/* * Copyright (C) 2011-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ // This sample is confined to the communication between a SGX client platform // and an ISV Application Server. #include #include #include // Needed for definition of remote attestation messages. #include "remote_attestation_result.h" #include "isv_enclave_u.h" // Needed to call untrusted key exchange library APIs, i.e. sgx_ra_proc_msg2. #include "sgx_ukey_exchange.h" // Needed to get service provider's information, in your real project, you will // need to talk to real server. #include "network_ra.h" // Needed to create enclave and do ecall. #include "sgx_urts.h" // Needed to query extended epid group id. #include "sgx_uae_service.h" #include "service_provider.h" #ifndef SAFE_FREE #define SAFE_FREE(ptr) {if (NULL != (ptr)) {free(ptr); (ptr) = NULL;}} #endif // In addition to generating and sending messages, this application // can use pre-generated messages to verify the generation of // messages and the information flow. #include "sample_messages.h" #define ENCLAVE_PATH "isv_enclave.signed.so" uint8_t* msg1_samples[] = { msg1_sample1, msg1_sample2 }; uint8_t* msg2_samples[] = { msg2_sample1, msg2_sample2 }; uint8_t* msg3_samples[MSG3_BODY_SIZE] = { msg3_sample1, msg3_sample2 }; uint8_t* attestation_msg_samples[] = { attestation_msg_sample1, attestation_msg_sample2}; // Some utility functions to output some of the data structures passed between // the ISV app and the remote attestation service provider. void PRINT_BYTE_ARRAY( FILE *file, void *mem, uint32_t len) { if(!mem || !len) { fprintf(file, "\n( null )\n"); return; } uint8_t *array = (uint8_t *)mem; fprintf(file, "%u bytes:\n{\n", len); uint32_t i = 0; for(i = 0; i < len - 1; i++) { fprintf(file, "0x%x, ", array[i]); if(i % 8 == 7) fprintf(file, "\n"); } fprintf(file, "0x%x ", array[i]); fprintf(file, "\n}\n"); } void PRINT_ATTESTATION_SERVICE_RESPONSE( FILE *file, ra_samp_response_header_t *response) { if(!response) { fprintf(file, "\t\n( null )\n"); return; } fprintf(file, "RESPONSE TYPE: 0x%x\n", response->type); fprintf(file, "RESPONSE STATUS: 0x%x 0x%x\n", response->status[0], response->status[1]); fprintf(file, "RESPONSE BODY SIZE: %u\n", response->size); if(response->type == TYPE_RA_MSG2) { sgx_ra_msg2_t* p_msg2_body = (sgx_ra_msg2_t*)(response->body); fprintf(file, "MSG2 gb - "); PRINT_BYTE_ARRAY(file, &(p_msg2_body->g_b), sizeof(p_msg2_body->g_b)); fprintf(file, "MSG2 spid - "); PRINT_BYTE_ARRAY(file, &(p_msg2_body->spid), sizeof(p_msg2_body->spid)); fprintf(file, "MSG2 quote_type : %hx\n", p_msg2_body->quote_type); fprintf(file, "MSG2 kdf_id : %hx\n", p_msg2_body->kdf_id); fprintf(file, "MSG2 sign_gb_ga - "); PRINT_BYTE_ARRAY(file, &(p_msg2_body->sign_gb_ga), sizeof(p_msg2_body->sign_gb_ga)); fprintf(file, "MSG2 mac - "); PRINT_BYTE_ARRAY(file, &(p_msg2_body->mac), sizeof(p_msg2_body->mac)); fprintf(file, "MSG2 sig_rl - "); PRINT_BYTE_ARRAY(file, &(p_msg2_body->sig_rl), p_msg2_body->sig_rl_size); } else if(response->type == TYPE_RA_ATT_RESULT) { sample_ra_att_result_msg_t *p_att_result = (sample_ra_att_result_msg_t *)(response->body); fprintf(file, "ATTESTATION RESULT MSG platform_info_blob - "); PRINT_BYTE_ARRAY(file, &(p_att_result->platform_info_blob), sizeof(p_att_result->platform_info_blob)); fprintf(file, "ATTESTATION RESULT MSG mac - "); PRINT_BYTE_ARRAY(file, &(p_att_result->mac), sizeof(p_att_result->mac)); fprintf(file, "ATTESTATION RESULT MSG secret.payload_tag - %u bytes\n", p_att_result->secret.payload_size); fprintf(file, "ATTESTATION RESULT MSG secret.payload - "); PRINT_BYTE_ARRAY(file, p_att_result->secret.payload, p_att_result->secret.payload_size); } else { fprintf(file, "\nERROR in printing out the response. " "Response of type not supported %d\n", response->type); } } // This sample code doesn't have any recovery/retry mechanisms for the remote // attestation. Since the enclave can be lost due S3 transitions, apps // susceptible to S3 transitions should have logic to restart attestation in // these scenarios. #define _T(x) x int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int ret = 0; ra_samp_request_header_t *p_msg0_full = NULL; ra_samp_response_header_t *p_msg0_resp_full = NULL; ra_samp_request_header_t *p_msg1_full = NULL; ra_samp_response_header_t *p_msg2_full = NULL; sgx_ra_msg3_t *p_msg3 = NULL; ra_samp_response_header_t* p_att_result_msg_full = NULL; sgx_enclave_id_t enclave_id = 0; int enclave_lost_retry_time = 1; int busy_retry_time = 4; sgx_ra_context_t context = INT_MAX; sgx_status_t status = SGX_SUCCESS; ra_samp_request_header_t* p_msg3_full = NULL; int32_t verify_index = -1; int32_t verification_samples = sizeof(msg1_samples)/sizeof(msg1_samples[0]); FILE* OUTPUT = stdout; #define VERIFICATION_INDEX_IS_VALID() (verify_index > 0 && \ verify_index <= verification_samples) #define GET_VERIFICATION_ARRAY_INDEX() (verify_index-1) if(argc > 1) { verify_index = atoi(argv[1]); if( VERIFICATION_INDEX_IS_VALID()) { fprintf(OUTPUT, "\nVerifying precomputed attestation messages " "using precomputed values# %d\n", verify_index); } else { fprintf(OUTPUT, "\nValid invocations are:\n"); fprintf(OUTPUT, "\n\tisv_app\n"); fprintf(OUTPUT, "\n\tisv_app \n"); fprintf(OUTPUT, "\nValid indices are [1 - %d]\n", verification_samples); fprintf(OUTPUT, "\nUsing a verification index uses precomputed " "messages to assist debugging the remote attestation " "service provider.\n"); return -1; } } // Preparation for remote attestation by configuring extended epid group id. { uint32_t extended_epid_group_id = 0; ret = sgx_get_extended_epid_group_id(&extended_epid_group_id); if (SGX_SUCCESS != ret) { ret = -1; fprintf(OUTPUT, "\nError, call sgx_get_extended_epid_group_id fail [%s].", __FUNCTION__); return ret; } fprintf(OUTPUT, "\nCall sgx_get_extended_epid_group_id success."); p_msg0_full = (ra_samp_request_header_t*) malloc(sizeof(ra_samp_request_header_t) +sizeof(uint32_t)); if (NULL == p_msg0_full) { ret = -1; goto CLEANUP; } p_msg0_full->type = TYPE_RA_MSG0; p_msg0_full->size = sizeof(uint32_t); *(uint32_t*)((uint8_t*)p_msg0_full + sizeof(ra_samp_request_header_t)) = extended_epid_group_id; { fprintf(OUTPUT, "\nMSG0 body generated -\n"); PRINT_BYTE_ARRAY(OUTPUT, p_msg0_full->body, p_msg0_full->size); } // The ISV application sends msg0 to the SP. // The ISV decides whether to support this extended epid group id. fprintf(OUTPUT, "\nSending msg0 to remote attestation service provider.