/* * Copyright (C) 2011-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #include "sigma_crypto_layer.h" #include "sgx_ecc256_internal.h" #include "pse_pr_inc.h" #include "pse_pr_types.h" #include "safe_id.h" #include #include #include #include "le2be_macros.h" #include "prepare_hmac_sha256.h" #include "prepare_hash_sha256.h" #include "epid/verifier/1.1/api.h" #include "epid/common/1.1/types.h" #include "sgx_trts.h" #include "ae_ipp.h" #include "util.h" #include "Keys.h" #include "pairing_blob.h" static ae_error_t MapEpidResultToAEError(EpidStatus epid_result) { ae_error_t status = PSE_PR_PCH_EPID_UNKNOWN_ERROR; switch (epid_result) { case kEpidNoErr: status = AE_SUCCESS; break; case kEpidSigInvalid: status = PSE_PR_PCH_EPID_SIG_INVALID; break; case kEpidSigRevokedInGroupRl: status = PSE_PR_PCH_EPID_SIG_REVOKED_IN_GROUPRL; break; case kEpidSigRevokedInPrivRl: status = PSE_PR_PCH_EPID_SIG_REVOKED_IN_PRIVRL; break; case kEpidSigRevokedInSigRl: status = PSE_PR_PCH_EPID_SIG_REVOKED_IN_SIGRL; break; case kEpidSigRevokedInVerifierRl: status = PSE_PR_PCH_EPID_SIG_REVOKED_IN_VERIFIERRL; break; case kEpidErr: status = PSE_PR_PCH_EPID_UNKNOWN_ERROR; break; case kEpidNotImpl: status = PSE_PR_PCH_EPID_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; break; case kEpidBadArgErr: status = PSE_PR_PCH_EPID_BAD_ARG_ERR; break; case kEpidNoMemErr: status = PSE_PR_PCH_EPID_NO_MEMORY_ERR; break; case kEpidMemAllocErr: status = PSE_PR_PCH_EPID_NO_MEMORY_ERR; break; case kEpidMathErr: status = PSE_PR_PCH_EPID_MATH_ERR; break; case kEpidDivByZeroErr: status = PSE_PR_PCH_EPID_DIVIDED_BY_ZERO_ERR; break; case kEpidUnderflowErr: status = PSE_PR_PCH_EPID_UNDERFLOW_ERR; break; case kEpidHashAlgorithmNotSupported: status = PSE_PR_PCH_EPID_HASH_ALGORITHM_NOT_SUPPORTED; break; case kEpidRandMaxIterErr: status = PSE_PR_PCH_EPID_RAND_MAX_ITER_ERR; break; case kEpidDuplicateErr: status = PSE_PR_PCH_EPID_DUPLICATE_ERR; break; case kEpidInconsistentBasenameSetErr: status = PSE_PR_PCH_EPID_INCONSISTENT_BASENAME_SET_ERR; break; case kEpidMathQuadraticNonResidueError: status = PSE_PR_PCH_EPID_MATH_ERR; break; default: status = PSE_PR_PCH_EPID_UNKNOWN_ERROR; break; } return status; } SigmaCryptoLayer::SigmaCryptoLayer() { } SigmaCryptoLayer::~SigmaCryptoLayer(void) { memset_s(m_local_private_key_b_little_endian, SIGMA_SESSION_PRIVKEY_LENGTH, 0, SIGMA_SESSION_PRIVKEY_LENGTH); memset_s(m_SMK, SIGMA_SMK_LENGTH, 0, SIGMA_SMK_LENGTH); memset_s(m_SK, sizeof(m_SK), 0, sizeof(m_SK)); memset_s(m_MK, sizeof(m_MK), 0, sizeof(m_MK)); } ae_error_t SigmaCryptoLayer::DeriveSkMk(/* In */ sgx_ecc_state_handle_t ecc_handle) { ae_error_t ae_status = PSE_PR_DERIVE_SMK_ERROR; IppStatus Status; Ipp8u Gab[SGX_ECP256_KEY_SIZE*2] = {0}; Ipp8u Gab_Wth_00[SGX_ECP256_KEY_SIZE*2+1] = {0}; Ipp8u Gab_Wth_01[SGX_ECP256_KEY_SIZE*2+1] = {0}; Ipp8u GabHMACSha256[SGX_SHA256_HASH_SIZE] = { 0 }; /* convert m_remotePublicKey_ga_big_endian to little endian format */ uint8_t public_key_little_endian[SIGMA_SESSION_PUBKEY_LENGTH]; memcpy(public_key_little_endian, m_remote_public_key_ga_big_endian, SIGMA_SESSION_PUBKEY_LENGTH); SwapEndian_32B(&(public_key_little_endian[0])); SwapEndian_32B(&(public_key_little_endian[32])); do { // Watch for null pointers if (ecc_handle == NULL) { ae_status = PSE_PR_PARAMETER_ERROR; break; } sgx_status_t sgx_status = sgx_ecc256_compute_shared_point((sgx_ec256_private_t *)m_local_private_key_b_little_endian, (sgx_ec256_public_t *)public_key_little_endian, (sgx_ec256_shared_point_t *)Gab, ecc_handle); if (SGX_SUCCESS != sgx_status) { if (SGX_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY == sgx_status) ae_status = PSE_PR_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY_ERROR; break; } //Initialize Variables required to get SK, SMK, MK memcpy(Gab_Wth_00, Gab, sizeof(Gab)); Gab_Wth_00[sizeof(Gab)] = 0; memcpy(Gab_Wth_01, Gab, sizeof(Gab)); Gab_Wth_01[sizeof(Gab)] = 1; Ipp8u HMAC_Key[SIGMA_HMAC_LENGTH] = {0}; //Compute SMK Status = ippsHMAC_Message(Gab_Wth_00, sizeof(Gab_Wth_00), HMAC_Key, sizeof(HMAC_Key), m_SMK, sizeof(m_SMK), IPP_ALG_HASH_SHA256); if (Status != ippStsNoErr) { if (Status == ippStsNoMemErr || Status == ippStsMemAllocErr) ae_status = PSE_PR_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY_ERROR; break; } // Compute SK and MK Status = ippsHMAC_Message(Gab_Wth_01, sizeof(Gab_Wth_01), HMAC_Key, sizeof(HMAC_Key), GabHMACSha256, sizeof(GabHMACSha256), IPP_ALG_HASH_SHA256); if (Status != ippStsNoErr) { if (Status == ippStsNoMemErr || Status == ippStsMemAllocErr) ae_status = PSE_PR_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY_ERROR; break; } // Derive SK and MK from SHA256(g^ab) memcpy(m_SK, (GabHMACSha256), SIGMA_SK_LENGTH); // SK: bits 0-127 memcpy(m_MK, (GabHMACSha256 + SIGMA_SK_LENGTH), SIGMA_MK_LENGTH); // MK: bits 128-255 ae_status = AE_SUCCESS; } while (false); // Defense-in-depth: clear secrets in stack before return memset_s(Gab, sizeof(Gab), 0, sizeof(Gab)); memset_s(Gab_Wth_00, sizeof(Gab_Wth_00), 0, sizeof(Gab_Wth_00)); memset_s(Gab_Wth_01, sizeof(Gab_Wth_00), 0, sizeof(Gab_Wth_00)); memset_s(GabHMACSha256, sizeof(GabHMACSha256), 0, sizeof(GabHMACSha256)); return ae_status; } ae_error_t SigmaCryptoLayer::calc_s2_hmac( SIGMA_HMAC* hmac, const SIGMA_S2_MESSAGE* s2, size_t nS2VLDataLen) { PrepareHMACSHA256 p(m_SMK, sizeof(m_SMK)); p.Update(s2->Gb, sizeof(s2->Gb)); p.Update(s2->Basename, sizeof(s2->Basename)); p.Update(&s2->OcspReq, sizeof(s2->OcspReq)); p.Update(s2->Data, nS2VLDataLen); //NRG: SIGMA_HMAC - HMAC_SHA256 of [Gb || Basename || OCSP Req || // Verifier Cert || Sig-RL List ], using SMK return p.Finalize(hmac); } ae_error_t SigmaCryptoLayer::calc_s3_hmac( SIGMA_HMAC* hmac, const SIGMA_S3_MESSAGE* s3, size_t nS3VLDataLen) { PrepareHMACSHA256 p(m_SMK, sizeof(m_SMK)); p.Update(&s3->TaskInfo, sizeof(s3->TaskInfo)); p.Update(s3->Ga, sizeof(s3->Ga)); p.Update(s3->Data, nS3VLDataLen); //NRG: SIGMA_HMAC -- HMAC_SHA256 of [TaskInfo || g^a || // EPIDCertprvr || EPIDSig(g^a || g^b)], using SMK return p.Finalize(hmac); } ae_error_t SigmaCryptoLayer::ComputePR(SIGMA_SECRET_KEY* oldSK, Ipp8u byteToAdd, SIGMA_HMAC* hmac) { Ipp8u Sk_Wth_Added_Byte[sizeof(SIGMA_SIGN_KEY)+1]; ae_error_t ae_status = PSE_PR_PR_CALC_ERROR; memset(hmac, 0, sizeof(*hmac)); do { memcpy(Sk_Wth_Added_Byte, oldSK, SIGMA_SK_LENGTH); Sk_Wth_Added_Byte[SIGMA_SK_LENGTH] = byteToAdd; //Compute hmac