(* * Copyright (C) 2011-2018 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * *) open Printf (* It contains some utility functions. *) let failwithf fmt = kprintf failwith fmt;; let splitwith chr = Str.split (Str.regexp_string (Char.escaped chr)) (* For compatibility with F#. *) let (|>) a f = f a (* Generate a list of sequent number. * ---------------------------------- * * mk_seq 1 0 -> [] * mk_seq 1 1 -> [1] * mk_seq 1 5 -> [1; 2; 3; 4; 5] *) let rec mk_seq from_num to_num = if from_num > to_num then [] else from_num :: mk_seq (from_num + 1) to_num (* Return a list without duplicated elements. *) let dedup_list lst = let rec do_dedup acc rst = match rst with [] -> acc | h::t -> if List.mem h acc then do_dedup acc t else do_dedup (h :: acc) t in do_dedup [] lst (* Print the usage of this program. *) let usage (progname: string) = eprintf "usage: %s [options] ...\n" progname; eprintf "\n[options]\n\ --search-path Specify the search path of EDL files\n\ --use-prefix Prefix untrusted proxy with Enclave name\n\ --header-only Only generate header files\n\ --untrusted Generate untrusted proxy and bridge\n\ --trusted Generate trusted proxy and bridge\n\ --untrusted-dir Specify the directory for saving untrusted code\n\ --trusted-dir Specify the directory for saving trusted code\n\ --help Print this help message\n"; eprintf "\n\ If neither `--untrusted' nor `--trusted' is specified, generate both.\n"; exit 1 (* Command line parsing facilities. *) type edger8r_params = { input_files : string list; use_prefix : bool; header_only : bool; gen_untrusted : bool; (* User specified `--untrusted' *) gen_trusted : bool; (* User specified `--trusted' *) untrusted_dir : string; (* Directory to save untrusted code *) trusted_dir : string; (* Directory to save trusted code *) } (* The search paths are recored in the array below. * W/o extra search paths specified, edger8r searchs from current directory. *) let search_paths = ref [|"."|] (* The path separator is usually ':' on Linux and ';' on Windows. * Concerning that we might compile this code with OCaml on Windows, * we'd better don't assume that ':' is always used. *) let path_separator : char = match Sys.os_type with "Win32" -> ';' | _ -> ':' (* "Unix" or "Cygwin" *) (* Parse the command line and return a record of `edger8r_params'. *) let rec parse_cmdline (progname: string) (cmdargs: string list) = let use_pref = ref false in let hd_only = ref false in let untrusted= ref false in let trusted = ref false in let u_dir = ref "." in let t_dir = ref "." in let files = ref [] in let rec local_parser (args: string list) = match args with [] -> () | op :: ops -> match String.lowercase op with "--use-prefix" -> use_pref := true; local_parser ops | "--header-only"-> hd_only := true; local_parser ops | "--untrusted" -> untrusted := true; local_parser ops | "--trusted" -> trusted := true; local_parser ops | "--untrusted-dir" -> (match ops with [] -> usage progname | x::xs -> u_dir := x; local_parser xs) | "--trusted-dir" -> (match ops with [] -> usage progname | x::xs -> t_dir := x; local_parser xs) | "--help" -> usage progname | "--search-path" -> if ops = [] then usage progname else let search_path_str = List.hd ops in let extra_paths = splitwith path_separator search_path_str in let extra_path_arry = Array.of_list extra_paths in search_paths := Array.append extra_path_arry !search_paths; local_parser (List.tl ops) | _ -> files := op :: !files; local_parser ops in local_parser cmdargs; let opt = { input_files = List.rev !files; use_prefix = !use_pref; header_only = !hd_only; gen_untrusted = true; gen_trusted = true; untrusted_dir = !u_dir; trusted_dir = !t_dir; } in if !untrusted || !trusted (* User specified '--untrusted' or '--trusted' *) then { opt with gen_trusted = !trusted; gen_untrusted = !untrusted } else opt let separator_str : string = Filename.dir_sep (* Search the file within given search pathes. * ------------------------------------------- * * The second parameter is read from the global variable `search_paths'. * * get_file_path "Util.fs" [|"."