@@ -0,0 +1,662 @@
+import sys
+import subprocess
+import numpy as np
+from numpy import genfromtxt
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import numpy.polynomial.polynomial as poly
+from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
+from operator import add
+import operator
+def quadratic_function(x, a, b, c):
+ return a*x*x + b*x + c
+def linear_function(x, a, b):
+ return a*x + b
+#List of plot files
+plt.rc('font', size=18) # controls default text sizes
+plt.rc('axes', titlesize=18) # fontsize of the axes title
+plt.rc('axes', labelsize=18) # fontsize of the x and y labels
+plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=16) # fontsize of the tick labels
+plt.rc('ytick', labelsize=16) # fontsize of the tick labels
+plt.rc('legend', fontsize=14) # legend fontsize
+plt.rc('figure', titlesize=18) # fontsize of the figure title
+N = []
+LSIPRM_time = []
+LSIPRM_time_err = []
+LSOPRM_time = []
+LSOPRM_time_err = []
+CircuitORAM_time = []
+CircuitORAM_time_err = []
+PathORAM_time = []
+PathORAM_time_err = []
+XPIR_time = []
+XPIR_time_err =[]
+SealPIR_time = []
+SealPIR_time_err = []
+POINT_STYLES = [".","v","s","+","x","d",">","^","*","o","D"]
+# NOTE N just needs to be picked once,
+# All plot files should have the same N range
+ with open(LF_PATHORAM, 'r') as lfile:
+ for line in lfile:
+ values=line.split(',')
+ PathORAM_gtime.append(float(values[1]))
+ PathORAM_gtime_err.append(float(values[2]))
+ PathORAM_ptime.append(float(values[3]))
+ PathORAM_ptime_err.append(float(values[4]))
+ PathORAM_etime.append(float(values[5]))
+ PathORAM_etime_err.append(float(values[6]))
+ PathORAM_query_size.append(int(values[7]))
+ PathORAM_response_size.append(int(values[8]))
+ with open(LF_CIRCUITORAM, 'r') as lfile:
+ for line in lfile:
+ values=line.split(',')
+ N.append(int(values[0]))
+ CircuitORAM_gtime.append(float(values[1]))
+ CircuitORAM_gtime_err.append(float(values[2]))
+ CircuitORAM_ptime.append(float(values[3]))
+ CircuitORAM_ptime_err.append(float(values[4]))
+ CircuitORAM_etime.append(float(values[5]))
+ CircuitORAM_etime_err.append(float(values[6]))
+ #CircuitORAM_query_size = int(values[7])
+ #CircuitORAM_response_size = int(values[8])
+ with open(LF_LSIPRM, 'r') as lfile:
+ for line in lfile:
+ values=line.split(',')
+ LSIPRM_gtime.append(float(values[1]))
+ LSIPRM_gtime_err.append(float(values[2]))
+ LSIPRM_ptime.append(float(values[3]))
+ LSIPRM_ptime_err.append(float(values[4]))
+ LSIPRM_etime.append(float(values[5]))
+ LSIPRM_etime_err.append(float(values[6]))
+ #LSIPRM_query_size = int(values[7])
+ #LSIPRM_response_size = int(values[8])
+with open(LF_LSOPRM, 'r') as lfile:
+ for line in lfile:
+ values=line.split(',')
+ LSOPRM_gtime.append(float(values[1]))
+ LSOPRM_gtime_err.append(float(values[2]))
+ LSOPRM_ptime.append(float(values[3]))
+ LSOPRM_ptime_err.append(float(values[4]))
+ LSOPRM_etime.append(float(values[5]))
+ LSOPRM_etime_err.append(float(values[6]))
+ LSOPRM_query_size.append(int(values[7]))
