/* * Copyright (C) 2011-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #include "monotonic_counter.h" #include "monotonic_counter_database_sqlite_rpdb.h" #include static pse_op_error_t handle_vmc_errors(const pse_op_error_t op_error, pse_service_resp_status_t* status) { switch(op_error) { case OP_SUCCESS: /* SUCCESS */ *status = PSE_SUCCESS; return OP_SUCCESS; case OP_ERROR_INVALID_COUNTER: /* No VMC entry matches the counter ID */ *status = PSE_ERROR_MC_NOT_FOUND; return OP_SUCCESS; case OP_ERROR_INVALID_OWNER: *status = PSE_ERROR_MC_NO_ACCESS_RIGHT; return OP_SUCCESS; case OP_ERROR_CAP_NOT_AVAILABLE: *status = PSE_ERROR_CAP_NOT_AVAILABLE; return OP_SUCCESS; case OP_ERROR_DATABASE_FULL: *status = PSE_ERROR_MC_USED_UP; return OP_SUCCESS; case OP_ERROR_DATABASE_OVER_QUOTA: *status = PSE_ERROR_MC_OVER_QUOTA; return OP_SUCCESS; case OP_ERROR_INVALID_POLICY: *status = PSE_ERROR_INVALID_POLICY; return OP_SUCCESS; case OP_ERROR_PSDA_BUSY: *status = PSE_ERROR_BUSY; return OP_SUCCESS; // --- errors cannot be translated to status code case OP_ERROR_INVALID_EPH_SESSION: case OP_ERROR_PSDA_SESSION_LOST: return op_error; // should not be translated to status code // --- end default: // OP_ERROR_INTERNAL // OP_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER // OP_ERROR_MALLOC // OP_ERROR_SQLITE_INTERNAL // OP_ERROR_UNKNOWN_REQUEST // OP_ERROR_COPY_PREBUILD_DB *status = PSE_ERROR_INTERNAL; return OP_SUCCESS; } } pse_op_error_t pse_mc_create( const isv_attributes_t &owner_attributes, const uint8_t* req, uint8_t* resp) { assert(req != NULL && resp != NULL); pse_op_error_t op_ret = OP_SUCCESS; const pse_mc_create_req_t* create_req = (const pse_mc_create_req_t*)req; pse_mc_create_resp_t* create_resp = (pse_mc_create_resp_t*)resp; //initial create_resp memset(create_resp->counter_id, 0xFF, UUID_ENTRY_INDEX_SIZE); memset(create_resp->nonce, 0x0, UUID_NONCE_SIZE); mc_rpdb_uuid_t uuid; vmc_data_blob_t data; memset(&uuid, 0xff, sizeof(uuid)); memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data)); memcpy(data.owner_attr_mask, create_req->attr_mask, sizeof(data.owner_attr_mask)); data.owner_policy = create_req->policy; if(0 == (create_req->policy & (MC_POLICY_SIGNER | MC_POLICY_ENCLAVE))) // Invalid policy { return OP_ERROR_INVALID_POLICY; } op_ret = create_vmc(owner_attributes, data, uuid); if(OP_SUCCESS == op_ret) { memcpy(create_resp->counter_id, uuid.entry_index, UUID_ENTRY_INDEX_SIZE); memcpy(create_resp->nonce, uuid.nonce, UUID_NONCE_SIZE); } return handle_vmc_errors(op_ret, &create_resp->resp_hdr.status); } pse_op_error_t pse_mc_read( const isv_attributes_t &owner_attributes, const uint8_t* req, uint8_t* resp) { assert(req != NULL && resp != NULL); pse_op_error_t op_ret = OP_SUCCESS; const pse_mc_read_req_t* read_req = (const pse_mc_read_req_t*)req; pse_mc_read_resp_t* read_resp = (pse_mc_read_resp_t*)resp; vmc_data_blob_t vmc; mc_rpdb_uuid_t uuid; memset(&vmc, 0, sizeof(vmc)); //initial read_resp read_resp->counter_value = 0; memcpy(uuid.entry_index, read_req->counter_id, UUID_ENTRY_INDEX_SIZE); memcpy(uuid.nonce, read_req->nonce, UUID_NONCE_SIZE); op_ret = read_vmc(owner_attributes, uuid, vmc); if(OP_SUCCESS == op_ret) { read_resp->counter_value = vmc.value; } return handle_vmc_errors(op_ret, &read_resp->resp_hdr.status);; } pse_op_error_t pse_mc_inc( const isv_attributes_t &owner_attributes, const uint8_t* req, uint8_t* resp) { assert(req != NULL && resp != NULL); pse_op_error_t op_ret = OP_SUCCESS; const pse_mc_inc_req_t* inc_req = (const pse_mc_inc_req_t*)req; pse_mc_inc_resp_t* inc_resp = (pse_mc_inc_resp_t*)resp; //initial inc_resp inc_resp->counter_value = 0; vmc_data_blob_t vmc; mc_rpdb_uuid_t uuid; memset(&vmc, 0, sizeof(vmc)); memcpy(uuid.entry_index, inc_req->counter_id, UUID_ENTRY_INDEX_SIZE); memcpy(uuid.nonce, inc_req->nonce, UUID_NONCE_SIZE); op_ret = inc_vmc(owner_attributes, uuid, vmc); if(op_ret == OP_SUCCESS) { inc_resp->counter_value = vmc.value; } return handle_vmc_errors(op_ret, &inc_resp->resp_hdr.status);; } pse_op_error_t pse_mc_del( const isv_attributes_t &owner_attributes, const uint8_t* req, uint8_t* resp) { assert(req != NULL && resp != NULL); pse_op_error_t op_ret; const pse_mc_del_req_t* del_req = (const pse_mc_del_req_t*)req; mc_rpdb_uuid_t uuid; memcpy(uuid.entry_index, del_req->counter_id, UUID_ENTRY_INDEX_SIZE); memcpy(uuid.nonce, del_req->nonce, UUID_NONCE_SIZE); op_ret = delete_vmc(owner_attributes, uuid); return handle_vmc_errors(op_ret, &((pse_mc_inc_resp_t*)resp)->resp_hdr.status);; }