/* * Copyright (C) 2011-2017 Intel Corporation. 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IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ // tSeal.cpp - Trusted Sealing Routines #include "sgx_tseal.h" #include #include #include "sgx_trts.h" #include "sgx_report.h" #include "se_cdefs.h" #include "sgx_utils.h" #include "tSeal_internal.h" extern "C" sgx_status_t sgx_seal_data(const uint32_t additional_MACtext_length, const uint8_t *p_additional_MACtext, const uint32_t text2encrypt_length, const uint8_t *p_text2encrypt, const uint32_t sealed_data_size, sgx_sealed_data_t *p_sealed_data) { sgx_status_t err = SGX_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; sgx_attributes_t attribute_mask; attribute_mask.flags = TSEAL_DEFAULT_FLAGSMASK; attribute_mask.xfrm = 0x0; err = sgx_seal_data_ex(SGX_KEYPOLICY_MRSIGNER, attribute_mask, TSEAL_DEFAULT_MISCMASK, additional_MACtext_length, p_additional_MACtext, text2encrypt_length, p_text2encrypt, sealed_data_size, p_sealed_data); return err; } extern "C" sgx_status_t sgx_seal_data_ex(const uint16_t key_policy, const sgx_attributes_t attribute_mask, const sgx_misc_select_t misc_mask, const uint32_t additional_MACtext_length, const uint8_t *p_additional_MACtext, const uint32_t text2encrypt_length, const uint8_t *p_text2encrypt, const uint32_t sealed_data_size, sgx_sealed_data_t *p_sealed_data) { sgx_status_t err = SGX_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; sgx_report_t report; sgx_key_id_t keyID; sgx_key_request_t tmp_key_request; uint8_t payload_iv[SGX_SEAL_IV_SIZE]; memset(&payload_iv, 0, sizeof(payload_iv)); uint32_t sealedDataSize = sgx_calc_sealed_data_size(additional_MACtext_length,text2encrypt_length); // Check for overflow if (sealedDataSize == UINT32_MAX) { return SGX_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // // Check parameters // // check key_request->key_policy reserved bits are not set and one of policy bits are set if ((key_policy & ~(SGX_KEYPOLICY_MRENCLAVE | SGX_KEYPOLICY_MRSIGNER)) || ((key_policy & (SGX_KEYPOLICY_MRENCLAVE | SGX_KEYPOLICY_MRSIGNER)) == 0)) { return SGX_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if ( !(attribute_mask.flags & SGX_FLAGS_INITTED) || !(attribute_mask.flags & SGX_FLAGS_DEBUG) ) { return SGX_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if ((additional_MACtext_length > 0) && (p_additional_MACtext == NULL)) { return SGX_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if ((text2encrypt_length == 0) || (p_text2encrypt == NULL) || (!sgx_is_within_enclave(p_text2encrypt,text2encrypt_length))) { return SGX_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // Ensure sealed data blob is within an enclave during the sealing process if ((p_sealed_data == NULL) || (!sgx_is_within_enclave(p_sealed_data,sealed_data_size))) { return SGX_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // Ensure aad data does not cross enclave boundary if ((additional_MACtext_length > 0) && (!(sgx_is_within_enclave(p_additional_MACtext,additional_MACtext_length) || sgx_is_outside_enclave(p_additional_MACtext, additional_MACtext_length)))) { return SGX_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (sealedDataSize != sealed_data_size) { return SGX_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } memset(&report, 0, sizeof(sgx_report_t)); memset(p_sealed_data, 0, sealedDataSize); memset(&keyID, 0, sizeof(sgx_key_id_t)); memset(&tmp_key_request, 0, sizeof(sgx_key_request_t)); // Get the report to obtain isv_svn and cpu_svn err = sgx_create_report(NULL, NULL, &report); if (err != SGX_SUCCESS) { goto clear_return; } // Get a random number to populate the key_id of the key_request err = sgx_read_rand(reinterpret_cast(&keyID), sizeof(sgx_key_id_t)); if (err != SGX_SUCCESS) { goto