/* * Math library * * Copyright (C) 2016 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * * Author Name * History: * 03-14-2016 Initial version. numerics svn rev. 12864 */ .file "sindl.c" .text ..TXTST0: # -- Begin sindl .text .align 16,0x90 .globl sindl sindl: # parameter 1: 112 + %rsp ..B1.1: .cfi_startproc ..___tag_value_sindl.1: ..L2: subq $104, %rsp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 112 xorb %r8b, %r8b ..B1.2: fnstcw 90(%rsp) ..B1.3: movzwl 90(%rsp), %edx movl %edx, %eax andl $3840, %eax cmpl $768, %eax je ..B1.7 ..B1.4: andl $-3841, %edx orl $-64768, %edx movw %dx, 88(%rsp) ..B1.5: fldcw 88(%rsp) ..B1.6: movb $1, %r8b ..B1.7: fldt 112(%rsp) lea ones(%rip), %rdi movzwl 120(%rsp), %eax movl %eax, %esi shrl $15, %eax andl $32767, %esi cmpl $32767, %esi flds (%rdi,%rax,4) movss (%rdi,%rax,4), %xmm0 fmul %st, %st(1) je ..B1.32 ..B1.8: fldt .L_2il0floatpacket.0(%rip) fstpt 72(%rsp) fldt 72(%rsp) fucomip %st(2), %st jp ..B1.9 je ..B1.31 ..B1.9: testl %esi, %esi je ..B1.24 ..B1.10: cmpl $7, %esi fxch %st(1) jl ..B1.25 ..B1.11: cmpl $10783, %esi jl ..B1.26 ..B1.12: fstp %st(1) fstpt 112(%rsp) fldt 112(%rsp) cmpl $16446, %esi jge ..B1.17 ..B1.13: fldt .L_2il0floatpacket.2(%rip) lea _Rcp90(%rip), %rax fldt 72(%rsp) fldt (%rax) fmulp %st, %st(3) fxch %st(1) fadd %st, %st(2) fxch %st(2) fstpt 48(%rsp) fldt 48(%rsp) movl 48(%rsp), %ecx movl %ecx, %edx andl $2, %edx fsubp %st, %st(2) fldt 112(%rsp) fldt .L_2il0floatpacket.3(%rip) fmulp %st, %st(3) shrl $1, %edx fsubp %st, %st(2) mulss (%rdi,%rdx,4), %xmm0 fucomip %st(1), %st jp ..B1.14 je ..B1.30 ..B1.14: fldt .L_2il0floatpacket.4(%rip) lea _TWO_53H(%rip), %rax fmul %st(1), %st fld %st(1) movss %xmm0, (%rsp) testb $1, %cl fsubr %st(1), %st fsubrp %st, %st(1) fld %st(0) fmul %st(1), %st fld %st(0) fld %st(3) fsubr %st(3), %st fchs fmul %st, %st(3) fld %st(4) fxch %st(1) fmul %st(5), %st faddp %st, %st(4) fld %st(4) fldl (%rax) fld %st(0) fmul %st(5), %st fadd %st, %st(4) fsubrp %st, %st(4) fxch %st(3) fsubr %st, %st(4) fxch %st(4) faddp %st, %st(5) fxch %st(1) fmul %st(2), %st fld %st(5) fadd %st(1), %st fsubp %st, %st(1) fsub %st, %st(1) fxch %st(1) fchs fstpt 32(%rsp) fld %st(4) fmul %st(5), %st fld %st(0) fmul %st(1), %st flds (%rsp) fstps 64(%rsp) je ..B1.16 ..B1.15: fstp %st(6) fstp %st(1) fld %st(2) lea 112+_cosdl_poly_coeff(%rip), %rax fmul %st(3), %st lea 80+_cosdl_poly_coeff(%rip), %rdx fmul %st, %st(2) fld %st(1) fmul %st(5), %st fxch %st(4) fstpt (%rsp) fldt (%rsp) fld %st(2) lea 48+_cosdl_poly_coeff(%rip), %rcx lea 96+_cosdl_poly_coeff(%rip), %rsi lea 64+_cosdl_poly_coeff(%rip), %rdi lea 32+_cosdl_poly_coeff(%rip), %r9 lea 24+_cosdl_mp_poly_coeff(%rip), %r10 