/* * Copyright (C) 2011-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #include #include "sgx_trts.h" #include "sgx_utils.h" #include "sgx_tseal.h" #include "t_long_term_pairing.h" #include "prepare_hash_sha256.h" #include "pse_pr_inc.h" #include "pse_pr_common.h" #include "pse_pr_sigma_1_1_defs.h" #include "le2be_macros.h" #include "t_pairing_blob.h" #include "epid/common/1.1/types.h" #include "Keys.h" #include #include "X509Parser.h" #include "Epid11_rl.h" #include "sgx_tcrypto.h" // Each of the following definitions is larger than // should ever be encountered. // MAX possible should be 19280 based on 150 SIGRL entries #define MAX_ALLOWED_SIGRL_SIZE 20480 #define MAX_ALLOWED_OCSP_SIZE 8192 #define MAX_ALLOWED_CERT_SIZE 8192 // MAX of S2 is defined larger than we should ever encounter #define MAX_ALLOWED_S2_SIZE 35840 // MAX possible should be 3280 based on 100 PRIVRL entries #define MAX_ALLOWED_PRIVRL_SIZE 4096 // MAX of S3 is defined larger than we should ever encounter #define MAX_ALLOWED_S3_SIZE 30720 static ae_error_t map_GenM7_error_for_return(ae_error_t status) { #if !defined(_DEBUG) // Switch to limit errors returned when building for RELEASE switch (status) { case AE_SUCCESS: break; case PSE_PR_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY_ERROR: case PSE_PAIRING_BLOB_UNSEALING_ERROR: break; default: status = AE_FAILURE; break; } #endif return status; } static ae_error_t map_VerifyM8_error_for_return(ae_error_t status) { #if !defined(_DEBUG) // Switch to limit errors returned when building for RELEASE switch (status) { case AE_SUCCESS: break; case PSE_PR_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY_ERROR: break; case PSE_PR_PCH_EPID_NO_MEMORY_ERR: status = PSE_PR_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY_ERROR; break; case PSE_PR_PCH_EPID_SIG_REVOKED_IN_GROUPRL: break; default: status = AE_FAILURE; break; } #else switch (status) { case PSE_PR_PCH_EPID_OUTOFMEMORY: status = PSE_PR_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY_ERROR; break; } #endif return status; } // GUID format is DWORD-WORD-WORD-BYTES ARRAY(8) // Current PSDA applet ID is cbede6f9-6ce4-439c-a1c7-6e2087786616 static const uint8_t PSDA_APPLET_ID[16] = {0xf9, 0xe6, 0xed, 0xcb, 0xe4, 0x6c, 0x9c, 0x43, 0xa1, 0xc7, 0x6e, 0x20, 0x87, 0x78, 0x66, 0x16}; //extern void OutputOctets(const char* pMsg, const void* pData, size_t nData); TEpidSigma11Verifier::TEpidSigma11Verifier() { m_gid = 0; m_pSigRL = NULL; m_nSigRL = 0; m_nSigRLVersion = 0; m_nPrivRLVersion = 0; m_nDalAppletVersion = 0; memset(m_pairingID, 0, sizeof(m_pairingID)); memset(m_pairingNonce, 0, sizeof(m_pairingNonce)); m_nextState = STATE_GENM7; } TEpidSigma11Verifier::~TEpidSigma11Verifier(void) { if (m_pSigRL) { delete[] m_pSigRL; m_pSigRL = NULL; } m_nSigRL = 0; // Defense-in-depth: clear class members that contain Enclave secrets memset_s(m_pairingID, sizeof(m_pairingID), 0, sizeof(m_pairingID)); memset_s(m_pairingNonce, sizeof(m_pairingNonce), 0, sizeof(m_pairingNonce)); memset_s(m_verifierPrivateKey, sizeof(m_verifierPrivateKey), 0, sizeof(m_verifierPrivateKey)); } bool TEpidSigma11Verifier::get_sigRL_info(const EPID11_SIG_RL* pSigRL, uint32_t& sigRL_entries, uint32_t& sigRL_size) { if (NULL == pSigRL) { // null sigRL is acceptable sigRL_entries = 0; sigRL_size = 0; return true; } uint32_t entries = *(uint32_t*)pSigRL->entries; entries = SwapEndian_DW(entries); if (entries > MAX_SIGRL_ENTRIES) // invalid sigRL return false; sigRL_entries = entries; sigRL_size = (uint32_t)(sizeof(EPID11_SIG_RL) + (sigRL_entries * EPID11_SIG_RL_ENTRY_SIZE) + EPID11_SIG_RL_SIGNATURE_SIZE); return true; } bool TEpidSigma11Verifier::get_privRL_info(const EPID11_PRIV_RL* pPrivRL, uint32_t& privRL_entries, uint32_t& privRL_size) { if (NULL == pPrivRL) { // null privRL is acceptable privRL_entries = 0; privRL_size = 0; return true; } uint32_t entries = *(uint32_t*)pPrivRL->entries; entries = SwapEndian_DW(entries); if (entries > MAX_PRIVRL_ENTRIES) // invalid privRL return false; privRL_entries = entries; privRL_size = (uint32_t)(sizeof(EPID11_PRIV_RL) + (privRL_entries * EPID11_PRIV_RL_ENTRY_SIZE) + EPID11_PRIV_RL_SIGNATURE_SIZE); return true; } //**************************************************************************** //**************************************************************************** //**************************************************************************** // FLOW // Verifier Prover Intel Server // uRequestS1FromME |--M1: Start Pairing->| | // |<-M2: SIGMA S1-------| | // uGetR2 | | | // | | | // uLoadPairingBlob | | | // | | | // uGetSigRLFromServer |--M3: GID_cse || R2----------------->| // |<-M4: Sig_is(RL_cse || R2)-----------| // uGetOCSPResponseFromServer |--M5: OCSPReq----------------------->| // |<-M6: OCSPResp-----------------------| // uCheckOCSPResponseForExpiration | | | // | | | // tGenM7 (enclave call) Send S1, Receive S2 // | | | // uExchangeS2AndS3WithME |--M7: SIGMA S2------>| | // |<-M8: SIGMA S3-------| | // uGetGroupIdFromME | | | // | | | // tVerifyM8 (enclave call) Send S3, Receive updated pairing blob // | | | // uSavePairingBlob | | | ae_error_t TEpidSigma11Verifier::GenM7 ( /*in */ const SIGMA_S1_MESSAGE* pS1, /*in */ const EPID11_SIG_RL* pSigRL, /*in */ const UINT8* pOcspResp, /*in */ UINT32 nLen_OcspResp, /*in */ const UINT8* pVerifierCert, /*in */ UINT32 nLen_VerifierCert, /*in */ const pairing_blob_t* pPairingBlob, /*in */ UINT32 nMax_S2, /*out*/ SIGMA_S2_MESSAGE* pS2, /*out*/ UINT32* pnLen_S2 ) { ae_error_t status = AE_FAILURE; bool bResult; pairing_data_t pairing_data; memset(&pairing_data, 0, sizeof(pairing_data)); sgx_ecc_state_handle_t sigma_ecc_handle = NULL; do { ae_error_t tmp_status; // sigRL_size allows for the sigRL header, array of RL entries, and signature at the end uint32_t sigRL_entries = 0; uint32_t sigRL_size = 0; bResult = TEpidSigma11Verifier::get_sigRL_info(pSigRL, sigRL_entries, sigRL_size); BREAK_IF_FALSE((bResult), status, PSE_PR_BAD_POINTER_ERROR); BREAK_IF_TRUE((STATE_GENM7 != m_nextState), status, PSE_PR_CALL_ORDER_ERROR); //********************************************************************* // Validate pointers and sizes //********************************************************************* BREAK_IF_TRUE((NULL == pS1), status, PSE_PR_BAD_POINTER_ERROR); // SigRL is allowed to be NULL and will be checked in ValidateSigRL() BREAK_IF_TRUE((nLen_OcspResp > 0 && NULL == pOcspResp), status, PSE_PR_BAD_POINTER_ERROR); BREAK_IF_TRUE((NULL == pVerifierCert), status, PSE_PR_BAD_POINTER_ERROR); BREAK_IF_TRUE((NULL == pPairingBlob), status, PSE_PR_BAD_POINTER_ERROR); BREAK_IF_TRUE((nLen_VerifierCert > MAX_ALLOWED_CERT_SIZE), status, PSE_PR_PARAMETER_ERROR); BREAK_IF_TRUE((sigRL_size > MAX_ALLOWED_SIGRL_SIZE), status, PSE_PR_PARAMETER_ERROR); BREAK_IF_TRUE((nLen_OcspResp > MAX_ALLOWED_OCSP_SIZE), status, PSE_PR_PARAMETER_ERROR); uint32_t nNeededBytesForS2 = ::NeededBytesForS2(nLen_VerifierCert, sigRL_size, nLen_OcspResp); BREAK_IF_TRUE((nNeededBytesForS2 > MAX_ALLOWED_S2_SIZE), status, PSE_PR_PARAMETER_ERROR); BREAK_IF_TRUE((NULL == pS2 || NULL == pnLen_S2 || nMax_S2 < nNeededBytesForS2), status, PSE_PR_PARAMETER_ERROR); //********************************************************************* // Start SIGMA processing of S1 and generate S2 //********************************************************************* //********************************************************************* // Extract components of Msg S1 // g^a || GID || OCSPReq //********************************************************************* m_sigmaAlg.set_remote_pub_key_ga_be((Ipp8u*)pS1->Ga); memcpy(&m_gid, &pS1->Gid, sizeof(SAFEID_GID)); //********************************************************************* // Choose random value 'b' as ephemeral DH private key // Compute 'g^b' as ephemeral DH public key //********************************************************************* sgx_status_t sgx_status = sgx_ecc256_open_context(&sigma_ecc_handle); BREAK_IF_TRUE((SGX_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY == sgx_status), status, PSE_PR_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY_ERROR); BREAK_IF_TRUE((SGX_SUCCESS != sgx_status), status, PSE_PR_KEY_PAIR_GENERATION_ERROR); /* Get private key b and public key g^b, in little-endian format */ uint8_t Publickey_little_endian[SIGMA_SESSION_PUBKEY_LENGTH]; uint8_t Privatekey_b_little_endian[SIGMA_SESSION_PRIVKEY_LENGTH]; if (SGX_SUCCESS != sgx_ecc256_create_key_pair((sgx_ec256_private_t *)Privatekey_b_little_endian, (sgx_ec256_public_t*)Publickey_little_endian, sigma_ecc_handle)) { break; } m_sigmaAlg.set_prv_key_b_le(Privatekey_b_little_endian); // clear buffer containing secrets memset_s(Privatekey_b_little_endian, sizeof(Privatekey_b_little_endian), 0, sizeof(Privatekey_b_little_endian)); /* Convert to big endian for m_localPublicKey_gb_big_endian */ SwapEndian_32B(&(Publickey_little_endian[0])); SwapEndian_32B(&(Publickey_little_endian[32])); m_sigmaAlg.set_pub_key_gb_be(Publickey_little_endian); // OutputOctets("::GenM7:: g^a (BE)", m_remotePublicKey_ga_big_endian, SIGMA_SESSION_PUBKEY_LENGTH); // OutputOctets("::GenM7:: b (LE)", m_localPrivateKey_b_little_endian, sizeof(sgx_ec256_private_t)); // OutputOctets("::GenM7:: g^b (BE)", m_localPublicKey_gb_big_endian, SIGMA_SESSION_PUBKEY_LENGTH); //********************************************************************* // Compute ((g^a)^b) // Derive SMK // SMK := HMAC-SHA256(0x00, g^(ab) || 0x00) with the HMAC key being // 32 bytes of 0x00 and the data element being g^(ab) little endian // Derive SK and MK // a) Compute HMAC-SHA256(0x00, g^(ab) || 0x01) // with the HMAC key being 32 bytes of 0x00, g^(ab) in little endian // b) SK is taken as the first 128 bits of the HMAC result // c) MK is taken as the second 128 bits of the HMAC result //********************************************************************* tmp_status = m_sigmaAlg.DeriveSkMk(sigma_ecc_handle); BREAK_IF_TRUE(AE_SUCCESS != tmp_status, status, tmp_status); // OutputOctets("::GenM7: m_Sk", m_Sk, SIGMA_SK_LENGTH); // OutputOctets("::GenM7:: m_Mk", m_Mk, SIGMA_MK_LENGTH); // OutputOctets("::GenM7:: m_SMK", m_SMK, SIGMA_SMK_LENGTH); //********************************************************************* // Unseal pairing blob //********************************************************************* tmp_status = UnsealPairingBlob(pPairingBlob, &pairing_data); BREAK_IF_TRUE(AE_SUCCESS != tmp_status, status, tmp_status); //************************************************************* // Extract Private Key from pairing blob //************************************************************* // OutputOctets("::GenM7:: Verifier PrivateKey", unsealedBlobData.VerifierPrivateKey, ECDSA_PRIVKEY_LEN); memcpy(m_verifierPrivateKey, pairing_data.secret_data.VerifierPrivateKey, ECDSA_PRIVKEY_LEN); //************************************************************* // Extract pairing data //************************************************************* memcpy(m_pairingID, pairing_data.secret_data.pairingID, sizeof(m_pairingID)); memcpy(m_pairingNonce, pairing_data.secret_data.pairingNonce, sizeof(m_pairingNonce)); // OutputOctets("::GenM7:: m_pairingID", m_pairingID, sizeof(m_pairingID)); // OutputOctets("::GenM7:: m_pairingNonce", m_pairingNonce, sizeof(m_pairingNonce)); //********************************************************************* // Prepare S2 //********************************************************************* memset(pS2, 0, nMax_S2); // Copy Gb in big endian to S2 memcpy(pS2->Gb, m_sigmaAlg.get_pub_key_gb_be(), SIGMA_SESSION_PUBKEY_LENGTH); // Copy OCSP request sent in S1 memcpy(&pS2->OcspReq, &pS1->OcspReq, sizeof(OCSP_REQ)); // Basename is always set to 0 memset(pS2->Basename, 0, SIGMA_BASENAME_LENGTH); // Location within pS2->Data where data gets added size_t index = 0; //********************************************************************* // Add verifier certificate chain to S2 //********************************************************************* tmp_status = AddCertificateChain(pS2, index, nMax_S2, pVerifierCert, nLen_VerifierCert); BREAK_IF_TRUE(AE_SUCCESS != tmp_status, status, tmp_status); //********************************************************************* // Verify SigRL (verify Cert signature and get the RL version) //********************************************************************* tmp_status = ValidateSigRL(pSigRL, sigRL_entries, sigRL_size, &m_nSigRLVersion); BREAK_IF_TRUE(AE_SUCCESS != tmp_status, status, tmp_status); //********************************************************************* // Add revocation list to S2 //********************************************************************* tmp_status = AddRevocationList(pS2, index, nMax_S2, pSigRL, sigRL_size); BREAK_IF_TRUE(AE_SUCCESS != tmp_status, status, tmp_status); //********************************************************************* // Add OCSP Responses to S2 //********************************************************************* tmp_status = AddOcspResponses(pS2, index, nMax_S2, pOcspResp, nLen_OcspResp); BREAK_IF_TRUE(AE_SUCCESS != tmp_status, status, tmp_status); //********************************************************************* // Compute the HMAC over S2 using SMK (exclude SigGbGa) // [g^b || Basename || OCSPReq || Certver || SIG-RL || OCSPResp]SMK //********************************************************************* // index is portion of S2 in pS2->Data tmp_status = m_sigmaAlg.calc_s2_hmac(&pS2->S2Icv, pS2, index); BREAK_IF_TRUE(AE_SUCCESS != tmp_status, status, tmp_status); //********************************************************************* // Append