+ LSOPRM_response_size.append(int(values[8]))
+#SealPIR logs don't contain N
+with open(LF_SEALPIR, 'r') as lfile:
+ for line in lfile:
+ values = line.split(',')
+ SealPIR_gtime.append(float(values[0]))
+ SealPIR_gtime_err.append(float(values[1]))
+ SealPIR_ptime.append(float(values[2]))
+ SealPIR_ptime_err.append(float(values[3]))
+ SealPIR_etime.append(float(values[4]))
+ SealPIR_etime_err.append(float(values[5]))
+ SealPIR_query_size.append(int(values[6]))
+ SealPIR_response_size.append(int(values[7]))
+ SealPIR_PPT=float(values[8])
+for n in N:
+ FILE_NAME=FOLDER_XPIR+"XPIR_"+str(n)+"_"+str(DESC_SIZE)+"_0"
+ qe_time=[]
+ re_time=[]
+ pq_time=[]
+ client_time=[]
+ request_size=0
+ response_size=0
+ d=0
+ alpha=0
+ with open(FILE_NAME,'r') as file_handle:
+ ctr=0
+ for line in file_handle:
+ if(ctr!=0):
+ words=(line.strip()).split(',')
+ qe_time.append(float(words[0]))
+ d=int(words[4])
+ alpha=int(words[5])
+ pq_time.append(float(words[6]))
+ re_time.append(float(words[1]))
+ client_time.append(float(words[0])+float(words[1]))
+ request_size=(float(words[2]))
+ response_size=(float(words[3]))
+ ctr=ctr+1
+ XPIR_REQUEST_SIZE.append(request_size)
+ XPIR_RESPONSE_SIZE.append(response_size)
+ XPIR_QE_TIME.append(np.mean(qe_time))
+ XPIR_PQ_TIME.append(np.mean(pq_time))
+ XPIR_RE_TIME.append(np.mean(re_time))
+ XPIR_CLIENT_TIME.append(np.mean(client_time))
+ XPIR_QE_STD.append(np.std(qe_time))
+ XPIR_PQ_STD.append(np.std(pq_time))
+ XPIR_RE_STD.append(np.std(re_time))
+ XPIR_CLIENT_STD.append(np.std(client_time))
+ XPIR_d.append(d)
+ XPIR_alpha.append(alpha)
+LSIPRM_ctime = np.add(LSIPRM_gtime, LSIPRM_etime)
+LSIPRM_ctime_err = np.add(LSIPRM_gtime_err, LSIPRM_etime_err)
+LSOPRM_ctime = np.add(LSOPRM_gtime, LSOPRM_etime)
+LSOPRM_ctime_err = np.add(LSOPRM_gtime_err, LSOPRM_etime_err)
+PathORAM_ctime = np.add(PathORAM_gtime, PathORAM_etime)
+PathORAM_ctime_err = np.add(PathORAM_gtime_err, PathORAM_etime_err)
+CircuitORAM_ctime = np.add(CircuitORAM_gtime, CircuitORAM_etime)
+CircuitORAM_ctime_err = np.add(CircuitORAM_gtime_err, CircuitORAM_etime_err)
+XPIR_ctime = np.add(XPIR_QE_TIME, XPIR_RE_TIME)
+XPIR_ctime_err = np.add(XPIR_QE_STD, XPIR_RE_STD)
+SealPIR_ctime = np.add(SealPIR_gtime, SealPIR_etime)
+SealPIR_ctime_err = np.add(SealPIR_gtime_err, SealPIR_etime_err)
+LSIPRM_time = np.add(LSIPRM_ctime, LSIPRM_ptime)
+LSIPRM_time_err = np.add(LSIPRM_ctime_err, LSIPRM_ptime_err)
+LSOPRM_time = np.add(LSOPRM_ctime, LSOPRM_ptime)
+LSOPRM_time_err = np.add(LSOPRM_ctime_err, LSOPRM_ptime_err)
+PathORAM_time = np.add(PathORAM_ctime, PathORAM_ptime)
+PathORAM_time_err = np.add(PathORAM_ctime_err, PathORAM_ptime_err)
+CircuitORAM_time = np.add(CircuitORAM_ctime, CircuitORAM_ptime)
+CircuitORAM_time_err = np.add(CircuitORAM_ctime_err, CircuitORAM_ptime_err)
+XPIR_time = np.add(XPIR_ctime, XPIR_PQ_TIME)
+XPIR_time_err = np.add(XPIR_ctime_err, XPIR_PQ_STD)
+SealPIR_time = np.add(SealPIR_ctime, SealPIR_ptime)
+SealPIR_time_err = np.add(SealPIR_ctime_err, SealPIR_ptime_err)
