# # Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in # the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # # This Makefile will compile SDK to generate various components # including: # - Trusted libraries # - tstdc: libsgx_tstdc.a # - tstdcxx: libsgx_tstdcxx.a # - tservice: libsgx_tservice.a # - trts: libsgx_trts.a # - tcrypto: libsgx_tcrypto.a # - tkey_exchange: libsgx_tkey_exchange.a # - Untrtusted libraries # - ukey_exchange: libsgx_ukey_exchange.a # - ptrace: libsgx_ptrace.so, gdb-sgx-plugin # - sample_crypto: libsample_crypto.so (for sample code use) # - Tools # - signtool: sgx_sign # - edger8r: sgx_edger8r # - Simulation libraries and tools # - simulation: libsgx_trts_sim.a, libsgx_tservice_sim.a, libsgx_urts_sim.a, libsgx_uae_service_sim.a, sgx_config_cpusvn # include ../buildenv.mk LIBTLIBC := $(BUILD_DIR)/libsgx_tstdc.a LIBTLIBCXX := $(BUILD_DIR)/libsgx_tstdcxx.a LIBTSE := $(BUILD_DIR)/libsgx_tservice.a .PHONY: all all: tstdc tstdcxx tservice trts tcrypto tkey_exchange ukey_exchange ptrace sample_crypto simulation signtool edger8r # --------------------------------------------------- # tstdc # includes: tlibc, libm, tlibthread, compiler-rt # --------------------------------------------------- .PHONY: tstdc tstdc: $(LIBTLIBC) $(LIBTLIBC): tlibthread compiler-rt sgx_libm $(MAKE) -C tlibc/ -j4 2> /dev/null @$(MKDIR) $(BUILD_DIR)/.libm $(BUILD_DIR)/.tlibc $(BUILD_DIR)/.tlibthread @$(RM) -f $(BUILD_DIR)/.libm/* $(BUILD_DIR)/.tlibc/* $(BUILD_DIR)/.tlibthread/* @cd $(BUILD_DIR)/.libm && $(AR) x $(LINUX_EXTERNAL_DIR)/sgx_libm/libm.a @cd $(BUILD_DIR)/.tlibc && $(AR) x $(LINUX_SDK_DIR)/tlibc/libtlibc.a @cd $(BUILD_DIR)/.tlibthread && $(AR) x $(LINUX_SDK_DIR)/tlibthread/libtlibthread.a $(CP) compiler-rt/libcompiler-rt.a $@ $(AR) rsD $@ $(BUILD_DIR)/.libm/*.o $(BUILD_DIR)/.tlibc/*.o $(BUILD_DIR)/.tlibthread/*.o @$(RM) -rf $(BUILD_DIR)/.libm $(BUILD_DIR)/.tlibc $(BUILD_DIR)/.tlibthread .PHONY: tlibthread tlibthread: $(MAKE) -C tlibthread/ .PHONY: compiler-rt compiler-rt: $(MAKE) -C compiler-rt/ 2> /dev/null LIBM_PATH = $(LINUX_EXTERNAL_DIR)/sgx_libm/ M_ARCH = intel64 ifneq ($(ARCH), x86_64) M_ARCH := ia32 endif .PHONY: sgx_libm sgx_libm: $(MAKE) -C $(LIBM_PATH) ARCH=$(M_ARCH) 2> /dev/null # --------------------------------------------------- # tstdcxx # includes: cpprt, tlibstdcxx # --------------------------------------------------- .PHONY: tstdcxx tstdcxx: $(LIBTLIBCXX) $(LIBTLIBCXX): cpprt tlibstdcxx @$(MKDIR) $(BUILD_DIR)/.cpprt $(BUILD_DIR)/.tlibstdcxx @$(RM) -f $(BUILD_DIR)/.cpprt/* $(BUILD_DIR)/.tlibstdcxx/* @cd $(BUILD_DIR)/.cpprt && $(AR) x $(LINUX_SDK_DIR)/cpprt/libcpprt.a @cd $(BUILD_DIR)/.tlibstdcxx && $(AR) x $(LINUX_SDK_DIR)/tlibstdcxx/libtlibstdcxx.a $(AR) rcsD $@ $(BUILD_DIR)/.cpprt/*.o $(BUILD_DIR)/.tlibstdcxx/*.o @$(RM) -rf $(BUILD_DIR)/.cpprt $(BUILD_DIR)/.tlibstdcxx .PHONY: cpprt cpprt: $(MAKE) -C cpprt .PHONY: tlibstdcxx tlibstdcxx: $(BUILD_DIR) $(MAKE) -C tlibstdcxx/ 2> /dev/null $(CP) tlibstdcxx/README.sgx $(BUILD_DIR)/STLport_Changes_SGX.txt # --------------------------------------------------- # tse # includes: selib, tseal, tae_service, ec_dh_lib # --------------------------------------------------- .PHONY: tservice tservice: $(LIBTSE) $(LIBTSE): selib tseal tae_service @$(MKDIR) $(BUILD_DIR)/.tservice @$(RM) -f $(BUILD_DIR)/.tservice/* cd $(BUILD_DIR)/.tservice && $(AR) x $(LINUX_SDK_DIR)/tseal/linux/libtSeal.a cd $(BUILD_DIR)/.tservice && $(AR) x $(LINUX_SDK_DIR)/tae_service/libtae_service.a $(CP) $(LINUX_SDK_DIR)/selib/linux/libselib.a $@ $(AR) rsD $@ $(BUILD_DIR)/.tservice/*.o @$(RM) -rf $(BUILD_DIR)/.tservice .PHONY: selib selib: $(MAKE) -C selib/linux/ .PHONY: tseal tseal: $(MAKE) -C tseal/linux/ .PHONY: tae_service tae_service: $(MAKE) -C tae_service # --------------------------------------------------- # Other trusted libraries # --------------------------------------------------- .PHONY: trts trts: $(MAKE) -C trts/ .PHONY: tcrypto tcrypto: $(MAKE) -C tlibcrypto/ .PHONY: tkey_exchange tkey_exchange: $(MAKE) -C tkey_exchange # --------------------------------------------------- # Untrusted libraries # --------------------------------------------------- .PHONY: ukey_exchange ukey_exchange: $(MAKE) -C ukey_exchange .PHONY: ptrace ptrace: $(MAKE) -C debugger_interface/linux/ .PHONY: sample_crypto sample_crypto: $(MAKE) -C sample_libcrypto # --------------------------------------------------- # simualtion libraries and tools # --------------------------------------------------- .PHONY: simulation simulation: $(MAKE) -C simulation/ # --------------------------------------------------- # tools # --------------------------------------------------- .PHONY: signtool signtool: $(MAKE) -C sign_tool/SignTool/ .PHONY: edger8r edger8r: $(MAKE) -C edger8r/linux/ $(BUILD_DIR): $(MKDIR) $@ clean: $(MAKE) -C $(LIBM_PATH) ARCH=$(M_ARCH) clean $(MAKE) -C tlibc/ clean $(MAKE) -C tlibthread/ clean $(MAKE) -C compiler-rt/ clean $(MAKE) -C cpprt clean $(MAKE) -C tlibstdcxx/ clean $(MAKE) -C tseal/linux/ clean $(MAKE) -C selib/linux/ clean $(MAKE) -C tae_service/ clean $(MAKE) -C trts/ clean $(MAKE) -C tlibcrypto/ clean $(MAKE) -C tkey_exchange/ clean $(MAKE) -C ukey_exchange/ clean $(MAKE) -C debugger_interface/linux/ clean $(MAKE) -C sample_libcrypto/ clean $(MAKE) -C simulation/ clean $(MAKE) -C sign_tool/SignTool clean $(MAKE) -C edger8r/linux clean @$(RM) $(LIBTLIBC) $(LIBTLIBCXX) $(LIBTSE) @$(RM) $(BUILD_DIR)/STLport_Changes_SGX.txt rebuild: clean all