@@ -11,6 +11,6 @@ We have four main scripts. Two of these scripts setup drivers and the others set
* build-driver: builds specific versions of the Linux SGX and the Graphene-SGX drivers as kernel modules.
* install-driver: installs the kernel modules generated by the build-driver script onto the machine.
* build-mitigator: builds three docker images, one for each of the Dockerfiles in the sgx/, graphene/ and docker/ folders respectively. The first docker image contains the SGX SDK and PSW setup. The second docker image adds the Graphene-SGX setup onto the first one. The last docker image is formed by downloading the source-code for our enclaves, including any dependencies, and generating the three enclaves.
-* run-mitigator: runs the three enclaves, starting with the decryptor, followed by the verifier and then the Apache server, each in a different tmux session.
+* run-mitigator: runs the docker container with the image initialized in the build-mitigator script.
-We do require a client to install our browser extension to test our server-side setup.
+After entering the docker container, the deploy_enclaves script creates the three enclaves, starting with the decryptor, followed by the verifier and then the Apache server, each in a different tmux session. We do require a client to install our browser extension to test our server-side setup.