\n"); ret = ra_network_send_receive("http://SampleServiceProvider.intel.com/", p_msg0_full, &p_msg0_resp_full); if (ret != 0) { fprintf(OUTPUT, "\nError, ra_network_send_receive for msg0 failed " "[%s].", __FUNCTION__); goto CLEANUP; } fprintf(OUTPUT, "\nSent MSG0 to remote attestation service.\n"); } // Remote attestation will be initiated the ISV server challenges the ISV // app or if the ISV app detects it doesn't have the credentials // (shared secret) from a previous attestation required for secure // communication with the server. { // ISV application creates the ISV enclave. int launch_token_update = 0; sgx_launch_token_t launch_token = {0}; memset(&launch_token, 0, sizeof(sgx_launch_token_t)); do { ret = sgx_create_enclave(_T(ENCLAVE_PATH), SGX_DEBUG_FLAG, &launch_token, &launch_token_update, &enclave_id, NULL); if(SGX_SUCCESS != ret) { ret = -1; fprintf(OUTPUT, "\nError, call sgx_create_enclave fail [%s].", __FUNCTION__); goto CLEANUP; } fprintf(OUTPUT, "\nCall sgx_create_enclave success."); ret = enclave_init_ra(enclave_id, &status, false, &context); //Ideally, this check would be around the full attestation flow. } while (SGX_ERROR_ENCLAVE_LOST == ret && enclave_lost_retry_time--); if(SGX_SUCCESS != ret || status) { ret = -1; fprintf(OUTPUT, "\nError, call enclave_init_ra fail [%s].", __FUNCTION__); goto CLEANUP; } fprintf(OUTPUT, "\nCall enclave_init_ra success."); // isv application call uke sgx_ra_get_msg1 p_msg1_full = (ra_samp_request_header_t*) malloc(sizeof(ra_samp_request_header_t) + sizeof(sgx_ra_msg1_t)); if(NULL == p_msg1_full) { ret = -1; goto CLEANUP; } p_msg1_full->type = TYPE_RA_MSG1; p_msg1_full->size = sizeof(sgx_ra_msg1_t); do { ret = sgx_ra_get_msg1(context, enclave_id, sgx_ra_get_ga, (sgx_ra_msg1_t*)((uint8_t*)p_msg1_full + sizeof(ra_samp_request_header_t))); sleep(3); // Wait 3s between retries } while (SGX_ERROR_BUSY == ret && busy_retry_time--); if(SGX_SUCCESS != ret) { ret = -1; fprintf(OUTPUT, "\nError, call sgx_ra_get_msg1 fail [%s].", __FUNCTION__); goto CLEANUP; } else { fprintf(OUTPUT, "\nCall sgx_ra_get_msg1 success.\n"); fprintf(OUTPUT, "\nMSG1 body generated -\n"); PRINT_BYTE_ARRAY(OUTPUT, p_msg1_full->body, p_msg1_full->size); } if(VERIFICATION_INDEX_IS_VALID()) { memcpy_s(p_msg1_full->body, p_msg1_full->size, msg1_samples[GET_VERIFICATION_ARRAY_INDEX()], p_msg1_full->size); fprintf(OUTPUT, "\nInstead of using the recently generated MSG1, " "we will use the following precomputed MSG1 -\n"); PRINT_BYTE_ARRAY(OUTPUT, p_msg1_full->body, p_msg1_full->size); } // The ISV application sends msg1 to the SP to get msg2, // msg2 needs to be freed when no longer needed. // The ISV decides whether to use linkable or unlinkable signatures. fprintf(OUTPUT, "\nSending msg1 to remote attestation service provider." "Expecting msg2 back.\n"); ret = ra_network_send_receive("http://SampleServiceProvider.intel.com/", p_msg1_full, &p_msg2_full); if(ret != 0 || !p_msg2_full) { fprintf(OUTPUT, "\nError, ra_network_send_receive for msg1 failed " "[%s].", __FUNCTION__); if(VERIFICATION_INDEX_IS_VALID()) { fprintf(OUTPUT, "\nBecause we are in verification mode we will " "ignore this error.