/* * Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ // SignTool.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // /** * File: * sign_tool.cpp *Description: * Defines the entry point for the application. * */ #include "ippcp.h" #include "ippcore.h" #include "metadata.h" #include "manage_metadata.h" #include "ipp_wrapper.h" #include "parse_key_file.h" #include "enclave_creator_sign.h" #include "util_st.h" #include "se_trace.h" #include "sgx_error.h" #include "se_map.h" #include "loader.h" #include "parserfactory.h" #include "elf_helper.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define SIGNATURE_SIZE 384 typedef enum _command_mode_t { SIGN = 0, GENDATA, CATSIG, COMPARE } command_mode_t; typedef enum _file_path_t { DLL = 0, XML = 1, KEY, OUTPUT, SIG, UNSIGNED, REVIEW_ENCLAVE } file_path_t; static bool get_time(uint32_t *date) { assert(date != NULL); time_t rawtime = 0; if(time( &rawtime) == -1) return false; struct tm *timeinfo = gmtime(&rawtime); if(timeinfo == NULL) return false; uint32_t tmp_date = (timeinfo->tm_year+1900)*10000 + (timeinfo->tm_mon+1)*100 + timeinfo->tm_mday; stringstream ss; ss<<"0x"<>hex>>tmp_date; *date = tmp_date; return true; } static int load_enclave(BinParser *parser, metadata_t *metadata) { std::unique_ptr ploader(new CLoader(const_cast(parser->get_start_addr()), *parser)); return ploader->load_enclave_ex(NULL, 0, metadata, NULL); } #define THE_INVALID_HANDLE (-1) static int open_file(const char* dllpath) { FILE *fp = fopen(dllpath, "rb"); if (fp == NULL) return THE_INVALID_HANDLE; return fileno(fp); } static void close_handle(int fd) { close(fd); } static bool get_enclave_info(BinParser *parser, bin_fmt_t *bf, uint64_t * meta_offset) { uint64_t meta_rva = parser->get_metadata_offset(); const uint8_t *base_addr = parser->get_start_addr(); metadata_t *metadata = GET_PTR(metadata_t, base_addr, meta_rva); if(metadata->magic_num == METADATA_MAGIC) { se_trace(SE_TRACE_ERROR, ENCLAVE_ALREADY_SIGNED_ERROR); return false; } *bf = parser->get_bin_format(); *meta_offset = meta_rva; return true; } // measure_enclave(): // 1. Get the enclave hash by loading enclave // 2. Get the enclave info - metadata offset and enclave file format static bool measure_enclave(uint8_t *hash, const char *dllpath, const xml_parameter_t *parameter, metadata_t *metadata, bin_fmt_t *bin_fmt, uint64_t *meta_offset) { assert(hash && dllpath && metadata && bin_fmt && meta_offset); bool res = false; uint32_t file_size = 0; se_file_handle_t fh = open_file(dllpath); if (fh == THE_INVALID_HANDLE) { se_trace(SE_TRACE_ERROR, OPEN_FILE_ERROR, dllpath); return false; } // Probably we can use `decltype' if all major supported compilers support that. std::unique_ptr mh(map_file(fh, &file_size), unmap_file); if (!mh) { close_handle(fh); return false; } // Parse enclave std::unique_ptr parser(binparser::get_parser(mh->base_addr, (size_t)file_size)); assert(parser != NULL); sgx_status_t status = parser->run_parser(); if (status != SGX_SUCCESS) { se_trace(SE_TRACE_ERROR, INVALID_ENCLAVE_ERROR); close_handle(fh); return false; } // generate metadata CMetadata meta(metadata, parser.get()); if(meta.build_metadata(parameter) == false) { close_handle(fh); return false; } // Collect enclave info if(get_enclave_info(parser.get(), bin_fmt, meta_offset) == false) { close_handle(fh); return false; } if (*bin_fmt == BF_ELF64) { ElfHelper<64>::dump_textrels(parser.get()); } else if (*bin_fmt == BF_ELF32) { ElfHelper<32>::dump_textrels(parser.get()); } // Load enclave to get enclave hash int ret = load_enclave(parser.release(), metadata); close_handle(fh); switch(ret) { case SGX_ERROR_INVALID_METADATA: se_trace(SE_TRACE_ERROR, OUT_OF_EPC_ERROR); res = false; break; case SGX_ERROR_INVALID_VERSION: