/* * Copyright (C) 2011-2018 Intel Corporation. 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IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ /** * File: * sgx_rsa_encryption.cpp * Description: * Wrapper for rsa operation functions * */ #include #include #include #include "sgx_error.h" #include "sgx_tcrypto.h" #include "se_tcrypto_common.h" #include #include #include #include #include "ssl_wrapper.h" sgx_status_t sgx_create_rsa_key_pair(int n_byte_size, int e_byte_size, unsigned char *p_n, unsigned char *p_d, unsigned char *p_e, unsigned char *p_p, unsigned char *p_q, unsigned char *p_dmp1, unsigned char *p_dmq1, unsigned char *p_iqmp) { if (n_byte_size <= 0 || e_byte_size <= 0 || p_n == NULL || p_d == NULL || p_e == NULL || p_p == NULL || p_q == NULL || p_dmp1 == NULL || p_dmq1 == NULL || p_iqmp == NULL) { return SGX_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } sgx_status_t ret_code = SGX_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; RSA* rsa_ctx = NULL; BIGNUM* bn_n = NULL; BIGNUM* bn_e = NULL; BIGNUM* tmp_bn_e = NULL; BIGNUM* bn_d = NULL; BIGNUM* bn_dmp1 = NULL; BIGNUM* bn_dmq1 = NULL; BIGNUM* bn_iqmp = NULL; BIGNUM* bn_q = NULL; BIGNUM* bn_p = NULL; do { //create new rsa ctx // rsa_ctx = RSA_new(); if (rsa_ctx == NULL) { ret_code = SGX_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; break; } //generate rsa key pair, with n_byte_size*8 mod size and p_e exponent // tmp_bn_e = BN_lebin2bn(p_e, e_byte_size, tmp_bn_e); BN_CHECK_BREAK(tmp_bn_e); if (RSA_generate_key_ex(rsa_ctx, n_byte_size * 8, tmp_bn_e, NULL) != 1) { break; } //validate RSA key size match input parameter n size // int gen_rsa_size = RSA_size(rsa_ctx); if (gen_rsa_size != n_byte_size) { break; } //get RSA key internal values // RSA_get0_key(rsa_ctx, (const BIGNUM**)(&bn_n), (const BIGNUM**)(&bn_e), (const BIGNUM**)(&bn_d)); RSA_get0_factors(rsa_ctx, (const BIGNUM**)(&bn_p), (const BIGNUM**)(&bn_q)); RSA_get0_crt_params(rsa_ctx, (const BIGNUM**)(&bn_dmp1), (const BIGNUM**)(&bn_dmq1), (const BIGNUM**)(&bn_iqmp)); //copy the generated key to input pointers // if (!BN_bn2lebinpad(bn_n, p_n, BN_num_bytes(bn_n)) || !BN_bn2lebinpad(bn_d, p_d, BN_num_bytes(bn_d)) || !BN_bn2lebinpad(bn_e, p_e, BN_num_bytes(bn_e)) || !BN_bn2lebinpad(bn_p, p_p, BN_num_bytes(bn_p)) || !BN_bn2lebinpad(bn_q, p_q, BN_num_bytes(bn_q)) || !BN_bn2lebinpad(bn_dmp1, p_dmp1, BN_num_bytes(bn_dmp1)) || !BN_bn2lebinpad(bn_dmq1, p_dmq1, BN_num_bytes(bn_dmq1)) || !BN_bn2lebinpad(bn_iqmp, p_iqmp, BN_num_bytes(bn_iqmp))) { break; } ret_code = SGX_SUCCESS; } while (0); //free rsa ctx (RSA_free also free related BNs obtained in RSA_get functions) // RSA_free(rsa_ctx); BN_clear_free(tmp_bn_e); return ret_code; } sgx_status_t sgx_create_rsa_priv2_key(int mod_size, int exp_size, const unsigned char *p_rsa_key_e, const unsigned char *p_rsa_key_p, const unsigned char *p_rsa_key_q, const unsigned char *p_rsa_key_dmp1, const unsigned char *p_rsa_key_dmq1, const unsigned char *p_rsa_key_iqmp, void **new_pri_key2) { if (mod_size <= 0 || exp_size <= 0 || new_pri_key2 == NULL || p_rsa_key_e == NULL || p_rsa_key_p == NULL || p_rsa_key_q == NULL || p_rsa_key_dmp1 == NULL || p_rsa_key_dmq1 == NULL || p_rsa_key_iqmp == NULL) { return SGX_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } bool rsa_memory_manager = 0; EVP_PKEY *rsa_key = NULL; RSA *rsa_ctx = NULL; sgx_status_t ret_code = SGX_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; BIGNUM* n = NULL; BIGNUM* e = NULL; BIGNUM* d = NULL; BIGNUM* dmp1 = NULL; BIGNUM* dmq1 = NULL; BIGNUM* iqmp = NULL; BIGNUM* q = NULL; BIGNUM* p = NULL; BN_CTX* tmp_ctx = NULL; do { tmp_ctx = BN_CTX_new(); NULL_BREAK(tmp_ctx); n = BN_new(); NULL_BREAK(n); // convert RSA params, factors to BNs // p = BN_lebin2bn(p_rsa_key_p, (mod_size / 2), p); BN_CHECK_BREAK(p); q = BN_lebin2bn(p_rsa_key_q, (mod_size / 2), q); BN_CHECK_BREAK(q); dmp1 = BN_lebin2bn(p_rsa_key_dmp1, (mod_size / 2), dmp1); BN_CHECK_BREAK(dmp1); dmq1 = BN_lebin2bn(p_rsa_key_dmq1, (mod_size / 2), dmq1); BN_CHECK_BREAK(dmq1); iqmp = BN_lebin2bn(p_rsa_key_iqmp, (mod_size / 2), iqmp); BN_CHECK_BREAK(iqmp); e = BN_lebin2bn(p_rsa_key_e, (exp_size), e); BN_CHECK_BREAK(e); // calculate n value // if (!BN_mul(n, p, q, tmp_ctx)) { break; } //calculate d value //ϕ(n)=(p−1)(q−1) //d=(e^−1) mod ϕ(n) // d = BN_dup(n); NULL_BREAK(d); if (!BN_sub(d, d, p) || !BN_sub(d, d, q) || !BN_add_word(d, 1) || !BN_mod_inverse(d, e, d, tmp_ctx)) { break; } // allocates and initializes an RSA key structure // rsa_ctx = RSA_new(); rsa_key = EVP_PKEY_new(); if (rsa_ctx == NULL || rsa_key == NULL || !EVP_PKEY_assign_RSA(rsa_key, rsa_ctx)) { RSA_free(rsa_ctx); rsa_key = NULL; break; } //setup RSA key with input values //Calling set functions transfers the memory management of the values to the RSA object, //and therefore the values that have been passed in should not be freed by the caller after these functions has been called. // if (!RSA_set0_factors(rsa_ctx, p, q)) { break; } rsa_memory_manager = 1; if (!RSA_set0_crt_params(rsa_ctx, dmp1, dmq1, iqmp)) { BN_clear_free(n); BN_clear_free(e); BN_clear_free(d); BN_clear_free(dmp1); BN_clear_free(dmq1); BN_clear_free(iqmp); break; } if (!RSA_set0_key(rsa_ctx, n, e, d)) { BN_clear_free(n); BN_clear_free(e); BN_clear_free(d); break; } *new_pri_key2 = rsa_key; ret_code = SGX_SUCCESS; } while (0); BN_CTX_free(tmp_ctx); //in case of failure, free allocated BNs and RSA struct // if (ret_code != SGX_SUCCESS) { //BNs were not assigned to rsa ctx yet, user code must free allocated BNs // if (!rsa_memory_manager) { BN_clear_free(n); BN_clear_free(e); BN_clear_free(d); BN_clear_free(dmp1); BN_clear_free(dmq1); BN_clear_free(iqmp); BN_clear_free(q); BN_clear_free(p); } EVP_PKEY_free(rsa_key); } return ret_code; } sgx_status_t sgx_create_rsa_pub1_key(int mod_size, int exp_size, const unsigned char *le_n, const unsigned char *le_e, void **new_pub_key1) { if (new_pub_key1 == NULL || mod_size <= 0 || exp_size <= 0 || le_n == NULL || le_e == NULL) { return SGX_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } EVP_PKEY *rsa_key = NULL; RSA *rsa_ctx = NULL; sgx_status_t ret_code = SGX_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; BIGNUM* n = NULL; BIGNUM* e = NULL; do { //convert input buffers to BNs // n = BN_lebin2bn(le_n, mod_size, n); BN_CHECK_BREAK(n); e = BN_lebin2bn(le_e, exp_size, e); BN_CHECK_BREAK(e); // allocates and initializes an RSA key structure // rsa_ctx = RSA_new(); rsa_key = EVP_PKEY_new(); if (rsa_ctx == NULL || rsa_key == NULL || !EVP_PKEY_assign_RSA(rsa_key, rsa_ctx)) { RSA_free(rsa_ctx); rsa_ctx = NULL; break; } //set n, e values of RSA key //Calling set functions transfers the memory management of input BNs to the RSA object, //and therefore the values that have been passed in should not be freed by the caller after these functions has been called. // if (!RSA_set0_key(rsa_ctx, n, e, NULL)) { break; } *new_pub_key1 = rsa_key; ret_code = SGX_SUCCESS; } while (0); if (ret_code != SGX_SUCCESS) { EVP_PKEY_free(rsa_key); BN_clear_free(n); BN_clear_free(e); } return ret_code; } sgx_status_t sgx_rsa_pub_encrypt_sha256(void* rsa_key, unsigned char* pout_data, size_t* pout_len, const unsigned char* pin_data, const size_t pin_len) { if (rsa_key == NULL || pout_len == NULL || pin_data == NULL || pin_len < 1 || pin_len >= INT_MAX) { return SGX_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx = NULL; sgx_status_t ret_code = SGX_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; do { //allocate and init PKEY_CTX // ctx = EVP_PKEY_CTX_new((EVP_PKEY*)rsa_key, NULL); if ((ctx == NULL) || (EVP_PKEY_encrypt_init(ctx) < 1)) { break; } //set the RSA padding mode, init it to use SHA256 // EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_rsa_padding(ctx, RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING); EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_rsa_oaep_md(ctx, EVP_sha256()); if (EVP_PKEY_encrypt(ctx, pout_data, pout_len, pin_data, pin_len) <= 0) { break; } ret_code = SGX_SUCCESS; } while (0); EVP_PKEY_CTX_free(ctx); return ret_code; } sgx_status_t sgx_rsa_priv_decrypt_sha256(void* rsa_key, unsigned char* pout_data, size_t* pout_len, const unsigned char* pin_data, const size_t pin_len) { if (rsa_key == NULL || pout_len == NULL || pin_data == NULL || pin_len < 1 || pin_len >= INT_MAX) { return SGX_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx = NULL; sgx_status_t ret_code = SGX_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; do { //allocate and init PKEY_CTX // ctx = EVP_PKEY_CTX_new((EVP_PKEY*)rsa_key, NULL); if ((ctx == NULL) || (EVP_PKEY_decrypt_init(ctx) < 1)) { break; } //set the RSA padding mode, init it to use SHA256 // EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_rsa_padding(ctx, RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING); EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_rsa_oaep_md(ctx, EVP_sha256()); if (EVP_PKEY_decrypt(ctx, pout_data, pout_len, pin_data, pin_len) <= 0) { break; } ret_code = SGX_SUCCESS; } while (0); EVP_PKEY_CTX_free(ctx); return ret_code; } sgx_status_t sgx_free_rsa_key(void *p_rsa_key, sgx_rsa_key_type_t key_type, int mod_size, int exp_size) { (void)(key_type); (void)(mod_size); (void)(exp_size); if (p_rsa_key != NULL) { EVP_PKEY_free((EVP_PKEY*)p_rsa_key); } return SGX_SUCCESS; }