\n"); fprintf(OUTPUT, "\nInstead, we will pretend we received the " "following MSG2 - \n"); SAFE_FREE(p_msg2_full); ra_samp_response_header_t* precomputed_msg2 = (ra_samp_response_header_t*)msg2_samples[ GET_VERIFICATION_ARRAY_INDEX()]; const size_t msg2_full_size = sizeof(ra_samp_response_header_t) + precomputed_msg2->size; p_msg2_full = (ra_samp_response_header_t*)malloc(msg2_full_size); if(NULL == p_msg2_full) { ret = -1; goto CLEANUP; } memcpy_s(p_msg2_full, msg2_full_size, precomputed_msg2, msg2_full_size); PRINT_BYTE_ARRAY(OUTPUT, p_msg2_full, sizeof(ra_samp_response_header_t) + p_msg2_full->size); } else { goto CLEANUP; } } else { // Successfully sent msg1 and received a msg2 back. // Time now to check msg2. if(TYPE_RA_MSG2 != p_msg2_full->type) { fprintf(OUTPUT, "\nError, didn't get MSG2 in response to MSG1. " "[%s].", __FUNCTION__); if(VERIFICATION_INDEX_IS_VALID()) { fprintf(OUTPUT, "\nBecause we are in verification mode we " "will ignore this error."); } else { goto CLEANUP; } } fprintf(OUTPUT, "\nSent MSG1 to remote attestation service " "provider. Received the following MSG2:\n"); PRINT_BYTE_ARRAY(OUTPUT, p_msg2_full, sizeof(ra_samp_response_header_t) + p_msg2_full->size); fprintf(OUTPUT, "\nA more descriptive representation of MSG2:\n"); PRINT_ATTESTATION_SERVICE_RESPONSE(OUTPUT, p_msg2_full); if( VERIFICATION_INDEX_IS_VALID() ) { // The response should match the precomputed MSG2: ra_samp_response_header_t* precomputed_msg2 = (ra_samp_response_header_t *) msg2_samples[GET_VERIFICATION_ARRAY_INDEX()]; if(memcmp( precomputed_msg2, p_msg2_full, sizeof(ra_samp_response_header_t) + p_msg2_full->size)) { fprintf(OUTPUT, "\nVerification ERROR. Our precomputed " "value for MSG2 does NOT match.\n"); fprintf(OUTPUT, "\nPrecomputed value for MSG2:\n"); PRINT_BYTE_ARRAY(OUTPUT, precomputed_msg2, sizeof(ra_samp_response_header_t) + precomputed_msg2->size); fprintf(OUTPUT, "\nA more descriptive representation " "of precomputed value for MSG2:\n"); PRINT_ATTESTATION_SERVICE_RESPONSE(OUTPUT, precomputed_msg2); } else { fprintf(OUTPUT, "\nVerification COMPLETE. Remote " "attestation service provider generated a " "matching MSG2.\n"); } } } sgx_ra_msg2_t* p_msg2_body = (sgx_ra_msg2_t*)((uint8_t*)p_msg2_full + sizeof(ra_samp_response_header_t)); uint32_t msg3_size = 0; if( VERIFICATION_INDEX_IS_VALID()) { // We cannot generate a valid MSG3 using the precomputed messages // we have been using. We will use the precomputed msg3 instead. msg3_size = MSG3_BODY_SIZE; p_msg3 = (sgx_ra_msg3_t*)malloc(msg3_size); if(NULL == p_msg3) { ret = -1; goto CLEANUP; } memcpy_s(p_msg3, msg3_size, msg3_samples[GET_VERIFICATION_ARRAY_INDEX()], msg3_size); fprintf(OUTPUT, "\nBecause MSG1 was a precomputed value, the MSG3 " "we use will also be. PRECOMPUTED MSG3 - \n"); } else { busy_retry_time = 2; // The ISV app now calls uKE sgx_ra_proc_msg2, // The ISV app is responsible for freeing the returned p_msg3!! do { ret = sgx_ra_proc_msg2(context, enclave_id, sgx_ra_proc_msg2_trusted, sgx_ra_get_msg3_trusted, p_msg2_body, p_msg2_full->size, &p_msg3, &msg3_size); } while (SGX_ERROR_BUSY == ret && busy_retry_time--); if(!p_msg3) { fprintf(OUTPUT, "\nError, call sgx_ra_proc_msg2 fail. " "p_msg3 = 0x%p [%s].", p_msg3, __FUNCTION__); ret = -1; goto CLEANUP; } if(SGX_SUCCESS != (sgx_status_t)ret) { fprintf(OUTPUT, "\nError, call sgx_ra_proc_msg2 fail. " "ret = 0x%08x [%s].", ret, __FUNCTION__); ret = -1; goto CLEANUP; } else { fprintf(OUTPUT, "\nCall sgx_ra_proc_msg2 success.