se_trace(SE_TRACE_ERROR, META_VERSION_ERROR); res = false; break; case SGX_ERROR_INVALID_ENCLAVE: se_trace(SE_TRACE_ERROR, INVALID_ENCLAVE_ERROR); res = false; break; case SGX_SUCCESS: ret = dynamic_cast(get_enclave_creator())->get_enclave_info(hash, SGX_HASH_SIZE); if(ret != SGX_SUCCESS) { res = false; break; } res = true; break; default: res = false; break; } return res; } static void set_meta_attributes(metadata_t *meta) { assert(meta != NULL); //set metadata.attributes //low 64 bit: it's the same as enclave_css memset(&meta->attributes, 0, sizeof(sgx_attributes_t)); meta->attributes.flags = meta->enclave_css.body.attributes.flags; //high 64 bit //set bits that will not be checked meta->attributes.xfrm = ~meta->enclave_css.body.attribute_mask.xfrm; //set bits that have been set '1' and need to be checked meta->attributes.xfrm |= (meta->enclave_css.body.attributes.xfrm & meta->enclave_css.body.attribute_mask.xfrm); return; } //fill_enclave_css() // file the enclave_css_t structure with the parameter, enclave_hash // If the RSA_key is not null, fill the key part // If RSA_key == NULL, fill the header and body(GENDATA mode) // If the path[UNSIGNED] != NULL, update the header.date(CATSIG mode) static bool fill_enclave_css(const IppsRSAPublicKeyState *pub_key, const xml_parameter_t *para, const uint8_t *enclave_hash, const char **path, enclave_css_t *css, bin_fmt_t bf) { assert(para != NULL && enclave_hash != NULL && path != NULL && css != NULL); enclave_css_t enclave_css; memset(&enclave_css, 0, sizeof(enclave_css_t)); uint32_t date = 0; if(false == get_time(&date)) return false; //*****fill the header******************* uint8_t header[12] = {6, 0, 0, 0, 0xE1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}; uint8_t header2[16] = {1, 1, 0, 0, 0x60, 0, 0, 0, 0x60, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0}; memcpy_s(&enclave_css.header.header, sizeof(enclave_css.header.header), &header, sizeof(header)); memcpy_s(&enclave_css.header.header2, sizeof(enclave_css.header.header2), &header2, sizeof(header2)); // For 'type', signing tool clears the bit 31 for product enclaves // and set the bit 31 for debug enclaves enclave_css.header.type = (para[RELEASETYPE].value & 0x01) ? (1<<31) : 0; enclave_css.header.module_vendor = (para[INTELSIGNED].value&0x01) ? 0x8086 : 0; enclave_css.header.date = date; //if pub_key is not NULL, fill the key part if(pub_key) { int exponent_size = 0; int modulus_size = 0; IppStatus error_code = get_pub_key(pub_key, &exponent_size, (Ipp32u *)&enclave_css.key.exponent, &modulus_size, (Ipp32u *)&enclave_css.key.modulus); if(error_code != ippStsNoErr) { return false; } exponent_size = (uint32_t)(ROUND_TO(exponent_size, sizeof(Ipp32u)) / sizeof(Ipp32u)); modulus_size = (uint32_t)(ROUND_TO(modulus_size, sizeof(Ipp32u)) / sizeof(Ipp32u)); assert(enclave_css.key.exponent[0] == 0x03); assert(exponent_size == 0x1); assert(modulus_size == 0x60); } //hardware version enclave_css.header.hw_version = para[HW].value; //****************************fill the body*********************** // Misc_select/Misc_mask enclave_css.body.misc_select = para[MISCSELECT].value; enclave_css.body.misc_mask = para[MISCMASK].value; //low 64 bit enclave_css.body.attributes.flags = 0; enclave_css.body.attribute_mask.flags = ~SGX_FLAGS_DEBUG; if(para[DISABLEDEBUG].value == 1) { enclave_css.body.attributes.flags &= ~SGX_FLAGS_DEBUG; enclave_css.body.attribute_mask.flags |= SGX_FLAGS_DEBUG; } if(para[PROVISIONKEY].value == 1) { enclave_css.body.attributes.flags |= SGX_FLAGS_PROVISION_KEY; enclave_css.body.attribute_mask.flags |= SGX_FLAGS_PROVISION_KEY; } if(para[LAUNCHKEY].value == 1) { enclave_css.body.attributes.flags |= SGX_FLAGS_LICENSE_KEY; enclave_css.body.attribute_mask.flags |= SGX_FLAGS_LICENSE_KEY; } if(bf == BF_PE64 || bf == BF_ELF64) { enclave_css.body.attributes.flags |= SGX_FLAGS_MODE64BIT; enclave_css.body.attribute_mask.flags |= SGX_FLAGS_MODE64BIT; } // high 64 bit //default setting enclave_css.body.attributes.xfrm = SGX_XFRM_LEGACY; enclave_css.body.attribute_mask.xfrm = SGX_XFRM_LEGACY | SGX_XFRM_RESERVED; // LEGACY and reserved bits would be checked. memcpy_s(&enclave_css.body.enclave_hash, sizeof(enclave_css.body.enclave_hash), enclave_hash, SGX_HASH_SIZE); enclave_css.body.isv_prod_id = (uint16_t)para[PRODID].value; enclave_css.body.isv_svn = (uint16_t)para[ISVSVN].value; //Copy the css to output css buffer memcpy_s(css, sizeof(enclave_css_t), &enclave_css, sizeof(enclave_css_t)); if(path[UNSIGNED] != NULL) { // In catsig mode, update the header.date as the time when the unsigned file is generated. memset(&enclave_css, 0, sizeof(enclave_css)); size_t fsize = get_file_size(path[UNSIGNED]); if(fsize != sizeof(enclave_css.header) + sizeof(enclave_css.body)) { se_trace(SE_TRACE_ERROR, UNSIGNED_FILE_ERROR, path[UNSIGNED]); return false; } uint8_t *buf = new uint8_t[fsize]; memset(buf, 0, fsize); if(read_file_to_buf(path[UNSIGNED], buf, fsize) == false) { se_trace(SE_TRACE_ERROR, READ_FILE_ERROR, path[UNSIGNED]); return false; } memcpy_s(&enclave_css.header, sizeof(enclave_css.header), buf, sizeof(enclave_css.header)); memcpy_s(&enclave_css.body, sizeof(enclave_css.body), buf + sizeof(enclave_css.header), fsize - sizeof(enclave_css.header)); delete [] buf; css->header.date = enclave_css.header.date; // Verify the header and body read from the unsigned file to make sure it's the same as that generated from xml file if(memcmp(&enclave_css.header, &css->header, sizeof(enclave_css.header)) || memcmp(&enclave_css.body, &css->body, sizeof(enclave_css.body))) { se_trace(SE_TRACE_ERROR, UNSIGNED_FILE_XML_MISMATCH); return false; } } return true; } static IppStatus calc_RSAq1q2(int length_s, const Ipp32u *data_s, int length_m, const Ipp32u *data_m, int *length_q1, Ipp32u *data_q1, int *length_q2, Ipp32u *data_q2) { IppStatus error_code = ippStsSAReservedErr1; IppsBigNumState *pM=0, *pS=0, *pQ1=0, *pQ2=0, *ptemp1=0, *ptemp2=0; IppsBigNumSGN sgn = IppsBigNumPOS; int length_in_bit = 0; Ipp32u *pdata = NULL; //create 6 big number if(!data_s || !data_m || !length_q1 || !data_q1 || !length_q2 || !data_q2 || length_s <= 0 || length_m <= 0) { error_code = ippStsBadArgErr; goto clean_return; } error_code = newBN(data_s, length_s, &pS); if(error_code != ippStsNoErr) { goto clean_return; } error_code = newBN(data_m, length_m, &pM); if(error_code != ippStsNoErr) { goto clean_return; } error_code = newBN(0, length_m, &pQ1); if(error_code != ippStsNoErr) { goto clean_return; } error_code = newBN(0, length_m, &pQ2); if(error_code != ippStsNoErr) { goto clean_return; } error_code = newBN(0, length_m*2, &ptemp1); if(error_code != ippStsNoErr) { goto clean_return; } error_code = newBN(0, length_m, &ptemp2); if(error_code != ippStsNoErr) { goto clean_return; } //signed big number operation //multiplies pS and pS, ptemp1 is the multiplication result error_code = ippsMul_BN(pS, pS, ptemp1); if(error_code != ippStsNoErr) { goto clean_return; } //ptemp1: dividend, pM: divisor, pQ1: qutient, ptemp2: remainder error_code = ippsDiv_BN(ptemp1, pM, pQ1, ptemp2); if(error_code != ippStsNoErr) { goto clean_return; } error_code = ippsMul_BN(pS, ptemp2, ptemp1); if(error_code != ippStsNoErr) { goto clean_return; } error_code = ippsDiv_BN(ptemp1, pM, pQ2, ptemp2); if(error_code != ippStsNoErr) { goto clean_return; } //extract the sign and value of the integer big number from the input structure(pQ1) error_code = ippsRef_BN(&sgn, &length_in_bit, &pdata, pQ1); if(error_code != ippStsNoErr) { goto clean_return; } *length_q1 = ROUND_TO(length_in_bit, 8)/8; memset(data_q1, 0, *length_q1); memcpy_s(data_q1, *length_q1, pdata, *length_q1); error_code = ippsRef_BN(&sgn, &length_in_bit, &pdata, pQ2); if(error_code != ippStsNoErr) { goto clean_return; } *length_q2 = ROUND_TO(length_in_bit, 8)/8; memset(data_q2, 0, *length_q2); memcpy_s(data_q2, *length_q2, pdata, *length_q2); goto clean_return; clean_return: secure_free_BN(pM, length_m); secure_free_BN(pS, length_s); secure_free_BN(pQ1, length_m); secure_free_BN(pQ2, length_m); secure_free_BN(ptemp1, length_m*2); secure_free_BN(ptemp2, length_m); return error_code; } static bool create_signature(const IppsRSAPrivateKeyState *pri_key1, const char *sigpath, enclave_css_t *enclave_css) { IppStatus error_code = ippStsNoErr; assert(enclave_css != NULL); assert(!(pri_key1 == NULL && sigpath == NULL) && !(pri_key1 != NULL && sigpath != NULL)); uint8_t signature[SIGNATURE_SIZE]; // keep the signature in big endian memset(signature, 0, SIGNATURE_SIZE); //**********get the signature********* if(sigpath != NULL)//CATSIG mode { if(get_file_size(sigpath) != SIGNATURE_SIZE) { se_trace(SE_TRACE_ERROR, SIG_FILE_ERROR, sigpath); return false; } if(read_file_to_buf(sigpath, signature, SIGNATURE_SIZE) == false) { se_trace(SE_TRACE_ERROR, READ_FILE_ERROR, sigpath); return false; } } else //SIGN mode { size_t buffer_size = sizeof(enclave_css->header) + sizeof(enclave_css->body); Ipp8u * temp_buffer = (Ipp8u *)malloc(buffer_size * sizeof(char)); if(NULL == temp_buffer) { se_trace(SE_TRACE_ERROR, NO_MEMORY_ERROR); return false; } memcpy_s(temp_buffer, buffer_size, &enclave_css->header, sizeof(enclave_css->header)); memcpy_s(temp_buffer + sizeof(enclave_css->header), buffer_size - sizeof(enclave_css->header), &enclave_css->body, sizeof(enclave_css->body)); int pri1_size = 0; if(ippsRSA_GetBufferSizePrivateKey(&pri1_size, pri_key1) != ippStsNoErr) { free(temp_buffer); return false; } Ipp8u *scratch_buf = (Ipp8u *)malloc(pri1_size); if(NULL == scratch_buf) { se_trace(SE_TRACE_ERROR, NO_MEMORY_ERROR); free(temp_buffer); return false; } memset(scratch_buf, 0, pri1_size); error_code = ippsRSASign_PKCS1v15((const Ipp8u *)temp_buffer, (int)buffer_size, (Ipp8u *)signature, pri_key1, NULL, ippHashAlg_SHA256, scratch_buf); free(scratch_buf); free(temp_buffer); if(error_code != ippStsNoErr) { return false; } } for(int i = 0; ikey.signature)[i] = signature[SIGNATURE_SIZE-1-i]; } //************************calculate q1 and q2********************* int length_q1 = 0, length_q2 = 0; error_code = calc_RSAq1q2(sizeof(enclave_css->key.signature), (Ipp32u *)&enclave_css->key.signature, sizeof(enclave_css->key.modulus), (Ipp32u *)&enclave_css->key.modulus, &length_q1, (Ipp32u *)&enclave_css->buffer.q1, &length_q2, (Ipp32u *)&enclave_css->buffer.q2); if(error_code != ippStsNoErr) { return false; } return true; } static bool verify_signature(const rsa_params_t *rsa, const enclave_css_t *enclave_css, int *signature_verified) { assert(rsa != NULL && enclave_css != NULL && signature_verified != NULL); IppsRSAPublicKeyState *pub_key = NULL; IppStatus error_code = create_rsa_pub_key(N_SIZE_IN_BYTES, E_SIZE_IN_BYTES, rsa->n, rsa->e, &pub_key); if(error_code != ippStsNoErr) { return false; } size_t buffer_size = sizeof(enclave_css->header) + sizeof(enclave_css->body); Ipp8u * temp_buffer = (Ipp8u *)malloc(buffer_size * sizeof(char)); if(NULL == temp_buffer) { se_trace(SE_TRACE_ERROR, NO_MEMORY_ERROR); secure_free_rsa_pub_key(N_SIZE_IN_BYTES, E_SIZE_IN_BYTES, pub_key); return false; } memcpy_s(temp_buffer, buffer_size, &enclave_css->header, sizeof(enclave_css->header)); memcpy_s(temp_buffer + sizeof(enclave_css->header), buffer_size-sizeof(enclave_css->header), &enclave_css->body, sizeof(enclave_css->body)); uint8_t