clear_return; } memcpy(&(tmp_key_request.cpu_svn), &(report.body.cpu_svn), sizeof(sgx_cpu_svn_t)); memcpy(&(tmp_key_request.isv_svn), &(report.body.isv_svn), sizeof(sgx_isv_svn_t)); tmp_key_request.key_name = SGX_KEYSELECT_SEAL; tmp_key_request.key_policy = key_policy; tmp_key_request.attribute_mask.flags = attribute_mask.flags; tmp_key_request.attribute_mask.xfrm = attribute_mask.xfrm; memcpy(&(tmp_key_request.key_id), &keyID, sizeof(sgx_key_id_t)); tmp_key_request.misc_mask = misc_mask; err = sgx_seal_data_iv(additional_MACtext_length, p_additional_MACtext, text2encrypt_length, p_text2encrypt, payload_iv, &tmp_key_request, p_sealed_data); if (err == SGX_SUCCESS) { // Copy data from the temporary key request buffer to the sealed data blob memcpy(&(p_sealed_data->key_request), &tmp_key_request, sizeof(sgx_key_request_t)); } clear_return: // Clear temp state memset_s(&report, sizeof(sgx_report_t), 0, sizeof(sgx_report_t)); memset_s(&keyID, sizeof(sgx_key_id_t), 0, sizeof(sgx_key_id_t)); return err; } extern "C" sgx_status_t sgx_unseal_data(const sgx_sealed_data_t *p_sealed_data, uint8_t *p_additional_MACtext, uint32_t *p_additional_MACtext_length, uint8_t *p_decrypted_text, uint32_t *p_decrypted_text_length) { sgx_status_t err = SGX_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; // Ensure the the sgx_sealed_data_t members are all inside enclave before using them. if ((p_sealed_data == NULL) || (!sgx_is_within_enclave(p_sealed_data,sizeof(sgx_sealed_data_t)))) { return SGX_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } uint32_t encrypt_text_length = sgx_get_encrypt_txt_len(p_sealed_data); if(encrypt_text_length == UINT32_MAX) { return SGX_ERROR_MAC_MISMATCH; // Return error indicating the blob is corrupted } uint32_t add_text_length = sgx_get_add_mac_txt_len(p_sealed_data); if(add_text_length == UINT32_MAX) { return SGX_ERROR_MAC_MISMATCH; // Return error indicating the blob is corrupted } uint32_t sealedDataSize = sgx_calc_sealed_data_size(add_text_length,encrypt_text_length); if (sealedDataSize == UINT32_MAX) { return SGX_ERROR_MAC_MISMATCH; // Return error indicating the blob is corrupted } // // Check parameters // // Ensure sealed data blob is within an enclave during the sealing process if (!sgx_is_within_enclave(p_sealed_data,sealedDataSize)) { return SGX_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if ((add_text_length > 0) && ((p_additional_MACtext == NULL) || (p_additional_MACtext_length == NULL))) { return SGX_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if ((encrypt_text_length < 1) || (p_decrypted_text == NULL) || (p_decrypted_text_length == NULL)) { return SGX_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (!sgx_is_within_enclave(p_decrypted_text,encrypt_text_length)) { return SGX_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (!sgx_is_within_enclave(p_decrypted_text_length,sizeof(p_decrypted_text_length))) { return SGX_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // Ensure aad data does not cross enclave boundary if ((add_text_length > 0) && (!(sgx_is_within_enclave(p_additional_MACtext,add_text_length) || sgx_is_outside_enclave(p_additional_MACtext, add_text_length)))) { return SGX_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if ((*p_decrypted_text_length) < encrypt_text_length) { return SGX_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } uint32_t additional_MACtext_length = (NULL != p_additional_MACtext_length) ? *p_additional_MACtext_length : 0; if (additional_MACtext_length < add_text_length) { return SGX_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } err = sgx_unseal_data_helper(p_sealed_data, p_additional_MACtext, add_text_length, p_decrypted_text, encrypt_text_length); if (err == SGX_SUCCESS) { *p_decrypted_text_length = encrypt_text_length; if(p_additional_MACtext_length != NULL) *p_additional_MACtext_length = add_text_length; } return err; }