#include "pir.hpp" using namespace std; using namespace seal; using namespace seal::util; std::vector get_dimensions(std::uint64_t num_of_plaintexts, std::uint32_t d) { assert(d > 0); assert(num_of_plaintexts > 0); std::uint64_t root = max(static_cast(2),static_cast(floor(pow(num_of_plaintexts, 1.0/d)))); std::vector dimensions(d, root); for(int i = 0; i < d; i++){ if(accumulate(dimensions.begin(), dimensions.end(), 1, multiplies()) > num_of_plaintexts){ break; } dimensions[i] += 1; } std::uint32_t prod = accumulate(dimensions.begin(), dimensions.end(), 1, multiplies()); assert(prod >= num_of_plaintexts); return dimensions; } void gen_encryption_params(std::uint32_t N, std::uint32_t logt, seal::EncryptionParameters &enc_params){ enc_params.set_poly_modulus_degree(N); enc_params.set_coeff_modulus(CoeffModulus::BFVDefault(N)); enc_params.set_plain_modulus(PlainModulus::Batching(N, logt+1)); // the +1 above ensures we get logt bits for each plaintext coefficient. Otherwise // the coefficient modulus t will be logt bits, but only floor(t) = logt-1 (whp) // will be usable (since we need to ensure that all data in the coefficient is < t). } void verify_encryption_params(const seal::EncryptionParameters &enc_params){ SEALContext context(enc_params, true); if(!context.parameters_set()){ throw invalid_argument("SEAL parameters not valid."); } if(!context.using_keyswitching()){ throw invalid_argument("SEAL parameters do not support key switching."); } if(!context.first_context_data()->qualifiers().using_batching){ throw invalid_argument("SEAL parameters do not support batching."); } BatchEncoder batch_encoder(context); size_t slot_count = batch_encoder.slot_count(); if(slot_count != enc_params.poly_modulus_degree()){ throw invalid_argument("Slot count not equal to poly modulus degree - this will cause issues downstream."); } return; } void gen_pir_params(uint64_t ele_num, uint64_t ele_size, uint32_t d, const EncryptionParameters &enc_params, PirParams &pir_params, bool enable_symmetric, bool enable_batching){ std::uint32_t N = enc_params.poly_modulus_degree(); Modulus t = enc_params.plain_modulus(); std::uint32_t logt = floor(log2(t.value())); // # of usable bits std::uint64_t elements_per_plaintext; std::uint64_t num_of_plaintexts; if(enable_batching){ elements_per_plaintext = elements_per_ptxt(logt, N, ele_size); num_of_plaintexts = plaintexts_per_db(logt, N, ele_num, ele_size); } else{ elements_per_plaintext = 1; num_of_plaintexts = ele_num; } vector nvec = get_dimensions(num_of_plaintexts, d); uint32_t expansion_ratio = 0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < enc_params.coeff_modulus().size(); ++i) { double logqi = log2(enc_params.coeff_modulus()[i].value()); expansion_ratio += ceil(logqi / logt); } pir_params.enable_symmetric = enable_symmetric; pir_params.enable_batching = enable_batching; pir_params.ele_num = ele_num; pir_params.ele_size = ele_size; pir_params.elements_per_plaintext = elements_per_plaintext; pir_params.num_of_plaintexts = num_of_plaintexts; pir_params.d = d; pir_params.expansion_ratio = expansion_ratio << 1; pir_params.nvec = nvec; pir_params.slot_count = N; } void print_pir_params(const PirParams &pir_params){ std::uint32_t prod = accumulate(pir_params.nvec.begin(), pir_params.nvec.end(), 1, multiplies()); cout << "PIR Parameters" << endl; cout << "number of elements: " << pir_params.ele_num << endl; cout << "element size: " << pir_params.ele_size << endl; cout << "elements per BFV plaintext: " << pir_params.elements_per_plaintext << endl; cout << "dimensions for d-dimensional hyperrectangle: " << pir_params.d << endl; cout << "number of BFV plaintexts (before padding): " << pir_params.num_of_plaintexts << endl; cout << "Number of BFV plaintexts after padding (to fill d-dimensional hyperrectangle): " << prod << endl; cout << "expansion ratio: " << pir_params.expansion_ratio << endl; cout << "Using symmetric encryption: " << pir_params.enable_symmetric << endl; cout << "slot count: " << pir_params.slot_count << endl; cout << "=============================="<< endl; } void print_seal_params(const EncryptionParameters &enc_params){ std::uint32_t N = enc_params.poly_modulus_degree(); Modulus t = enc_params.plain_modulus(); std::uint32_t logt = floor(log2(t.value())); cout << "SEAL encryption parameters" << endl; cout << "Degree of polynomial modulus (N): " << N << endl; cout << "Size of plaintext modulus (log t):" << logt << endl; cout << "There are " << enc_params.coeff_modulus().size() << " coefficient modulus:" << endl; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < enc_params.coeff_modulus().size(); ++i) { double logqi = log2(enc_params.coeff_modulus()[i].value()); cout << "Size of coefficient modulus " << i << " (log q_" << i << "): " << logqi << endl; } cout << "=============================="<< endl; } // Number of coefficients needed to represent a database element uint64_t coefficients_per_element(uint32_t logt, uint64_t ele_size) { return ceil(8 * ele_size / (double)logt); } // Number of database elements that can fit in a single FV plaintext uint64_t elements_per_ptxt(uint32_t logt, uint64_t N, uint64_t ele_size) { uint64_t coeff_per_ele = coefficients_per_element(logt, ele_size); uint64_t ele_per_ptxt = N / coeff_per_ele; assert(ele_per_ptxt > 0); return ele_per_ptxt; } // Number of FV plaintexts needed to represent the database uint64_t plaintexts_per_db(uint32_t logt, uint64_t N, uint64_t ele_num, uint64_t ele_size) { uint64_t ele_per_ptxt = elements_per_ptxt(logt, N, ele_size); return ceil((double)ele_num / ele_per_ptxt); } vector bytes_to_coeffs(uint32_t limit, const uint8_t *bytes, uint64_t size) { uint64_t size_out = coefficients_per_element(limit, size); vector output(size_out); uint32_t room = limit; uint64_t *target = &output[0]; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size; i++) { uint8_t src = bytes[i]; uint32_t rest = 8; while (rest) { if (room == 0) { target++; room = limit; } uint32_t shift = rest; if (room < rest) { shift = room; } *target = *target << shift; *target = *target | (src >> (8 - shift)); src = src << shift; room -= shift; rest -= shift; } } *target = *target << room; return output; } void coeffs_to_bytes(uint32_t limit, const vector &coeffs, uint8_t *output, uint32_t size_out) { uint32_t room = 8; uint32_t j = 0; uint8_t *target = output; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < coeffs.size(); i++) { uint64_t src = coeffs[i]; uint32_t rest = limit; while (rest && j < size_out) { uint32_t shift = rest; if (room < rest) { shift = room; } target[j] = target[j] << shift; target[j] = target[j] | (src >> (limit - shift)); src = src << shift; room -= shift; rest -= shift; if (room == 0) { j++; room = 8; } } } } void vector_to_plaintext(const vector &coeffs, Plaintext &plain) { uint32_t coeff_count = coeffs.size(); plain.resize(coeff_count); util::set_uint(coeffs.data(), coeff_count, plain.data()); } vector compute_indices(uint64_t desiredIndex, vector Nvec) { uint32_t num = Nvec.size(); uint64_t product = 1; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num; i++) { product *= Nvec[i]; } uint64_t j = desiredIndex; vector result; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num; i++) { product /= Nvec[i]; uint64_t ji = j / product; result.push_back(ji); j -= ji * product; } return result; } uint64_t invert_mod(uint64_t m, const seal::Modulus& mod) { if (mod.uint64_count() > 1) { cout << "Mod too big to invert"; } uint64_t inverse = 0; if (!seal::util::try_invert_uint_mod(m, mod.value(), inverse)) { cout << "Could not invert value"; } return inverse; } PirQuery deserialize_query(uint32_t d, uint32_t count, string s, uint32_t len_ciphertext, shared_ptr context) { vector> q; std::istringstream input(s); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < d; i++) { vector cs; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { Ciphertext c; c.load(*context, input); cs.push_back(c); } q.push_back(cs); } return q; } string serialize_galoiskeys(Serializable g) { std::ostringstream output; g.save(output); return output.str(); } GaloisKeys *deserialize_galoiskeys(string s, shared_ptr context) { GaloisKeys *g = new GaloisKeys(); std::istringstream input(s); g->load(*context, input); return g; }