+plt.xlabel('Number of Hidden Service Descriptors')
+plt.ylabel('Server computation time per query (in ms)')
+ points1 = plt.plot(N, PathORAM_ptime, POINT_STYLES[c_ctr], label='PathORAM', color = str("C")+str(c_ctr))
+ points2 = plt.plot(N, CircuitORAM_ptime, POINT_STYLES[c_ctr+1], label='CircuitORAM', color = str("C")+str(c_ctr+1))
+ points3 = plt.plot(N, LSIPRM_ptime, POINT_STYLES[c_ctr+2], label='Linear Scan (inside PRM)', color = str("C")+str(c_ctr+2))
+points4 = plt.plot(N, LSOPRM_ptime, POINT_STYLES[c_ctr+3], label='Linear Scan (outside PRM)', color = str("C")+str(c_ctr+3))
+points5 = plt.plot(N, XPIR_PQ_TIME, POINT_STYLES[c_ctr+4], label='XPIR', color = str("C")+str(c_ctr+4))
+points6 = plt.plot(N, SealPIR_ptime, POINT_STYLES[c_ctr+5], label='SealPIR', color = str("C")+str(c_ctr+5))
+points7 = plt.plot(N, SealPIR_ptime, POINT_STYLES[c_ctr+6], label='Trivial PIR', color = str("C")+str(c_ctr+6))
+ errbar1 = plt.errorbar(N, PathORAM_ptime, PathORAM_ptime_err, None, 'r', ls='none', mew=3)
+ errbar2 = plt.errorbar(N, CircuitORAM_ptime, CircuitORAM_ptime_err, None, 'r', ls='none', mew=3)
+ errbar3 = plt.errorbar(N, LSIPRM_ptime, LSIPRM_ptime_err, None, 'r', ls='none', mew=3)
+errbar4 = plt.errorbar(N, LSOPRM_ptime, LSOPRM_ptime_err, None, 'r', ls='none', mew=3)
+errbar5 = plt.errorbar(N, XPIR_PQ_TIME, XPIR_PQ_STD, None, 'r', ls='none', mew=3)
+errbar6 = plt.errorbar(N, SealPIR_ptime, SealPIR_ptime_err , None, 'r', ls='none', mew=3)
+ plt.setp(points1, 'mew', '3.0')
+ plt.setp(points2, 'mew', '3.0')
+ plt.setp(points3, 'mew', '3.0')
+plt.setp(points4, 'mew', '3.0')
+plt.setp(points5, 'mew', '3.0')
+plt.setp(points6, 'mew', '3.0')
+plt.setp(points7, 'mew', '0.0')
+#plt.setp(line1, 'linewidth', '2.0')
+#plt.setp(line2, 'linewidth', '2.0')
+ax = plt.subplot()
+handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
+labels_sort = [3,4,5,6,2,1,7]
+hl = sorted(zip(handles, labels, labels_sort),
+ key=operator.itemgetter(2))
+handles2, labels2, labels_sort= zip(*hl)
+#ax.legend(handles2, labels2, loc = 7)
+plt.title('Server computation time (in ms) vs \nnumber of hidden service descriptors')
+ax.legend(handles2, labels2, loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.15), ncol=7, shadow=True, handletextpad=0.1, columnspacing=0.5)
+plt.savefig('server_time_microbenchmark.png', bbox_inches='tight')
+plt.xlabel('Number of Hidden Service Descriptors')
+plt.ylabel('Client query generation time per query (in ms)')
+ points1 = plt.plot(N, PathORAM_ctime, POINT_STYLES[c_ctr], label='PathORAM', color = str("C")+str(c_ctr))
+ points2 = plt.plot(N, CircuitORAM_ctime, POINT_STYLES[c_ctr+1], label='CircuitORAM', color = str("C")+str(c_ctr+1))
+ points3 = plt.plot(N, LSIPRM_ctime, POINT_STYLES[c_ctr+2], label='Linear Scan (inside PRM)', color = str("C")+str(c_ctr+2))
+points4 = plt.plot(N, LSOPRM_gtime, POINT_STYLES[c_ctr+3], label='ZeroTrace', color = str("C")+str(c_ctr+3))
