/* * Copyright (c) 1999 * Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Inc. * * Copyright (c) 1999 * Boris Fomitchev * * This material is provided "as is", with absolutely no warranty expressed * or implied. Any use is at your own risk. * * Permission to use or copy this software for any purpose is hereby granted * without fee, provided the above notices are retained on all copies. * Permission to modify the code and to distribute modified code is granted, * provided the above notices are retained, and a notice that the code was * modified is included with the above copyright notice. * */ #include "stlport_prefix.h" #include #include #include "c_locale.h" #include "locale_impl.h" _STLP_BEGIN_NAMESPACE static const string _Nameless("*"); static inline bool is_C_locale_name (const char* name) { return ((name[0] == 'C') && (name[1] == 0)); } locale* _Stl_get_classic_locale(); locale* _Stl_get_global_locale(); #if defined (_STLP_USE_MSVC6_MEM_T_BUG_WORKAROUND) || \ defined (_STLP_SIGNAL_RUNTIME_COMPATIBILITY) || defined (_STLP_CHECK_RUNTIME_COMPATIBILITY) # define locale _STLP_NO_MEM_T_NAME(loc) #endif locale::facet::~facet() {} #if !defined (_STLP_MEMBER_TEMPLATES) || defined (_STLP_INLINE_MEMBER_TEMPLATES) // members that fail to be templates bool locale::operator()(const string& __x, const string& __y) const { return __locale_do_operator_call(*this, __x, __y); } # if !defined (_STLP_NO_WCHAR_T) bool locale::operator()(const wstring& __x, const wstring& __y) const { return __locale_do_operator_call(*this, __x, __y); } # endif #endif void _STLP_CALL locale::_M_throw_on_null_name() { _STLP_THROW(runtime_error("Invalid null locale name")); } void _STLP_CALL locale::_M_throw_on_combine_error(const string& name) { string what = "Unable to find facet"; what += " in "; what += name.empty() ? "system" : name.c_str(); what += " locale"; _STLP_THROW(runtime_error(what.c_str())); } void _STLP_CALL locale::_M_throw_on_creation_failure(int __err_code, const char* name, const char* facet) { string what; switch (__err_code) { case _STLP_LOC_UNSUPPORTED_FACET_CATEGORY: what = "No platform localization support for "; what += facet; what += " facet category, unable to create facet for "; what += name[0] == 0 ? "system" : name; what += " locale"; break; case _STLP_LOC_NO_PLATFORM_SUPPORT: what = "No platform localization support, unable to create "; what += name[0] == 0 ? "system" : name; what += " locale"; break; default: case _STLP_LOC_UNKNOWN_NAME: what = "Unable to create facet "; what += facet; what += " from name '"; what += name; what += "'"; break; case _STLP_LOC_NO_MEMORY: _STLP_THROW_BAD_ALLOC; break; } _STLP_THROW(runtime_error(what.c_str())); } // Takes a reference to a locale::id, assign a numeric index if not already // affected and returns it. The returned index is always positive. static const locale::id& _Stl_loc_get_index(locale::id& id) { if (id._M_index == 0) { #if defined (_STLP_ATOMIC_INCREMENT) && !defined (_STLP_WIN95_LIKE) static _STLP_VOLATILE __stl_atomic_t _S_index = __STATIC_CAST(__stl_atomic_t, locale::id::_S_max); id._M_index = _STLP_ATOMIC_INCREMENT(&_S_index); #else static _STLP_STATIC_MUTEX _Index_lock _STLP_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; _STLP_auto_lock sentry(_Index_lock); size_t new_index = locale::id::_S_max++; id._M_index = new_index; #endif } return id; } // Default constructor: create a copy of the global locale. locale::locale() _STLP_NOTHROW : _M_impl(_get_Locale_impl(_Stl_get_global_locale()->_M_impl)) {} // Copy