lea 8+_cosdl_mp_poly_coeff(%rip), %r11 fmul %st(7), %st fxch %st(1) fmul %st(6), %st faddp %st, %st(5) fld %st(1) fadd %st(4), %st fsubp %st, %st(4) fxch %st(3) fstpt 16(%rsp) fldt 16(%rsp) fsubrp %st, %st(1) faddp %st, %st(3) fldt (%rax) fmul %st(5), %st fldt (%rdx) lea 16+_cosdl_mp_poly_coeff(%rip), %rax lea _cosdl_mp_poly_coeff(%rip), %rdx faddp %st, %st(1) fmul %st(5), %st fldt (%rcx) faddp %st, %st(1) fmul %st(1), %st fldt (%rsi) fmul %st(6), %st fldt (%rdi) faddp %st, %st(1) fmul %st(6), %st fldt (%r9) faddp %st, %st(1) faddp %st, %st(1) fmulp %st, %st(2) fldl (%r10) fmulp %st, %st(5) fxch %st(4) faddp %st, %st(1) fldl (%r11) fmulp %st, %st(4) faddp %st, %st(3) fldl (%rax) fmul %st, %st(1) fxch %st(1) faddp %st, %st(3) fldl (%rdx) fmul %st, %st(2) fxch %st(2) faddp %st, %st(3) fldt (%rsp) fmulp %st, %st(2) fld %st(1) fldt 16(%rsp) fmulp %st, %st(2) fadd %st(1), %st fsubr %st, %st(2) fxch %st(1) faddp %st, %st(2) fxch %st(2) faddp %st, %st(1) flds 64(%rsp) fld %st(0) fldt .L_2il0floatpacket.5(%rip) fadd %st(4), %st fmul %st, %st(1) fldt .L_2il0floatpacket.5(%rip) fsubp %st, %st(1) faddp %st, %st(4) fxch %st(2) faddp %st, %st(3) fmulp %st, %st(2) faddp %st, %st(1) fstpt 72(%rsp) jmp ..B1.27 ..B1.16: fld %st(6) lea 128+_sindl_poly_coeff(%rip), %rax fmul %st(2), %st lea 96+_sindl_poly_coeff(%rip), %rdx fstpt 16(%rsp) lea 64+_sindl_poly_coeff(%rip), %rcx fxch %st(2) fstpt (%rsp) fldt (%rsp) lea 32+_sindl_poly_coeff(%rip), %rsi lea 112+_sindl_poly_coeff(%rip), %rdi lea 80+_sindl_poly_coeff(%rip), %r9 lea 48+_sindl_poly_coeff(%rip), %r10 lea 24+_sindl_mp_poly_coeff(%rip), %r11 fmul %st(4), %st fmul %st, %st(3) fxch %st(5) fmul %st(6), %st fldt 32(%rsp) fmul %st, %st(5) fxch %st(1) faddp %st, %st(5) fld %st(5) fadd %st(4), %st fsubp %st, %st(4) fxch %st(3) fsubr %st, %st(5) fxch %st(4) faddp %st, %st(5) fldt (%rax) fmul %st(2), %st fldt (%rdx) lea 8+_sindl_mp_poly_coeff(%rip), %rax lea 16+_sindl_mp_poly_coeff(%rip), %rdx faddp %st, %st(1) fmul %st(2), %st fldt (%rcx) lea _sindl_mp_poly_coeff(%rip), %rcx faddp %st, %st(1) fmul %st(2), %st fldt (%rsi) faddp %st, %st(1) fmulp %st, %st(1) fldt (%rdi) fmul %st(2), %st fldt (%r9) faddp %st, %st(1) fmul %st(2), %st fldt (%r10) faddp %st, %st(1) fmulp %st, %st(2) faddp %st, %st(1) fldt 16(%rsp) fmul %st, %st(1) fldl (%r11) fmulp %st, %st(1) faddp %st, %st(1) fldl (%rax) fmulp %st, %st(5) faddp %st, %st(4) fldl (%rdx) fmul %st, %st(3) fxch %st(3) faddp %st, %st(4) fxch %st(1) fmulp %st, %st(2) fldl (%rcx) fmul %st, %st(1) fxch %st(1) faddp %st, %st(3) fldt (%rsp) fmulp %st, %st(1) fld %st(0) fadd %st(2), %st fsubr %st, %st(1) fxch %st(2) faddp %st, %st(1) faddp %st, %st(2) flds 64(%rsp) fld %st(0) fmulp %st, %st(2) fmulp %st, %st(2) faddp %st, %st(1) fstpt 72(%rsp) jmp ..B1.27 ..B1.17: fstp %st(0) lea -16446(%rsi), %ecx cmpl $14, %ecx jle ..B1.19 ..B1.18: addl $-16449, %esi movl $715827883, %eax imull %esi movl %esi, %ecx sarl $1, %edx sarl $31, %ecx subl %ecx, %edx lea (,%rdx,8), %r9d lea (%r9,%rdx,4), %r10d subl %r10d, %esi lea 3(%rsi), %ecx ..B1.19: movl 116(%rsp), %r11d movl %r11d, %esi shll $8, %esi movl $381774871, %eax movl %esi, %edx andl $-16777216, %r11d shrl $3, %edx movl %r11d, %r10d mull %edx shrl $19, %r11d shrl $2, %edx imull $-360, %edx, %eax addl %eax, %esi movl $381774871, %eax mull %r11d shrl $16, %r10d movl $381774871, %eax shrl $2, %edx imull $-360, %edx, %r9d addl %r9d, %r10d movl 112(%rsp), %r9d addl %r10d, %esi movl %r9d, %r10d shrl $3, %r10d mull %r10d movl $-1240768329, %eax shrl $2, %edx imull $-360, %edx, %r11d addl %r11d, %r9d addl %r9d, %esi shll %cl, %esi imull %esi movl %esi, %ecx addl %esi, %edx sarl $8, %edx sarl $31, %ecx subl %ecx, %edx imull $-360, %edx, %eax lea (%rsi,%rax), %edx cmpl $179, %edx lea -180(%rsi,%rax), %ecx movl $2, %esi movl $0, %eax cmovg %ecx, %edx cmovg %esi, %eax cmpl $89, %edx jle ..B1.21 ..B1.20: incl %eax addl $-90, %edx ..B1.21: movl %edx, %ecx orl %eax, %ecx je ..B1.27 ..B1.22: movl %eax, %ecx andl $2, %eax andl $1, %ecx addl %ecx, %ecx shrl $1, %eax mulss (%rdi,%rax,4), %xmm0 movq __libm_sindl_cosdl_table@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rdi lea (%rcx,%rdx,4), %edx movss %xmm0, (%rsp) flds (%rsp) movslq %edx, %rdx fldl (%rdi,%rdx,8) faddl 8(%rdi,%rdx,8) fmulp %st, %st(1) fstpt 72(%rsp) jmp ..B1.27 ..B1.24: fxch %st(1) fstpt 112(%rsp) fldt 112(%rsp) testl $-1048576, 116(%rsp) je ..B1.26 ..B1.25: lea _TWO5600(%rip), %rax lea _TWO_53H(%rip), %rdx lea 8+_sindl_mp_poly_coeff(%rip), %rcx lea _sindl_mp_poly_coeff(%rip), %rsi lea 16+_TWO5600(%rip), %rdi fldt (%rax) fmulp %st, %st(1) fld %st(0) fxch %st(1) fstpt 112(%rsp) fldt 112(%rsp) fldl (%rdx) fmul %st(1), %st fadd %st, %st(2) fsubrp %st, %st(2) fld %st(1) fsubr %st(1), %st fldl (%rcx) fmulp %st, %st(2) fldl (%rsi) fmul %st, %st(1) fxch %st(2) faddp %st, %st(1) fxch %st(1) fmulp %st, %st(2) fxch %st(1) fmul %st(2), %st fld %st(0) fxch %st(2) fmulp %st, %st(3) fxch %st(1) fadd %st(2), %st fsubr %st, %st(1) fxch %st(2) faddp %st, %st(1) fld %st(1) fldt .L_2il0floatpacket.1(%rip) fmul %st(3), %st fsub %st, %st(1) fsubp %st, %st(1) fsub %st, %st(2) fxch %st(2) fchs faddp %st, %st(1) fldt (%rdi) fmul %st, %st(2) fmulp %st, %st(1) faddp %st, %st(1) fstpt 72(%rsp) jmp ..B1.27 ..B1.26: lea _TWO5600(%rip), %rax lea _TWO_53H(%rip), %rdx lea 8+_sindl_mp_poly_coeff(%rip), %rcx lea _sindl_mp_poly_coeff(%rip), %rsi