\n"); fprintf(OUTPUT, "\nMSG3 - \n"); } } PRINT_BYTE_ARRAY(OUTPUT, p_msg3, msg3_size); p_msg3_full = (ra_samp_request_header_t*)malloc( sizeof(ra_samp_request_header_t) + msg3_size); if(NULL == p_msg3_full) { ret = -1; goto CLEANUP; } p_msg3_full->type = TYPE_RA_MSG3; p_msg3_full->size = msg3_size; if(memcpy_s(p_msg3_full->body, msg3_size, p_msg3, msg3_size)) { fprintf(OUTPUT,"\nError: INTERNAL ERROR - memcpy failed in [%s].", __FUNCTION__); ret = -1; goto CLEANUP; } // The ISV application sends msg3 to the SP to get the attestation // result message, attestation result message needs to be freed when // no longer needed. The ISV service provider decides whether to use // linkable or unlinkable signatures. The format of the attestation // result is up to the service provider. This format is used for // demonstration. Note that the attestation result message makes use // of both the MK for the MAC and the SK for the secret. These keys are // established from the SIGMA secure channel binding. ret = ra_network_send_receive("http://SampleServiceProvider.intel.com/", p_msg3_full, &p_att_result_msg_full); if(ret || !p_att_result_msg_full) { ret = -1; fprintf(OUTPUT, "\nError, sending msg3 failed [%s].", __FUNCTION__); goto CLEANUP; } sample_ra_att_result_msg_t * p_att_result_msg_body = (sample_ra_att_result_msg_t *)((uint8_t*)p_att_result_msg_full + sizeof(ra_samp_response_header_t)); if(TYPE_RA_ATT_RESULT != p_att_result_msg_full->type) { ret = -1; fprintf(OUTPUT, "\nError. Sent MSG3 successfully, but the message " "received was NOT of type att_msg_result. Type = " "%d. [%s].", p_att_result_msg_full->type, __FUNCTION__); goto CLEANUP; } else { fprintf(OUTPUT, "\nSent MSG3 successfully. Received an attestation " "result message back\n."); if( VERIFICATION_INDEX_IS_VALID() ) { if(memcmp(p_att_result_msg_full->body, attestation_msg_samples[GET_VERIFICATION_ARRAY_INDEX()], p_att_result_msg_full->size) ) { fprintf(OUTPUT, "\nSent MSG3 successfully. Received an " "attestation result message back that did " "NOT match the expected value.\n"); fprintf(OUTPUT, "\nEXPECTED ATTESTATION RESULT -"); PRINT_BYTE_ARRAY(OUTPUT, attestation_msg_samples[GET_VERIFICATION_ARRAY_INDEX()], p_att_result_msg_full->size); } } } fprintf(OUTPUT, "\nATTESTATION RESULT RECEIVED - "); PRINT_BYTE_ARRAY(OUTPUT, p_att_result_msg_full->body, p_att_result_msg_full->size); if( VERIFICATION_INDEX_IS_VALID() ) { fprintf(OUTPUT, "\nBecause we used precomputed values for the " "messages, the attestation result message will " "not pass further verification tests, so we will " "skip them.