signature[SIGNATURE_SIZE]; for(int i=0; ikey.signature[SIGNATURE_SIZE-1-i]; } int pub_size = 0; if(ippsRSA_GetBufferSizePublicKey(&pub_size, pub_key) != ippStsNoErr) { secure_free_rsa_pub_key(N_SIZE_IN_BYTES, E_SIZE_IN_BYTES, pub_key); free(temp_buffer); return false; } Ipp8u *scratch_buf = (Ipp8u *)malloc(pub_size); if(NULL == scratch_buf) { se_trace(SE_TRACE_ERROR, NO_MEMORY_ERROR); secure_free_rsa_pub_key(N_SIZE_IN_BYTES, E_SIZE_IN_BYTES, pub_key); free(temp_buffer); return false; } memset(scratch_buf, 0, pub_size); error_code = ippsRSAVerify_PKCS1v15((const Ipp8u *)temp_buffer, (int)buffer_size, (Ipp8u *)signature, signature_verified, pub_key, ippHashAlg_SHA256, scratch_buf); free(temp_buffer); free(scratch_buf); secure_free_rsa_pub_key(N_SIZE_IN_BYTES, E_SIZE_IN_BYTES, pub_key); if(error_code != ippStsNoErr) { se_trace(SE_TRACE_DEBUG, "ippsRSASSAVerify_SHA256_PKCSv15() returns failure. The ipperrorCode is %d \n", error_code); return false; } else { se_trace(SE_TRACE_DEBUG, "RSAVerify() returns success. The signature_verified is %d\n", *signature_verified); return true; } } static bool gen_enclave_signing_file(const enclave_css_t *enclave_css, const char *outpath) { assert(enclave_css != NULL); size_t size = sizeof(enclave_css->header) + sizeof(enclave_css->body); uint8_t *buffer = (uint8_t *)malloc(size); if(buffer == NULL) { se_trace(SE_TRACE_ERROR, NO_MEMORY_ERROR); return false; } memcpy_s(buffer, sizeof(enclave_css->header), &enclave_css->header, sizeof(enclave_css->header)); memcpy_s(buffer + sizeof(enclave_css->header), sizeof(enclave_css->body), &enclave_css->body, sizeof(enclave_css->body)); if(write_data_to_file(outpath, std::ios::out|std::ios::binary, buffer, size) == false) { free(buffer); return false; } free(buffer); return true; } static bool cmdline_parse(unsigned int argc, char *argv[], int *mode, const char **path) { assert(mode!=NULL && path != NULL); if(argc<2) { se_trace(SE_TRACE_ERROR, LACK_PARA_ERROR); return false; } if(argc == 2 && !STRCMP(argv[1], "-help")) { se_trace(SE_TRACE_ERROR, USAGE_STRING); *mode = -1; return true; } enum { PAR_REQUIRED, PAR_OPTIONAL, PAR_INVALID }; typedef struct _param_struct_{ const char *name; //options char *value; //keep the path int flag; //indicate this parameter is required(0), optional(1) or invalid(2) }param_struct_t; //keep the parameter pairs param_struct_t params_sign[] = { {"-enclave", NULL, PAR_REQUIRED}, {"-config", NULL, PAR_OPTIONAL}, {"-key", NULL, PAR_REQUIRED}, {"-out", NULL, PAR_REQUIRED}, {"-sig", NULL, PAR_INVALID}, {"-unsigned", NULL, PAR_INVALID}, {"-review_enclave", NULL, PAR_INVALID}}; param_struct_t params_gendata[] = { {"-enclave", NULL, PAR_REQUIRED}, {"-config", NULL, PAR_OPTIONAL}, {"-key", NULL, PAR_INVALID}, {"-out", NULL, PAR_REQUIRED}, {"-sig", NULL, PAR_INVALID}, {"-unsigned", NULL, PAR_INVALID}, {"-review_enclave", NULL, PAR_INVALID}}; param_struct_t params_catsig[] = { {"-enclave", NULL, PAR_REQUIRED}, {"-config", NULL, PAR_OPTIONAL}, {"-key", NULL, PAR_REQUIRED}, {"-out", NULL, PAR_REQUIRED}, {"-sig", NULL, PAR_REQUIRED}, {"-unsigned", NULL, PAR_REQUIRED}, {"-review_enclave", NULL, PAR_INVALID}}; param_struct_t params_compare[] = { {"-enclave", NULL, PAR_REQUIRED}, {"-config", NULL, PAR_OPTIONAL}, {"-key", NULL, PAR_INVALID}, {"-out", NULL, PAR_INVALID}, {"-sig", NULL, PAR_INVALID}, {"-unsigned", NULL, PAR_REQUIRED}, {"-review_enclave", NULL, PAR_REQUIRED}}; const char *mode_m[] ={"sign", "gendata","catsig", "compare"}; param_struct_t *params[] = {params_sign, params_gendata, params_catsig, params_compare}; unsigned int tempidx=0; for(; tempidx=sizeof(mode_m)/sizeof(mode_m[0])) { se_trace(SE_TRACE_ERROR, UNREC_CMD_ERROR, argv[1]); return false; } unsigned int params_count = (unsigned)(sizeof(params_sign)/sizeof(params_sign[0])); unsigned