 3, fd, bind_addr, bind_addrlen); if (IS_ERR(ret)) { switch (ERRNO(ret)) { case EADDRINUSE: ret = -PAL_ERROR_STREAMEXIST; goto failed; case EADDRNOTAVAIL: ret = -PAL_ERROR_ADDRNOTEXIST; goto failed; default: ret = unix_to_pal_error(ERRNO(ret)); goto failed; } } } *handle = socket_create_handle(dest_addr ? pal_type_udp : pal_type_udpsrv, fd, options, bind_addr, bind_addrlen, dest_addr, dest_addrlen); if (!(*handle)) { ret = -ENOMEM; goto failed; } return 0; failed: INLINE_SYSCALL(close, 1, fd); return ret; } static int udp_open (PAL_HANDLE *hdl, const char * type, const char * uri, int access, int share, int create, int options) { char buf[PAL_SOCKADDR_SIZE]; int len = strlen(uri); if (len >= PAL_SOCKADDR_SIZE) return -PAL_ERROR_TOOLONG; memcpy(buf, uri, len + 1); options &= PAL_OPTION_MASK; if (!strpartcmp_static(type, "udp.srv:")) return udp_bind(hdl, buf, options); if (!strpartcmp_static(type, "udp:")) return udp_connect(hdl, buf, options); return -PAL_ERROR_NOTSUPPORT; } static int udp_receive (PAL_HANDLE handle, int offset, int len, void * buf) { if (!IS_HANDLE_TYPE(handle, udp)) return -PAL_ERROR_NOTCONNECTION; if (handle->sock.fd == PAL_IDX_POISON) return -PAL_ERROR_BADHANDLE; struct msghdr hdr; struct iovec iov; iov.iov_base = buf; iov.iov_len = len; hdr.msg_name = NULL; hdr.msg_namelen = 0; hdr.msg_iov = &iov; hdr.msg_iovlen = 1; hdr.msg_control = NULL; hdr.msg_controllen = 0; hdr.msg_flags = 0; int bytes = INLINE_SYSCALL(recvmsg, 3, handle->sock.fd, &hdr, 0); if (IS_ERR(bytes)) switch(ERRNO(bytes)) { case EWOULDBLOCK: return -PAL_ERROR_TRYAGAIN; case EINTR: return -PAL_ERROR_INTERRUPTED; default: return unix_to_pal_error(ERRNO(bytes)); } return bytes; } static int udp_receivebyaddr (PAL_HANDLE handle, int offset, int len, void * buf, char * addr, int addrlen) { if (!IS_HANDLE_TYPE(handle, udpsrv)) return -PAL_ERROR_NOTCONNECTION; if (handle->sock.fd == PAL_IDX_POISON) return -PAL_ERROR_BADHANDLE; struct sockaddr conn_addr; socklen_t conn_addrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr); struct msghdr hdr; struct iovec iov; iov.iov_base = buf; iov.iov_len = len; hdr.msg_name = &conn_addr; hdr.msg_namelen = conn_addrlen; hdr.msg_iov = &iov; hdr.msg_iovlen = 1; hdr.msg_control = NULL; hdr.msg_controllen = 0; hdr.msg_flags = 0; int bytes = INLINE_SYSCALL(recvmsg, 3, handle->sock.fd, &hdr, 0); if (IS_ERR(bytes)) switch(ERRNO(bytes)) { case EWOULDBLOCK: return -PAL_ERROR_TRYAGAIN; case EINTR: return -PAL_ERROR_INTERRUPTED; case ECONNREFUSED: return -PAL_ERROR_STREAMNOTEXIST; default: return unix_to_pal_error(ERRNO(bytes)); } char * tmp = strcpy_static(addr, "udp:", addrlen); if (!tmp) return -PAL_ERROR_OVERFLOW; inet_create_uri(tmp, addr + addrlen - tmp, &conn_addr, hdr.msg_namelen); return bytes; } static int udp_send (PAL_HANDLE handle, int offset, int len, const void * buf) { if (!IS_HANDLE_TYPE(handle, udp)) return -PAL_ERROR_NOTCONNECTION; if (handle->sock.fd == PAL_IDX_POISON) return -PAL_ERROR_BADHANDLE; struct msghdr hdr; struct iovec iov; iov.iov_base = (void *) buf; iov.iov_len = len; hdr.msg_name = handle->sock.conn; hdr.msg_namelen = addr_size(handle->sock.conn); hdr.msg_iov = &iov; hdr.msg_iovlen = 1; hdr.msg_control = NULL; hdr.msg_controllen = 0; hdr.msg_flags = 0; int bytes = INLINE_SYSCALL(sendmsg, 3, handle->sock.fd, &hdr, MSG_NOSIGNAL); if (IS_ERR(bytes)) switch(ERRNO(bytes)) { case EAGAIN: handle->__in.flags &= ~WRITEABLE(0); return -PAL_ERROR_TRYAGAIN; case