/* * Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ /* * Do NOT use this library in your actual product. * The purpose of this sample library is to aid the debugging of a * remote attestation service. * To achieve that goal, the sample remote attestation application * will use this sample library to generate reproducible messages. * If you have still not decided on whether you should use this library in a * released product, please refer to the implementation of __do_get_rand32. **/ #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdint.h> #include "ippcp.h" #include "sgx_memset_s.h" #include "se_memcpy.h" #include "sample_libcrypto.h" #include <errno.h> #ifdef __linux__ /* * __memset_vp is a volatile pointer to a function. * It is initialised to point to memset, and should never be changed. */ static void * (* const volatile __memset_vp)(void *, int, size_t) = (memset); #undef memset_s /* in case it was defined as a macro */ extern "C" int memset_s(void *s, size_t smax, int c, size_t n) { int err = 0; if (s == NULL) { err = EINVAL; goto out; } if (n > smax) { err = EOVERFLOW; n = smax; } /* Calling through a volatile pointer should never be optimised away. */ (*__memset_vp)(s, c, n); out: if (err == 0) return 0; else { errno = err; /* XXX call runtime-constraint handler */ return err; } } #endif #ifndef ERROR_BREAK #define ERROR_BREAK(x) if(x){break;} #endif #ifndef SAFE_FREE #define SAFE_FREE(ptr) {if (NULL != (ptr)) {free(ptr); (ptr) = NULL;}} #endif #ifndef ROUND_TO #define ROUND_TO(x, align) (((x) + (align-1)) & ~(align-1)) #endif #ifndef UNUSED #define UNUSED(val) (void)(val) #endif static uint32_t seed = (uint32_t)(9); // We are using this very non-random definition for reproducibility / debugging purposes. static inline sample_status_t __do_get_rand32(uint32_t* rand_num) { *rand_num = seed; return SAMPLE_SUCCESS; } static inline IppStatus check_copy_size(size_t target_size, size_t source_size) { if(target_size < source_size) return ippStsSizeErr; return ippStsNoErr; } /* The function should generate a random number properly, and the pseudo-rand implementation is only for demo purpose. */ sample_status_t sample_read_rand(unsigned char *rand, size_t length_in_bytes) { // check parameters if(!rand || !length_in_bytes) { return SAMPLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // loop to rdrand while(length_in_bytes > 0) { uint32_t rand_num = 0; sample_status_t status = __do_get_rand32(&rand_num); if(status != SAMPLE_SUCCESS) { return status; } size_t size = (length_in_bytes < sizeof(rand_num)) ? length_in_bytes : sizeof(rand_num); if(memcpy_s(rand, size, &rand_num, size)) { return status; } rand += size; length_in_bytes -= size; } return SAMPLE_SUCCESS; } static IppStatus sgx_ipp_newBN(const Ipp32u *p_data, int size_in_bytes, IppsBigNumState **p_new_BN) { IppsBigNumState *pBN=0; int bn_size = 0; if(p_new_BN == NULL || (size_in_bytes <= 0) || ((size_in_bytes % sizeof(Ipp32u)) != 0)) return ippStsBadArgErr; // Get the size of the IppsBigNumState context in bytes IppStatus error_code = ippsBigNumGetSize(size_in_bytes/(int)sizeof(Ipp32u), &bn_size); if(error_code != ippStsNoErr) { *p_new_BN = 0; return error_code; } pBN = (IppsBigNumState *) malloc(bn_size); if(!pBN) { error_code = ippStsMemAllocErr; *p_new_BN = 0; return error_code; } // Initialize context and partition allocated buffer error_code = ippsBigNumInit(size_in_bytes/(int)sizeof(Ipp32u), pBN); if(error_code != ippStsNoErr) { free(pBN); *p_new_BN = 0; return error_code; } if(p_data) { error_code = ippsSet_BN(IppsBigNumPOS, size_in_bytes/(int)sizeof(Ipp32u), p_data, pBN); if(error_code != ippStsNoErr) { *p_new_BN = 0; free(pBN); return error_code; } } *p_new_BN = pBN; return error_code; } static void sample_ipp_secure_free_BN(IppsBigNumState *pBN, int size_in_bytes) { if(pBN == NULL || size_in_bytes <= 0 || size_in_bytes/sizeof(Ipp32u) <= 0) { if(pBN) { free(pBN); } return; } int bn_size = 0; // Get the size of the IppsBigNumState context in bytes // Since we have checked the size_in_bytes before and the &bn_size is not NULL, ippsBigNumGetSize never returns failure ippsBigNumGetSize(size_in_bytes/(int)sizeof(Ipp32u), &bn_size); if (bn_size <= 0) { free(pBN); return; } // Clear the buffer before free. memset_s(pBN, bn_size, 0, bn_size); free(pBN); return; } IppStatus __STDCALL sample_ipp_DRNGen(Ipp32u* pRandBNU, int nBits, void* pCtx_unused) { sample_status_t sample_ret; UNUSED(pCtx_unused); if(0 != nBits%8) { // Must be byte aligned return ippStsSizeErr; } if(!pRandBNU) { return ippStsNullPtrErr; } sample_ret = sample_read_rand((uint8_t*)pRandBNU, (uint32_t)nBits/8); if(SAMPLE_SUCCESS != sample_ret) { return ippStsErr; } return ippStsNoErr; } /* Rijndael AES-GCM * Parameters: * Return: sample_status_t - SAMPLE_SUCCESS on success, error code otherwise. * Inputs: sample_aes_gcm_128bit_key_t *p_key - Pointer to key used in encryption/decryption operation * uint8_t *p_src - Pointer to input stream to be encrypted/decrypted * uint32_t src_len - Length of input stream to be encrypted/decrypted * uint8_t *p_iv - Pointer to initialization vector to use * uint32_t iv_len - Length of initialization vector * uint8_t *p_aad - Pointer to input stream of additional authentication data * uint32_t aad_len - Length of additional authentication data stream * sample_aes_gcm_128bit_tag_t *p_in_mac - Pointer to expected MAC in decryption process * Output: uint8_t *p_dst - Pointer to cipher text. Size of buffer should be >= src_len. * sample_aes_gcm_128bit_tag_t *p_out_mac - Pointer to MAC generated from encryption process * NOTE: Wrapper is responsible for confirming decryption tag matches encryption tag */ sample_status_t sample_rijndael128GCM_encrypt(const sample_aes_gcm_128bit_key_t *p_key, const uint8_t *p_src, uint32_t src_len, uint8_t *p_dst, const uint8_t *p_iv, uint32_t iv_len, const uint8_t *p_aad, uint32_t aad_len, sample_aes_gcm_128bit_tag_t *p_out_mac) { IppStatus error_code = ippStsNoErr; IppsAES_GCMState* pState = NULL; int ippStateSize = 0; if ((p_key == NULL) || ((src_len > 0) && (p_dst == NULL)) || ((src_len > 0) && (p_src == NULL)) || (p_out_mac == NULL) || (iv_len != SAMPLE_AESGCM_IV_SIZE) || ((aad_len > 0) && (p_aad == NULL)) || (p_iv == NULL) || ((p_src == NULL) && (p_aad == NULL))) { return SAMPLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } error_code = ippsAES_GCMGetSize(&ippStateSize); if (error_code != ippStsNoErr) { return SAMPLE_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } pState = (IppsAES_GCMState*)malloc(ippStateSize); if(pState == NULL) { return SAMPLE_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } error_code = ippsAES_GCMInit((const Ipp8u *)p_key, SAMPLE_AESGCM_KEY_SIZE, pState, ippStateSize); if (error_code != ippStsNoErr) { // Clear temp State before free. memset_s(pState, ippStateSize, 0, ippStateSize); free(pState); switch (error_code) { case ippStsMemAllocErr: return SAMPLE_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; case ippStsNullPtrErr: case ippStsLengthErr: return SAMPLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; default: return SAMPLE_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } } error_code = ippsAES_GCMStart(p_iv, SAMPLE_AESGCM_IV_SIZE, p_aad, aad_len, pState); if (error_code != ippStsNoErr) { // Clear temp State before free. memset_s(pState, ippStateSize, 0, ippStateSize); free(pState); switch (error_code) { case ippStsNullPtrErr: case ippStsLengthErr: return SAMPLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; default: return SAMPLE_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } } if (src_len > 0) { error_code = ippsAES_GCMEncrypt(p_src, p_dst, src_len, pState); if (error_code != ippStsNoErr) { // Clear temp State before free. memset_s(pState, ippStateSize, 0, ippStateSize); free(pState); switch (error_code) { case ippStsNullPtrErr: return SAMPLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; default: return SAMPLE_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } } } error_code = ippsAES_GCMGetTag((Ipp8u *)p_out_mac, SAMPLE_AESGCM_MAC_SIZE, pState); if (error_code != ippStsNoErr) { // Clear temp State before free. memset_s(pState, ippStateSize, 0, ippStateSize); free(pState); switch (error_code) { case ippStsNullPtrErr: case ippStsLengthErr: return SAMPLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; default: return SAMPLE_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } } // Clear temp State before free. memset_s(pState, ippStateSize, 0, ippStateSize); free(pState); return SAMPLE_SUCCESS; } /* Message Authentication - Rijndael 128 CMAC * Parameters: * Return: sample_status_t - SAMPLE_SUCCESS on success, error code otherwise. * Inputs: sample_cmac_128bit_key_t *p_key - Pointer to key used in encryption/decryption operation * uint8_t *p_src - Pointer to input stream to be MACed * uint32_t src_len - Length of input stream to be MACed * Output: sample_cmac_gcm_128bit_tag_t *p_mac - Pointer to resultant MAC */ sample_status_t sample_rijndael128_cmac_msg(const sample_cmac_128bit_key_t *p_key, const uint8_t *p_src, uint32_t src_len, sample_cmac_128bit_tag_t *p_mac) { IppsAES_CMACState* pState = NULL; int ippStateSize = 0; IppStatus error_code = ippStsNoErr; if ((p_key == NULL) || (p_src == NULL) || (p_mac == NULL)) { return SAMPLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } error_code = ippsAES_CMACGetSize(&ippStateSize); if (error_code != ippStsNoErr) { return SAMPLE_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } pState = (IppsAES_CMACState*)malloc(ippStateSize); if(pState == NULL) { return SAMPLE_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } error_code = ippsAES_CMACInit((const Ipp8u *)p_key, SAMPLE_CMAC_KEY_SIZE, pState, ippStateSize); if (error_code != ippStsNoErr) { // Clear temp State before free. memset_s(pState, ippStateSize, 0, ippStateSize); free(pState); switch (error_code) { case ippStsMemAllocErr: return SAMPLE_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; case ippStsNullPtrErr: case ippStsLengthErr: return SAMPLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; default: return SAMPLE_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } } error_code = ippsAES_CMACUpdate((const Ipp8u *)p_src, src_len, pState); if (error_code != ippStsNoErr) { // Clear temp State before free. memset_s(pState, ippStateSize, 0, ippStateSize); free(pState); switch (error_code) { case ippStsNullPtrErr: case ippStsLengthErr: return SAMPLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; default: return SAMPLE_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } } error_code = ippsAES_CMACFinal((Ipp8u *)p_mac, SAMPLE_CMAC_MAC_SIZE, pState); if (error_code != ippStsNoErr) { // Clear temp State before free. memset_s(pState, ippStateSize, 