/* * Copyright (C) 2011-2018 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ // Initialize a fixed size hash tree which has 8192 VMC entries. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "sqlite3.h" #include "sgx_error.h" #include "sgx_tcrypto.h" #include "se_memcpy.h" #include "monotonic_counter_database_types.h" #define SQLITE_DB_FILE_NAME "prebuild_pse_vmc.db" static sqlite3 *gDb = NULL; #define EXIT_IFNOT_SQLITE_OK(rc) if(SQLITE_OK!=(rc)){goto error;} #define HASH_TREE_NODE_TYPE_UNKNOWN 0 #define HASH_TREE_NODE_TYPE_ROOT 1 #define HASH_TREE_NODE_TYPE_INTERNAL 2 #define HASH_TREE_NODE_TYPE_LEAF 3 // internal_node_hash_value_table[0] is calculated by two empty leaf nodes // internal_node_hash_value_table[1] is calculated by two internal_node_hash_value_table[0] // ... int verify_precalculated_hash_table() { sgx_status_t stat = SGX_SUCCESS; vmc_data_blob_t leaf[2] = {0}; hash_tree_internal_node_t inter[2] = {0}; hash_tree_internal_node_t inter_parent = {0}; // inter = sha256(leaf|leaf) which should match internal_node_hash_value_table[0] stat = sgx_sha256_msg((uint8_t*)&leaf[0], 2*LEAF_NODE_SIZE, (sgx_sha256_hash_t*)&inter[0]); if( stat != SGX_SUCCESS || 0 != memcmp(&inter[0], &internal_node_hash_value_table[0][0], HASH_VALUE_SIZE) ) { goto error; } memcpy(inter+1, inter, sizeof(hash_tree_internal_node_t)); // inter_parent = sha256(inter|inter) should match internal_node_hash_value_table[i] for(int i = 1; i<23 ; i++) { stat = sgx_sha256_msg((uint8_t*)&inter[0], 2*HASH_VALUE_SIZE, (sgx_sha256_hash_t*)&inter_parent); if( stat != SGX_SUCCESS || 0 != memcmp(&inter_parent, &internal_node_hash_value_table[i][0], HASH_VALUE_SIZE) ) { goto error; } memcpy(inter, &inter_parent, sizeof(hash_tree_internal_node_t)); memcpy(inter+1, &inter_parent, sizeof(hash_tree_internal_node_t)); } return 0; error: return -1; } int sqlite_generate_prebuild_db() { sqlite3* db = NULL; int rc; char* errmsg = NULL; int node_type; int start_id, end_id; sqlite3_stmt* stat = NULL; char sql_sentence[512] = {0}; uint8_t* ptr_buf = NULL; uint32_t bufflen; uint8_t* ptr_precalc_node_buff = NULL; int layer; bufflen = (INIT_MAX_HASH_TREE_LAYER-2)*sizeof(hash_tree_internal_node_t) + sizeof(hash_tree_leaf_node_t); ptr_precalc_node_buff = (uint8_t*)malloc(bufflen); if(NULL == ptr_precalc_node_buff) { return -1; } memset(ptr_precalc_node_buff, 0, bufflen); hash_tree_internal_node_t* internal_node = (hash_tree_internal_node_t*)ptr_precalc_node_buff; for(int index=INIT_MAX_HASH_TREE_LAYER-3; index>=0; index--) { if(memcpy_s(internal_node->hash, sizeof(internal_node->hash), &(internal_node_hash_value_table[index][0]), HASH_VALUE_SIZE)) { free(ptr_precalc_node_buff); return -1; } internal_node++; } if(gDb) { db = gDb; } else { rc = sqlite3_open(SQLITE_DB_FILE_NAME, &gDb); if( SQLITE_OK != rc ) { free(ptr_precalc_node_buff); return rc; } db = gDb; } rc = sqlite3_exec( db, "create table VMC_QUOTA_TABLE( ID integer primary key AUTOINCREMENT, MRSIGNER char(64), COUNTER integer)", NULL, NULL, &errmsg ); EXIT_IFNOT_SQLITE_OK(rc) rc = sqlite3_exec( db, "create table HASH_TREE_NODE_TABLE( ID integer primary key, node_content blob, USED integer, REFID integer NULL REFERENCES VMC_QUOTA_TABLE(ID))", NULL, NULL, &errmsg ); EXIT_IFNOT_SQLITE_OK(rc) rc = sqlite3_exec( db, "create table BACKUP_TABLE( ID integer primary key, node_content blob, USED integer, REFID integer)", NULL, NULL, &errmsg ); EXIT_IFNOT_SQLITE_OK(rc) // all nodes in the same layer have the same precalculated value // the merkel hash tree has 12 layers including root layer rc = sqlite3_exec(db, "BEGIN TRANSACTION;", NULL, NULL, NULL); EXIT_IFNOT_SQLITE_OK(rc) sprintf(sql_sentence, "insert into HASH_TREE_NODE_TABLE( ID, node_content, USED, REFID) values( ?, ?, 0, NULL)"); rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, sql_sentence, -1, &stat, 0); EXIT_IFNOT_SQLITE_OK(rc) layer = INIT_MAX_HASH_TREE_LAYER - 1; do{ if(INIT_MAX_HASH_TREE_LAYER - 1 == layer) { node_type = HASH_TREE_NODE_TYPE_LEAF; } else { node_type = HASH_TREE_NODE_TYPE_INTERNAL; } start_id = (int)pow((double)2,layer); end_id = (int)pow((double)2,layer+1) - 1; for(int id = start_id; id <= end_id; id++) { rc =sqlite3_bind_int(stat, 1, id); EXIT_IFNOT_SQLITE_OK(rc) switch(node_type) { case HASH_TREE_NODE_TYPE_INTERNAL: ptr_buf = ptr_precalc_node_buff; rc = sqlite3_bind_blob(stat, 2, (hash_tree_internal_node_t*)ptr_buf + layer - 1, sizeof(hash_tree_internal_node_t), NULL ); break; case HASH_TREE_NODE_TYPE_LEAF: rc = sqlite3_bind_blob(stat, 2, ptr_precalc_node_buff + (INIT_MAX_HASH_TREE_LAYER-2)*sizeof(hash_tree_internal_node_t), sizeof(hash_tree_leaf_node_t), NULL ); break; default: goto error; } EXIT_IFNOT_SQLITE_OK(rc) rc = sqlite3_step(stat); if(rc != SQLITE_DONE) { goto error; } rc = sqlite3_clear_bindings(stat); EXIT_IFNOT_SQLITE_OK(rc) rc = sqlite3_reset(stat); EXIT_IFNOT_SQLITE_OK(rc) } layer--; if(layer&0x1) sqlite3_sleep(1); }while(layer>0); rc = sqlite3_exec(db, "END TRANSACTION;", NULL, NULL, NULL); EXIT_IFNOT_SQLITE_OK(rc) rc = sqlite3_finalize(stat); EXIT_IFNOT_SQLITE_OK(rc) stat = NULL; sqlite3_close_v2(db); gDb = NULL; free(ptr_precalc_node_buff); return 0; error: free(ptr_precalc_node_buff); if(db) { sqlite3_finalize(stat); sqlite3_exec(db, "ROLLBACK TRANSACTION;", NULL, NULL, NULL); sqlite3_close_v2(db); gDb = NULL; } return -1; } int main() { if(verify_precalculated_hash_table()) { printf("failed to verify precalculated hash table.\n"); return -1; } int ret = sqlite_generate_prebuild_db(); if(0 != ret) printf("failed to generate VMC DB.\n"); return ret; }