IppStatus ippstatus = ippsHMAC_Message(Sk_Wth_Added_Byte, SIGMA_SK_LENGTH+1, (Ipp8u*)m_MK, SIGMA_MK_LENGTH, (Ipp8u*)hmac, SIGMA_HMAC_LENGTH, IPP_ALG_HASH_SHA256); // defense-in-depth, clear secret data memset_s(Sk_Wth_Added_Byte, sizeof(Sk_Wth_Added_Byte), 0, sizeof(Sk_Wth_Added_Byte)); if (ippStsNoErr != ippstatus) { if (ippStsNoMemErr == ippstatus || ippStsMemAllocErr == ippstatus) ae_status = PSE_PR_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY_ERROR; break; } ae_status = AE_SUCCESS; } while (0); return ae_status; } ae_error_t SigmaCryptoLayer::ComputeId(Ipp8u byteToAdd, SHA256_HASH* hash) { memset(hash, 0, sizeof(*hash)); PrepareHashSHA256 p; p.Update(m_SK, sizeof(SIGMA_SIGN_KEY)); p.Update(m_MK, sizeof(SIGMA_MAC_KEY)); p.Update(&byteToAdd, sizeof(Ipp8u)); return p.Finalize(hash); } ae_error_t SigmaCryptoLayer::MsgVerifyPch(Ipp8u* PubKeyPch, int PubKeyPchLen, Ipp8u* EpidParamsCert, Ipp8u* Msg, int MsgLen, Ipp8u* Bsn, int BsnLen, Ipp8u* Signature, int SignatureLen, Ipp8u* PrivRevList, int PrivRL_Len, Ipp8u* SigRevList, int SigRL_Len, Ipp8u* GrpRevList, int GrpRL_Len) { ae_error_t status = AE_FAILURE; EpidStatus SafeIdRes = kEpidNoErr; Epid11Signature Epid11Sig; Epid11Signature *SigPointer = NULL; memset_s(&Epid11Sig, sizeof(Epid11Sig), 0, sizeof(Epid11Sig)); UNUSED(EpidParamsCert); UNUSED(Bsn); UNUSED(BsnLen); Epid11VerifierCtx* ctx = NULL; do { // Watch for null pointers if ((PubKeyPch == NULL) || (Msg == NULL) || (Signature == NULL)) { status = PSE_PR_PARAMETER_ERROR; break; } // Verify the length of public key and signature buffers if (((size_t)PubKeyPchLen < (SAFEID_CERT_LEN - ECDSA_SIGNATURE_LEN)) || (SignatureLen < SAFEID_SIG_LEN)) { status = PSE_PR_PARAMETER_ERROR; break; } SafeIdRes = Epid11VerifierCreate( (Epid11GroupPubKey* )(PubKeyPch), NULL, &ctx); status = MapEpidResultToAEError(SafeIdRes); if (AE_FAILED(status)){ break; } if(PrivRevList != NULL){ SafeIdRes = Epid11VerifierSetPrivRl(ctx, (Epid11PrivRl *)(PrivRevList), PrivRL_Len); status = MapEpidResultToAEError(SafeIdRes); if(AE_FAILED(status)) {break;} } if(SigRevList != NULL){ SafeIdRes = Epid11VerifierSetSigRl(ctx, (Epid11SigRl *)(SigRevList), SigRL_Len); status = MapEpidResultToAEError(SafeIdRes); if(AE_FAILED(status)) {break;} } if(GrpRevList != NULL){ SafeIdRes = Epid11VerifierSetGroupRl(ctx, (Epid11GroupRl *)(GrpRevList), GrpRL_Len); status = MapEpidResultToAEError(SafeIdRes); if(AE_FAILED(status)) {break;} } //verify signature with Pub Key in ctx //For epid-sdk-3.0, when the sigRL is null, the signature size includes "rl_ver" and "n2" fields //(See structure definition of Epid11Signature) //So we must use bigger buffer add 8 bytes to the length if(SignatureLen == sizeof(Epid11BasicSignature)){ memcpy(&Epid11Sig, Signature, SignatureLen); SignatureLen = static_cast(SignatureLen + sizeof(Epid11Sig.rl_ver) + sizeof(Epid11Sig.n2)); SigPointer = &Epid11Sig; } else { SigPointer = (Epid11Signature *)Signature; } SafeIdRes = Epid11Verify(ctx, SigPointer, SignatureLen, Msg, MsgLen); status = MapEpidResultToAEError(SafeIdRes); if (AE_FAILED(status)){ break; } status = AE_SUCCESS; } while (false); if (NULL != ctx) { Epid11VerifierDelete(&ctx); } return status; }