/* * Copyright (C) 2011-2018 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #include "provision_msg.h" #include #include "protocol.h" #include "cipher.h" #include "sgx_tcrypto.h" #include "epid/common/errors.h" #include "epid/member/api.h" #include "pve_hardcoded_tlv_data.h" #include "byte_order.h" #include "pek_pub_key.h" #include "pve_qe_common.h" #include #include #include "util.h" /** * File: provision_msg4.cpp * Description: Provide the implementation of code to process data from ProvMsg4 and generate EPID Data Blob * * Core Code of Provision Enclave */ //Function to verify and process ProvMsg4.field1_2 and decrypt mce to get f part of EPID Private Key by PSK // to generate PrivKey //@mce: input pointer to decrypted membership credential and escrow data //@msg4_input: input data decoded from ProvMsg4 //@prv_key: output the EPID Private Key on success //@return PVEC_SUCCESS on success and error code otherwise static pve_status_t proc_prov_msg4_membercredential(const membership_credential_with_escrow_t *mce, const proc_prov_msg4_input_t * msg4_input, PrivKey& prv_key) { pve_status_t ret = PVEC_SUCCESS; sgx_status_t sgx_status = SGX_SUCCESS; sgx_key_128bit_t psk; ret = get_pve_psk(&msg4_input->equivalent_psvn, &psk);//generate Provisioning Seal Key used to unseal f if(PVEC_SUCCESS != ret){ goto ret_point; } if(mce->escrow.version!=0){//only support escrow version 0 now ret = PVEC_MSG_ERROR; goto ret_point; } //Decrypt private key f (which had been sealed in ProvMsg3) sgx_status = sgx_rijndael128GCM_decrypt(reinterpret_cast(&psk), reinterpret_cast(&mce->escrow.f), sizeof(FpElemStr), reinterpret_cast(&prv_key.f), mce->escrow.iv, IV_SIZE, NULL, 0, reinterpret_cast(mce->escrow.mac)); if(SGX_ERROR_MAC_MISMATCH == sgx_status){ ret = PVEC_MSG_ERROR; goto ret_point; }else if(SGX_SUCCESS != sgx_status){ ret = sgx_error_to_pve_error(sgx_status); goto ret_point; } //copy A, x and gid memcpy(&prv_key.A, &mce->A,sizeof(prv_key.A)); memcpy(&prv_key.x, &mce->x, sizeof(prv_key.x)); memcpy(&prv_key.gid, &msg4_input->group_cert.key.gid, sizeof(GroupId)); ret_point: if(PVEC_SUCCESS != ret){ (void)memset_s(&prv_key, sizeof(prv_key),0, sizeof(prv_key)); } (void)memset_s(&psk,sizeof(psk),0,sizeof(psk)); return ret; } //check whether prv key is valid and generate epid blob if PrivKey is valid //@prv_key: input the EPID Private Key //@psvn: the equivalent psvn //@pub_key: input the EPID group public Key //@epid_blob: output the EPID_DATA_BLOB on success, the size of the buffer has been checked before calling to the function //@return PVEC_SUCCESS on success or error code on failure static pve_status_t gen_epid_blob(const extended_epid_group_blob_t* pxegb, const PrivKey *prv_key, const psvn_t *psvn, const GroupPubKey *pub_key, sgx_sealed_data_t *epid_blob) { uint8_t *tmp_buffer = NULL; pve_status_t ret = PVEC_SUCCESS; sgx_status_t sgx_status = SGX_SUCCESS; EpidStatus epid_ret = kEpidNoErr; MemberCtx *p_epid_context = NULL; se_secret_epid_data_sdk_t *epid_data = NULL; se_plaintext_epid_data_sdk_t *plaintext = NULL; uint32_t tmp_buffer_size = static_cast(sizeof(se_plaintext_epid_data_sdk_t) + sizeof(se_secret_epid_data_sdk_t)); if(!EpidIsPrivKeyInGroup(pub_key, prv_key)){ ret = PVEC_MSG_ERROR; goto ret_point; } //alloc one temp buffer to hold both plaintext and secret data before encryption //all data before encryption will be copied into the buffer inorder tmp_buffer = reinterpret_cast(malloc(tmp_buffer_size)); if(!tmp_buffer) { ret =PVEC_MALLOC_ERROR; goto ret_point; } memset(tmp_buffer,0,tmp_buffer_size); plaintext = reinterpret_cast(tmp_buffer);//plaintext in the beginning of the buffer //group cert as part of aad memcpy(&plaintext->epid_group_cert, pub_key, sizeof(*pub_key)); //PVE ISVSVN, CPUSVN and some public key from xegb in aad too epid_data = reinterpret_cast(plaintext + 1);//secret data in same buffer memcpy(&plaintext->equiv_cpu_svn, &psvn->cpu_svn, SGX_CPUSVN_SIZE); //equivalent CPUSVN and ISVSVN from PSVN of ProvMsgs used in AAD memcpy(&plaintext->equiv_pve_isv_svn, &psvn->isv_svn, sizeof(plaintext->equiv_pve_isv_svn)); plaintext->seal_blob_type = PVE_SEAL_EPID_KEY_BLOB; plaintext->epid_key_version = EPID_KEY_BLOB_VERSION_SDK; plaintext->xeid = pxegb->xeid; memcpy(&plaintext->qsdk_exp, pxegb->qsdk_exp, sizeof(plaintext->qsdk_exp)); memcpy(&plaintext->qsdk_mod, pxegb->qsdk_mod, sizeof(plaintext->qsdk_mod)); memcpy(&plaintext->epid_sk, pxegb->epid_sk, sizeof(plaintext->epid_sk)); memcpy(&epid_data->epid_private_key,prv_key,sizeof(PrivKey)); //EPID Private key is sealed in EPID_DATA_BLOB together with Member Precomputation epid_ret = EpidMemberCreate(&(plaintext->epid_group_cert), (PrivKey*)&(epid_data->epid_private_key), NULL, epid_random_func, NULL, &p_epid_context); if(kEpidNoErr!=epid_ret){ ret = epid_error_to_pve_error(epid_ret); goto ret_point; } epid_ret = EpidMemberWritePrecomp(p_epid_context, &epid_data->member_precomp_data);//Create Member Precomputation if(kEpidNoErr!=epid_ret){ ret = epid_error_to_pve_error(epid_ret); goto ret_point; } EpidMemberDelete(&p_epid_context); //call sgx_seal_data to generate EPID_DATA_BLOB if((sgx_status=sgx_seal_data( sizeof(se_plaintext_epid_data_sdk_t), reinterpret_cast(plaintext),//plaintext as AAD sizeof(se_secret_epid_data_sdk_t), reinterpret_cast(epid_data), //secret data to SEAL SGX_TRUSTED_EPID_BLOB_SIZE_SDK, epid_blob))!=SGX_SUCCESS){//generate EPID_DATA_BLOB in epid_blob ret = sgx_error_to_pve_error(sgx_status); goto ret_point; } ret_point: if(tmp_buffer){ //reset memory to 0 of the temp buffer to defense in depth (void)memset_s(tmp_buffer,tmp_buffer_size, 0, tmp_buffer_size); free(tmp_buffer); } return ret; } //Function to process the decoded data from ProvMsg4 and generate EPID data blob //It will create EPIDDataBlob in output parameter epid_blob on success //@msg_input: input data decoded from ProvMsg4 //@epid_blob: output buffer to hold the generated EPID_DATA_BLOB on success //@return PVEC_SUCCESS on success and error code otherwise pve_status_t proc_prov_msg4_data(const proc_prov_msg4_input_t *msg4_input, sgx_sealed_data_t *epid_blob) { uint8_t member_escrow_tlv_buf[MEMBERSHIP_CREDENTIAL_TLV_TOTAL_SIZE]; pve_status_t ret = PVEC_SUCCESS; sgx_status_t sgx_status = SGX_SUCCESS; uint8_t pek_result = SGX_EC_INVALID_SIGNATURE; sgx_key_128bit_t pwk2; PrivKey prv_key; uint8_t aad_buf[sizeof(device_id_t)+sizeof(GroupId)]; extended_epid_group_blob_t local_xegb; device_id_t *device_id_in_aad = reinterpret_cast(aad_buf+sizeof(GroupId)); membership_credential_with_escrow_t *mce = reinterpret_cast(member_escrow_tlv_buf+MEMBERSHIP_CREDENTIAL_TLV_HEADER_SIZE); memset(member_escrow_tlv_buf, 0, sizeof(member_escrow_tlv_buf)); memset(aad_buf, 0 ,sizeof(aad_buf)); memset(&pwk2, 0, sizeof(pwk2)); memset(&prv_key, 0, sizeof(prv_key)); sgx_status = verify_xegb_with_default(msg4_input->xegb, &pek_result,local_xegb); if(SGX_SUCCESS != sgx_status){ ret = sgx_error_to_pve_error(sgx_status); goto ret_point; }else if(pek_result != SGX_EC_VALID){ ret = PVEC_XEGDSK_SIGN_ERROR; goto ret_point; } //Verify it is signed by EPID Signing key ret = check_signature_of_group_pub_cert(&msg4_input->group_cert, local_xegb.epid_sk); if (PVEC_SUCCESS != ret){ goto ret_point; } //create PWK2 ret = get_pwk2(&msg4_input->equivalent_psvn, msg4_input->n2, &pwk2); if (PVEC_SUCCESS != ret){ goto ret_point; } //preparing device id for AAD memcpy(aad_buf, &msg4_input->group_cert.key.gid, sizeof(GroupId)); memcpy(&device_id_in_aad->fmsp, &msg4_input->fmsp, sizeof(fmsp_t)); memcpy(&device_id_in_aad->psvn, &msg4_input->equivalent_psvn, sizeof(psvn_t)); memset(&device_id_in_aad->ppid, 0 ,sizeof(ppid_t)); se_static_assert(sizeof(sgx_aes_gcm_128bit_key_t)==sizeof(pwk2)); /*SK_SIZE should be same as that of sgx_aes_gcm_128bit_key_t*/ se_static_assert(sizeof(sgx_aes_gcm_128bit_tag_t)==sizeof(msg4_input->member_credential_mac)); /*member_credential_mac size should be same as that of sgx_aes_gcm_128bit_tag_t*/ se_static_assert(HARD_CODED_EPID_MEMBER_WITH_ESCROW_TLV_SIZE == MEMBERSHIP_CREDENTIAL_TLV_TOTAL_SIZE); /*hardcoded size should be matched*/ sgx_status = sgx_rijndael128GCM_decrypt(reinterpret_cast(&pwk2), msg4_input->encrypted_member_credential,static_cast(HARD_CODED_EPID_MEMBER_WITH_ESCROW_TLV_SIZE), member_escrow_tlv_buf, msg4_input->member_credential_iv, IV_SIZE, aad_buf, sizeof(aad_buf), reinterpret_cast(msg4_input->member_credential_mac));//decrypt membership credential and escrow data TLV if(sgx_status == SGX_ERROR_MAC_MISMATCH){ ret = PVEC_MSG_ERROR; goto ret_point; }else if(sgx_status != SGX_SUCCESS){ ret = sgx_error_to_pve_error(sgx_status); goto ret_point; } if(memcmp(member_escrow_tlv_buf, MEMBERSHIP_CREDENTIAL_TLV_HEADER, MEMBERSHIP_CREDENTIAL_TLV_HEADER_SIZE)!=0){//checking TLV header matches hard-coded value ret = PVEC_MSG_ERROR; goto ret_point; } se_static_assert(sizeof(membership_credential_with_escrow_t)+MEMBERSHIP_CREDENTIAL_TLV_HEADER_SIZE==MEMBERSHIP_CREDENTIAL_TLV_TOTAL_SIZE); /*invalid hard-coded value*/ ret = proc_prov_msg4_membercredential(mce, msg4_input, prv_key);//decrypt and generate epid private key if(PVEC_SUCCESS!=ret){ goto ret_point; } ret = gen_epid_blob(&local_xegb, &prv_key, &msg4_input->equivalent_psvn, &msg4_input->group_cert.key, epid_blob);//seal epid private key to generate EPID data blob ret_point: //now clear secret data from memory to defense in depth (void)memset_s(&pwk2,sizeof(pwk2), 0, sizeof(pwk2)); (void)memset_s(&prv_key, sizeof(prv_key), 0, sizeof(prv_key)); (void)memset_s(member_escrow_tlv_buf, sizeof(member_escrow_tlv_buf), 0, sizeof(member_escrow_tlv_buf)); (void)memset_s(aad_buf, sizeof(aad_buf), 0, sizeof(aad_buf)); return ret; }