// // Created by miti on 2019-12-24. // #include "PostLAMessaging.h" #include "sgx_trts.h" // for sgx_read_rand #include "crypto.h" // for aes_gcm_128 #include <unistd.h> #include <stdio.h> uint32_t PostLAMessaging::aes_gcm_wrapper(int enc, uint8_t* plaintext, uint32_t plaintext_length, uint8_t* ciphertext, uint32_t* ciphertext_length) { uint32_t actual_plaintext_length=plaintext_length; uint8_t tag[16];uint32_t counter, return_status; uint8_t iv[12]; if(enc == 0) { for(counter=0;counter<16;counter++) tag[counter]=plaintext[counter+plaintext_length-16]; for(counter=0;counter<12;counter++) iv[counter]=plaintext[counter+plaintext_length-28]; actual_plaintext_length-=28; } else { return_status=sgx_read_rand(iv, 12); if(return_status != 0) return return_status; } return_status = aes_gcm_128(enc, key, iv, plaintext, actual_plaintext_length, ciphertext, ciphertext_length, tag); if(enc == 1 && return_status == 0) { for(counter=0;counter<12;counter++) ciphertext[counter + *ciphertext_length] = iv[counter]; for(counter=0;counter<16;counter++) ciphertext[counter + 12 + *ciphertext_length] = tag[counter]; *ciphertext_length=*ciphertext_length + 28; } return return_status; } // The verifier doesn't receive any messages (in the deployment stage or at all) uint32_t PostLAMessaging::send_secure_msg(uint8_t* input, uint32_t input_size) { uint8_t* output; uint32_t output_size, ret; output = (unsigned char*) malloc(input_size + 28); // 16 for tag, 12 for IV ret = aes_gcm_wrapper(1, input, input_size, output, &output_size ); if(ret != 0) return ret; size_t post_la_bytes_written = write(fd, output, output_size); printf("Wrote the hash and the tag to the decryptor socket.\n Wrote this many bytes: %d\n", post_la_bytes_written); fflush(stdout); if(close(fd)!= 0) { printf("Error in closing the socket connection.\n"); fflush(stdout); return 0xfd; } // TODO: Conversion logic to protobuf. Set msg or whatever. /* google::protobuf::MessageLite protobuf_msg; * if(protobufReaderWriter->write_msg(protobuf_msg) != 0) return 0x3; */ return 0; } void PostLAMessaging::set_la_symmetric_key(uint8_t* given_key) { uint32_t counter; for(counter=0; counter<16; counter++) { key[counter] = given_key[counter]; } } void PostLAMessaging::set_fd(int given_fd) { // protobufReaderWriter.set_fd(given_fd); fd = given_fd; } /* int encrypt_decrypt_msgs(int encrypt_decrypt, std::vector<std::string> &input_msgs, std::vector<std::string> &output_msgs) { unsigned char *input; unsigned char *output; uint32_t input_size, output_size, ret; output=NULL; for (std::string msg:input_msgs) { input_size = msg.length(); input = (unsigned char*) msg.c_str(); output = (unsigned char*) realloc(output, input_size + 28); // 16 for tag, 12 for IV ret = aes_gcm_wrapper(encrypt_decrypt, input, input_size, output, &output_size ); if(ret!=0) { free(output); printf("Failed to encrypt an input field.\n"); fflush(stdout); return 0x2; } output_msgs.push_back(std::string(reinterpret_cast<const char *> (output), output_size)); } free(output); return 0; } */ /* * virtual void create_vector_from_protobuf(google::protobuf::MessageLite& protobuf_msg, std::vector<std::string> &native_msg_list) {} uint32_t receive_secure_msgs(std::vector<std::string> &plaintext_msg_list) { std::vector<std::string> ciphertext_msg_list; google::protobuf::MessageLite protobuf_msg; // read encrypted data if(!protobufReaderWriter.read_msg(protobuf_msg)) { printf("Not all of the decryptor's message was read\n"); fflush(stdout); return 0xf3; } create_vector_from_protobuf(protobuf_msg, ciphertext_msg_list); return encrypt_decrypt_ciphertexts(0, &ciphertext_msg_list, plaintext_msg_list); } */ /* uint32_t send_secure_msgs(std::vector<std::string> &plaintext_msg_list) { uint32_t ret; std::vector<std::string> ciphertext_msg_list; google::protobuf::MessageLite protobuf_msg; ret=encrypt_decrypt_msgs(1, plaintext_msg_list, &ciphertext_msg_list); if(ret!=0) return ret; create_protobuf_from_vector(ciphertext_msg_list, protobuf_msg); // write message to decryptor if(!protobufReaderWriter.write_msg(protobuf_msg)) { printf("Not all of the client's pub key and ciphertext data was written\n"); fflush(stdout); return 0xfe; } return 0; } */