Pr_pse, where Pr_pse is HMAC_SHA256(MK, OLD_SK || 0x01) // if OLD_SK is available, or 256-bit 0x0 if OLD_SK is not available //********************************************************************* PR_PSE_T pr = {0}; int nSizePr = sizeof(pr); const Nonce128_t zeroNonce = {0}; if (0 != memcmp(zeroNonce, m_pairingNonce, sizeof(Nonce128_t))) { // A non-zero pairing nonce indicates valid pairing info is available tmp_status = m_sigmaAlg.ComputePR(&m_pairingID, 0x01, (SIGMA_HMAC*)pr); BREAK_IF_TRUE(AE_SUCCESS != tmp_status, status, tmp_status); // OutputOctets("::GenM7:: Pr_pse HMAC[(m_pairingID || 0x01)] using m_Mk", pr, nSizePr); } nSizePr = sizeof(pr); memcpy((pS2->Data + index), pr, nSizePr); index += nSizePr; //********************************************************************* // Sign SigGaGb // Sig_pse(g^a || g^b) //********************************************************************* uint8_t combined_pubkeys[SIGMA_SESSION_PUBKEY_LENGTH * 2]; uint8_t ecc_sig[ECDSA_SIG_LENGTH] = {0}; /* GaGb in big endian format */ memcpy(combined_pubkeys, m_sigmaAlg.get_remote_pub_key_ga_be(), SIGMA_SESSION_PUBKEY_LENGTH); memcpy(combined_pubkeys + SIGMA_SESSION_PUBKEY_LENGTH, m_sigmaAlg.get_pub_key_gb_be(), SIGMA_SESSION_PUBKEY_LENGTH); if (SGX_SUCCESS == sgx_ecdsa_sign(combined_pubkeys, sizeof(combined_pubkeys), (sgx_ec256_private_t *)pairing_data.secret_data.VerifierPrivateKey, (sgx_ec256_signature_t *)ecc_sig, sigma_ecc_handle)) { /* Convert the signature to big endian format for pS2->SigGaGb */ SwapEndian_32B(ecc_sig); SwapEndian_32B(&(ecc_sig[32])); memcpy(pS2->SigGaGb, ecc_sig, ECDSA_SIG_LENGTH); } else { status = PSE_PR_MSG_SIGNING_ERROR; break; } //********************************************************************* // Set the size of S2 that is being returned //********************************************************************* size_t S2IcvSize = SIGMA_S2_ICV_CONSTANT_BUFFER_SIZE + index; if ( UINT32_MAX - SIGMA_S2_ICV_CONSTANT_BUFFER_SIZE - ECDSA_SIG_LENGTH - SIGMA_HMAC_LENGTH < index) { status = PSE_PR_BAD_POINTER_ERROR; break; } *pnLen_S2 = (uint32_t)(S2IcvSize + ECDSA_SIG_LENGTH + SIGMA_HMAC_LENGTH); //********************************************************************* // WE PASSED ALL BARRIERS TO SUCCESS //********************************************************************* status = AE_SUCCESS; m_nextState = STATE_VERIFYM8; } while (false); /* Defense-in-depth: clear the data on stack that contains enclave secret.*/ memset_s(&pairing_data, sizeof(pairing_data), 0, sizeof(pairing_data)); /* close ecc context handle, the generic crypto lib will free the context memory */ if (sigma_ecc_handle != NULL) sgx_ecc256_close_context(sigma_ecc_handle); return map_GenM7_error_for_return(status); } #define RL_OFFSET 4 /* This function will check if the S3 ICV is correct. Then it will verify the EPID signature */ ae_error_t TEpidSigma11Verifier::VerifyM8 ( /*in */ const SIGMA_S3_MESSAGE* pS3, /*in */ UINT32 nLen_S3, /*in */ const EPID11_PRIV_RL* pPrivRL, /*in, out*/ pairing_blob_t* pPairingBlob, /*out*/ bool* pbNewPairing ) { // S3 --> [TaskInfo || g^a || EpidCert || EpidSig(g^a || g^b) || SIG-RL]SMK ae_error_t status = AE_FAILURE; pairing_data_t pairing_data; // // This is misleading, PR_PSE_T isn't part of SIGMA, S3, it's part of our (sgx) m8. // Also, min_s3 is a very low lower bound. m8 message (not s3) is hmac || taskinfo || g**a || group cert || epid sig || sig-rl || pr_pse. // Group cert, EPID sig and SigRL are variable-length, but they have fixed length parts so lengths of the fixed // length parts could be included here. // const size_t min_s3 = sizeof(SIGMA_S3_MESSAGE) + sizeof(PR_PSE_T); bool bResult; bool bNewPairing = false; do { ae_error_t tmp_status; // privRL_size allows for the privRL header, array of RL entries, and signature at the end uint32_t privRL_entries = 0; uint32_t privRL_size = 0; bResult = TEpidSigma11Verifier::get_privRL_info(pPrivRL, privRL_entries, privRL_size); BREAK_IF_FALSE((bResult), status, PSE_PR_BAD_POINTER_ERROR); BREAK_IF_TRUE( (STATE_VERIFYM8 != m_nextState), status, PSE_PR_CALL_ORDER_ERROR); //********************************************************************* // Validate pointers and sizes //********************************************************************* BREAK_IF_TRUE((NULL == pS3 || nLen_S3 < min_s3), status, PSE_PR_BAD_POINTER_ERROR); // pPrivRL is allowed to be NULL and will be checked in ValidatePrivRL() BREAK_IF_TRUE((NULL == pPairingBlob), status, PSE_PR_BAD_POINTER_ERROR); BREAK_IF_TRUE((NULL == pbNewPairing), status, PSE_PR_BAD_POINTER_ERROR); BREAK_IF_TRUE((privRL_size > MAX_ALLOWED_PRIVRL_SIZE), status, PSE_PR_PARAMETER_ERROR); BREAK_IF_TRUE((nLen_S3 > MAX_ALLOWED_S3_SIZE), status, PSE_PR_PARAMETER_ERROR); BREAK_IF_FALSE(sgx_is_within_enclave(pS3, nLen_S3), status, PSE_PR_BAD_POINTER_ERROR); //********************************************************************* // Start SIGMA processing S3 //********************************************************************* //********************************************************************* // Initialize for calculating HMAC and indexing to data //********************************************************************* size_t S3VLDataLen = nLen_S3 - (sizeof(SIGMA_S3_MESSAGE) + sizeof(PR_PSE_T)); //********************************************************************* // Verify the S3 HMAC using SMK // [TaskInfo || g^a || EpidCert || EpidSig(g^a || g^b) || SIG-RL]SMK //********************************************************************* SIGMA_HMAC calcHMAC; tmp_status = m_sigmaAlg.calc_s3_hmac(&calcHMAC, pS3, S3VLDataLen); BREAK_IF_TRUE(AE_SUCCESS != tmp_status, status, tmp_status); bResult = (1 == consttime_memequal(calcHMAC, pS3->S3Icv, sizeof(SIGMA_HMAC))); BREAK_IF_FALSE( (bResult), status, PSE_PR_HMAC_COMPARE_ERROR); //********************************************************************* // Verify that g^a is the same that arrived in S1 //********************************************************************* bResult = (0 == memcmp(m_sigmaAlg.get_remote_pub_key_ga_be(), pS3->Ga, sizeof(pS3->Ga))); BREAK_IF_FALSE( (bResult), status, PSE_PR_GA_COMPARE_ERROR); //********************************************************************* // Verify TaskInfo //********************************************************************* BREAK_IF_FALSE(TaskInfoIsValid(pS3->TaskInfo), status, PSE_PR_TASK_INFO_ERROR); //********************************************************************* // Check the EPID signature //********************************************************************* X509_GROUP_CERTIFICATE_VLR* X509GroupCertVlr = NULL; EPID_SIGNATURE_VLR* EpidSigVlr = NULL; tmp_status = ValidateS3DataBlock(pS3, nLen_S3, &X509GroupCertVlr, &EpidSigVlr); BREAK_IF_TRUE(AE_SUCCESS != tmp_status, status, tmp_status); UINT32 S3GID; Epid11GroupPubKey groupPubKey; /* X509Parser::ParseGroupCertificate() expecting big endian format public key */ uint8_t SerializedPublicKey[SIGMA_SESSION_PUBKEY_LENGTH]; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < Keys::EpidVerifyKeyNum(); i++) { memcpy(SerializedPublicKey, (EcDsaPubKey*)Keys::EpidVerifyKeys()[i], SIGMA_SESSION_PUBKEY_LENGTH); SwapEndian_32B(SerializedPublicKey); SwapEndian_32B(&(SerializedPublicKey[32])); if (0 == X509Parser::ParseGroupCertificate( /*in */ (EcDsaPubKey*)SerializedPublicKey, /*in */ X509GroupCertVlr, /*out*/ &S3GID, /*out*/ &groupPubKey)) { tmp_status = AE_SUCCESS; break; } else { tmp_status = PSE_PR_X509_PARSE_ERROR; } } BREAK_IF_TRUE(AE_SUCCESS != tmp_status, status, tmp_status); BREAK_IF_FALSE((S3GID == m_gid), status, PSE_PR_GID_MISMATCH_ERROR ); //********************************************************************* // Verify PrivRL //********************************************************************* tmp_status = ValidatePrivRL(pPrivRL, privRL_entries, privRL_size, &m_nPrivRLVersion); BREAK_IF_TRUE(AE_SUCCESS != tmp_status, status, tmp_status); KeysToSign_t combinedKeys; memset(&combinedKeys, 0, sizeof(combinedKeys)); // Combine over g^a || g^b to the struct memcpy(combinedKeys.first, m_sigmaAlg.get_remote_pub_key_ga_be(), SIGMA_SESSION_PUBKEY_LENGTH); memcpy(combinedKeys.second, m_sigmaAlg.get_pub_key_gb_be(), SIGMA_SESSION_PUBKEY_LENGTH); //********************************************************************* // the input pPrivRL has a type definition of EPID11_PRIV_RL, // but the epid-sdk-3.0 library takes Epid11PrivRl as input parameter. // EPID11_PRIV_RL has 4 addtional bytes at the header so we offset the pointer // by 4 bytes . Also we need to exclude RL signature because epid-sdk3.0 // checks the RL's size shouldn't include the signature. Similar for SigRL and GroupRL. //********************************************************************* uint8_t* pEpid11PrivRL = (pPrivRL == NULL)? NULL:(uint8_t*)pPrivRL+RL_OFFSET; uint32_t nEpid11PrivRLSize = (pPrivRL == NULL)? 0:privRL_size-RL_OFFSET-ECDSA_SIG_LENGTH; uint8_t* pEpid11SigRL = (m_pSigRL == NULL)? NULL:m_pSigRL+RL_OFFSET; uint32_t nEpid11SigRLSize = (m_pSigRL == NULL)? 