constructor locale::locale(const locale& L) _STLP_NOTHROW : _M_impl( _get_Locale_impl( L._M_impl ) ) {} void locale::_M_insert(facet* f, locale::id& n) { if (f) _M_impl->insert(f, _Stl_loc_get_index(n)); } locale::locale( _Locale_impl* impl ) : _M_impl( _get_Locale_impl( impl ) ) {} // Create a locale from a name. locale::locale(const char* name) : _M_impl(0) { if (!name) _M_throw_on_null_name(); if (is_C_locale_name(name)) { _M_impl = _get_Locale_impl( locale::classic()._M_impl ); return; } _Locale_impl* impl = 0; _STLP_TRY { impl = new _Locale_impl(locale::id::_S_max, name); // Insert categories one at a time. _Locale_name_hint *hint = 0; const char* ctype_name = name; char ctype_buf[_Locale_MAX_SIMPLE_NAME]; const char* numeric_name = name; char numeric_buf[_Locale_MAX_SIMPLE_NAME]; const char* time_name = name; char time_buf[_Locale_MAX_SIMPLE_NAME]; const char* collate_name = name; char collate_buf[_Locale_MAX_SIMPLE_NAME]; const char* monetary_name = name; char monetary_buf[_Locale_MAX_SIMPLE_NAME]; const char* messages_name = name; char messages_buf[_Locale_MAX_SIMPLE_NAME]; hint = impl->insert_ctype_facets(ctype_name, ctype_buf, hint); hint = impl->insert_numeric_facets(numeric_name, numeric_buf, hint); hint = impl->insert_time_facets(time_name, time_buf, hint); hint = impl->insert_collate_facets(collate_name, collate_buf, hint); hint = impl->insert_monetary_facets(monetary_name, monetary_buf, hint); impl->insert_messages_facets(messages_name, messages_buf, hint); // Try to use a normalize locale name in order to have the == operator // to behave correctly: if (strcmp(ctype_name, numeric_name) == 0 && strcmp(ctype_name, time_name) == 0 && strcmp(ctype_name, collate_name) == 0 && strcmp(ctype_name, monetary_name) == 0 && strcmp(ctype_name, messages_name) == 0) { impl->name = ctype_name; } // else we keep current name. // reassign impl _M_impl = _get_Locale_impl( impl ); } _STLP_UNWIND(delete impl); } static void _Stl_loc_combine_names_aux(_Locale_impl* L, const char* name, const char* ctype_name, const char* time_name, const char* numeric_name, const char* collate_name, const char* monetary_name, const char* messages_name, locale::category c) { // This function is only called when names has been validated so using _Locale_extract_*_name // can't fail. int __err_code; char buf[_Locale_MAX_SIMPLE_NAME]; L->name = string("LC_CTYPE=") + _Locale_extract_ctype_name((c & locale::ctype) ? ctype_name : name, buf, 0, &__err_code) + ";"; L->name += string("LC_TIME=") + _Locale_extract_time_name((c & locale::time) ? time_name : name, buf, 0, &__err_code) + ";"; L->name += string("LC_NUMERIC=") + _Locale_extract_numeric_name((c & locale::numeric) ? numeric_name : name, buf, 0, &__err_code) + ";"; L->name += string("LC_COLLATE=") + _Locale_extract_collate_name((c & locale::collate) ? collate_name : name, buf, 0, &__err_code) + ";"; L->name += string("LC_MONETARY=") + _Locale_extract_monetary_name((c & locale::monetary) ? monetary_name : name, buf, 0, &__err_code) + ";"; L->name += string("LC_MESSAGES=") + _Locale_extract_messages_name((c & locale::messages) ? messages_name : name, buf, 0, &__err_code); } // Give L a name where all facets except those in category c // are taken from name1, and those in category c are taken from name2. static void _Stl_loc_combine_names(_Locale_impl* L, const char* name1, const char* name2, locale::category c) { if ((c & locale::all) == 0 || strcmp(name1, name1) == 0) L->name = name1; else if ((c & locale::all) == locale::all) L->name = name2; else { _Stl_loc_combine_names_aux(L, name1, name2, name2, name2, name2, name2, name2, c); } } static void _Stl_loc_combine_names(_Locale_impl* L, const char* name, const char* ctype_name, const char* time_name, const char* numeric_name, const char* collate_name, const char* monetary_name, const char* messages_name, locale::category c) { if ((c & locale::all) == 0 || (strcmp(name, ctype_name) == 0 && strcmp(name, time_name) == 0 && strcmp(name, numeric_name) == 0 && strcmp(name, collate_name) == 0 && strcmp(name, monetary_name) == 0 && strcmp(name, messages_name) == 0)) L->name = name; else if ((c & locale::all) == locale::all && strcmp(ctype_name, time_name) == 0 && strcmp(ctype_name, numeric_name) == 0 && strcmp(ctype_name, collate_name) == 0 && strcmp(ctype_name, monetary_name) == 0 && strcmp(ctype_name, messages_name) == 0) L->name = ctype_name; else { _Stl_loc_combine_names_aux(L, name, ctype_name, time_name, numeric_name, collate_name, monetary_name, messages_name, c); } } // Create a locale that's a copy of L, except that all of the facets // in category c are instead constructed by name. locale::locale(const locale& L, const char* name, locale::category c) : _M_impl(0) { if (!name) _M_throw_on_null_name(); if (_Nameless == name) _STLP_THROW(runtime_error((string("Invalid locale name '") + _Nameless + "'").c_str())); _Locale_impl* impl = 0; _STLP_TRY { impl = new _Locale_impl(*L._M_impl); _Locale_name_hint *hint = 0; const char* ctype_name = name; char ctype_buf[_Locale_MAX_SIMPLE_NAME]; const char* numeric_name = name; char numeric_buf[_Locale_MAX_SIMPLE_NAME]; const char* time_name = name; char time_buf[_Locale_MAX_SIMPLE_NAME]; const char* collate_name = name; char collate_buf[_Locale_MAX_SIMPLE_NAME]; const char* monetary_name = name; char monetary_buf[_Locale_MAX_SIMPLE_NAME]; const char* messages_name = name; char messages_buf[_Locale_MAX_SIMPLE_NAME]; if (c & locale::ctype) hint = impl->insert_ctype_facets(ctype_name, ctype_buf, hint); if (c & locale::numeric) hint = impl->insert_numeric_facets(numeric_name, numeric_buf, hint); if (c & locale::time) hint = impl->insert_time_facets(time_name, time_buf, hint); if (c & locale::collate) hint = impl->insert_collate_facets(collate_name, collate_buf, hint); if (c & locale::monetary) hint = impl->insert_monetary_facets(monetary_name, monetary_buf,hint); if (c & locale::messages) impl->insert_messages_facets(messages_name, messages_buf, hint); _Stl_loc_combine_names(impl, L._M_impl->name.c_str(), ctype_name, time_name, numeric_name, collate_name, monetary_name, messages_name, c); _M_impl = _get_Locale_impl( impl ); } _STLP_UNWIND(delete impl) } // Contruct a new locale where all facets that aren't in category c // come from L1, and all those that are in category c come from L2. locale::locale(const locale& L1, const locale& L2, category c) : _M_impl(0) { _Locale_impl* impl = new _Locale_impl(*L1._M_impl); _Locale_impl* i2 = L2._M_impl; if (L1.name() != _Nameless && L2.name() != _Nameless) _Stl_loc_combine_names(impl, L1._M_impl->name.c_str(), L2._M_impl->name.c_str(), c); else { impl->name = _Nameless; } if (c & collate) { impl->insert( i2, _STLP_STD::collate::id); # ifndef _STLP_NO_WCHAR_T impl->insert( i2, _STLP_STD::collate::id); # endif } if (c & ctype) { impl->insert( i2, _STLP_STD::ctype::id); impl->insert( i2, _STLP_STD::codecvt::id); # ifndef _STLP_NO_WCHAR_T impl->insert( i2, _STLP_STD::ctype::id); impl->insert( i2, _STLP_STD::codecvt::id); # endif } if (c & monetary) { impl->insert( i2, _STLP_STD::moneypunct::id); impl->insert( i2, _STLP_STD::moneypunct::id); impl->insert( i2, _STLP_STD::money_get > >::id); impl->insert( i2, _STLP_STD::money_put > >::id); # ifndef _STLP_NO_WCHAR_T impl->insert( i2, _STLP_STD::moneypunct::id); impl->insert( i2, _STLP_STD::moneypunct::id); impl->insert( i2, _STLP_STD::money_get > >::id); impl->insert( i2, _STLP_STD::money_put > >::id); # endif } if (c & numeric) { impl->insert( i2, _STLP_STD::numpunct::id); impl->insert( i2, _STLP_STD::num_get > >::id); impl->insert( i2, _STLP_STD::num_put > >::id); # ifndef _STLP_NO_WCHAR_T impl->insert( i2, _STLP_STD::numpunct::id); impl->insert( i2, _STLP_STD::num_get > >::id); impl->insert( i2, _STLP_STD::num_put > >::id); # endif } if (c & time) { impl->insert( i2, _STLP_STD::time_get > >::id); impl->insert( i2, _STLP_STD::time_put > >::id); # ifndef _STLP_NO_WCHAR_T impl->insert( i2, _STLP_STD::time_get > >::id); impl->insert( i2, _STLP_STD::time_put > >::id); # endif } if (c & messages) { impl->insert( i2, _STLP_STD::messages::id); # ifndef _STLP_NO_WCHAR_T impl->insert( i2, _STLP_STD::messages::id); # endif } _M_impl = _get_Locale_impl( impl ); } // Destructor. locale::~locale() _STLP_NOTHROW { if (_M_impl) _release_Locale_impl(_M_impl); } // Assignment operator. Much like the copy constructor: just a bit of // pointer twiddling. const locale& locale::operator=(const locale& L) _STLP_NOTHROW { if (this->_M_impl != L._M_impl) { if (this->_M_impl) _release_Locale_impl(this->_M_impl); this->_M_impl = _get_Locale_impl(L._M_impl); } return *this; } locale::facet* locale::_M_get_facet(const locale::id& n) const { return n._M_index < _M_impl->size() ? _M_impl->facets_vec[n._M_index] : 0; } locale::facet* locale::_M_use_facet(const locale::id& n) const { locale::facet* f = (n._M_index < _M_impl->size() ? _M_impl->facets_vec[n._M_index] : 0); if (!f) _M_impl->_M_throw_bad_cast(); return f; } string locale::name() const { return _M_impl->name; } // Compare two locales for equality. bool locale::operator==(const locale& L) const { return this->_M_impl == L._M_impl || (this->name() == L.name() && this->name() != _Nameless); } bool locale::operator!=(const locale& L) const { return !(*this == L); } // static data members. const locale& _STLP_CALL locale::classic() { return *_Stl_get_classic_locale(); } #if !defined (_STLP_USE_MSVC6_MEM_T_BUG_WORKAROUND) locale _STLP_CALL locale::global(const locale& L) { #else _Locale_impl* _STLP_CALL locale::global(const locale& L) { #endif locale old(_Stl_get_global_locale()->_M_impl); if (_Stl_get_global_locale()->_M_impl != L._M_impl) { _release_Locale_impl(_Stl_get_global_locale()->_M_impl); // this assign should be atomic, should be fixed here: _Stl_get_global_locale()->_M_impl = _get_Locale_impl(L._M_impl); // Set the global C locale, if appropriate. #if !defined(_STLP_NO_LOCALE_SUPPORT) if (L.name() != _Nameless) setlocale(LC_ALL, L.name().c_str()); #endif } #if !defined (_STLP_USE_MSVC6_MEM_T_BUG_WORKAROUND) return old; #else return old._M_impl; #endif } #if !defined (_STLP_STATIC_CONST_INIT_BUG) && !defined (_STLP_NO_STATIC_CONST_DEFINITION) const locale::category locale::none; const locale::category locale::collate; const locale::category locale::ctype; const locale::category locale::monetary; const locale::category locale::numeric; const locale::category locale::time; const locale::category locale::messages; const locale::category locale::all; #endif _STLP_END_NAMESPACE