/* * Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #include "endpoint_select_info.h" #include "PVEClass.h" #include "prov_msg_size.h" #include "network_encoding_wrapper.h" #include "ipp_wrapper.h" #include "sgx_tcrypto.h" #include "ippcp.h" #include "ippcore.h" #include "sgx_read_rand.h" #include "se_wrapper.h" #include //Function to do basic checking of the endpoint selection blob. Esp to avoid no zero-ending in the input string url static bool is_valid_endpoint_selection_info(const endpoint_selection_infos_t& es_info) { if(es_info.aesm_data_type != AESM_DATA_ENDPOINT_SELECTION_INFOS) return false; if(es_info.aesm_data_version != AESM_DATA_ENDPOINT_SELECTION_VERSION) return false; if(strnlen(es_info.provision_url,MAX_PATH)>=MAX_PATH) return false; return true; } ae_error_t EndpointSelectionInfo::read_pek(endpoint_selection_infos_t& es_info) { ae_error_t ae_err=AE_SUCCESS; uint32_t es_info_size = sizeof(es_info); ae_err = aesm_read_data(FT_PERSISTENT_STORAGE, PROVISION_PEK_BLOB_FID, reinterpret_cast(&es_info), &es_info_size); if(AE_SUCCESS == ae_err && (es_info_size != sizeof(es_info)||!is_valid_endpoint_selection_info(es_info))){ AESM_DBG_ERROR("Invalid ES result in persistent storage:size %d, expected size %d", es_info_size, sizeof(es_info)); ae_err = OAL_FILE_ACCESS_ERROR; } if(AE_SUCCESS == ae_err){ AESM_DBG_INFO("Read ES result from persistent storage successfully"); }else{ AESM_DBG_WARN("ES result in persistent storage failed to load:%d", ae_err); } return ae_err; } ae_error_t EndpointSelectionInfo::write_pek(const endpoint_selection_infos_t& es_info) { return aesm_write_data(FT_PERSISTENT_STORAGE, PROVISION_PEK_BLOB_FID, reinterpret_cast(&es_info), sizeof(es_info)); } static ae_error_t ipp_error_to_ae_error(IppStatus ipp_status) { if(ipp_status == ippStsNoErr) return AE_SUCCESS; else if(ipp_status == ippStsMemAllocErr|| ipp_status == ippStsNoMemErr) return AE_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR; else return AE_FAILURE;//unknown or unexpected ipp error } ae_error_t aesm_check_pek_signature(const signed_pek_t& signed_pek); IppStatus get_provision_server_rsa_pub_key_in_ipp_format(const signed_pek_t& pek, IppsRSAPublicKeyState **rsa_pub_key); //The function is to verify the PEK ECDSA Signature and RSA Signature for ES Msg2 // When PvE uses PEK, it will re-check the ECDSA Signature //The function will only be called after ES protocol is completed. But it will not be called when reading data back from persitent storage //@param provision_ttl: The TTL field from ES Msg2 in little endian format //@param rsa_signature: The RSA Signature in ES Msg2, it is RSA Signature to XID:TTL:provision_url //@param xid: The transaction id (XID) of the ES Protocol //@return AE_SUCCESS if signature verification success and passed //@return PVE_MSG_ERROR if signature verification failed or message error //other kinds of error code could be returned too due to corresponding error situation ae_error_t EndpointSelectionInfo::verify_signature(const endpoint_selection_infos_t& es_info, uint8_t xid[XID_SIZE], uint8_t