+points5 = plt.plot(N, XPIR_QE_TIME, POINT_STYLES[c_ctr+4], label='XPIR', color = str("C")+str(c_ctr+4))
+points6 = plt.plot(N, SealPIR_gtime, POINT_STYLES[c_ctr+5], label='SealPIR', color = str("C")+str(c_ctr+5))
+ errbar1 = plt.errorbar(N, PathORAM_ctime, PathORAM_ctime_err, None, 'r', ls='none', mew=3)
+ errbar2 = plt.errorbar(N, CircuitORAM_ctime, CircuitORAM_ctime_err, None, 'r', ls='none', mew=3)
+ errbar3 = plt.errorbar(N, LSIPRM_ctime, LSIPRM_ctime_err, None, 'r', ls='none', mew=3)
+errbar4 = plt.errorbar(N, LSOPRM_gtime, LSOPRM_gtime_err, None, 'r', ls='none', mew=3)
+errbar5 = plt.errorbar(N, XPIR_QE_TIME, XPIR_QE_STD, None, 'r', ls='none', mew=3)
+errbar6 = plt.errorbar(N, SealPIR_gtime, SealPIR_gtime_err , None, 'r', ls='none', mew=3)
+ plt.setp(points1, 'mew', '3.0')
+ plt.setp(points2, 'mew', '3.0')
+ plt.setp(points3, 'mew', '3.0')
+plt.setp(points4, 'mew', '3.0')
+plt.setp(points5, 'mew', '3.0')
+plt.setp(points6, 'mew', '3.0')
+#plt.setp(line1, 'linewidth', '2.0')
+#plt.setp(line2, 'linewidth', '2.0')
+ax = plt.subplot()
+handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
+labels_sort = [3,2,1]
+hl = sorted(zip(handles, labels, labels_sort),
+ key=operator.itemgetter(2))
+handles2, labels2, labels_sort= zip(*hl)
+#ax.legend(handles2, labels2, loc = 7)
+plt.title('Client query generation time (in ms) \nvs number of hidden service descriptors')
+ax.legend(handles2, labels2, loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.15), ncol=2, shadow=True)
+plt.savefig('client_query_time_microbenchmark.png', bbox_inches='tight')
+print("Done with client query time graph..")
+plt.xlabel('Number of Hidden Service Descriptors')
+plt.ylabel('Client reply extraction time per query (in ms)')
+ points1 = plt.plot(N, PathORAM_ctime, POINT_STYLES[c_ctr], label='PathORAM', color = str("C")+str(c_ctr))
+ points2 = plt.plot(N, CircuitORAM_ctime, POINT_STYLES[c_ctr+1], label='CircuitORAM', color = str("C")+str(c_ctr+1))
+ points3 = plt.plot(N, LSIPRM_ctime, POINT_STYLES[c_ctr+2], label='Linear Scan (inside PRM)', color = str("C")+str(c_ctr+2))
+points4 = plt.plot(N, LSOPRM_etime, POINT_STYLES[c_ctr+3], label='ZeroTrace', color = str("C")+str(c_ctr+3))
+points5 = plt.plot(N, XPIR_RE_TIME, POINT_STYLES[c_ctr+4], label='XPIR', color = str("C")+str(c_ctr+4))
+points6 = plt.plot(N, SealPIR_etime, POINT_STYLES[c_ctr+5], label='SealPIR', color = str("C")+str(c_ctr+5))
+ errbar1 = plt.errorbar(N, PathORAM_ctime, PathORAM_ctime_err, None, 'r', ls='none', mew=3)
+ errbar2 = plt.errorbar(N, CircuitORAM_ctime, CircuitORAM_ctime_err, None, 'r', ls='none', mew=3)
+ errbar3 = plt.errorbar(N, LSIPRM_ctime, LSIPRM_ctime_err, None, 'r', ls='none', mew=3)
+errbar4 = plt.errorbar(N, LSOPRM_etime, LSOPRM_etime_err, None, 'r', ls='none', mew=3)
+errbar5 = plt.errorbar(N, XPIR_RE_TIME, XPIR_RE_STD, None, 'r', ls='none', mew=3)
+errbar6 = plt.errorbar(N, SealPIR_etime, SealPIR_etime_err , None, 'r', ls='none', mew=3)
+ plt.setp(points1, 'mew', '3.0')
+ plt.setp(points2, 'mew', '3.0')
