SgxProtobufLAInitiator.cpp 3.5 KB

  1. #include "sgx_eid.h"
  2. #define __STDC_FORMAT_MACROS
  3. #include <inttypes.h>
  4. #include "ProtobufLAMessages.h"
  5. #include <stdio.h>
  6. #include "sgx_trts.h"
  7. #include "sgx_utils.h"
  8. #include "error_codes.h"
  9. #include "sgx_ecp_types.h"
  10. #include "sgx_thread.h"
  11. #include <map>
  12. #include "sgx_dh.h"
  13. #include "dh_session_protocol.h"
  14. #include "sgx_tcrypto.h"
  15. #include "datatypes.h"
  16. #include "SgxProtobufLAInitiator_Transforms.h"
  17. #define MAX_SESSION_COUNT 16
  18. #define SGX_CAST(type, item) ((type)(item))
  19. #include <string.h>
  20. dh_session_t global_session_info;
  21. sgx_dh_session_t sgx_dh_session;
  22. // sgx_key_128bit_t dh_aek; // Session Key
  23. uint32_t verify_peer_enclave_trust(sgx_dh_session_enclave_identity_t* peer_enclave_identity, uint8_t* expected_mr_enclave, uint8_t* expected_mr_signer);
  24. uint32_t process_protobuf_dh_msg1_generate_protobuf_dh_msg2(protobuf_sgx_dh_msg1_t& protobuf_msg1, protobuf_sgx_dh_msg2_t& protobuf_msg2, uint32_t* session_id)
  25. {
  26. sgx_dh_msg1_t dh_msg1; //Diffie-Hellman Message 1
  27. sgx_dh_msg2_t dh_msg2;
  28. memset(&dh_msg1, 0, sizeof(sgx_dh_msg1_t));
  29. uint32_t ret_status;
  30. if(decode_msg1_from_protobuf(protobuf_msg1, &dh_msg1)!=0)
  31. return -1;
  32. //Intialize the session as a session initiator
  33. ret_status = sgx_dh_init_session(SGX_DH_SESSION_INITIATOR, &sgx_dh_session);
  34. if(ret_status != SGX_SUCCESS)
  35. return ret_status;
  36. //Process the message 1 obtained from desination enclave and generate message 2
  37. ret_status = sgx_dh_initiator_proc_msg1(&dh_msg1, &dh_msg2, &sgx_dh_session);
  38. if(SGX_SUCCESS != ret_status)
  39. return ret_status;
  40. encode_msg2_to_protobuf(protobuf_msg2, &dh_msg2);
  41. return 0;
  42. }
  43. uint32_t process_protobuf_dh_msg3(protobuf_sgx_dh_msg3_t& protobuf_msg3, uint32_t* session_id) {
  44. uint32_t ret_status;
  45. sgx_dh_msg3_t dh_msg3;
  46. sgx_key_128bit_t dh_aek; // Session Key
  47. sgx_dh_session_enclave_identity_t responder_identity;
  48. memset(&dh_aek,0, sizeof(sgx_key_128bit_t));
  49. if(decode_msg3_from_protobuf(protobuf_msg3, &dh_msg3)!=0)
  50. return -1;
  51. //Process Message 3 obtained from the destination enclave
  52. ret_status = sgx_dh_initiator_proc_msg3(&dh_msg3, &sgx_dh_session, &dh_aek, &responder_identity);
  53. if(SGX_SUCCESS != ret_status)
  54. return ret_status;
  55. // Verify the identity of the destination enclave
  56. ret_status = verify_peer_enclave_trust(&responder_identity, NULL, NULL);
  57. if(ret_status != 0)
  58. return ret_status;
  59. memcpy(, &dh_aek, sizeof(sgx_key_128bit_t));
  60. global_session_info.session_id = 1; // TODO: session_id;
  61. = 0;
  62. global_session_info.status = ACTIVE;
  63. memset(&dh_aek,0, sizeof(sgx_key_128bit_t));
  64. return 0;
  65. }
  66. // TODO: Private function
  67. uint32_t verify_peer_enclave_trust(sgx_dh_session_enclave_identity_t* peer_enclave_identity, uint8_t* expected_mr_enclave, uint8_t* expected_mr_signer)
  68. {
  69. int count=0;
  70. if(!peer_enclave_identity)
  72. sgx_measurement_t actual_mr_enclave = peer_enclave_identity->mr_enclave;
  73. sgx_measurement_t actual_mr_signer = peer_enclave_identity->mr_signer;
  74. if(expected_mr_enclave != NULL)
  75. {
  76. for(count=0; count<SGX_HASH_SIZE; count++)
  77. {
  78. if( actual_mr_enclave.m[count] != expected_mr_enclave[count] )
  80. }
  81. }
  82. if(expected_mr_signer !=NULL)
  83. {
  84. for(count=0; count<SGX_HASH_SIZE; count++)
  85. {
  86. if( actual_mr_signer.m[count] != expected_mr_signer[count] )
  87. return ENCLAVE_TRUST_ERROR; // TODO: Different error here.
  88. }
  89. }
  90. return SUCCESS;
  91. }