#!/usr/bin/make -f #variables are set by configure prefix = /usr/local installdir = $(prefix)/ epidinstalldir = $(installdir)/epid-sdk CC = gcc CXX = g++ CFLAGS = LDFLAGS = RANLIB = ranlib TSS_PATH = TINY = #set performance affecting flags SIZE_CFLAGS := -O2 #gcc flags CC_FLAGS := $(CFLAGS) $(SIZE_CFLAGS) -Werror -Wall -Wextra -Wno-missing-braces \ -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-unused-function \ -fno-strict-aliasing -Wno-unused-but-set-variable -Wno-comment -Wformat \ -Wformat-security -fstack-protector -DNDEBUG -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 #intel c compiler flags ICC_FLAGS := $(CFLAGS) $(SIZE_CFLAGS) -Werror -Wall -Wextra -DNDEBUG \ -fstack-protector -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 \ -Wformat -Wformat-security ifneq ($(OS),Windows_NT) CC_FLAGS += -fPIC ICC_FLAGS += -fPIC CXX11_FLAG = -std=c++0x EXE_EXTENSION = else CC_FLAGS += -D__int64='long long' CXX11_FLAG = -std=gnu++11 EXE_EXTENSION = .exe endif #g++ flags CXX_FLAGS := $(CC_FLAGS) $(CXX11_FLAG) #intel c++ compiler flags ICPC_FLAGS := $(ICC_FLAGS) $(CXX11_FLAG) #check if architecture was specified #or take it by shell command ifeq ($(findstring -m32,$(CFLAGS)),-m32) ARCH = x86 CXXFLAGS += -m32 LDFLAGS += -m32 else ifeq ($(findstring -m64,$(CFLAGS)),-m64) ARCH = x86_64 CXXFLAGS += -m64 LDFLAGS += -m64 else ifeq ($(findstring arm-,$(CC)),arm-) ARCH = arm ifneq (,$(findstring gnueabihf,$(CC))) ARCH := $(addsuffix hf,$(ARCH)) endif else ARCH := $(shell uname -m) endif endif #set tools and flags depending on specified compiler ifeq ($(findstring icc,$(CC)),icc) CFLAGS := $(ICC_FLAGS) CXXFLAGS := $(ICPC_FLAGS) AR = $(subst icc,xiar,$(CC)) else CFLAGS := $(CC_FLAGS) CXXFLAGS := $(CXX_FLAGS) endif # ld flags LDFLAGS += -fstack-protector ifneq ($(OS),Windows_NT) LDFLAGS += -z noexecstack -z relro -z now -pie endif #gtest defines GTEST_DEFINES := -DGTEST_HAS_PTHREAD=0 -D_VARIADIC_MAX=10 #set flags for unit tests executables GTEST_FLAGS = --gtest_color=yes \ --gtest_print_time=1 \ --gtest_output=xml export CC LDFLAGS ARCH CFLAGS export CXX CXXFLAGS export AR RANLIB export epidinstalldir export GTEST_FLAGS GTEST_DEFINES export EXE_EXTENSION export TSS_PATH export TINY #output of the main parameters $(info $$ccompiler is [${CC}]) $(info $$cxxcompiler is [${CXX}]) $(info $$architecture is [${ARCH}]) #targets part all: $(MAKE) common member verifier argtable3 clean: $(MAKE) -C ./epid/common/ clean $(MAKE) -C ./epid/member/ clean $(MAKE) -C ./epid/verifier/ clean $(MAKE) -C ./ext/gtest/ clean $(MAKE) -C ./epid/common-testhelper/ clean $(MAKE) -C ./ext/argtable3/ clean ifneq ("$(wildcard ./ext/google_benchmark)","") $(MAKE) -C ./ext/google_benchmark/ clean endif install: $(MAKE) -C ./epid/common/ install $(MAKE) -C ./epid/member/ install $(MAKE) -C ./epid/verifier/ install $(MAKE) -C ./epid/common-testhelper/ install uninstall: rm -rf $(epidinstalldir) common-testhelper: $(MAKE) -C ./epid/common-testhelper/ all common-testhelper_utest: $(MAKE) -C ./epid/common-testhelper/ utest common: $(MAKE) -C ./epid/common/ all common_utest: $(MAKE) -C ./epid/common/ utest member: $(MAKE) -C ./epid/member/ all member_utest: $(MAKE) -C ./epid/member/ utest verifier: $(MAKE) -C ./epid/verifier/ all verifier_utest: $(MAKE) -C ./epid/verifier/ utest gtest: $(MAKE) -C ./ext/gtest/ all argtable3: $(MAKE) -C ./ext/argtable3/ all utest: $(MAKE) gtest common-testhelper $(MAKE) common-testhelper_utest common_utest member_utest verifier_utest run_utest: $(MAKE) -C ./epid/common-testhelper/ run_utest $(MAKE) -C ./epid/common/ run_utest $(MAKE) -C ./epid/member/ run_utest $(MAKE) -C ./epid/verifier/ run_utest check: $(MAKE) utest $(MAKE) run_utest perf: ifneq ("$(wildcard ./ext/google_benchmark/)","") $(MAKE) -C ./ext/google_benchmark/ all $(MAKE) -C ./ext/google_benchmark/ utest $(MAKE) -C ./ext/google_benchmark/ run_utest endif build: $(MAKE) all $(MAKE) check $(MAKE) install