+ plt.setp(points3, 'mew', '3.0')
+plt.setp(points4, 'mew', '3.0')
+plt.setp(points5, 'mew', '3.0')
+plt.setp(points6, 'mew', '3.0')
+#plt.setp(line1, 'linewidth', '2.0')
+#plt.setp(line2, 'linewidth', '2.0')
+ax = plt.subplot()
+handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
+labels_sort = [3,2,1]
+hl = sorted(zip(handles, labels, labels_sort),
+ key=operator.itemgetter(2))
+handles2, labels2, labels_sort= zip(*hl)
+#ax.legend(handles2, labels2, loc = 7)
+plt.title('Client reply extraction time (in ms) \nvs number of hidden service descriptors')
+ax.legend(handles2, labels2, loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.15), ncol=2, shadow=True)
+plt.savefig('client_reply_time_microbenchmark.png', bbox_inches='tight')
+print("Done with client reply extraction time graph..")
+plt.xlabel('Number of Hidden Service Descriptors')
+plt.ylabel('Client computation time per query (in ms)')
+ points1 = plt.plot(N, PathORAM_ctime, POINT_STYLES[c_ctr], label='PathORAM', color = str("C")+str(c_ctr))
+ points2 = plt.plot(N, CircuitORAM_ctime, POINT_STYLES[c_ctr+1], label='CircuitORAM', color = str("C")+str(c_ctr+1))
+ points3 = plt.plot(N, LSIPRM_ctime, POINT_STYLES[c_ctr+2], label='Linear Scan (inside PRM)', color = str("C")+str(c_ctr+2))
+points4 = plt.plot(N, LSOPRM_ctime, POINT_STYLES[c_ctr+3], label='ZeroTrace', color = str("C")+str(c_ctr+3))
+points5 = plt.plot(N, XPIR_ctime, POINT_STYLES[c_ctr+4], label='XPIR', color = str("C")+str(c_ctr+4))
+points6 = plt.plot(N, SealPIR_ctime, POINT_STYLES[c_ctr+5], label='SealPIR', color = str("C")+str(c_ctr+5))
+ errbar1 = plt.errorbar(N, PathORAM_ctime, PathORAM_ctime_err, None, 'r', ls='none', mew=3)
+ errbar2 = plt.errorbar(N, CircuitORAM_ctime, CircuitORAM_ctime_err, None, 'r', ls='none', mew=3)
+ errbar3 = plt.errorbar(N, LSIPRM_ctime, LSIPRM_ctime_err, None, 'r', ls='none', mew=3)
+errbar4 = plt.errorbar(N, LSOPRM_ctime, LSOPRM_ctime_err, None, 'r', ls='none', mew=3)
+errbar5 = plt.errorbar(N, XPIR_ctime, XPIR_ctime_err, None, 'r', ls='none', mew=3)
+errbar6 = plt.errorbar(N, SealPIR_ctime, SealPIR_ctime_err , None, 'r', ls='none', mew=3)
+ plt.setp(points1, 'mew', '3.0')
+ plt.setp(points2, 'mew', '3.0')
+ plt.setp(points3, 'mew', '3.0')
+plt.setp(points4, 'mew', '3.0')
+plt.setp(points5, 'mew', '3.0')
+plt.setp(points6, 'mew', '3.0')
+#plt.setp(line1, 'linewidth', '2.0')
+#plt.setp(line2, 'linewidth', '2.0')
+ax = plt.subplot()
+handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
+labels_sort = [3,2,1]
+hl = sorted(zip(handles, labels, labels_sort),
+ key=operator.itemgetter(2))
+handles2, labels2, labels_sort= zip(*hl)
+#ax.legend(handles2, labels2, loc = 7)
+plt.title('Client computation time (in ms) vs \nnumber of hidden service descriptors')
+ax.legend(handles2, labels2, loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.15), ncol=2, shadow=True)
+plt.savefig('client_time_microbenchmark.png', bbox_inches='tight')
+print("Done with client computation time graph..")