ECONNRESET: case EPIPE: return -PAL_ERROR_CONNFAILED; default: return unix_to_pal_error(ERRNO(bytes)); } if (bytes == len) handle->__in.flags |= WRITEABLE(0); else handle->__in.flags &= ~WRITEABLE(0); return bytes; } static int udp_sendbyaddr (PAL_HANDLE handle, int offset, int len, const void * buf, const char * addr, int addrlen) { if (!IS_HANDLE_TYPE(handle, udpsrv)) return -PAL_ERROR_NOTCONNECTION; if (handle->sock.fd == PAL_IDX_POISON) return -PAL_ERROR_BADHANDLE; if (strpartcmp_static(addr, "udp:")) return -PAL_ERROR_INVAL; addr += static_strlen("udp:"); addrlen -= static_strlen("udp:"); char * addrbuf = __alloca(addrlen + 1); memcpy(addrbuf, addr, addrlen + 1); struct sockaddr conn_addr; int conn_addrlen; int ret = inet_parse_uri(&addrbuf, &conn_addr, &conn_addrlen); if (ret < 0) return ret; struct msghdr hdr; struct iovec iov; iov.iov_base = (void *) buf; iov.iov_len = len; hdr.msg_name = &conn_addr; hdr.msg_namelen = conn_addrlen; hdr.msg_iov = &iov; hdr.msg_iovlen = 1; hdr.msg_control = NULL; hdr.msg_controllen = 0; hdr.msg_flags = 0; int bytes = INLINE_SYSCALL(sendmsg, 3, handle->sock.fd, &hdr, MSG_NOSIGNAL); if (IS_ERR(bytes)) switch(ERRNO(bytes)) { case ECONNRESET: case EPIPE: return -PAL_ERROR_CONNFAILED; case EAGAIN: handle->__in.flags &= ~WRITEABLE(0); default: return unix_to_pal_error(ERRNO(bytes)); } if (bytes == len) handle->__in.flags |= WRITEABLE(0); else handle->__in.flags &= ~WRITEABLE(0); return bytes; } static int socket_delete (PAL_HANDLE handle, int access) { if (handle->sock.fd == PAL_IDX_POISON) return 0; if (!IS_HANDLE_TYPE(handle, tcp) && access) return -PAL_ERROR_INVAL; if (IS_HANDLE_TYPE(handle, tcp) || IS_HANDLE_TYPE(handle, tcpsrv)) { int shutdown; switch (access) { case 0: shutdown = SHUT_RDWR; break; case PAL_DELETE_RD: shutdown = SHUT_RD; break; case PAL_DELETE_WR: shutdown = SHUT_WR; break; default: return -PAL_ERROR_INVAL; } INLINE_SYSCALL(shutdown, 2, handle->sock.fd, shutdown); } return 0; } static int socket_close (PAL_HANDLE handle) { if (handle->sock.fd != PAL_IDX_POISON) { INLINE_SYSCALL(close, 1, handle->sock.fd); handle->sock.fd = PAL_IDX_POISON; } if (handle->sock.bind) handle->sock.bind = NULL; if (handle->sock.conn) handle->sock.conn = NULL; return 0; } static int socket_attrquerybyhdl (PAL_HANDLE handle, PAL_STREAM_ATTR * attr) { if (handle->sock.fd == PAL_IDX_POISON) return -PAL_ERROR_BADHANDLE; int fd = handle->sock.fd, ret, val; if (handle->sock.conn) { /* try use ioctl FIONEAD to get the size of socket */ ret = INLINE_SYSCALL(ioctl, 3, fd, FIONREAD, &val); if (IS_ERR(ret)) return unix_to_pal_error(ERRNO(ret)); attr->pending_size = val; attr->readable = !!attr->pending_size > 0; } else { attr->readable = !attr->disconnected; } attr->handle_type = handle->__in.type; attr->disconnected = handle->__in.flags & ERROR(0); attr->nonblocking = handle->sock.nonblocking; attr->writeable = handle->__in.flags & WRITEABLE(0); attr->socket.linger = handle->sock.linger; attr->socket.receivebuf = handle->sock.receivebuf; attr->socket.sendbuf = handle->sock.sendbuf; attr->socket.receivetimeout = handle->sock.receivetimeout; attr->socket.sendtimeout = handle->sock.sendtimeout; attr->socket.tcp_cork = handle->sock.tcp_cork; attr->socket.tcp_keepalive = handle->sock.tcp_keepalive; attr->socket.tcp_nodelay = handle->sock.tcp_nodelay; return 0; } static int socket_attrsetbyhdl (PAL_HANDLE handle, PAL_STREAM_ATTR * attr) { if (handle->sock.fd == PAL_IDX_POISON) return -PAL_ERROR_BADHANDLE; int fd = handle->sock.fd, ret, val; if (attr->nonblocking != handle->sock.nonblocking) { ret = INLINE_SYSCALL(fcntl, 3, fd, F_SETFL, attr->nonblocking ? O_NONBLOCK : 0); if (IS_ERR(ret)) return unix_to_pal_error(ERRNO(ret)); handle->sock.nonblocking = attr->nonblocking; } if (IS_HANDLE_TYPE(handle, tcpsrv)) { struct __kernel_linger { int l_onoff; int l_linger; }; if (attr->socket.linger != handle->sock.linger) { struct __kernel_linger l; l.l_onoff = attr->socket.linger ? 1 : 0; l.l_linger = attr->socket.linger; ret = INLINE_SYSCALL(setsockopt, 5, fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, &l, sizeof(struct __kernel_linger)); if (IS_ERR(ret)) return unix_to_pal_error(ERRNO(ret)); handle->sock.linger = attr->socket.linger; } if (attr->socket.receivebuf != handle->sock.receivebuf) { int val = attr->socket.receivebuf; ret = INLINE_SYSCALL(setsockopt, 5, fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, &val, sizeof(int)); if (IS_ERR(ret)) return unix_to_pal_error(ERRNO(ret)); handle->sock.receivebuf = attr->socket.receivebuf; } if (attr->socket.sendbuf != handle->sock.sendbuf) { int val = attr->socket.sendbuf; ret = INLINE_SYSCALL(setsockopt, 5, fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, &val, sizeof(int)); if (IS_ERR(ret)) return unix_to_pal_error(ERRNO(ret)); handle->sock.sendbuf = attr->socket.sendbuf; } if (attr->socket.receivetimeout != handle->sock.receivetimeout) { int val = attr->socket.receivetimeout; ret = INLINE_SYSCALL(setsockopt, 5, fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, &val, sizeof(int)); if (IS_ERR(ret)) return unix_to_pal_error(ERRNO(ret)); handle->sock.receivetimeout = attr->socket.receivetimeout; } if (attr->socket.sendtimeout != handle->sock.sendtimeout) { int val = attr->socket.sendtimeout; ret = INLINE_SYSCALL(setsockopt, 5, fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, &val, sizeof(int)); if (IS_ERR(ret)) return unix_to_pal_error(ERRNO(ret)); handle->sock.sendtimeout = attr->socket.sendtimeout; } } if (IS_HANDLE_TYPE(handle, tcp) || IS_HANDLE_TYPE(handle, tcpsrv)) { if (attr->socket.tcp_cork != handle->sock.tcp_cork) { val = attr->socket.tcp_cork ? 1 : 0; ret = INLINE_SYSCALL(setsockopt, 5, fd, SOL_TCP, TCP_CORK, &val, sizeof(int)); if (IS_ERR(ret)) return unix_to_pal_error(ERRNO(ret)); handle->sock.tcp_cork = attr->socket.tcp_cork; } if (attr->socket.tcp_keepalive != handle->sock.tcp_keepalive) { val = attr->socket.tcp_keepalive ? 1 : 0; ret = INLINE_SYSCALL(setsockopt, 5, fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, &val, sizeof(int)); if (IS_ERR(ret)) return unix_to_pal_error(ERRNO(ret)); handle->sock.tcp_keepalive = attr->socket.tcp_keepalive; } if (attr->socket.tcp_nodelay != handle->sock.tcp_nodelay) { val = attr->socket.tcp_nodelay ? 1 : 0; ret = INLINE_SYSCALL(setsockopt, 5, fd, SOL_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, &val, sizeof(int)); if (IS_ERR(ret)) return unix_to_pal_error(ERRNO(ret)); handle->sock.tcp_nodelay = attr->socket.tcp_nodelay; } } return 0; } static int socket_getname (PAL_HANDLE handle, char * buffer, int count) { int old_count = count; int ret; const char * prefix = NULL; int prefix_len = 0; struct sockaddr * bind_addr = NULL, * dest_addr = NULL; switch (PAL_GET_TYPE(handle)) { case pal_type_tcpsrv: prefix_len = 7; prefix = "tcp.srv"; bind_addr = handle->sock.bind; break; case pal_type_tcp: prefix_len = 3; prefix = "tcp"; bind_addr = handle->sock.bind; dest_addr = handle->sock.conn; break; case pal_type_udpsrv: prefix_len = 7; prefix = "udp.srv"; bind_addr = handle->sock.bind; break; case pal_type_udp: prefix_len = 3; prefix = "udp"; bind_addr = handle->sock.bind; dest_addr = handle->sock.conn; break; default: return -PAL_ERROR_INVAL; } if (prefix_len >= count) return -PAL_ERROR_OVERFLOW; memcpy(buffer, prefix, prefix_len + 1); buffer += prefix_len; count -= prefix_len; for (int i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++) { struct sockaddr * addr = i ? dest_addr : bind_addr; if (addr) { if (count <= 1) return -PAL_ERROR_OVERFLOW; buffer[0] = ':'; buffer[1] = 0; buffer++; count--; if ((ret = inet_create_uri(buffer, count, addr, addr_size(addr))) < 0) return ret; buffer += ret; count -= ret; } } return old_count - count; } struct handle_ops tcp_ops = { .getname = &socket_getname, .open = &tcp_open, .waitforclient = &tcp_accept, .read = &tcp_read, .write = &tcp_write, .delete = &socket_delete, .close = &socket_close, .attrquerybyhdl = &socket_attrquerybyhdl, .attrsetbyhdl = &socket_attrsetbyhdl, }; struct handle_ops udp_ops = { .getname = &socket_getname, .open = &udp_open, .read = &udp_receive, .write = &udp_send, .delete = &socket_delete, .close = &socket_close, .attrquerybyhdl = &socket_attrquerybyhdl, .attrsetbyhdl = &socket_attrsetbyhdl, }; struct handle_ops udpsrv_ops = { .getname = &socket_getname, .open = &udp_open, .readbyaddr = &udp_receivebyaddr, .writebyaddr = &udp_sendbyaddr, .delete = &socket_delete, .close = &socket_close, .attrquerybyhdl = &socket_attrquerybyhdl, .attrsetbyhdl = &socket_attrsetbyhdl, }; static int mcast_s (PAL_HANDLE handle, int port) { handle->mcast.srv = PAL_IDX_POISON; int ret = 0; int fd = INLINE_SYSCALL(socket, 3, AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (IS_ERR(fd)) return -PAL_ERROR_DENIED; struct in_addr local; local.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; ret = INLINE_SYSCALL(setsockopt, 5, fd, IPPROTO_IP, IP_MULTICAST_IF, &local, sizeof(local)); if (IS_ERR(ret)) return -PAL_ERROR_DENIED; handle->__in.flags |= WFD(1)|WRITEABLE(1); handle->mcast.srv = fd; return 0; } static int mcast_c (PAL_HANDLE handle, int port) { handle->mcast.cli = PAL_IDX_POISON; int ret = 0; int fd = INLINE_SYSCALL(socket, 3, AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (IS_ERR(fd)) return -PAL_ERROR_DENIED; int reuse = 1; INLINE_SYSCALL(setsockopt, 5, fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEPORT, &reuse, sizeof(reuse)); struct sockaddr_in addr; addr.sin_family = AF_INET; addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); addr.sin_port = htons(port); ret = INLINE_SYSCALL(bind, 3, fd, &addr, sizeof(addr)); if (IS_ERR(ret)) return -PAL_ERROR_DENIED; struct in_addr local; local.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; ret = INLINE_SYSCALL(setsockopt, 5, fd, IPPROTO_IP, IP_MULTICAST_IF, &local, sizeof(local)); if (IS_ERR(ret)) return -PAL_ERROR_DENIED; struct ip_mreq group; inet_pton4(GRAPHENE_MCAST_GROUP, sizeof(GRAPHENE_MCAST_GROUP) - 1, &group.imr_multiaddr.s_addr); group.imr_interface.