int params_count_min = 0; unsigned int params_count_max =0; for(unsigned int i=0; i< params_count; i++) { params_count_max ++; if(params[tempmode][i].flag == PAR_REQUIRED) params_count_min ++; } unsigned int additional_param = 2; if(argcparams_count_max * 2 + additional_param) return false; for(unsigned int i=2; i=params_count_max) { return false; } } for(unsigned int i = 0; i < params_count; i ++) { if(params[tempmode][i].flag == PAR_REQUIRED && params[tempmode][i].value == NULL) { se_trace(SE_TRACE_ERROR, LACK_REQUIRED_OPTION_ERROR, params[tempmode][i].name, mode_m[tempmode]); return false; } if(params[tempmode][i].flag == PAR_INVALID && params[tempmode][i].value != NULL) { se_trace(SE_TRACE_ERROR, GIVE_INVALID_OPTION_ERROR, params[tempmode][i].name, mode_m[tempmode]); return false; } } for(unsigned int i = 0; i < params_count; i++) { path[i] = params[tempmode][i].value; } *mode = tempmode; return true; } static bool fill_meta_without_signature(const IppsRSAPublicKeyState *pub_key, const char **path, const uint8_t *enclave_hash, const xml_parameter_t *para, metadata_t *metadata, bin_fmt_t bf) { assert(path && enclave_hash && para && metadata); if(false == fill_enclave_css(pub_key, para, enclave_hash, path, &metadata->enclave_css, bf)) { return false; } set_meta_attributes(metadata); return true; } //generate_output: // To generate the final output file // SIGN- need to fill the enclave_css_t(key part included), sign the header and body and // update the metadata in the out file // GENDATA- need to fill the enclave_css_t(key part excluded), get the body and header, // and then write the whole out file with body+header+hash // CATSIG- need to fill the enclave_css_t(include key), read the signature from the sigpath, // and then update the metadata in the out file static bool generate_output(int mode, int ktype, const uint8_t *enclave_hash, const xml_parameter_t *para, const rsa_params_t *rsa, metadata_t *metadata, const char **path, bin_fmt_t bf, uint64_t meta_offset) { assert(enclave_hash != NULL && para != NULL && metadata != NULL && path != NULL && rsa != NULL); IppsRSAPrivateKeyState *pri_key1 = NULL; IppsRSAPublicKeyState *pub_key = NULL; int validate_result = IS_INVALID_KEY; IppStatus error_code = ippStsNoErr; switch(mode) { case SIGN: { if(ktype != PRIVATE_KEY) { se_trace(SE_TRACE_ERROR, LACK_PRI_KEY_ERROR); return false; } error_code = create_validate_rsa_key_pair(N_SIZE_IN_BYTES, E_SIZE_IN_BYTES, rsa->n, rsa->d, rsa->e, rsa->p, rsa->q, rsa->dmp1, rsa->dmq1, rsa->iqmp, &pri_key1, &pub_key, &validate_result); if(error_code != ippStsNoErr || validate_result != IS_VALID_KEY) { se_trace(SE_TRACE_ERROR, KEY_FORMAT_ERROR); secure_free_rsa_pri1_key(N_SIZE_IN_BYTES, D_SIZE_IN_BYTES, pri_key1); secure_free_rsa_pub_key(N_SIZE_IN_BYTES, E_SIZE_IN_BYTES, pub_key); return false; } if(false == fill_meta_without_signature(pub_key, path, enclave_hash, para, metadata, bf)) { secure_free_rsa_pri1_key(N_SIZE_IN_BYTES, D_SIZE_IN_BYTES, pri_key1); secure_free_rsa_pub_key(N_SIZE_IN_BYTES, E_SIZE_IN_BYTES, pub_key); return false; } if(false == create_signature(pri_key1, NULL, &(metadata->enclave_css))) { secure_free_rsa_pri1_key(N_SIZE_IN_BYTES, D_SIZE_IN_BYTES, pri_key1); secure_free_rsa_pub_key(N_SIZE_IN_BYTES, E_SIZE_IN_BYTES, pub_key); return false; } secure_free_rsa_pri1_key(N_SIZE_IN_BYTES, D_SIZE_IN_BYTES, pri_key1); secure_free_rsa_pub_key(N_SIZE_IN_BYTES, E_SIZE_IN_BYTES, pub_key); if(false == update_metadata(path[OUTPUT], metadata, meta_offset)) { return false; } break; } case GENDATA: { if(false == fill_meta_without_signature(NULL, path, enclave_hash, para, metadata, bf)) { return false; } if(false == gen_enclave_signing_file(&(metadata->enclave_css), path[OUTPUT])) { return