+plt.xlabel('Number of Hidden Service Descriptors')
+plt.ylabel('Total time per query (in ms)')
+ points1 = plt.plot(N, PathORAM_time, POINT_STYLES[c_ctr], label='PathORAM', color = str("C")+str(c_ctr))
+ points2 = plt.plot(N, CircuitORAM_time, POINT_STYLES[c_ctr+1], label='CircuitORAM', color = str("C")+str(c_ctr+1))
+ points3 = plt.plot(N, LSIPRM_time, POINT_STYLES[c_ctr+2], label='Linear Scan (inside PRM)', color = str("C")+str(c_ctr+2))
+points4 = plt.plot(N, LSOPRM_time, POINT_STYLES[c_ctr+3], label='Linear Scan (outside PRM)', color = str("C")+str(c_ctr+3))
+points5 = plt.plot(N, XPIR_time, POINT_STYLES[c_ctr+4], label='XPIR', color = str("C")+str(c_ctr+4))
+points6 = plt.plot(N, SealPIR_time, POINT_STYLES[c_ctr+5], label='SealPIR', color = str("C")+str(c_ctr+5))
+#points7 = plt.plot(N, SealPIR_D1_time, POINT_STYLES[c_ctr+6], label='SealPIR D=1', color = str("C")+str(c_ctr+5))
+ errbar1 = plt.errorbar(N, PathORAM_time, PathORAM_time_err, None, 'r', ls='none', mew=3)
+ errbar2 = plt.errorbar(N, CircuitORAM_time, CircuitORAM_time_err, None, 'r', ls='none', mew=3)
+ errbar3 = plt.errorbar(N, LSIPRM_time, LSIPRM_time_err, None, 'r', ls='none', mew=3)
+errbar4 = plt.errorbar(N, LSOPRM_time, LSOPRM_time_err, None, 'r', ls='none', mew=3)
+errbar5 = plt.errorbar(N, XPIR_time, XPIR_time_err, None, 'r', ls='none', mew=3)
+errbar6 = plt.errorbar(N, SealPIR_time, SealPIR_time_err , None, 'r', ls='none', mew=3)
+ plt.setp(points1, 'mew', '3.0')
+ plt.setp(points2, 'mew', '3.0')
+ plt.setp(points3, 'mew', '3.0')
+plt.setp(points4, 'mew', '3.0')
+plt.setp(points5, 'mew', '3.0')
+plt.setp(points6, 'mew', '3.0')
+#plt.setp(points7, 'mew', '3.0')
+#plt.setp(line1, 'linewidth', '2.0')
+#plt.setp(line2, 'linewidth', '2.0')
+ax = plt.subplot()
+handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
+#labels_sort = [4,5,6,7,3,2,1]
+labels_sort = [3,4,5,6,2,1]
+hl = sorted(zip(handles, labels, labels_sort),
+ key=operator.itemgetter(2))
+handles2, labels2, labels_sort= zip(*hl)
+#ax.legend(handles2, labels2, loc = 7)
+plt.title('Total computation time (in ms) vs number of hidden service descriptors')
+ax.legend(handles2, labels2, loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.15), ncol=2, shadow=True)
+plt.savefig('total_time_microbenchmark.png', bbox_inches='tight')
+print("Done with total time graph..")
+plt.xlabel('Number of Hidden Service Descriptors')
+plt.ylabel('Request size per query (in bytes)')
+points4 = plt.plot(N, LSOPRM_query_size, POINT_STYLES[c_ctr+3], label='ZeroTrace', color = str("C")+str(c_ctr+3))
+points5 = plt.plot(N, XPIR_REQUEST_SIZE, POINT_STYLES[c_ctr+4], label='XPIR', color = str("C")+str(c_ctr+4))
+points6 = plt.plot(N, SealPIR_query_size, POINT_STYLES[c_ctr+5], label='SealPIR', color = str("C")+str(c_ctr+5))
+plt.setp(points4, 'mew', '3.0')
+plt.setp(points5, 'mew', '3.0')
+plt.setp(points6, 'mew', '3.0')
+ax = plt.subplot()
+handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
+labels_sort = [3,1,2]
+hl = sorted(zip(handles, labels, labels_sort),
+ key=operator.itemgetter(2))
+handles2, labels2, labels_sort= zip(*hl)
+#ax.legend(handles2, labels2, loc = 7)
+plt.title('Request size (in bytes) vs \nnumber of hidden service descriptors')
+ax.legend(handles2, labels2, loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.15), ncol=2, shadow=True)
+plt.savefig('request_size.png', bbox_inches='tight')
+print("Done with request size graph..")
