######## Intel(R) SGX SDK Settings ######## SGX_SDK ?= $(SdkPathFromPlugin) SGX_MODE ?= SIM SGX_ARCH ?= x64 UNTRUSTED_DIR=untrusted ifeq ($(shell getconf LONG_BIT), 32) SGX_ARCH := x86 else ifeq ($(findstring -m32, $(CXXFLAGS)), -m32) SGX_ARCH := x86 endif ifeq ($(SGX_ARCH), x86) SGX_COMMON_CFLAGS := -m32 SGX_EDGER8R := $(SGX_SDK)/bin/x86/sgx_edger8r else SGX_COMMON_CFLAGS := -m64 SGX_EDGER8R := $(SGX_SDK)/bin/x64/sgx_edger8r endif ifeq ($(SGX_DEBUG), 1) ifeq ($(SGX_PRERELEASE), 1) $(error Cannot set SGX_DEBUG and SGX_PRERELEASE at the same time!!) endif endif ifeq ($(SGX_DEBUG), 1) SGX_COMMON_CFLAGS += -O0 -g else SGX_COMMON_CFLAGS += -O2 endif ######## App Settings ######## App_Include_Paths := -IInclude -I$(UNTRUSTED_DIR) -I$(SGX_SDK)/include App_C_Flags := $(SGX_COMMON_CFLAGS) -fPIC -Wno-attributes $(App_Include_Paths) # Three configuration modes - Debug, prerelease, release # Debug - Macro DEBUG enabled. # Prerelease - Macro NDEBUG and EDEBUG enabled. # Release - Macro NDEBUG enabled. ifeq ($(SGX_DEBUG), 1) App_C_Flags += -DDEBUG -UNDEBUG -UEDEBUG else ifeq ($(SGX_PRERELEASE), 1) App_C_Flags += -DNDEBUG -DEDEBUG -UDEBUG else App_C_Flags += -DNDEBUG -UEDEBUG -UDEBUG endif .PHONY: all run all: $(UNTRUSTED_DIR)/$(enclaveName)_u.o ######## App Objects ######## $(UNTRUSTED_DIR)/$(enclaveName)_u.c: $(SGX_EDGER8R) trusted/$(enclaveName).edl @mkdir -p $(UNTRUSTED_DIR) @cd $(UNTRUSTED_DIR) && $(SGX_EDGER8R) --untrusted ../trusted/$(enclaveName).edl --search-path ../trusted --search-path $(SGX_SDK)/include @echo "GEN => $@" $(UNTRUSTED_DIR)/$(enclaveName)_u.o: $(UNTRUSTED_DIR)/$(enclaveName)_u.c @$(CC) $(App_C_Flags) -c $< -o $@ @echo "CC <= $<" .PHONY: clean clean: @rm -f $(UNTRUSTED_DIR)/$(enclaveName)_u.*