false; } break; } case CATSIG: { if(ktype != PUBLIC_KEY) { se_trace(SE_TRACE_ERROR, LACK_PUB_KEY_ERROR); return false; } if(create_rsa_pub_key(N_SIZE_IN_BYTES, E_SIZE_IN_BYTES, rsa->n, rsa->e, &pub_key) != ippStsNoErr) { se_trace(SE_TRACE_ERROR, KEY_FORMAT_ERROR); return false; } if(false == fill_meta_without_signature(pub_key, path, enclave_hash, para, metadata, bf)) { secure_free_rsa_pub_key(N_SIZE_IN_BYTES, E_SIZE_IN_BYTES, pub_key); return false; } secure_free_rsa_pub_key(N_SIZE_IN_BYTES, E_SIZE_IN_BYTES, pub_key); if(false == create_signature(NULL, path[SIG], &(metadata->enclave_css))) { return false; } if(false == update_metadata(path[OUTPUT], metadata, meta_offset)) { return false; } break; } default: { return false; } } return true; } //compare two enclaves static bool compare_enclave(const char **path, const xml_parameter_t *para) { assert(path != NULL && para != NULL); bool res = false; int ret = SGX_SUCCESS; sgx_status_t status1 = SGX_SUCCESS, status2 = SGX_SUCCESS; uint32_t file_size1 =0 , file_size2 = 0; size_t file_size = 0; bin_fmt_t bin_fmt1 = BF_UNKNOWN, bin_fmt2 = BF_UNKNOWN; uint8_t enclave_hash[SGX_HASH_SIZE] = {0}; uint8_t *buf = NULL; CMetadata *meta = NULL; metadata_t metadata; enclave_diff_info_t enclave_diff_info1, enclave_diff_info2; enclave_css_t enclave_css; memset(&enclave_css, 0, sizeof(enclave_css_t)); memset(&enclave_diff_info1, 0, sizeof(enclave_diff_info_t)); memset(&enclave_diff_info2, 0, sizeof(enclave_diff_info_t)); memset(&metadata, 0, sizeof(metadata_t)); se_file_handle_t fh1 = open_file(path[DLL]); if (fh1 == THE_INVALID_HANDLE) { se_trace(SE_TRACE_ERROR, OPEN_FILE_ERROR, path[DLL]); return false; } se_file_handle_t fh2 = open_file(path[REVIEW_ENCLAVE]); if (fh2 == THE_INVALID_HANDLE) { se_trace(SE_TRACE_ERROR, OPEN_FILE_ERROR, path[REVIEW_ENCLAVE]); close_handle(fh1); return false; } std::unique_ptr mh1(map_file(fh1, &file_size1), unmap_file); if (!mh1) { close_handle(fh1); close_handle(fh2); return false; } std::unique_ptr mh2(map_file(fh2, &file_size2), unmap_file); if (!mh2) { close_handle(fh1); close_handle(fh2); return false; } //check if file_size is the same if(file_size1 != file_size2) { close_handle(fh1); close_handle(fh2); return false; } // Parse enclave std::unique_ptr parser1(binparser::get_parser(mh1->base_addr, (size_t)file_size1)); assert(parser1 != NULL); std::unique_ptr parser2(binparser::get_parser(mh2->base_addr, (size_t)file_size2)); assert(parser2 != NULL); status1 = parser1->run_parser(); if (status1 != SGX_SUCCESS) { goto clear_return; } status2 = parser2->run_parser(); if (status2 != SGX_SUCCESS) { goto clear_return; } // Collect enclave info bin_fmt1 = parser1->get_bin_format(); bin_fmt2 = parser2->get_bin_format(); //two enclave should have same format if(bin_fmt1 != bin_fmt2) { goto clear_return; } //modify some info of enclave: timestamp etc. status1 = parser1->get_info(&enclave_diff_info1); if(status1 != SGX_SUCCESS) { goto clear_return; } status2 = parser2->get_info(&enclave_diff_info2); if(status2 != SGX_SUCCESS) { goto clear_return; } status2 = parser2->modify_info(&enclave_diff_info1); if(status2 != SGX_SUCCESS) { goto clear_return; } //get enclave hash from unsigned file file_size = get_file_size(path[UNSIGNED]); if (file_size != sizeof(enclave_css.header) + sizeof(enclave_css.body) && file_size != sizeof(enclave_css.header) + sizeof(enclave_css.body) + sizeof(enclave_css.key)) { goto clear_return; } buf = (uint8_t *)malloc(file_size); if (buf == NULL) { goto clear_return; } memset(buf, 0, file_size); if(read_file_to_buf(path[UNSIGNED], buf, file_size) == false) { free(buf); goto clear_return; } memcpy_s(&enclave_css.header, sizeof(enclave_css.header), buf, sizeof(enclave_css.header)); memcpy_s(&enclave_css.body, sizeof(enclave_css.body), buf + (file_size - sizeof(enclave_css.body)), sizeof(enclave_css.body)); free(buf); // Load enclave to get enclave hash meta = new CMetadata(&metadata, parser2.get()); if(meta->build_metadata(para) == false) { delete meta; goto clear_return; } delete meta; ret = load_enclave(parser2.release(), &metadata); if(ret != SGX_SUCCESS) { goto clear_return; } ret = dynamic_cast(get_enclave_creator())->get_enclave_info(enclave_hash, SGX_HASH_SIZE); if(ret != SGX_SUCCESS) { goto clear_return; } //make path[UNSIGNED] = NULL, so fill_meta_without_signature won't treat it as catsig path[UNSIGNED] = NULL; if(false == fill_meta_without_signature(NULL, path, enclave_hash, para, &metadata, bin_fmt2)) { goto clear_return; } //compare metadata.enclave_css.header.date = 0; enclave_css.header.date = 0; if(memcmp(&metadata.enclave_css.header, &enclave_css.header, sizeof(enclave_css.header)) != 0) { goto clear_return; } if(memcmp(&metadata.enclave_css.body, &enclave_css.body, sizeof(enclave_css.body)) != 0) { goto clear_return; } res = true; clear_return: close_handle(fh1); close_handle(fh2); return res; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { xml_parameter_t parameter[] = {{"ProdID", 0xFFFF, 0, 0, 0}, {"ISVSVN", 0xFFFF, 0, 0, 0}, {"ReleaseType", 1, 0, 0, 0}, {"IntelSigned", 1, 0, 0, 0}, {"ProvisionKey",1,0,0,0}, {"LaunchKey",1,0,0,0}, {"DisableDebug",1,0,0,0}, {"HW", 0x10,0,0,0}, {"TCSNum",0xFFFFFFFF,TCS_NUM_MIN,1,0}, {"TCSPolicy",TCS_POLICY_UNBIND,TCS_POLICY_BIND,TCS_POLICY_UNBIND,0}, {"StackMaxSize",0xFFFFFFFF,STACK_SIZE_MIN,0x40000,0}, {"HeapMaxSize",0xFFFFFFFF,HEAP_SIZE_MIN,0x100000,0}, {"MiscSelect", 0xFFFFFFFF, 0, DEFAULT_MISC_SELECT, 0}, {"MiscMask", 0xFFFFFFFF, 0, DEFAULT_MISC_MASK, 0}}; const char *path[7] = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}; uint8_t enclave_hash[SGX_HASH_SIZE] = {0}; metadata_t metadata; int res = -1, mode = -1; int key_type = UNIDENTIFIABLE_KEY; //indicate the type of the input key file size_t parameter_count = sizeof(parameter)/sizeof(parameter[0]); bin_fmt_t bin_fmt = BF_UNKNOWN; uint64_t meta_offset = 0; rsa_params_t rsa; memset(&rsa, 0, sizeof(rsa)); memset(&metadata, 0, sizeof(metadata)); //Parse command line if(cmdline_parse(argc, argv, &mode, path) == false) { se_trace(SE_TRACE_ERROR, USAGE_STRING); goto clear_return; } if(mode == -1) // User only wants to get the help info { return 0; } //Parse the xml file to get the metadata if(parse_metadata_file(path[XML], parameter, (int)parameter_count) == false) { goto clear_return; } //Parse the key file if(parse_key_file(path[KEY], &rsa, &key_type) == false && key_type != NO_KEY) { goto clear_return; } //compare two enclave if(mode == COMPARE) { if(compare_enclave(path, parameter) == false) { se_trace(SE_TRACE_ERROR, "The two enclaves are not matched\n"); return -1; } se_trace(SE_TRACE_ERROR, "The two enclaves are matched\n"); return 0; } if(copy_file(path[DLL], path[OUTPUT]) == false) { se_trace(SE_TRACE_ERROR, OVERALL_ERROR); goto clear_return; } if(measure_enclave(enclave_hash, path[OUTPUT], parameter, &metadata, &bin_fmt, &meta_offset) == false) { se_trace(SE_TRACE_ERROR, OVERALL_ERROR); goto clear_return; } if((generate_output(mode, key_type, enclave_hash, parameter, &rsa, &metadata, path, bin_fmt, meta_offset)) == false) { se_trace(SE_TRACE_ERROR, OVERALL_ERROR); goto clear_return; } //to verify if(mode == SIGN || mode == CATSIG) { int signature_verified = ippFalse; if(verify_signature(&rsa, &(metadata.enclave_css), &signature_verified) == false || signature_verified != ippTrue) { se_trace(SE_TRACE_ERROR, OVERALL_ERROR); goto clear_return; } } se_trace(SE_TRACE_ERROR, SUCCESS_EXIT); res = 0; clear_return: if(res == -1 && path[OUTPUT]) remove(path[OUTPUT]); return res; }