FROM ubuntu:16.04 RUN apt update && apt install -y build-essential sudo ocaml automake autoconf libtool wget python libssl-dev git protobuf-compiler libprotobuf-dev cmake curl libcurl4-openssl-dev lsb-release debhelper unzip nano kmod nasm vim WORKDIR /pir/ RUN git clone WORKDIR linux-sgx RUN git checkout sgx_2.1.3 RUN ./ #Apparently need to run this even if we use opensource libraries - issue #363 RUN make RUN make sdk_install_pkg RUN make psw_install_pkg WORKDIR linux/installer/bin RUN echo -e "no\n/opt/intel" | ./sgx_linux_x64_sdk_*.bin RUN echo -e "no\n/opt/intel" | ./sgx_linux_x64_psw_*.bin WORKDIR /pir/ COPY ZT.tar.gz /pir/ RUN tar -xf ZT.tar.gz RUN cp start-aesmd /usr/local/sbin/ RUN git clone OpenSSL_1.1.1d && \ cd OpenSSL_1.1.1d && git checkout tags/OpenSSL_1_1_1d && \ cd ../ && tar -cf OpenSSL_1.1.1d.tar.gz OpenSSL_1.1.1d/ #Setting up SGXSSL with the version of OpenSSL that we downloaded in the previous step. RUN git clone && \ cd intel-sgx-ssl && git checkout tags/lin_2.5_1.1.1d && \ cp ../OpenSSL_1.1.1d.tar.gz ./openssl_source/ && \ cd Linux && make && make install RUN cp /opt/intel/sgxssl/lib64/* /opt/intel/sgxsdk/lib64/ RUN git clone RUN cd ZeroTrace && make clean && make