123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627 |
- FROM sgx
- RUN apt update
- RUN apt install -y gawk python-pip
- RUN pip install protobuf
- RUN pip install pycrypto
- WORKDIR /root/.ssh
- #Temp - TODO: Make the git repo public and remove these commands and retest.
- COPY gitcrysp-docker-deploy-key.id_rsa ./id_rsa
- COPY gitcrysp-docker-deploy-key.id_rsa.pub ./id_rsa.pub
- RUN ssh-keyscan git-crysp.uwaterloo.ca > ./known_hosts
- WORKDIR /root
- RUN git clone gogs@git-crysp.uwaterloo.ca:miti/graphene.git
- WORKDIR graphene
- RUN git checkout mitigator_patch
- RUN git checkout 2263b701
- RUN git submodule init
- RUN git submodule update
- RUN cd Pal/src/host/Linux-SGX/sgx-driver && git checkout 30d4b940
- WORKDIR /root/graphene
- COPY isgx_version.h Pal/src/host/Linux-SGX/sgx-driver/
- RUN mkdir Pal/src/host/Linux-SGX/sgx-driver/linux-sgx-driver
- COPY sgx_user.h Pal/src/host/Linux-SGX/sgx-driver/linux-sgx-driver/
- RUN openssl genrsa -3 -out Pal/src/host/Linux-SGX/signer/enclave-key.pem 3072
- RUN make SGX=1
- WORKDIR /root