/* * Copyright (C) 2011-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #include "tcs.h" #include "se_trace.h" #include "sgx_error.h" #include "se_memory.h" #include "se_thread.h" #include extern se_thread_id_t get_thread_id(); CTrustThread::CTrustThread(tcs_t *tcs, CEnclave* enclave) : m_tcs(tcs) , m_enclave(enclave) , m_reference(0) , m_event(NULL) { memset(&m_tcs_info, 0, sizeof(debug_tcs_info_t)); m_tcs_info.TCS_address = reinterpret_cast(tcs); m_tcs_info.ocall_frame = 0; m_tcs_info.thread_id = 0; } CTrustThread::~CTrustThread() { se_event_destroy(m_event); m_event = NULL; } se_handle_t CTrustThread::get_event() { if (m_event == NULL) m_event = se_event_init(); return m_event; } void CTrustThread::push_ocall_frame(ocall_frame_t* frame_point) { frame_point->index = this->get_reference(); frame_point->pre_last_frame = m_tcs_info.ocall_frame; m_tcs_info.ocall_frame = reinterpret_cast(frame_point); m_tcs_info.thread_id = get_thread_id(); } void CTrustThread::pop_ocall_frame() { ocall_frame_t* last_ocall_frame = reinterpret_cast(m_tcs_info.ocall_frame); if (last_ocall_frame) { m_tcs_info.ocall_frame = last_ocall_frame->pre_last_frame; } } CTrustThreadPool::CTrustThreadPool() { m_thread_list = NULL; } CTrustThreadPool::~CTrustThreadPool() { LockGuard lock(&m_thread_mutex); //destroy free tcs list for(vector::iterator it=m_free_thread_vector.begin(); it!=m_free_thread_vector.end(); it++) { delete *it; } m_free_thread_vector.clear(); //destroy thread cache Node* it = m_thread_list, *tmp = NULL; while (it != NULL) { delete it->value; tmp = it; it = it->next; delete tmp; } m_thread_list = NULL; } void get_thread_set(vector &thread_vector); inline int CTrustThreadPool::find_thread(vector &thread_vector, se_thread_id_t thread_id) { for(vector::iterator it=thread_vector.begin(); it!=thread_vector.end(); it++) if(*it == thread_id) return TRUE; return FALSE; } inline CTrustThread * CTrustThreadPool::get_free_thread() { if(true == m_free_thread_vector.empty()) { return NULL; } //if there is free tcs, remove it from free list CTrustThread *thread_node = m_free_thread_vector.back(); m_free_thread_vector.pop_back(); return thread_node; } //This tcs policy is bind tcs with one thread. int CTrustThreadPool::bind_thread(const se_thread_id_t thread_id, CTrustThread * const trust_thread) { if (m_thread_list == NULL) { m_thread_list = new Node(thread_id, trust_thread); } else { Node* it = new Node(thread_id, trust_thread); if (m_thread_list->InsertNext(it) == false) { delete it; SE_TRACE(SE_TRACE_WARNING, "trust thread %x is already added to the list\n", trust_thread); return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } CTrustThread * CTrustThreadPool::get_bound_thread(const se_thread_id_t thread_id) { CTrustThread *trust_thread = nullptr; if (m_thread_list) { auto it = m_thread_list->Find(thread_id); if (it) trust_thread = it->value; } return trust_thread; } CTrustThread * CTrustThreadPool::add_thread(tcs_t * const tcs, CEnclave * const enclave) { CTrustThread *trust_thread = new CTrustThread(tcs, enclave); LockGuard lock(&m_thread_mutex); //add tcs to free list m_free_thread_vector.push_back(trust_thread); return trust_thread; } CTrustThread *CTrustThreadPool::get_bound_thread(const tcs_t *tcs) { //Since now this function will be call outside, we need get lock to protect map LockGuard lock(&m_thread_mutex); CTrustThread *trust_thread = NULL; if (m_thread_list == NULL) return NULL; Node* it = m_thread_list; while (it != NULL) { trust_thread = it->value; if(trust_thread->get_tcs() == tcs) { return trust_thread; } it = it->next; } return NULL; } void CTrustThreadPool::reset() { //get lock at the begin of list walk. LockGuard lock(&m_thread_mutex); //walk through thread cache to free every element; Node* it = m_thread_list, *tmp = NULL; while(it != NULL) { tmp = it; it = it->next; CTrustThread *trust_thread = tmp->value; //remove from thread cache delete tmp; trust_thread->reset_ref(); m_free_thread_vector.push_back(trust_thread); } m_thread_list = NULL; return; } void CTrustThreadPool::wake_threads() { LockGuard lock(&m_thread_mutex); Node* it = m_thread_list; while (it != NULL) { CTrustThread *thread = it->value; se_handle_t event = thread->get_event(); se_event_wake(event); it = it->next; } } CTrustThread * CTrustThreadPool::_acquire_thread() { //try to get tcs from thread cache se_thread_id_t thread_id = get_thread_id(); CTrustThread *trust_thread = get_bound_thread(thread_id); if(NULL != trust_thread) { return trust_thread; } //try get tcs from free list; trust_thread = get_free_thread(); //if there is no free tcs, collect useless tcs. if(NULL == trust_thread) { if(!garbage_collect()) return NULL; //get tcs from free list again. trust_thread = get_free_thread(); assert(NULL != trust_thread); } //we have got a free tcs. add the tcs to thread cache bind_thread(thread_id, trust_thread); return trust_thread; } CTrustThread * CTrustThreadPool::acquire_thread() { LockGuard lock(&m_thread_mutex); CTrustThread *trust_thread = NULL; trust_thread = _acquire_thread(); if(trust_thread) trust_thread->increase_ref(); return trust_thread; } //Do nothing for bind mode, the tcs is always bound to a thread. void CTrustThreadPool::release_thread(CTrustThread * const trust_thread) { LockGuard lock(&m_thread_mutex); trust_thread->decrease_ref(); return; } //The return value stand for the number of free trust thread. int CThreadPoolBindMode::garbage_collect() { int nr_free = 0; //if free list is NULL, recycle tcs. //get thread id set of current process vector thread_vector; get_thread_set(thread_vector); //walk through thread cache to see if there is any thread that has exited Node* it = m_thread_list, *pre = NULL, *tmp = NULL; while(it != NULL) { se_thread_id_t thread_id = it->key; //if the thread has exited if(FALSE == find_thread(thread_vector, thread_id)) { //if the reference is not 0, there must be some wrong termination, so we can't recycle such trust thread. //return to free_tcs list if(0 == it->value->get_reference()) { m_free_thread_vector.push_back(it->value); nr_free++; } else { //the list only record the pointer of trust thread, so we can delete it first and then erase from map. delete it->value; } tmp = it; it = it->next; if (tmp == m_thread_list) m_thread_list = it; if (pre != NULL) pre->next = it; //remove from thread cache delete tmp; } else { pre = it; it = it->next; } } return nr_free; } int CThreadPoolUnBindMode::garbage_collect() { int nr_free = 0; //walk through to free unused trust thread Node* it = m_thread_list, *pre = NULL, *tmp = NULL; while(it != NULL) { //if the reference is 0, then the trust thread is not in use, so return to free_tcs list if(0 == it->value->get_reference()) { m_free_thread_vector.push_back(it->value); nr_free++; tmp = it; it = it->next; if (tmp == m_thread_list) m_thread_list = it; if (pre != NULL) pre->next = it; //remove from thread cache delete tmp; } else { pre = it; it = it->next; } } return nr_free; }