rsa_signature[PVE_RSA_KEY_BYTES], uint16_t provision_ttl) { //Do signature verification here ae_error_t ae_err = AE_SUCCESS; IppsRSAPublicKeyState *rsa_pub_key = NULL; Ipp8u *buffer = NULL; int public_key_buffer_size = 0; int vr = 0; uint16_t ttl=_htons(provision_ttl); IppStatus ipp_status = ippStsNoErr; uint8_t msg_buf[XID_SIZE + sizeof(ttl) + MAX_PATH]; uint32_t buf_size = 0; ae_err = aesm_check_pek_signature(es_info.pek); if(AE_SUCCESS != ae_err){ AESM_DBG_ERROR("PEK Signature verifcation not passed:%d",ae_err); goto ret_point; } AESM_DBG_INFO("PEK signature verified successfully"); buf_size = XID_SIZE +static_cast(sizeof(ttl) + strnlen_s(es_info.provision_url, MAX_PATH)); if(0!=memcpy_s(msg_buf,sizeof(msg_buf), xid, XID_SIZE)|| 0!=memcpy_s(msg_buf+XID_SIZE, sizeof(ttl) + MAX_PATH, &ttl, sizeof(ttl))|| 0!=memcpy_s(msg_buf+XID_SIZE+sizeof(ttl), MAX_PATH, es_info.provision_url, buf_size-XID_SIZE-sizeof(ttl))){ ae_err = AE_FAILURE; AESM_DBG_ERROR("memcpy error"); goto ret_point; } ipp_status = get_provision_server_rsa_pub_key_in_ipp_format(es_info.pek, &rsa_pub_key); if(ippStsNoErr != ipp_status){ AESM_DBG_ERROR("Fail to load rsa public key from PEK:%d", ipp_status); ae_err = ipp_error_to_ae_error(ipp_status); goto ret_point; } ipp_status = ippsRSA_GetBufferSizePublicKey(&public_key_buffer_size, rsa_pub_key); if(ippStsNoErr != ipp_status){ AESM_DBG_ERROR("Fail to get rsa public key size:%s", ipp_status); ae_err = ipp_error_to_ae_error(ipp_status); goto ret_point; } buffer = (Ipp8u *)malloc(public_key_buffer_size); if(NULL == buffer){ AESM_DBG_ERROR("malloc error"); ae_err = AE_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR; goto ret_point; } ipp_status = ippsRSAVerify_PKCS1v15(msg_buf, buf_size, rsa_signature, &vr, rsa_pub_key, ippHashAlg_SHA256, buffer); if(ippStsNoErr != ipp_status){ AESM_DBG_ERROR("Fail to verify rsa signature:%d", ipp_status); ae_err = ipp_error_to_ae_error(ipp_status); goto ret_point; } if(vr == 0){ AESM_DBG_TRACE("rsa signature verification failed"); ae_err = PVE_MSG_ERROR; goto ret_point; }else{ AESM_DBG_TRACE("rsa signature verification passed"); ae_err = AE_SUCCESS; } ret_point: if(NULL != rsa_pub_key){ secure_free_rsa_pub_key(PVE_RSA_KEY_BYTES, sizeof(uint32_t), rsa_pub_key); } if(NULL != buffer){ free(buffer); } return ae_err; } #define MAX_ENCLAVE_LOST_RETRY_TIME 1 bool read_aesm_config(aesm_config_infos_t& infos); //Function to implement the end point selection protocol ae_error_t EndpointSelectionInfo::start_protocol(endpoint_selection_infos_t& es_info) { AESMLogicLock lock(_es_lock); uint32_t msg_size = 0; uint8_t *resp = NULL; uint32_t resp_size = 0; uint16_t provision_ttl = 0; uint8_t *msg = NULL; uint8_t rsa_signature[PVE_RSA_KEY_BYTES]; gen_endpoint_selection_output_t enclave_output; ae_error_t ae_ret = AE_SUCCESS; uint32_t enclave_lost_count = 0; AESM_DBG_DEBUG("enter fun"); memset(&es_info, 0, sizeof(es_info)); memset(&enclave_output, 0, sizeof(enclave_output)); if(!_is_server_url_loaded){ (void) read_aesm_config(_server_urls); _is_server_url_loaded = true; } do{ if((ae_ret = CPVEClass::instance().load_enclave())!