/* * Copyright (C) 2011-2018 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #include "u_long_term_pairing.h" #include #include "u_certificate_provisioning.h" #include "uecall_bridge.h" #include "pse_pr_u.h" #include "pse_pr_u.c" #include "pse_pr_common.h" #include #include "pse_pr_sigma_1_1_defs.h" #include "le2be_macros.h" #include "aeerror.h" // // need to fix this // #define __FUNCTIONW__ __FUNCTION__ #include "oal/oal.h" static sgx_enclave_id_t _enclaveID; static ae_error_t check_sigrl_entries_max(const EPID11_SIG_RL* pSigRL) { if (NULL != pSigRL) { const uint32_t* p = reinterpret_cast(pSigRL->entries); uint32_t nEntries = SwapEndian_DW(*p); if (nEntries > MAX_SIGRL_ENTRIES) return AESM_PSE_PR_MAX_SIGRL_ENTRIES_EXCEEDED; } return AE_SUCCESS; } static ae_error_t check_privrl_entries_max(const EPID11_PRIV_RL* pPrivRL) { if (NULL != pPrivRL) { const uint32_t* p = reinterpret_cast(pPrivRL->entries); uint32_t nEntries = SwapEndian_DW(*p); if (nEntries > MAX_PRIVRL_ENTRIES) return AESM_PSE_PR_MAX_PRIVRL_ENTRIES_EXCEEDED; } return AE_SUCCESS; } void SaveEnclaveID(sgx_enclave_id_t eid) { _enclaveID = eid; } ae_error_t tPrepareForCertificateProvisioning ( /*in */ upse::Buffer& nonce, /*in */ upse::Buffer& target_info, /*out*/ upse::Buffer& csr_pse, /*out*/ upse::Buffer& report, /*out*/ upse::Buffer& pairingBlob ) { ae_error_t retval; UINT8* pCsr = NULL; do { sgx_status_t seStatus; UINT64* pNonce64 = (UINT64*)const_cast(nonce.getData()); UINT32 nNonce64 = nonce.getSize(); UINT8* pTargetInfo = const_cast(target_info.getData()); UINT32 nTargetInfo = target_info.getSize(); BREAK_IF_TRUE( (NULL == pNonce64 || NULL == pTargetInfo), retval, PSE_PR_ASN1DER_DECODING_ERROR); BREAK_IF_FALSE( (nNonce64 == sizeof(UINT64)), retval, PSE_PR_INTERNAL_ERROR); UINT16 nCsrPse = (UINT16)MaxBytesForCSR(); UINT32 nReport = NeededBytesForREPORT(); UINT32 nPairingBlob = NeededBytesForPairingBlob(); // Allocate memory for output buffers upse::Buffer tmpReport; retval = tmpReport.Alloc(nReport); if (AE_FAILED(retval)) break; upse::Buffer tmpPairingBlob; if (nPairingBlob == pairingBlob.getSize()) retval = tmpPairingBlob.Clone(pairingBlob); else { // If pairingBlob is not the correct size, start with empty blob retval = tmpPairingBlob.Alloc(nPairingBlob); } if (AE_FAILED(retval)) break; upse::BufferWriter bwReport(tmpReport); upse::BufferWriter bwPairingBlob(tmpPairingBlob); pCsr = (UINT8*)calloc(1, nCsrPse); BREAK_IF_FALSE((NULL != pCsr), retval, PSE_PR_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY_ERROR); UINT8* pReport; retval = bwReport.reserve(nReport, &pReport); if (AE_FAILED(retval)) break; UINT8* pPairingBlob; retval = bwPairingBlob.reserve(nPairingBlob, &pPairingBlob); if (AE_FAILED(retval)) break; BREAK_IF_FALSE((nTargetInfo == sizeof(sgx_target_info_t)), retval, PSE_PR_INTERNAL_ERROR); BREAK_IF_FALSE((nReport == sizeof(sgx_report_t)), retval, PSE_PR_INTERNAL_ERROR); if (nPairingBlob != pairingBlob.getSize()) { // generate new sw_instance_id only when no valid LTP blob BREAK_IF_FAILED(generate_pse_instance_id(((pairing_blob_t*)pPairingBlob)->plaintext.pse_instance_id)); } // Call to get size required of output buffers seStatus = ecall_tPrepareForCertificateProvisioning(_enclaveID, &retval, *pNonce64, (sgx_target_info_t*)pTargetInfo, nCsrPse, pCsr, &nCsrPse, (sgx_report_t*)pReport, (pairing_blob_t*)pPairingBlob); BREAK_IF_TRUE( (SGX_ERROR_ENCLAVE_LOST == seStatus), retval, PSE_PR_ENCLAVE_LOST_ERROR); BREAK_IF_TRUE( (SGX_SUCCESS != seStatus), retval, PSE_PR_ENCLAVE_BRIDGE_ERROR); BREAK_IF_FAILED(retval); retval = report.Clone(tmpReport); BREAK_IF_FAILED(retval); retval = pairingBlob.Clone(tmpPairingBlob); BREAK_IF_FAILED(retval); retval = csr_pse.Alloc(pCsr, nCsrPse); BREAK_IF_FAILED(retval); } while (0); if (pCsr != NULL) free(pCsr); SGX_DBGPRINT_PRINT_FUNCTION_AND_RETURNVAL(__FUNCTIONW__, retval); return retval; } #if defined(NO_PROVISIONING_SERVER) ae_error_t tPrepareForCertificateProvisioning_hardcoded_privatekey ( /*out*/ upse::Buffer& pairingBlob ) { ae_error_t retval; do { sgx_status_t seStatus; UINT32 nPairingBlob = NeededBytesForPairingBlob(); // Allocate memory for output buffers upse::Buffer tmpPairingBlob; if (nPairingBlob == pairingBlob.getSize()) retval = tmpPairingBlob.Clone(pairingBlob); else retval = tmpPairingBlob.Alloc(nPairingBlob); if (AE_FAILED(retval)) break; upse::BufferWriter bwPairingBlob(tmpPairingBlob); UINT8* pPairingBlob; retval = bwPairingBlob.reserve(nPairingBlob, &pPairingBlob); BREAK_IF_FAILED(retval); // calculate platform instance id BREAK_IF_FAILED(generate_pse_instance_id(((pairing_blob_t*)pPairingBlob)->plaintext.pse_instance_id)); // Call to get size required of output buffers seStatus = ecall_tPrepareForCertificateProvisioning(_enclaveID, &retval, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, (pairing_blob_t*)pPairingBlob); BREAK_IF_TRUE( (SGX_ERROR_ENCLAVE_LOST == seStatus), retval, PSE_PR_ENCLAVE_LOST_ERROR); BREAK_IF_TRUE( (SGX_SUCCESS != seStatus), retval, PSE_PR_ENCLAVE_BRIDGE_ERROR); BREAK_IF_FAILED(retval); retval = pairingBlob.Clone(tmpPairingBlob); BREAK_IF_FAILED(retval); } while (0); return retval; } #endif ae_error_t tGenM7 ( /*in */ upse::Buffer& s1, /*in */ upse::Buffer& sigRL, /*in */ upse::Buffer& ocspResp, /*in */ upse::Buffer& verifierCert, /*in */ upse::Buffer& pairingBlob, /*out*/ upse::Buffer& s2 ) { ae_error_t retval; do { sgx_status_t seStatus; BREAK_IF_TRUE( (s1.getSize() < sizeof(SIGMA_S1_MESSAGE)), retval, AESM_PSE_PR_INTERNAL_ERROR); const SIGMA_S1_MESSAGE* pS1 = (const SIGMA_S1_MESSAGE*)(s1.getData()); const UINT8* pSigRL = sigRL.getSize() ? const_cast(sigRL.getData()) : NULL; retval = check_sigrl_entries_max((const EPID11_SIG_RL*)pSigRL); BREAK_IF_FAILED(retval); const UINT8* pOcspResp = const_cast(ocspResp.getData()); UINT32 nOcspResp = ocspResp.getSize(); const UINT8* pVCert = const_cast(verifierCert.getData()); UINT32 nVCert = verifierCert.getSize(); UINT32 nPairingBlob = pairingBlob.getSize(); BREAK_IF_FALSE((nPairingBlob == NeededBytesForPairingBlob()), retval, PSE_PAIRING_BLOB_INVALID_ERROR); UINT8* pPairingBlob = const_cast(pairingBlob.getData()); UINT32 nS2 = NeededBytesForS2(nVCert, sigRL.getSize(), nOcspResp); // Allocate memory for output buffer retval = s2.Alloc(nS2); BREAK_IF_FAILED(retval); upse::BufferWriter bwS2(s2); UINT8* p; retval = bwS2.reserve(nS2, &p); BREAK_IF_FAILED(retval); SIGMA_S2_MESSAGE* pS2 = (SIGMA_S2_MESSAGE*)p; AESM_DBG_INFO("start gen M7 ..."); // Call to get size required of output buffers seStatus = ecall_tGenM7(_enclaveID, &retval, pS1, (const EPID11_SIG_RL*)pSigRL, pOcspResp, nOcspResp, pVCert, nVCert, (pairing_blob_t*)pPairingBlob, nS2, pS2, &nS2); BREAK_IF_TRUE( (SGX_ERROR_ENCLAVE_LOST == seStatus), retval, PSE_PR_ENCLAVE_LOST_ERROR); BREAK_IF_TRUE( (SGX_SUCCESS != seStatus), retval, PSE_PR_ENCLAVE_BRIDGE_ERROR); BREAK_IF_FAILED(retval); } while (0); SGX_DBGPRINT_PRINT_FUNCTION_AND_RETURNVAL(__FUNCTIONW__, retval); return retval; } ae_error_t tVerifyM8 ( /*in */ upse::Buffer& s3, /*in */ upse::Buffer& privRL, /*out*/ upse::Buffer& pairingBlob, /*out*/ bool& new_pairing ) { ae_error_t retval; do { sgx_status_t seStatus; UINT8 uNewPairing = 0; UINT32 nS3 = s3.getSize(); BREAK_IF_TRUE( (nS3 < sizeof(SIGMA_S3_MESSAGE)), retval, AESM_PSE_PR_INTERNAL_ERROR); const SIGMA_S3_MESSAGE* pS3 = (const SIGMA_S3_MESSAGE*)(s3.getData()); UINT8* pPrivRL = privRL.getSize() ? const_cast(privRL.getData()) : NULL; retval = check_privrl_entries_max((const EPID11_PRIV_RL*)pPrivRL); BREAK_IF_FAILED(retval); UINT32 nPairingBlob = NeededBytesForPairingBlob(); BREAK_IF_FALSE((nPairingBlob == pairingBlob.getSize()), retval, PSE_PAIRING_BLOB_INVALID_ERROR); upse::BufferWriter bw(pairingBlob); pairing_blob_t* pPairingBlob = NULL; retval = bw.reserve(nPairingBlob, (uint8_t**)&pPairingBlob); // Call to get size required of output buffers seStatus = ecall_tVerifyM8(_enclaveID, &retval, pS3, nS3, (EPID11_PRIV_RL*)pPrivRL, pPairingBlob, &uNewPairing); BREAK_IF_TRUE( (SGX_ERROR_ENCLAVE_LOST == seStatus), retval, PSE_PR_ENCLAVE_LOST_ERROR); BREAK_IF_TRUE( (SGX_SUCCESS != seStatus), retval, PSE_PR_ENCLAVE_BRIDGE_ERROR); BREAK_IF_FAILED(retval); new_pairing = (uNewPairing == 0) ? false : true; } while (0); SGX_DBGPRINT_PRINT_FUNCTION_AND_RETURNVAL(__FUNCTIONW__, retval); return retval; } #if 0 void ocall_OutputOctets(const char* pMsg, const void* pData, size_t nData) { } void ocall_OutputString(const char* pMsg) { } #endif