+plt.xlabel('Number of Hidden Service Descriptors')
+plt.ylabel('Response size per query (in bytes)')
+TrivialPIR_size = np.multiply(N, DESC_SIZE)
+points4 = plt.plot(N, LSOPRM_response_size, POINT_STYLES[c_ctr+3], label='ZeroTrace', color = str("C")+str(c_ctr+3))
+points5 = plt.plot(N, XPIR_RESPONSE_SIZE, POINT_STYLES[c_ctr+4], label='XPIR', color = str("C")+str(c_ctr+4))
+points6 = plt.plot(N, SealPIR_response_size, POINT_STYLES[c_ctr+5], label='SealPIR', color = str("C")+str(c_ctr+5))
+points7 = plt.plot(N, TrivialPIR_size, POINT_STYLES[c_ctr+6], label='Trivial PIR', color = str("C")+str(c_ctr+6))
+plt.setp(points4, 'mew', '3.0')
+plt.setp(points5, 'mew', '3.0')
+plt.setp(points6, 'mew', '3.0')
+plt.setp(points7, 'mew', '3.0')
+ax = plt.subplot()
+handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
+labels_sort = [4,2,3,1]
+hl = sorted(zip(handles, labels, labels_sort),
+ key=operator.itemgetter(2))
+handles2, labels2, labels_sort= zip(*hl)
+#ax.legend(handles2, labels2, loc = 7)
+plt.title('Response size (in bytes) vs \nnumber of hidden service descriptors')
+ax.legend(handles2, labels2, loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.15), ncol=4, shadow=True)
+plt.savefig('response_size.png', bbox_inches='tight')
+print("Done with response size graph..")
+plt.xlabel('Number of Hidden Service Descriptors')
+plt.ylabel('Total bandwidth per query (in bytes)')
+LSOPRM_bw = np.add(LSOPRM_query_size, LSOPRM_response_size)
+SealPIR_bw = np.add(SealPIR_query_size, SealPIR_response_size)
+points4 = plt.plot(N, LSOPRM_bw, POINT_STYLES[c_ctr+3], label='ZeroTrace', color = str("C")+str(c_ctr+3))
+points5 = plt.plot(N, XPIR_bw, POINT_STYLES[c_ctr+4], label='XPIR', color = str("C")+str(c_ctr+4))
+points6 = plt.plot(N, SealPIR_bw, POINT_STYLES[c_ctr+5], label='SealPIR', color = str("C")+str(c_ctr+5))
+points7 = plt.plot(N, TrivialPIR_size, POINT_STYLES[c_ctr+6], label='Trivial PIR', color = str("C")+str(c_ctr+6))
+plt.setp(points4, 'mew', '3.0')
+plt.setp(points5, 'mew', '3.0')
+plt.setp(points6, 'mew', '3.0')
+plt.setp(points7, 'mew', '3.0')
+ax = plt.subplot()
+handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
+#labels_sort = [4,1,3,2]
+labels_sort = [4,3,2,1]
+hl = sorted(zip(handles, labels, labels_sort),
+ key=operator.itemgetter(2))
+handles2, labels2, labels_sort= zip(*hl)
+#ax.legend(handles2, labels2, loc = 7)
+plt.title('Total bandwidth required (in bytes) vs \nnumber of hidden service descriptors')
+ax.legend(handles2, labels2, loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.15), ncol=4, shadow=True)
+plt.savefig('total_bw.png', bbox_inches='tight')
+print("Done with total bandwidth graph..")