|] -> "./Ast.fs" * get_file_path "Util.fs" [|"misc/dir"; "../Edger8r"|] -> "../Edger8r/Ast.fs" * get_file_path "Util.fs" [|"misc/dir"; "another/dir"|] -> Not_found *) let get_file_path (fname: string) = let get_full_name path = if Filename.is_relative fname then path ^ separator_str ^ fname else fname in let targets = Array.map get_full_name !search_paths in let fn_list = Array.to_list targets in try List.find Sys.file_exists fn_list with Not_found -> failwithf "File not found within search paths: %s\n" fname (* Get the short name of the given file name. * ------------------------------------------ * * get_short_name "Util.fs" -> "Util" * get_short_name "./Util.fs" -> "Util" * get_short_name "misc/Util.fs" -> "Util" *) let get_short_name (fname: string) = let bn = Filename.basename fname in try Filename.chop_extension bn with Invalid_argument _ -> bn (* Helper functions that are not contained in OCaml standard library *) let isdigit = function '0' | '1' .. '9' -> true | _ -> false let isalpha = function 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' -> true | _ -> false let isalnum c = isdigit c || isalpha c let str_map f s = let len = String.length s in let res = String.create len in for i = 0 to len - 1 do String.set res i (f (String.get s i)) done; res let str_to_list s = let rec iter i lst = if i < 0 then lst else iter (i - 1) (s.[i] :: lst) in iter (String.length s - 1) [] let str_forall p s = List.for_all p (str_to_list s) (* Compute a string that conforms to C identifier. * * to_c_identifier "this foo" => "this_foo" * to_c_identifier "3this" => "_this" * * The algorithm is simple, filter invalid characters to `_'. *) let to_c_identifier (s: string) = let convert_char ch = if isalnum ch then ch else '_' in let first_ch = let ch = s.[0] in if isalnum ch then ch else '_' in let rest_str = String.sub s 1 (String.length s - 1) in Char.escaped first_ch ^ str_map convert_char rest_str (* Check whether given string is a valid C identifier. * * is_c_identifier "this foo" => false * is_c_identifier "3this" => false * is_c_identifier "_this" => true *) let is_c_identifier(s: string) = let first_ch = s.[0] in let rest_str = String.sub s 1 (String.length s - 1) in if isalpha first_ch || first_ch = '_' then str_forall (fun ch -> isalnum ch || ch = '_') rest_str else false (* ocamlyacc doesn't expose definitions in header section, * as a quick work-around, we put them here. *) let trusted_headers : string list ref = ref [] let untrusted_headers: string list ref = ref [] (* Create directory specified by `d'. *) let create_dir (d: string) = let curr_dir = Unix.getcwd () in (* `get_root_dir' will be called with the head element of a list of * sub-directories starting from root directory. * The list will look like - * ["home", "guest", ...] on Linux, while * ["c:\\", "Users", ...] on Windows. *) let get_root_dir (dirs: string list) = match Sys.os_type with "Win32" -> List.hd dirs | _ -> Filename.dir_sep in (* If we have a directory list like ["c:", ...], change the first element * to "c:\\". Due to the fact that: * Sys.file_exists "c:" => false * Sys.file_exists "c:\\" => true *) let normalize (ds: string list) = if Sys.os_type <> "Win32" then ds else let d = List.hd ds in if String.length d = 2 && d.[1] = ':' then (d ^ Filename.dir_sep) :: List.tl ds else ds in let dir_exist_p dir = if Sys.file_exists dir then let stats = Unix.stat dir in match stats.Unix.st_kind with | Unix.S_DIR -> true (* No need handle S_LNK because 'stat' will follow link. *) | _ -> false else false in let __do_create_and_goto_dir dir = (if dir_exist_p dir then () else Unix.mkdir dir 0o755); Unix.chdir dir in let do_create_dir () = let rec do_create_dir_recursively dirs = match dirs with [] -> () | x::xs -> __do_create_and_goto_dir x; do_create_dir_recursively xs in (* After splitting, we will get a list of all sub-directories. * "/home/guest/some/path" -> ["home", "guest", "some", "path"]; * "c:\Users\guest\some\path" -> ["c:", "Users", "guest", "some", "path"]. *) let dirs = normalize (Str.split (Str.regexp separator_str) d) in let start_dir = if Filename.is_relative d then curr_dir else get_root_dir dirs in Unix.chdir start_dir; (* In case of continuous dir_sep in path string, we filter out empty strings. *) do_create_dir_recursively (List.filter (fun s -> s <> "") dirs); Unix.chdir curr_dir; in try do_create_dir () with exn -> (eprintf "error: failed to create directory: `%s'\n" d; exit 1)