\n"); goto CLEANUP; } // Check the MAC using MK on the attestation result message. // The format of the attestation result message is ISV specific. // This is a simple form for demonstration. In a real product, // the ISV may want to communicate more information. ret = verify_att_result_mac(enclave_id, &status, context, (uint8_t*)&p_att_result_msg_body->platform_info_blob, sizeof(ias_platform_info_blob_t), (uint8_t*)&p_att_result_msg_body->mac, sizeof(sgx_mac_t)); if((SGX_SUCCESS != ret) || (SGX_SUCCESS != status)) { ret = -1; fprintf(OUTPUT, "\nError: INTEGRITY FAILED - attestation result " "message MK based cmac failed in [%s].", __FUNCTION__); goto CLEANUP; } bool attestation_passed = true; // Check the attestation result for pass or fail. // Whether attestation passes or fails is a decision made by the ISV Server. // When the ISV server decides to trust the enclave, then it will return success. // When the ISV server decided to not trust the enclave, then it will return failure. if(0 != p_att_result_msg_full->status[0] || 0 != p_att_result_msg_full->status[1]) { fprintf(OUTPUT, "\nError, attestation result message MK based cmac " "failed in [%s].", __FUNCTION__); attestation_passed = false; } // The attestation result message should contain a field for the Platform // Info Blob (PIB). The PIB is returned by attestation server in the attestation report. // It is not returned in all cases, but when it is, the ISV app // should pass it to the blob analysis API called sgx_report_attestation_status() // along with the trust decision from the ISV server. // The ISV application will take action based on the update_info. // returned in update_info by the API. // This call is stubbed out for the sample. // // sgx_update_info_bit_t update_info; // ret = sgx_report_attestation_status( // &p_att_result_msg_body->platform_info_blob, // attestation_passed ? 0 : 1, &update_info); // Get the shared secret sent by the server using SK (if attestation // passed) if(attestation_passed) { ret = put_secret_data(enclave_id, &status, context, p_att_result_msg_body->secret.payload, p_att_result_msg_body->secret.payload_size, p_att_result_msg_body->secret.payload_tag); if((SGX_SUCCESS != ret) || (SGX_SUCCESS != status)) { fprintf(OUTPUT, "\nError, attestation result message secret " "using SK based AESGCM failed in [%s]. ret = " "0x%0x. status = 0x%0x", __FUNCTION__, ret, status); goto CLEANUP; } } fprintf(OUTPUT, "\nSecret successfully received from server."); fprintf(OUTPUT, "\nRemote attestation success!"); } CLEANUP: // Clean-up // Need to close the RA key state. if(INT_MAX != context) { int ret_save = ret; ret = enclave_ra_close(enclave_id, &status, context); if(SGX_SUCCESS != ret || status) { ret = -1; fprintf(OUTPUT, "\nError, call enclave_ra_close fail [%s].", __FUNCTION__); } else { // enclave_ra_close was successful, let's restore the value that // led us to this point in the code. ret = ret_save; } fprintf(OUTPUT, "\nCall enclave_ra_close success."); } sgx_destroy_enclave(enclave_id); ra_free_network_response_buffer(p_msg0_resp_full); ra_free_network_response_buffer(p_msg2_full); ra_free_network_response_buffer(p_att_result_msg_full); // p_msg3 is malloc'd by the untrusted KE library. App needs to free. SAFE_FREE(p_msg3); SAFE_FREE(p_msg3_full); SAFE_FREE(p_msg1_full); SAFE_FREE(p_msg0_full); printf("\nEnter a character before exit ...\n"); getchar(); return ret; }