/* * Copyright (C) 2011-2018 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #include "msg3_parm.h" #include "se_sig_rl.h" #include "cipher.h" #include "helper.h" #include "pve_qe_common.h" #include "pek_pub_key.h" #include "byte_order.h" #include #include /** * File: provision_msg2.cpp * Description: Provide the implementation of code to decrypt TIK from decoded ProvMsg2 * * Core Code of Provision Encla * sigrl will be processed in ProvMsg3 generation */ ///Function to verify that EPID cert type and version is correct for sigrl static pve_status_t verify_sigrl_cert_type_version(const se_sig_rl_t *sigrl_cert) { if(SE_EPID_SIG_RL_ID!=sigrl_cert->epid_identifier|| SE_EPID_SIG_RL_VERSION!=sigrl_cert->protocol_version) return PVEC_SIGRL_INTEGRITY_CHECK_ERROR; return PVEC_SUCCESS; } //The function assumed that the SigRL is available in the ProvMsg2 //It will copy the SigRL Header to EPC memory: msg3_parm->sigrl_header //The function will partially update the SHA256 hash value (only SigRL Header) for piece-meal ECDSA signature generation //And it also calculates number of sigRL entries and verifies the size of the SigRL matches it exactly //The format of SigRL is assumed to be // (SigRLCertHeader:SigRlEntry1:SigRlEntry2:...:SigRlEntryn:ECDSASig) //Where SigRLCertHeader including EPIDVersion,CertType and SigRLHeader static pve_status_t prov_msg2_proc_sigrl_header(const external_memory_byte_t* emp_sigrl, uint32_t sigrl_size, prov_msg3_parm_t *msg3_parm) { sgx_status_t sgx_status = SGX_SUCCESS; pve_status_t pve_status = PVEC_SUCCESS; const uint32_t sigrl_header_size = static_cast(sizeof(se_sig_rl_t) - sizeof(SigRlEntry)); if(sigrl_sizesigrl_header, emp_sigrl, sigrl_header_size);//copy in sigrl header msg3_parm->emp_sigrl_sig_entries = emp_sigrl+sigrl_header_size; pve_status = verify_sigrl_cert_type_version(&msg3_parm->sigrl_header); if( PVEC_SUCCESS!=pve_status ) return pve_status; sgx_status = sgx_sha256_init(&msg3_parm->sha_state);//init sigrl hash if(SGX_SUCCESS!=sgx_status) return sgx_error_to_pve_error(sgx_status); //update hash for SigRL header saved in EPC memory previously sgx_status = sgx_sha256_update(reinterpret_cast(&msg3_parm->sigrl_header), sigrl_header_size, msg3_parm->sha_state); if(SGX_SUCCESS!=sgx_status) return sgx_error_to_pve_error(sgx_status); uint32_t entry_count = msg3_parm->sigrl_count = lv_ntohl(msg3_parm->sigrl_header.sig_rl.n2);//get the sigrl_count safely //now check whether the sigrl count matches the total size of the sigrl inside the msg uint32_t safe_sigrl_size = sigrl_header_size + 2*ECDSA_SIGN_SIZE;//constant size which will not overflow if( (UINT32_MAX-safe_sigrl_size)/sizeof(SigRlEntry)(sizeof(SigRlEntry));//calculate size safely now if(safe_sigrl_size != sigrl_size){//SigRL size must exactly match the expectation return PVEC_SIGRL_INTEGRITY_CHECK_ERROR; } return PVEC_SUCCESS; } //Function to unseal old epid blob, verify it and use it to prepare epid library state // so that later we could use it to generate EPID Signature //It will be used only when PreviousPSVN is avaiable in ProvMsg2 static pve_status_t prepare_epid_member(const proc_prov_msg2_blob_input_t *msg2_blob_input, prov_msg3_parm_t *msg3_parm) { pve_status_t ret_status = PVEC_SUCCESS; sgx_status_t sgx_status = SGX_SUCCESS; if(!msg2_blob_input->is_previous_pi_provided) return PVEC_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; const sgx_sealed_data_t *old_epid_data_blob = reinterpret_cast(msg2_blob_input->old_epid_data_blob); //try to unseal the old epid blob if(sgx_get_encrypt_txt_len(old_epid_data_blob)!