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); ret = INLINE_SYSCALL(setsockopt, 5, fd, IPPROTO_IP, IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, &group, sizeof(group)); if (IS_ERR(ret)) return -PAL_ERROR_DENIED; handle->mcast.cli = fd; handle->mcast.nonblocking = PAL_FALSE; return 0; } PAL_HANDLE _DkBroadcastStreamOpen (void) { if (!pal_sec.mcast_port) { unsigned short mcast_port; _DkFastRandomBitsRead(&mcast_port, sizeof(unsigned short)); if (mcast_port < 1024) mcast_port += 1024; pal_sec.mcast_port = mcast_port > 1024 ? mcast_port : mcast_port + 1204; } PAL_HANDLE hdl = malloc(HANDLE_SIZE(mcast)); SET_HANDLE_TYPE(hdl, mcast); mcast_s(hdl, pal_sec.mcast_port); mcast_c(hdl, pal_sec.mcast_port); hdl->mcast.port = pal_sec.mcast_port; return hdl; } static int mcast_send (PAL_HANDLE handle, int offset, int size, const void * buf) { if (handle->mcast.srv == PAL_IDX_POISON) return -PAL_ERROR_BADHANDLE; struct sockaddr_in addr; addr.sin_family = AF_INET; inet_pton4(GRAPHENE_MCAST_GROUP, sizeof(GRAPHENE_MCAST_GROUP) - 1, &addr.sin_addr.s_addr); addr.sin_port = htons(handle->mcast.port); struct msghdr hdr; struct iovec iov; iov.iov_base = (void *) buf; iov.iov_len = size; hdr.msg_name = &addr; hdr.msg_namelen = sizeof(addr); hdr.msg_iov = &iov; hdr.msg_iovlen = 1; hdr.msg_control = NULL; hdr.msg_controllen = 0; hdr.msg_flags = 0; int bytes = INLINE_SYSCALL(sendmsg, 3, handle->mcast.srv, &hdr, MSG_NOSIGNAL); if (IS_ERR(bytes)) switch(ERRNO(bytes)) { case ECONNRESET: case EPIPE: return -PAL_ERROR_CONNFAILED; case EAGAIN: handle->__in.flags &= ~WRITEABLE(1); default: return unix_to_pal_error(ERRNO(bytes)); } if (bytes == size) handle->__in.flags |= WRITEABLE(1); else handle->__in.flags &= ~WRITEABLE(1); return bytes; } static int mcast_receive (PAL_HANDLE handle, int offset, int size, void * buf) { if (handle->mcast.cli == PAL_IDX_POISON) return -PAL_ERROR_BADHANDLE; struct msghdr hdr; struct iovec iov; iov.iov_base = buf; iov.iov_len = size; hdr.msg_name = NULL; hdr.msg_namelen = 0; hdr.msg_iov = &iov; hdr.msg_iovlen = 1; hdr.msg_control = NULL; hdr.msg_controllen = 0; hdr.msg_flags = 0; int bytes = INLINE_SYSCALL(recvmsg, 3, handle->mcast.cli, &hdr, 0); if (IS_ERR(bytes)) return -PAL_ERROR_DENIED; return bytes; } static int mcast_close (PAL_HANDLE handle) { if (handle->mcast.srv != PAL_IDX_POISON) { INLINE_SYSCALL(close, 1, handle->mcast.srv); handle->mcast.srv = PAL_IDX_POISON; } if (handle->mcast.cli != PAL_IDX_POISON) { INLINE_SYSCALL(close, 1, handle->mcast.cli); handle->mcast.cli = PAL_IDX_POISON; } return 0; } static int mcast_attrquerybyhdl (PAL_HANDLE handle, PAL_STREAM_ATTR * attr) { int ret, val; if (handle->mcast.cli == PAL_IDX_POISON) return -PAL_ERROR_BADHANDLE; ret = INLINE_SYSCALL(ioctl, 3, handle->mcast.cli, FIONREAD, &val); if (IS_ERR(ret)) return unix_to_pal_error(ERRNO(ret)); attr->handle_type = pal_type_mcast; attr->disconnected = handle->__in.flags & (ERROR(0)|ERROR(1)); attr->nonblocking = handle->mcast.nonblocking; attr->readable = !!val; attr->writeable = handle->__in.flags & WRITEABLE(1); attr->runnable = PAL_FALSE; attr->pending_size = val; return 0; } static int mcast_attrsetbyhdl (PAL_HANDLE handle, PAL_STREAM_ATTR * attr) { if (handle->mcast.cli == PAL_IDX_POISON) return -PAL_ERROR_BADHANDLE; int ret; PAL_BOL * nonblocking = &handle->mcast.nonblocking; if (attr->nonblocking != *nonblocking) { ret = INLINE_SYSCALL(fcntl, 3, handle->mcast.cli, F_SETFL, *nonblocking ? O_NONBLOCK : 0); if (IS_ERR(ret)) return unix_to_pal_error(ERRNO(ret)); *nonblocking = attr->nonblocking; } return 0; } struct handle_ops mcast_ops = { .write = &mcast_send, .read = &mcast_receive, .close = &mcast_close, .attrquerybyhdl = &mcast_attrquerybyhdl, .attrsetbyhdl = &mcast_attrsetbyhdl, };