=AE_SUCCESS){ AESM_DBG_ERROR("Fail to load PVE enclave:%d", ae_ret); goto final_point; } //call PvE to generate the partition and xid ae_ret = static_cast(CPVEClass::instance().gen_es_msg1_data(&enclave_output)); if(ae_ret == AE_ENCLAVE_LOST&& (++enclave_lost_count)<=MAX_ENCLAVE_LOST_RETRY_TIME ){ CPVEClass::instance().unload_enclave();//unload and reload PvE when enclave lost encountered continue; }else if(ae_ret == AE_SUCCESS){ break; }else{ AESM_DBG_ERROR("fail to generate parition by PvE"); goto final_point; } }while(1); AESM_DBG_TRACE("use parition %d from PvE", (int)enclave_output.selector_id); AESM_DBG_INFO("Connect to server url \"%s\" for endpoint selection", _server_urls.endpoint_url); msg_size = estimate_es_msg1_size(); assert(msg_size>0); msg = reinterpret_cast(malloc(msg_size)); if(msg == NULL){ AESM_DBG_ERROR("malloc error"); ae_ret = AE_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR; goto final_point; } memset(msg, 0, msg_size); ae_ret = static_cast(CPVEClass::instance().gen_es_msg1(msg, msg_size, enclave_output));//Generate EndPoint Selection Msg1 if(ae_ret != AE_SUCCESS){ AESM_DBG_ERROR("ES msg1 generation failed:%d",ae_ret); goto final_point; } AESM_DBG_TRACE("ES msg1 generated"); ae_ret = AESMNetworkEncoding::aesm_send_recv_msg_encoding(_server_urls.endpoint_url, msg, msg_size, resp, resp_size);//Encoding/send/receive/Decoding if(ae_ret != AE_SUCCESS){ AESM_DBG_ERROR("fail to send ES msg1 to backend server:%d",ae_ret); if(OAL_PROXY_SETTING_ASSIST == ae_ret){//when proxy setting assistant required, return directly goto final_point; } if(read_pek(es_info)==AE_SUCCESS){ ae_ret = AE_SUCCESS;//use es_info inside persistent storage and ignore network error } goto final_point; } assert(resp != NULL); AESM_DBG_TRACE("start to process ES msg2"); ae_ret = static_cast(CPVEClass::instance().proc_es_msg2(resp, resp_size, es_info.provision_url, provision_ttl, enclave_output.xid, rsa_signature , es_info.pek)); if(AE_SUCCESS != ae_ret){ AESM_DBG_WARN("Fail to process ES msg2 from backend server:%d",ae_ret); goto final_point; } AESM_DBG_TRACE("ES Msg2 decoded successfully, ttl %ds",provision_ttl); ae_ret = verify_signature(es_info, enclave_output.xid, rsa_signature, provision_ttl); if(AE_SUCCESS != ae_ret){ AESM_DBG_WARN("Signature verification in ES Msg2 failed"); goto final_point; } AESM_DBG_TRACE("Signature in ES Msg2 verified"); es_info.aesm_data_type = AESM_DATA_ENDPOINT_SELECTION_INFOS; es_info.aesm_data_version = AESM_DATA_ENDPOINT_SELECTION_VERSION; (void)write_pek(es_info);//ignore file writing error AESM_DBG_TRACE("end point selection succ, provisioning url: %s",es_info.provision_url); final_point: if(msg!=NULL)free(msg); if(resp!=NULL){ AESMNetworkEncoding::aesm_free_response_msg(resp); } return ae_ret; } void EndpointSelectionInfo::get_proxy(uint32_t& proxy_type, char proxy_url[MAX_PATH]) { AESMLogicLock lock(_es_lock); if(!_is_server_url_loaded){ (void)read_aesm_config(_server_urls); _is_server_url_loaded=true; } proxy_type = _server_urls.proxy_type; strcpy(proxy_url, _server_urls.aesm_proxy); }