0:m_nSigRL-RL_OFFSET-ECDSA_SIG_LENGTH; tmp_status = m_sigmaAlg.MsgVerifyPch((UINT8 *)&groupPubKey, (uint32_t)(sizeof(EpidCert) - ECDSA_SIG_LENGTH), NULL, // not required for EPID SDK 3.0 (Ipp8u*)&combinedKeys, (uint32_t)sizeof(combinedKeys), NULL, // Bsn 0, // BsnLen (UINT8 *)EpidSigVlr->EpidSig, VLR_UNPADDED_PAYLOAD_SIZE(EpidSigVlr->VlrHeader), pEpid11PrivRL, nEpid11PrivRLSize, // PrivRL pEpid11SigRL, nEpid11SigRLSize, // SigRL NULL, 0); // GroupRL BREAK_IF_TRUE(AE_SUCCESS != tmp_status, status, tmp_status); //********************************************************************* // Calculate Id_pse and Id_cse // Id_pse = hash(sk || mk || 1) // Id_cse = hash(sk || mk || 2) //********************************************************************* SHA256_HASH Id_pse = {0}; SHA256_HASH Id_cse = {0}; tmp_status = m_sigmaAlg.ComputeId(1, &Id_pse); BREAK_IF_TRUE(AE_SUCCESS != tmp_status, status, tmp_status); tmp_status = m_sigmaAlg.ComputeId(2, &Id_cse); BREAK_IF_TRUE(AE_SUCCESS != tmp_status, status, tmp_status); //********************************************************************* // Verify Pr_cse, where Pr_cse is HMAC_SHA256(MK, OLD_SK || 0x02) // if OLD_SK is available, or 256-bit 0x0 if OLD_SK is not available //********************************************************************* size_t nSizePr = sizeof(PR_PSE_T); PR_PSE_T *pS3_PR_cse = (PR_PSE_T*)((const uint8_t*)pS3 + nLen_S3 - nSizePr); // OutputOctets("S3", pS3, nLen_S3); // OutputOctets("VerifyM8 - pS3_PR_cse", pS3_PR_cse, nSizePr); bNewPairing = true; PR_PSE_T pr_cse = {0}; const Nonce128_t zeroNonce = {0}; if (0 != memcmp(&pr_cse, pS3_PR_cse, sizeof(pr_cse)) && 0 != memcmp(&m_pairingNonce, &zeroNonce, sizeof(Nonce128_t))) { tmp_status = m_sigmaAlg.ComputePR(&m_pairingID, 0x02, (SIGMA_HMAC*)pr_cse); BREAK_IF_TRUE(AE_SUCCESS != tmp_status, status, tmp_status); // OutputOctets("::VerifyM8:: Computed Pr HMAC[(m_pairingID || 0x02)] using m_Mk", pr_cse, nSizePr); if (0 == memcmp(&pr_cse, pS3_PR_cse, sizeof(pr_cse))) bNewPairing = false; } if (bNewPairing) { memcpy(&m_pairingID, m_sigmaAlg.get_SK(), sizeof(m_pairingID)); sgx_status_t seStatus = sgx_read_rand((uint8_t*)&m_pairingNonce, sizeof(m_pairingNonce)); BREAK_IF_TRUE(SGX_SUCCESS != seStatus, status, PSE_PR_READ_RAND_ERROR); // LTPBlob.pairingNonce = 0 is used to indicate invalid pairing Info in the LTP blob. // Under the rare situation of a random number of 0 is returned for pairingNonce generation, // PSE-Pr declares pairing or re-pairing attempt failure. The next pairing/re-pairing attempt // most likely will generate a non-zero pairingNonce BREAK_IF_TRUE(memcmp(&m_pairingNonce, &zeroNonce, sizeof(Nonce128_t)) == 0, status, PSE_PR_READ_RAND_ERROR); // OutputOctets("VerifyM8 - new pairing", NULL, 0); } else { // OutputOctets("VerifyM8 - pS3_PR_cse matches pr_cse", NULL, 0); } //********************************************************************* // Update the unsealed pairing data // [VerifierPrivateKey, id_pse || id_cse || sk || mk || // PairingNonce || SigRLVersion_cse || PrvRLVersion_cse || // DalAppletVersion] //********************************************************************* memset(&pairing_data, 0, sizeof(pairing_data)); memcpy(pairing_data.secret_data.VerifierPrivateKey, m_verifierPrivateKey, sizeof(EcDsaPrivKey)); memcpy(pairing_data.secret_data.Id_cse, &Id_cse, sizeof(SHA256_HASH)); memcpy(pairing_data.secret_data.Id_pse, &Id_pse, sizeof(SHA256_HASH)); memcpy(pairing_data.secret_data.mk, m_sigmaAlg.get_MK(), sizeof(pairing_data.secret_data.mk)); memcpy(pairing_data.secret_data.sk, m_sigmaAlg.get_SK(), sizeof(pairing_data.secret_data.sk)); memcpy(pairing_data.secret_data.pairingID, m_pairingID, sizeof(m_pairingID)); memcpy(pairing_data.secret_data.pairingNonce, m_pairingNonce, sizeof(Nonce128_t)); pairing_data.plaintext.cse_sec_prop.ps_hw_gid = m_gid; pairing_data.plaintext.cse_sec_prop.ps_hw_sig_rlversion = m_nSigRLVersion; pairing_data.plaintext.cse_sec_prop.ps_hw_privkey_rlversion = m_nPrivRLVersion; //NRG: Definition of ME_TASK_INFO and PS_HW_SEC_INFO is still open // for SunrisePoint from TaskInfo of SIGMA1.1 message: // byte[ 0- 3] ME_TASK_INFO.TaskID, for SunrisePoint must be 8 // byte[ 4- 7] Reserved, must be 0 // byte[ 8-11] PSDA ID, mapped from the PSDA Applet ID in ME_TASK_INFO (1) // byte[12-15] PSDA SVN from ME_TASK_INFO // byte[16-31] Reserved, must be 0 pairing_data.plaintext.cse_sec_prop.ps_hw_sec_info.taskId = pS3->TaskInfo.TaskId; pairing_data.plaintext.cse_sec_prop.ps_hw_sec_info.psdaId = 1; pairing_data.plaintext.cse_sec_prop.ps_hw_sec_info.psdaSvn = m_nDalAppletVersion; //NRG: // keep instance id memcpy(pairing_data.plaintext.pse_instance_id, pPairingBlob->plaintext.pse_instance_id, sizeof(pairing_data.plaintext.pse_instance_id)); //********************************************************************* // Seal the pairing blob //********************************************************************* tmp_status = SealPairingBlob(&pairing_data, pPairingBlob); BREAK_IF_TRUE(AE_SUCCESS != tmp_status, status, tmp_status); *pbNewPairing = bNewPairing; //********************************************************************* // WE PASSED ALL BARRIERS TO SUCCESS //********************************************************************* status = AE_SUCCESS; m_nextState = STATE_DONE; } while (false); if (AE_FAILED(status)) m_nextState = STATE_ERROR; /* Defense-in-depth: clear the data on stack that contains enclave secret.*/ memset_s(&pairing_data, sizeof(pairing_data), 0, sizeof(pairing_data)); delete[] m_pSigRL; m_pSigRL = NULL; m_nSigRL = 0; return map_VerifyM8_error_for_return(status); } bool TEpidSigma11Verifier::TaskInfoIsValid( const ME_TASK_INFO& taskInfo) { uint32_t taskInfoType = SwapEndian_DW(taskInfo.Hdr.Type); if (taskInfoType != ME_TASK) return false; //check TaskID and Applet ID according to SunrisePoint specification /* Check the TaskId matches the hardcoded JVM-On-ME Task ID */ if (taskInfo.TaskId != JOM_TASK_ID) return false; /* Check the first 16 bytes of RsvdforApp matches the hardcoded PSDA Applet ID */ if (memcmp(taskInfo.RsvdforApp, PSDA_APPLET_ID, DAL_APPLET_ID_LEN)) { return false; } /* retrieve the PSDA SVN */ memcpy(&m_nDalAppletVersion, (const_cast(taskInfo.RsvdforApp) + DAL_APPLET_ID_LEN), DAL_APPLET_SVN_LEN); return true; } ae_error_t TEpidSigma11Verifier::ValidateS3DataBlock(const SIGMA_S3_MESSAGE* pS3, uint32_t nLen_S3, X509_GROUP_CERTIFICATE_VLR** X509GroupCertVlr, EPID_SIGNATURE_VLR** EpidSigVlr) { X509_GROUP_CERTIFICATE_VLR* pX; EPID_SIGNATURE_VLR* pE; uint32_t data_offset = offsetof(SIGMA_S3_MESSAGE, Data); if (NULL == pS3 || NULL == X509GroupCertVlr || NULL == EpidSigVlr) return AESM_PSE_PR_BAD_POINTER_ERROR; // Make sure certificate is within bounds of S3 message allocated in trusted memory if (data_offset + sizeof(X509_GROUP_CERTIFICATE_VLR) >= nLen_S3) return PSE_PR_S3_DATA_ERROR; pX = (X509_GROUP_CERTIFICATE_VLR *)(((uint8_t*)pS3) + data_offset); // Make sure epid signature VLR is within bounds of S3 message allocated in trusted memory if ((data_offset + sizeof(EPID_SIGNATURE_VLR) + pX->VlrHeader.Length) >= nLen_S3) return PSE_PR_S3_DATA_ERROR; pE = (EPID_SIGNATURE_VLR*)((UINT8*)(pX) + pX->VlrHeader.Length); // Make sure epid signature data is within bounds of S3 message allocated in trusted memory if ((data_offset + pX->VlrHeader.Length + pE->VlrHeader.Length) >= nLen_S3) return PSE_PR_S3_DATA_ERROR; *X509GroupCertVlr = pX; *EpidSigVlr = pE; return AE_SUCCESS; } ae_error_t TEpidSigma11Verifier::AddCertificateChain(SIGMA_S2_MESSAGE* pS2, size_t& index, size_t nMaxS2, const UINT8* pCertChain, size_t nCertChain) { ae_error_t status = PSE_PR_INTERNAL_ERROR; do { if (nMaxS2 < ((pS2->Data - (uint8_t*)pS2) + index + nCertChain)) break; memcpy((pS2->Data + index), pCertChain, nCertChain); index += nCertChain; status = AE_SUCCESS; } while (false); return status; } ae_error_t TEpidSigma11Verifier::AddRevocationList(SIGMA_S2_MESSAGE* pS2, size_t& index, size_t nMaxS2, const EPID11_SIG_RL* pRL, uint32_t nSigRL) { ae_error_t status = PSE_PR_INTERNAL_ERROR; do { if (NULL != m_pSigRL) delete [] m_pSigRL; m_nSigRL = 0; m_pSigRL = NULL; if (nSigRL > 0) { m_nSigRL = nSigRL; m_pSigRL = new (std::nothrow) UINT8[m_nSigRL]; BREAK_IF_TRUE( (NULL == m_pSigRL), status, PSE_PR_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY_ERROR); int nPaddedBytes = REQUIRED_PADDING_DWORD_ALIGNMENT(m_nSigRL); memcpy(m_pSigRL, pRL , m_nSigRL); SIGNATURE_REV_LIST_VLR sigRL_VLR; sigRL_VLR.VlrHeader.ID = SIGNATURE_REVOCATION_LIST_VLR_ID; sigRL_VLR.VlrHeader.PaddedBytes = (uint8_t)nPaddedBytes; if (sizeof(SIGMA_VLR_HEADER) + nPaddedBytes + m_nSigRL > UINT16_MAX) break; sigRL_VLR.VlrHeader.Length = (uint16_t)(sizeof(SIGMA_VLR_HEADER) + nPaddedBytes + m_nSigRL); if (nMaxS2 < ((pS2->Data - (uint8_t*)pS2) + index + nSigRL + sizeof(SIGNATURE_REV_LIST_VLR))) break; memcpy((pS2->Data + index), &sigRL_VLR, sizeof(SIGNATURE_REV_LIST_VLR)); index += sizeof(SIGNATURE_REV_LIST_VLR); memcpy((pS2->Data + index), m_pSigRL, m_nSigRL); index += m_nSigRL; } status = AE_SUCCESS; } while (false); return status; } ae_error_t