lea 16+_TWO5600(%rip), %rdi fldt (%rax) fmulp %st, %st(1) fld %st(0) fxch %st(1) fstpt 112(%rsp) fldt 112(%rsp) fldl (%rdx) fmul %st(1), %st fadd %st, %st(2) fsubrp %st, %st(2) fld %st(1) fsubr %st(1), %st fldl (%rcx) fmulp %st, %st(2) fldl (%rsi) fmul %st, %st(1) fxch %st(1) faddp %st, %st(2) fmulp %st, %st(2) fxch %st(1) fmul %st(2), %st fld %st(0) fxch %st(2) fmulp %st, %st(3) fxch %st(1) fadd %st(2), %st fsubr %st, %st(1) fxch %st(2) faddp %st, %st(1) fld %st(1) fldt .L_2il0floatpacket.1(%rip) fmul %st(3), %st fsub %st, %st(1) fsubp %st, %st(1) fsub %st, %st(2) fxch %st(2) fchs faddp %st, %st(1) faddp %st, %st(1) fldt (%rdi) fmulp %st, %st(1) fstpt 72(%rsp) ..B1.27: testb %r8b, %r8b je ..B1.29 ..B1.28: fldcw 90(%rsp) ..B1.29: fldt 72(%rsp) addq $104, %rsp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .cfi_def_cfa_offset 112 ..B1.30: fstp %st(0) fldt 72(%rsp) testb $1, %cl movss %xmm0, (%rsp) flds (%rsp) fcmove %st(1), %st fstp %st(1) fstpt 72(%rsp) jmp ..B1.27 ..B1.31: fxch %st(1) fstpt 112(%rsp) fldt 112(%rsp) fmulp %st, %st(1) fstpt 72(%rsp) jmp ..B1.27 ..B1.32: fstp %st(0) fldt .L_2il0floatpacket.0(%rip) fmul %st(1), %st fstpt 72(%rsp) fstpt 112(%rsp) jmp ..B1.27 .align 16,0x90 .cfi_endproc .type sindl,@function .size sindl,.-sindl .data # -- End sindl .section .rodata, "a" .align 16 .align 16 .L_2il0floatpacket.0: .byte 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00 .type .L_2il0floatpacket.0,@object .size .L_2il0floatpacket.0,16 .align 16 .L_2il0floatpacket.1: .byte 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x08,0x00,0x80,0x13,0x40,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00 .type .L_2il0floatpacket.1,@object .size .L_2il0floatpacket.1,16 .align 16 .L_2il0floatpacket.2: .byte 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xc0,0x3e,0x40,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00 .type .L_2il0floatpacket.2,@object .size .L_2il0floatpacket.2,16 .align 16 .L_2il0floatpacket.3: .byte 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xb4,0x05,0x40,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00 .type .L_2il0floatpacket.3,@object .size .L_2il0floatpacket.3,16 .align 16 .L_2il0floatpacket.4: .byte 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x40,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x80,0x20,0x40,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00 .type .L_2il0floatpacket.4,@object .size .L_2il0floatpacket.4,16 .align 16 .L_2il0floatpacket.5: .byte 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x80,0xff,0x3f,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00 .type .L_2il0floatpacket.5,@object .size .L_2il0floatpacket.5,16 .align 16 _cosdl_poly_coeff: .word 52350 .word 41213 .word 3800 .word 40885 .word 49138 .word 0 .word 0 .word 0 .word 28613 .word 7908 .word 35668 .word 34008 .word 16355 .word 0 .word 0 .word 0 .word 19927 .word 58728 .word 49885 .word 45261 .word 49106 .word 0 .word 0 .word 0 .word 32884 .word 22035 .word 23267 .word 64541 .word 16320 .word 0 .word 0 .word 0 .word 36401 .word 51897 .word 8309 .word 57265 .word 49070 .word 0 .word 0 .word 0 .word 34286 .word 2728 .word 41564 .word 34642 .word 16284 .word 0 .word 0 .word 0 .word 63248 .word 18030 .word 35596 .word 60796 .word 49032 .word 0 .word 0 .word 0 .word 52149 .word 21294 .word 63985 .word 40123 .word 16245 .word 0 .word 0 .word 0 .type _cosdl_poly_coeff,@object .size _cosdl_poly_coeff,128 .align 16 _cosdl_mp_poly_coeff: .long 3675529145 .long 3206805153 .long 2134983071 .long 3151100167 .long 1787026573 .long 1043372817 .long 205083639 .long 988746860 .type _cosdl_mp_poly_coeff,@object .size _cosdl_mp_poly_coeff,32 .align 16 _sindl_poly_coeff: .word 51374 .word 38121 .word 13586 .word 36602 .word 16377 .word 0 .word 0 .word 0 .word 50116 .word 41339 .word 4204 .word 60892 .word 49130 .word 0 .word 0 .word 0 .word 33704 .word 2155 .word 42839 .word 60780 .word 16346 .word 0 .word 0 .word 0 .word 21250 .word 19076 .word 27901 .word 57780 .word 49097 .word 0 .word 0 .word 0 .word 9076 .word 49244 .word 613 .word 64083 .word 16311 .word 0 .word 0 .word 0 .word 40572 .word 30418 .word 36251 .word 46520 .word 49061 .word 0 .word 0 .word 0 .word 3227 .word 25505 .word 5540 .word 47626 .word 16274 .word 0 .word 0 .word 0 .word 60933 .word 3300 .word 57416 .word 36218 .word 49023 .word 0 .word 0 .word 0 .word 45811 .word 42646 .word 37125 .word 42185 .word 16235 .word 0 .word 0 .word 0 .type _sindl_poly_coeff,@object .size _sindl_poly_coeff,144 .align 16 _sindl_mp_poly_coeff: .long 2723323193 .long 1066524486 .long 2863989530 .long 1008058840 .long 227815288 .long 3199056770 .long 3752327299 .long 3142458725 .type _sindl_mp_poly_coeff,@object .size _sindl_mp_poly_coeff,32 .align 4 ones: .long 0x3f800000 .long 0xbf800000 .type ones,@object .size ones,8 .align 4 _TWO_53H: .long 0 .long 1128792064 .type _TWO_53H,@object .size _TWO_53H,8 .align 2 _Rcp90: .word 46603 .word 2912 .word 24758 .word 46603 .word 16376 .word 0 .word 0 .word 0 .type _Rcp90,@object .size _Rcp90,16 .align 2 _TWO5600: .word 0 .word 0 .word 0 .word 32768 .word 21983 .word 0 .word 0 .word 0 .word 0 .word 0 .word 0 .word 32768 .word 10783 .word 0 .word 0 .word 0 .type _TWO5600,@object .size _TWO5600,32 .data .section .note.GNU-stack, "" // -- Begin DWARF2 SEGMENT .eh_frame .section .eh_frame,"a",@progbits .eh_frame_seg: .align 1 # End