=sizeof(se_secret_epid_data_sdk_t)|| sgx_get_add_mac_txt_len(old_epid_data_blob)!=sizeof(se_plaintext_epid_data_sdk_t)) return PVEC_EPID_BLOB_ERROR; //return PVEC_EPID_BLOB_ERROR to tell AESM to backup retrial of old epid blob se_plaintext_epid_data_sdk_t epid_cert; se_secret_epid_data_sdk_t epid_data; uint32_t epid_data_len = sizeof(epid_data); uint32_t epid_cert_len = sizeof(epid_cert); BitSupplier epid_prng = (BitSupplier)epid_random_func; EpidStatus epid_ret = kEpidNoErr; memset(&epid_cert, 0 ,sizeof(epid_cert)); memset(&epid_data, 0, sizeof(epid_data)); //now start unseal epid blob if((sgx_status=sgx_unseal_data(const_cast(old_epid_data_blob), reinterpret_cast(&epid_cert), &epid_cert_len, reinterpret_cast(&epid_data),&epid_data_len)) != SGX_SUCCESS){ if(sgx_status == SGX_ERROR_MAC_MISMATCH){ ret_status = PVEC_EPID_BLOB_ERROR;//return PVEC_EPID_BLOB_ERROR to tell AESM to backup retrial of old epid blob }else{ ret_status = sgx_error_to_pve_error(sgx_status); if(ret_status == PVEC_INVALID_CPU_ISV_SVN){ ret_status = PVEC_PARAMETER_ERROR;//The input epid blob is too new so that it is not supported } } goto ret_point; } //check whether sigrl previous psvn matches psvn in secret part of old epid blob if(0!=memcmp(&msg2_blob_input->previous_pi.cpu_svn, &epid_cert.equiv_cpu_svn,sizeof(sgx_cpu_svn_t))|| 0 != memcmp(&msg2_blob_input->previous_pi.pve_svn, &epid_cert.equiv_pve_isv_svn, sizeof(sgx_isv_svn_t))|| epid_cert.xeid != msg3_parm->local_xegb.xeid){ ret_status = PVEC_EPID_BLOB_ERROR;//return PVEC_EPID_BLOB_ERROR to tell AESM to backup retrial of old epid blob goto ret_point; } if(epid_cert.seal_blob_type != PVE_SEAL_EPID_KEY_BLOB|| epid_cert.epid_key_version != EPID_KEY_BLOB_VERSION_SDK){ ret_status = PVEC_EPID_BLOB_ERROR;//if the epid blob version does not match, which means the data is not an epid blob sealed by current version of PvE/QE goto ret_point; } //Previous gid is provided since this function assumes that Previous PSVN is provided //And the previous gid must be same as the gid in old epid blob cert if(memcmp(&epid_cert.epid_group_cert.gid, &msg2_blob_input->previous_gid, sizeof(GroupId))!=0|| memcmp(&epid_data.epid_private_key.gid, &msg2_blob_input->previous_gid, sizeof(GroupId))!=0){ ret_status = PVEC_EPID_BLOB_ERROR; goto ret_point; } //start preparing epid state for EPID signature generation epid_ret = EpidMemberCreate( &epid_cert.epid_group_cert,//group cert from old epid blob &epid_data.epid_private_key,//group private key from old epid blob &epid_data.member_precomp_data, epid_prng, NULL, &msg3_parm->epid_member); if(kEpidNoErr != epid_ret){ ret_status = epid_error_to_pve_error(epid_ret); goto ret_point; } epid_ret = EpidMemberSetHashAlg(msg3_parm->epid_member, kSha256); if(kEpidNoErr != epid_ret){ ret_status = epid_error_to_pve_error(epid_ret); } ret_point: (void)memset_s(&epid_data, sizeof(epid_data), 0, sizeof(epid_data));//clear secret data from stack return ret_status; } //Function to process data from ProvMsg2 and generate data for ProvMsg3 on success //Both emp_sigrl and emp_epid_sig are in external memory where emp_ prefix represents "external memory pointer" //@msg2_blob_input, input the decoded data of ProvMsg2 //@performance_rekey_used, 1 if performance rekey used, 0 if not //@emp_sigrl, the optional input sigrl in external memory (where emp_ prefix stands for "external memory pointer") //@sigrl_size, size in bytes of emp_sigrl //@msg3_output, output buffer to hold data to create ProvMsg3 //@emp_epid_sig, output the EPID Signature which is in external memory if required //@epid_sig_buffer_size: input the size of buffer emp_epid_sig //@return PVEC_SUCCESS on success and error code on failure // PVEC_EPID_BLOB_ERROR is returned if msg2_blob_input.old_epid_data_blob is required but it is invalid and // msg2_blob_input.previous_pi should be filled in by a Previous platform information from ProvMsg2 pve_status_t proc_prov_msg2_data(const proc_prov_msg2_blob_input_t *msg2_blob_input, //Input data of the ProvMsg2 uint8_t performance_rekey_used, // if in performance rekey mode const external_memory_byte_t *emp_sigrl, //optional sigrl inside external memory uint32_t sigrl_size, gen_prov_msg3_output_t *msg3_output, //output data for msg3 generation external_memory_byte_t *emp_epid_sig, //optional buffer to output EPID Signature uint32_t epid_sig_buffer_size) { uint8_t tcb[SK_SIZE]; pve_status_t ret = PVEC_SUCCESS; uint8_t pek_result = SGX_EC_INVALID_SIGNATURE; prov_msg3_parm_t msg3_parm; //initialize buffers to 0 according to coding style memset(tcb, 0, sizeof(tcb)); memset(&msg3_parm, 0, sizeof(msg3_parm)); sgx_status_t sgx_status = verify_xegb_with_default(msg2_blob_input->xegb, &pek_result, msg3_parm.local_xegb); if(SGX_SUCCESS != sgx_status){ ret = sgx_error_to_pve_error(sgx_status); goto ret_point; }else if(pek_result != SGX_EC_VALID){ ret = PVEC_XEGDSK_SIGN_ERROR; goto ret_point; } sgx_status = check_pek_signature(msg2_blob_input->pek, (sgx_ec256_public_t*)msg3_parm.local_xegb.pek_sk, &pek_result); if(SGX_SUCCESS != sgx_status){ ret = sgx_error_to_pve_error(sgx_status); goto ret_point; }else if(pek_result != SGX_EC_VALID){ ret = PVEC_PEK_SIGN_ERROR; //use a special error code to indicate PEK Signature error goto ret_point; } ret = check_signature_of_group_pub_cert(&msg2_blob_input->group_cert, msg3_parm.local_xegb.epid_sk); if(PVEC_SUCCESS != ret){ goto ret_point; } // we must parse SigRL header to find count of sigrl entries if( msg2_blob_input->is_previous_pi_provided ){//We need to generate Basic Signature if sigrl_psvn present even if sigrl is not available //Initialize for EPID library function to prepare for piece meal processing ret = prepare_epid_member(msg2_blob_input, &msg3_parm);//old epid data blob is required if( PVEC_SUCCESS!=ret ) goto ret_point; if(NULL!=emp_sigrl){ //process sigrl_header for hash value generation (used by ECDSA signature) ret = prov_msg2_proc_sigrl_header( emp_sigrl, sigrl_size, &msg3_parm); if( PVEC_SUCCESS!=ret ) goto ret_point; } }else if(NULL!=emp_sigrl){//sigrl provided but sigrl_psvn not available ret = PVEC_MSG_ERROR; goto ret_point; } //Now we could generate the ProvMsg3. SigRL of ProvMsg2 will be parsed in this function too if available ret = gen_prov_msg3_data(msg2_blob_input, msg3_parm, performance_rekey_used, msg3_output, emp_epid_sig, epid_sig_buffer_size); ret_point: (void)memset_s(tcb, sizeof(tcb), 0, sizeof(tcb)); if(NULL!=msg3_parm.p_msg3_state) pve_aes_gcm_encrypt_fini(msg3_parm.p_msg3_state, msg3_parm.msg3_state_size); if(NULL!=msg3_parm.sha_state) sgx_sha256_close(msg3_parm.sha_state); if(NULL!=msg3_parm.epid_member){ EpidMemberDelete(&msg3_parm.epid_member); } return ret; }