0, ippStateSize); free(pState); switch (error_code) { case ippStsNullPtrErr: case ippStsLengthErr: return SAMPLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; default: return SAMPLE_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } } // Clear temp State before free. memset_s(pState, ippStateSize, 0, ippStateSize); free(pState); return SAMPLE_SUCCESS; } extern "C" int some_function() { return 1234; } /* * Elliptic Curve Crytpography - Based on GF(p), 256 bit */ /* Allocates and initializes ecc context * Parameters: * Return: sample_status_t - SAMPLE_SUCCESS on success, error code otherwise. * Output: sample_ecc_state_handle_t ecc_handle - Handle to ECC crypto system */ sample_status_t sample_ecc256_open_context(sample_ecc_state_handle_t* ecc_handle) { IppStatus ipp_ret = ippStsNoErr; IppsECCPState* p_ecc_state = NULL; // default use 256r1 parameter int ctx_size = 0; if (ecc_handle == NULL) return SAMPLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; ipp_ret = ippsECCPGetSize(256, &ctx_size); if (ipp_ret != ippStsNoErr) return SAMPLE_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; p_ecc_state = (IppsECCPState*)(malloc(ctx_size)); if (p_ecc_state == NULL) return SAMPLE_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; ipp_ret = ippsECCPInit(256, p_ecc_state); if (ipp_ret != ippStsNoErr) { SAFE_FREE(p_ecc_state); *ecc_handle = NULL; return SAMPLE_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } ipp_ret = ippsECCPSetStd(IppECCPStd256r1, p_ecc_state); if (ipp_ret != ippStsNoErr) { SAFE_FREE(p_ecc_state); *ecc_handle = NULL; return SAMPLE_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } *ecc_handle = p_ecc_state; return SAMPLE_SUCCESS; } /* Cleans up ecc context * Parameters: * Return: sample_status_t - SAMPLE_SUCCESS on success, error code otherwise. * Output: sample_ecc_state_handle_t ecc_handle - Handle to ECC crypto system */ sample_status_t sample_ecc256_close_context(sample_ecc_state_handle_t ecc_handle) { if (ecc_handle == NULL) { return SAMPLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } IppsECCPState* p_ecc_state = (IppsECCPState*)ecc_handle; int ctx_size = 0; IppStatus ipp_ret = ippsECCPGetSize(256, &ctx_size); if (ipp_ret != ippStsNoErr) { free(p_ecc_state); return SAMPLE_SUCCESS; } memset_s(p_ecc_state, ctx_size, 0, ctx_size); free(p_ecc_state); return SAMPLE_SUCCESS; } /* Populates private/public key pair - caller code allocates memory * Parameters: * Return: sample_status_t - SAMPLE_SUCCESS on success, error code otherwise. * Inputs: sample_ecc_state_handle_t ecc_handle - Handle to ECC crypto system * Outputs: sample_ec256_private_t *p_private - Pointer to the private key * sample_ec256_public_t *p_public - Pointer to the public key */ sample_status_t sample_ecc256_create_key_pair(sample_ec256_private_t *p_private, sample_ec256_public_t *p_public, sample_ecc_state_handle_t ecc_handle) { if ((ecc_handle == NULL) || (p_private == NULL) || (p_public == NULL)) { return SAMPLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } IppsBigNumState* dh_priv_BN = NULL; IppsECCPPointState* point_pub = NULL; IppsBigNumState* pub_gx = NULL; IppsBigNumState* pub_gy = NULL; IppStatus ipp_ret = ippStsNoErr; int ecPointSize = 0; IppsECCPState* p_ecc_state = (IppsECCPState*)ecc_handle; do { //init eccp point ipp_ret = ippsECCPPointGetSize(256, &ecPointSize); ERROR_BREAK(ipp_ret); point_pub = (IppsECCPPointState*)( malloc(ecPointSize) ); if(!point_pub) { ipp_ret = ippStsNoMemErr; break; } ipp_ret = ippsECCPPointInit(256, point_pub); ERROR_BREAK(ipp_ret); ipp_ret = sgx_ipp_newBN(NULL, SAMPLE_ECP256_KEY_SIZE, &dh_priv_BN); ERROR_BREAK(ipp_ret); // Use the true random number (DRNG) ipp_ret = ippsECCPGenKeyPair(dh_priv_BN, point_pub, p_ecc_state, (IppBitSupplier)sample_ipp_DRNGen, NULL); ERROR_BREAK(ipp_ret); //convert point_result to oct string ipp_ret = sgx_ipp_newBN(NULL, SAMPLE_ECP256_KEY_SIZE, &pub_gx); ERROR_BREAK(ipp_ret); ipp_ret = sgx_ipp_newBN(NULL, SAMPLE_ECP256_KEY_SIZE, &pub_gy); ERROR_BREAK(ipp_ret); ipp_ret = ippsECCPGetPoint(pub_gx, pub_gy, point_pub, p_ecc_state); ERROR_BREAK(ipp_ret); IppsBigNumSGN sgn = IppsBigNumPOS; Ipp32u *pdata = NULL; // ippsRef_BN is in bits not bytes (versus old ippsGet_BN) int length = 0; ipp_ret = ippsRef_BN(&sgn, &length, &pdata, pub_gx); ERROR_BREAK(ipp_ret); memset(p_public->gx, 0, sizeof(p_public->gx)); ipp_ret = check_copy_size(sizeof(p_public->gx), ROUND_TO(length, 8)/8); ERROR_BREAK(ipp_ret); memcpy(p_public->gx, pdata, ROUND_TO(length, 8)/8); ipp_ret = ippsRef_BN(&sgn, &length, &pdata, pub_gy); ERROR_BREAK(ipp_ret); memset(p_public->gy, 0, sizeof(p_public->gy)); ipp_ret = check_copy_size(sizeof(p_public->gy), ROUND_TO(length, 8)/8); ERROR_BREAK(ipp_ret); memcpy(p_public->gy, pdata, ROUND_TO(length, 8)/8); ipp_ret = ippsRef_BN(&sgn, &length, &pdata, dh_priv_BN); ERROR_BREAK(ipp_ret); memset(p_private->r, 0, sizeof(p_private->r)); ipp_ret = check_copy_size(sizeof(p_private->r), ROUND_TO(length, 8)/8); ERROR_BREAK(ipp_ret); memcpy(p_private->r, pdata, ROUND_TO(length, 8)/8); }while(0); //Clear temp buffer before free. if(point_pub) memset_s(point_pub, ecPointSize, 0, ecPointSize); SAFE_FREE(point_pub); sample_ipp_secure_free_BN(pub_gx, SAMPLE_ECP256_KEY_SIZE); sample_ipp_secure_free_BN(pub_gy, SAMPLE_ECP256_KEY_SIZE); sample_ipp_secure_free_BN(dh_priv_BN, SAMPLE_ECP256_KEY_SIZE); switch (ipp_ret) { case ippStsNoErr: return SAMPLE_SUCCESS; case ippStsNoMemErr: case ippStsMemAllocErr: return SAMPLE_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; case ippStsNullPtrErr: case ippStsLengthErr: case ippStsOutOfRangeErr: case ippStsSizeErr: case ippStsBadArgErr: return SAMPLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; default: return SAMPLE_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } } /* Computes DH shared key based on private B key (local) and remote public Ga Key * Parameters: * Return: sample_status_t - SAMPLE_SUCCESS on success, error code otherwise. * Inputs: sample_ecc_state_handle_t ecc_handle - Handle to ECC crypto system * sample_ec256_private_t *p_private_b - Pointer to the local private key - LITTLE ENDIAN * sample_ec256_public_t *p_public_ga - Pointer to the remote public key - LITTLE ENDIAN * Output: sample_ec256_dh_shared_t *p_shared_key - Pointer to the shared DH key - LITTLE ENDIAN *x-coordinate of (privKeyB - pubKeyA) */ sample_status_t sample_ecc256_compute_shared_dhkey(sample_ec256_private_t *p_private_b, sample_ec256_public_t *p_public_ga, sample_ec256_dh_shared_t *p_shared_key, sample_ecc_state_handle_t ecc_handle) { if ((ecc_handle == NULL) || (p_private_b == NULL) || (p_public_ga == NULL) || (p_shared_key == NULL)) { return SAMPLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } IppsBigNumState* BN_dh_privB = NULL; IppsBigNumState* BN_dh_share = NULL; IppsBigNumState* pubA_gx = NULL; IppsBigNumState* pubA_gy = NULL; IppsECCPPointState* point_pubA = NULL; IppStatus ipp_ret = ippStsNoErr; int ecPointSize = 0; IppsECCPState* p_ecc_state = (IppsECCPState*)ecc_handle; IppECResult ipp_result = ippECValid; do { ipp_ret = sgx_ipp_newBN((Ipp32u*)p_private_b->r, sizeof(sample_ec256_private_t), &BN_dh_privB); ERROR_BREAK(ipp_ret); ipp_ret = sgx_ipp_newBN((uint32_t*)p_public_ga->gx, sizeof(p_public_ga->gx), &pubA_gx); ERROR_BREAK(ipp_ret); ipp_ret = sgx_ipp_newBN((uint32_t*)p_public_ga->gy, sizeof(p_public_ga->gy), &pubA_gy); ERROR_BREAK(ipp_ret); ipp_ret = ippsECCPPointGetSize(256, &ecPointSize); ERROR_BREAK(ipp_ret); point_pubA = (IppsECCPPointState*)( malloc(ecPointSize) ); if(!point_pubA) { ipp_ret = ippStsNoMemErr; break; } ipp_ret = ippsECCPPointInit(256, point_pubA); ERROR_BREAK(ipp_ret); ipp_ret = ippsECCPSetPoint(pubA_gx, pubA_gy, point_pubA, p_ecc_state); ERROR_BREAK(ipp_ret); // Check to see if the point is a valid point on the Elliptic curve and is not infinity ipp_ret = ippsECCPCheckPoint(point_pubA, &ipp_result, p_ecc_state); if (ipp_result != ippECValid) { break; } ERROR_BREAK(ipp_ret); ipp_ret = sgx_ipp_newBN(NULL, sizeof(sample_ec256_dh_shared_t), &BN_dh_share); ERROR_BREAK(ipp_ret); /* This API generates shareA = x-coordinate of (privKeyB - pubKeyA) */ ipp_ret = ippsECCPSharedSecretDH(BN_dh_privB, point_pubA, BN_dh_share, p_ecc_state); ERROR_BREAK(ipp_ret); IppsBigNumSGN sgn = IppsBigNumPOS; int length = 0; Ipp32u * pdata = NULL; ipp_ret = ippsRef_BN(&sgn, &length, &pdata, BN_dh_share); ERROR_BREAK(ipp_ret); memset(p_shared_key->s, 0, sizeof(p_shared_key->s)); ipp_ret = check_copy_size(sizeof(p_shared_key->s), ROUND_TO(length, 8)/8); ERROR_BREAK(ipp_ret); memcpy(p_shared_key->s, pdata, ROUND_TO(length, 8)/8); }while(0); // Clear temp buffer before free. if(point_pubA) memset_s(point_pubA, ecPointSize, 0, ecPointSize); SAFE_FREE(point_pubA); sample_ipp_secure_free_BN(pubA_gx, sizeof(p_public_ga->gx)); sample_ipp_secure_free_BN(pubA_gy, sizeof(p_public_ga->gy)); sample_ipp_secure_free_BN(BN_dh_privB, sizeof(sample_ec256_private_t)); sample_ipp_secure_free_BN(BN_dh_share, sizeof(sample_ec256_dh_shared_t)); if (ipp_result != ippECValid) { return SAMPLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } switch (ipp_ret) { case ippStsNoErr: return SAMPLE_SUCCESS; case ippStsNoMemErr: case ippStsMemAllocErr: return SAMPLE_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; case ippStsNullPtrErr: case ippStsLengthErr: case ippStsOutOfRangeErr: case ippStsSizeErr: case ippStsBadArgErr: return SAMPLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; default: return SAMPLE_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } } const uint32_t sample_nistp256_r[] = { 0xFC632551, 0xF3B9CAC2, 0xA7179E84, 0xBCE6FAAD, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000000, 0xFFFFFFFF}; #include <stdio.h> /* Computes signature for data based on private key * Parameters: * Return: sample_status_t - SAMPLE_SUCCESS, SAMPLE_SUCCESS on success, error code otherwise. * Inputs: sample_ecc_state_handle_t ecc_handle - Handle to ECC crypto system * sample_ec256_private_t *p_private - Pointer to the private key - LITTLE ENDIAN * sample_uint8_t *p_data - Pointer to the data to be signed * uint32_t data_size - Size of the data to be signed * Output: sample_ec256_signature_t *p_signature - Pointer to the signature - LITTLE ENDIAN */ sample_status_t sample_ecdsa_sign(const uint8_t *p_data, uint32_t data_size, sample_ec256_private_t *p_private, sample_ec256_signature_t *p_signature, sample_ecc_state_handle_t ecc_handle) { if ((ecc_handle == NULL) || (p_private == NULL) || (p_signature == NULL) || (p_data == NULL) || (data_size < 1)) { return SAMPLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } IppStatus ipp_ret = ippStsNoErr; IppsECCPState* p_ecc_state = (IppsECCPState*)ecc_handle; IppsBigNumState* p_ecp_order = NULL; IppsBigNumState* p_hash_bn = NULL; IppsBigNumState* p_msg_bn = NULL; IppsBigNumState* p_eph_priv_bn = NULL; IppsECCPPointState* p_eph_pub = NULL; IppsBigNumState* p_reg_priv_bn = NULL; IppsBigNumState* p_signx_bn = NULL; IppsBigNumState* p_signy_bn = NULL; Ipp32u *p_sigx = NULL; Ipp32u *p_sigy = NULL; int ecp_size = 0; const int order_size = sizeof(sample_nistp256_r); uint32_t hash[8] = {0}; do { ipp_ret = sgx_ipp_newBN(sample_nistp256_r, order_size, &p_ecp_order); ERROR_BREAK(ipp_ret); // Prepare the message used to sign. ipp_ret = ippsHashMessage(p_data, data_size, (Ipp8u*)hash, IPP_ALG_HASH_SHA256); ERROR_BREAK(ipp_ret); /* Byte swap in creation of Big Number from SHA256 hash output */ ipp_ret = sgx_ipp_newBN(NULL, sizeof(hash), &p_hash_bn); ERROR_BREAK(ipp_ret); ipp_ret = ippsSetOctString_BN((Ipp8u*)hash, sizeof(hash), p_hash_bn); ERROR_BREAK(ipp_ret); ipp_ret = sgx_ipp_newBN(NULL, order_size, &p_msg_bn); ERROR_BREAK(ipp_ret); ipp_ret = ippsMod_BN(p_hash_bn, p_ecp_order, p_msg_bn); ERROR_BREAK(ipp_ret); // Get ephemeral key pair. ipp_ret = sgx_ipp_newBN(NULL, order_size, &p_eph_priv_bn); ERROR_BREAK(ipp_ret); //init eccp point ipp_ret = ippsECCPPointGetSize(256, &ecp_size); ERROR_BREAK(ipp_ret); p_eph_pub = (IppsECCPPointState*)(malloc(ecp_size)); if(!p_eph_pub) { ipp_ret = ippStsNoMemErr; break; } ipp_ret = ippsECCPPointInit(256, p_eph_pub); ERROR_BREAK(ipp_ret); // generate ephemeral key pair for signing operation ipp_ret = ippsECCPGenKeyPair(p_eph_priv_bn, p_eph_pub, p_ecc_state, (IppBitSupplier)sample_ipp_DRNGen, NULL); ERROR_BREAK(ipp_ret); ipp_ret = ippsECCPSetKeyPair(p_eph_priv_bn, p_eph_pub, ippFalse, p_ecc_state); ERROR_BREAK(ipp_ret); // Set the regular private key. ipp_ret = sgx_ipp_newBN((uint32_t *)p_private->r, sizeof(p_private->r), &p_reg_priv_bn); ERROR_BREAK(ipp_ret); ipp_ret = sgx_ipp_newBN(NULL, order_size, &p_signx_bn); ERROR_BREAK(ipp_ret); ipp_ret = sgx_ipp_newBN(NULL, order_size, &p_signy_bn); ERROR_BREAK(ipp_ret); // Sign the message. ipp_ret = ippsECCPSignDSA(p_msg_bn, p_reg_priv_bn, p_signx_bn, p_signy_bn, p_ecc_state); ERROR_BREAK(ipp_ret); IppsBigNumSGN sign; int length; ipp_ret = ippsRef_BN(&sign, &length,(Ipp32u**) &p_sigx, p_signx_bn); ERROR_BREAK(ipp_ret); memset(p_signature->x, 0, sizeof(p_signature->x)); ipp_ret = check_copy_size(sizeof(p_signature->x), ROUND_TO(length, 8)/8); ERROR_BREAK(ipp_ret); memcpy(p_signature->x, p_sigx, ROUND_TO(length, 8)/8); memset_s(p_sigx, sizeof(p_signature->x), 0, ROUND_TO(length, 8)/8); ipp_ret = ippsRef_BN(&sign, &length,(Ipp32u**) &p_sigy, p_signy_bn); ERROR_BREAK(ipp_ret); memset(p_signature->y, 0, sizeof(p_signature->y)); ipp_ret = check_copy_size(sizeof(p_signature->y), ROUND_TO(length, 8)/8); ERROR_BREAK(ipp_ret); memcpy(p_signature->y, p_sigy, ROUND_TO(length, 8)/8); memset_s(p_sigy, sizeof(p_signature->y), 0, ROUND_TO(length, 8)/8); }while(0); // Clear buffer before free. if(p_eph_pub) memset_s(p_eph_pub, ecp_size, 0, ecp_size); SAFE_FREE(p_eph_pub); sample_ipp_secure_free_BN(p_ecp_order, order_size); sample_ipp_secure_free_BN(p_hash_bn, sizeof(hash)); sample_ipp_secure_free_BN(p_msg_bn, order_size); sample_ipp_secure_free_BN(p_eph_priv_bn, order_size); sample_ipp_secure_free_BN(p_reg_priv_bn, sizeof(p_private->r)); sample_ipp_secure_free_BN(p_signx_bn, order_size); sample_ipp_secure_free_BN(p_signy_bn, order_size); switch (ipp_ret) { case ippStsNoErr: return SAMPLE_SUCCESS; case ippStsNoMemErr: case ippStsMemAllocErr: return SAMPLE_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; case ippStsNullPtrErr: case ippStsLengthErr: case ippStsOutOfRangeErr: case ippStsSizeErr: case ippStsBadArgErr: return SAMPLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; default: return SAMPLE_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } } /* Allocates and initializes sha256 state * Parameters: * Return: sample_status_t - SAMPLE_SUCCESS on success, error code otherwise. * Output: sample_sha_state_handle_t sha_handle - Handle to the SHA256 state */ sample_status_t sample_sha256_init(sample_sha_state_handle_t* p_sha_handle) { IppStatus ipp_ret = ippStsNoErr; IppsHashState* p_temp_state = NULL; if (p_sha_handle == NULL) return SAMPLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; int ctx_size = 0; ipp_ret = ippsHashGetSize(&ctx_size); if (ipp_ret != ippStsNoErr) return SAMPLE_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; p_temp_state = (IppsHashState*)(malloc(ctx_size)); if (p_temp_state == NULL) return SAMPLE_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; ipp_ret = ippsHashInit(p_temp_state, IPP_ALG_HASH_SHA256); if (ipp_ret != ippStsNoErr) { SAFE_FREE(p_temp_state); *p_sha_handle = NULL; switch (ipp_ret) { case ippStsNullPtrErr: case ippStsLengthErr: return SAMPLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; default: return SAMPLE_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } } *p_sha_handle = p_temp_state; return SAMPLE_SUCCESS; } /* Updates sha256 has calculation based on the input message * Parameters: * Return: sample_status_t - SAMPLE_SUCCESS on success, error code otherwise. * Input: sample_sha_state_handle_t sha_handle - Handle to the SHA256 state * uint8_t *p_src - Pointer to the input stream to be hashed * uint32_t src_len - Length of the input stream to be hashed */ sample_status_t sample_sha256_update(const uint8_t *p_src, uint32_t src_len, sample_sha_state_handle_t sha_handle) { if ((p_src == NULL) || (sha_handle == NULL)) { return SAMPLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } IppStatus ipp_ret = ippStsNoErr; ipp_ret = ippsHashUpdate(p_src, src_len, (IppsHashState*)sha_handle); switch (ipp_ret) { case ippStsNoErr: return SAMPLE_SUCCESS; case ippStsNullPtrErr: case ippStsLengthErr: return SAMPLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; default: return SAMPLE_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } } /* Returns Hash calculation * Parameters: * Return: sample_status_t - SAMPLE_SUCCESS on success, error code otherwise. * Input: sample_sha_state_handle_t sha_handle - Handle to the SHA256 state * Output: sample_sha256_hash_t *p_hash - Resultant hash from operation */ sample_status_t sample_sha256_get_hash(sample_sha_state_handle_t sha_handle, sample_sha256_hash_t *p_hash) { if ((sha_handle == NULL) || (p_hash == NULL)) { return SAMPLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } IppStatus ipp_ret = ippStsNoErr; ipp_ret = ippsHashGetTag((Ipp8u*)p_hash, SAMPLE_SHA256_HASH_SIZE, (IppsHashState*)sha_handle); switch (ipp_ret) { case ippStsNoErr: return SAMPLE_SUCCESS; case ippStsNullPtrErr: case ippStsLengthErr: return SAMPLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; default: return SAMPLE_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } } /* Cleans up sha state * Parameters: * Return: sample_status_t - SAMPLE_SUCCESS on success, error code otherwise. * Input: sample_sha_state_handle_t sha_handle - Handle to the SHA256 state */ sample_status_t sample_sha256_close(sample_sha_state_handle_t sha_handle) { if (sha_handle == NULL) { return SAMPLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } SAFE_FREE(sha_handle); return SAMPLE_SUCCESS; }