TEpidSigma11Verifier::AddOcspResponses(SIGMA_S2_MESSAGE* pS2, size_t& index, size_t nMaxS2, const UINT8* pOcspResp, size_t nOcspResp) { ae_error_t status = PSE_PR_INTERNAL_ERROR; do { if (pS2->OcspReq.ReqType == NO_OCSP) { status = AE_SUCCESS; break; } BREAK_IF_TRUE( (0 == nOcspResp), status , PSE_PR_NO_OCSP_RESPONSE_ERROR); if (nMaxS2 < ((pS2->Data - (uint8_t*)pS2) + index + nOcspResp)) break; memcpy((pS2->Data+index), pOcspResp, nOcspResp); index += nOcspResp; status = AE_SUCCESS; } while (false); return status; } ae_error_t TEpidSigma11Verifier::ValidateSigRL(const EPID11_SIG_RL* pSigRL, uint32_t sigRL_entries, uint32_t sigRL_size, uint32_t* pVersion) { sgx_ecc_state_handle_t ivk_ecc_handle = NULL; uint8_t result; ae_error_t status = PSE_PR_MSG_COMPARE_ERROR; if (NULL == pVersion) return PSE_PR_BAD_POINTER_ERROR; *pVersion = 0; if (0 == sigRL_size || NULL == pSigRL) return AE_SUCCESS; do { uint32_t nBaseSigRL_size = sigRL_size - EPID11_SIG_RL_SIGNATURE_SIZE; if (sigRL_entries > MAX_SIGRL_ENTRIES) break; uint8_t* p_rl_version = const_cast(pSigRL->rl_version); *pVersion = SwapEndian_DW(*reinterpret_cast(p_rl_version)); sgx_status_t sgx_status = sgx_ecc256_open_context(&ivk_ecc_handle); BREAK_IF_TRUE((SGX_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY == sgx_status), status, PSE_PR_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY_ERROR); BREAK_IF_TRUE((SGX_SUCCESS != sgx_status), status, PSE_PR_MSG_COMPARE_ERROR); //Convert the big endian signature in the Cert to little endian uint8_t ecc_sig[ECDSA_SIG_LENGTH ]; memcpy(ecc_sig, (uint8_t*)pSigRL + nBaseSigRL_size, ECDSA_SIG_LENGTH ); SwapEndian_32B(ecc_sig); SwapEndian_32B(&(ecc_sig[32])); const uint8_t** pEpidVerifyKeys = Keys::EpidVerifyKeys(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < Keys::EpidVerifyKeyNum(); i++) { sgx_status = sgx_ecdsa_verify((uint8_t*)pSigRL, nBaseSigRL_size, (sgx_ec256_public_t *)(pEpidVerifyKeys[i]), /* requiring little endian format */ (sgx_ec256_signature_t *)ecc_sig, &result, ivk_ecc_handle); if (sgx_status == SGX_SUCCESS && result == SGX_EC_VALID) break; } BREAK_IF_TRUE((SGX_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY == sgx_status), status, PSE_PR_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY_ERROR); BREAK_IF_TRUE((SGX_SUCCESS != sgx_status), status, PSE_PR_MSG_COMPARE_ERROR); BREAK_IF_TRUE((SGX_EC_VALID != result), status, PSE_PR_MSG_COMPARE_ERROR); status = AE_SUCCESS; } while (false); if (ivk_ecc_handle != NULL) sgx_ecc256_close_context(ivk_ecc_handle); return status; } ae_error_t TEpidSigma11Verifier::ValidatePrivRL(const EPID11_PRIV_RL* pPrivRL, uint32_t privRL_entries, uint32_t privRL_size, uint32_t* pVersion) { sgx_ecc_state_handle_t ivk_ecc_handle = NULL; uint8_t result; ae_error_t status = PSE_PR_MSG_COMPARE_ERROR; if (NULL == pVersion) return PSE_PR_BAD_POINTER_ERROR; *pVersion = 0; if (0 == privRL_size || NULL == pPrivRL) return AE_SUCCESS; do { uint32_t nBasePrivRL_size = privRL_size - EPID11_PRIV_RL_SIGNATURE_SIZE; if (privRL_entries > MAX_SIGRL_ENTRIES) break; uint8_t* p_rl_version = const_cast(pPrivRL->rl_version); *pVersion = SwapEndian_DW(*reinterpret_cast(p_rl_version)); sgx_status_t sgx_status = sgx_ecc256_open_context(&ivk_ecc_handle); BREAK_IF_TRUE((SGX_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY == sgx_status), status, PSE_PR_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY_ERROR); BREAK_IF_TRUE((SGX_SUCCESS != sgx_status), status, PSE_PR_MSG_COMPARE_ERROR); //Convert the big endian signature in the Cert to little endian uint8_t ecc_sig[ECDSA_SIG_LENGTH]; memcpy(ecc_sig, (uint8_t*)pPrivRL + nBasePrivRL_size, ECDSA_SIG_LENGTH); SwapEndian_32B(ecc_sig); SwapEndian_32B(&(ecc_sig[32])); const uint8_t** pEpidVerifyKeys = Keys::EpidVerifyKeys(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < Keys::EpidVerifyKeyNum(); i++) { sgx_status = sgx_ecdsa_verify((uint8_t*)pPrivRL, nBasePrivRL_size, (sgx_ec256_public_t *)(pEpidVerifyKeys[i]), /* requiring little endian format */ (sgx_ec256_signature_t *)ecc_sig, &result, ivk_ecc_handle); if (sgx_status == SGX_SUCCESS && result == SGX_EC_VALID) break; } BREAK_IF_TRUE((SGX_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY == sgx_status), status, PSE_PR_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY_ERROR); BREAK_IF_TRUE((SGX_SUCCESS != sgx_status), status, PSE_PR_MSG_COMPARE_ERROR); BREAK_IF_TRUE((SGX_EC_VALID != result), status, PSE_PR_MSG_COMPARE_ERROR); status = AE_SUCCESS; } while (false); if (ivk_ecc_handle != NULL) sgx_ecc256_close_context(ivk_ecc_handle); return status; }