#include "pir_server.hpp" #include "pir_client.hpp" using namespace std; using namespace seal; using namespace seal::util; PIRServer::PIRServer(const EncryptionParameters &enc_params, const PirParams &pir_params) : enc_params_(enc_params), pir_params_(pir_params), is_db_preprocessed_(false) { context_ = make_shared(enc_params, true); evaluator_ = make_unique(*context_); encoder_ = make_unique(*context_); } void PIRServer::preprocess_database() { if (!is_db_preprocessed_) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < db_->size(); i++) { evaluator_->transform_to_ntt_inplace( db_->operator[](i), context_->first_parms_id()); } is_db_preprocessed_ = true; } } // Server takes over ownership of db and will free it when it exits void PIRServer::set_database(unique_ptr> &&db) { if (!db) { throw invalid_argument("db cannot be null"); } db_ = move(db); is_db_preprocessed_ = false; } void PIRServer::set_database(const std::unique_ptr &bytes, uint64_t ele_num, uint64_t ele_size) { uint32_t logt = floor(log2(enc_params_.plain_modulus().value())); uint32_t N = enc_params_.poly_modulus_degree(); // number of FV plaintexts needed to represent all elements uint64_t num_of_plaintexts = pir_params_.num_of_plaintexts; // number of FV plaintexts needed to create the d-dimensional matrix uint64_t prod = 1; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pir_params_.nvec.size(); i++) { prod *= pir_params_.nvec[i]; } uint64_t matrix_plaintexts = prod; assert(num_of_plaintexts <= matrix_plaintexts); auto result = make_unique>(); result->reserve(matrix_plaintexts); uint64_t ele_per_ptxt = pir_params_.elements_per_plaintext; uint64_t bytes_per_ptxt = ele_per_ptxt * ele_size; cout << "Bytes per ptxt: " << bytes_per_ptxt << endl; uint64_t db_size = ele_num * ele_size; uint64_t coeff_per_ptxt = ele_per_ptxt * coefficients_per_element(logt, ele_size); assert(coeff_per_ptxt <= N); uint32_t offset = 0; for (uint64_t i = 0; i < num_of_plaintexts; i++) { uint64_t process_bytes = 0; if (db_size <= offset) { break; } else if (db_size < offset + bytes_per_ptxt) { process_bytes = db_size - offset; } else { process_bytes = bytes_per_ptxt; } cout << "Process bytes: " << process_bytes << endl; // Get the coefficients of the elements that will be packed in plaintext i vector coefficients; for(int j = 0; j < process_bytes; j += ele_size){ vector to_add = bytes_to_coeffs(logt, bytes.get() + offset + j, ele_size); coefficients.insert(coefficients.end(),to_add.begin(),to_add.end()); } offset += process_bytes; uint64_t used = coefficients.size(); cout << "Used: " << used << endl; assert(used <= coeff_per_ptxt); // Pad the rest with 1s for (uint64_t j = 0; j < (pir_params_.slot_count - used); j++) { coefficients.push_back(1); } Plaintext plain; encoder_->encode(coefficients, plain); // cout << i << "-th encoded plaintext = " << plain.to_string() << endl; result->push_back(move(plain)); } // Add padding to make database a matrix uint64_t current_plaintexts = result->size(); assert(current_plaintexts <= num_of_plaintexts); #ifdef DEBUG cout << "adding: " << matrix_plaintexts - current_plaintexts << " FV plaintexts of padding (equivalent to: " << (matrix_plaintexts - current_plaintexts) * elements_per_ptxt(logtp, N, ele_size) << " elements)" << endl; #endif vector padding(N, 1); for (uint64_t i = 0; i < (matrix_plaintexts - current_plaintexts); i++) { Plaintext plain; vector_to_plaintext(padding, plain); result->push_back(plain); } set_database(move(result)); } void PIRServer::set_galois_key(uint32_t client_id, seal::GaloisKeys galkey) { galoisKeys_[client_id] = galkey; } PirQuery PIRServer::deserialize_query(stringstream &stream) { PirQuery q; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pir_params_.d; i++) { // number of ciphertexts needed to encode the index for dimension i // keeping into account that each ciphertext can encode up to poly_modulus_degree indexes // In most cases this is usually 1. uint32_t ctx_per_dimension = ceil((pir_params_.nvec[i] + 0.0) / enc_params_.poly_modulus_degree()); vector cs; for (uint32_t j = 0; j < ctx_per_dimension; j++) { Ciphertext c; c.load(*context_, stream); cs.push_back(c); } q.push_back(cs); } return q; } int PIRServer::serialize_reply(PirReply &reply, stringstream &stream) { int output_size = 0; for (int i = 0; i < reply.size(); i++){ output_size += reply[i].save(stream); } return output_size; } PirReply PIRServer::generate_reply(PirQuery &query, uint32_t client_id) { vector nvec = pir_params_.nvec; uint64_t product = 1; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nvec.size(); i++) { product *= nvec[i]; } auto coeff_count = enc_params_.poly_modulus_degree(); vector *cur = db_.get(); vector<Plaintext> intermediate_plain; // decompose.... auto pool = MemoryManager::GetPool(); int N = enc_params_.poly_modulus_degree(); int logt = floor(log2(enc_params_.plain_modulus().value())); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nvec.size(); i++) { cout << "Server: " << i + 1 << "-th recursion level started " << endl; vector<Ciphertext> expanded_query; uint64_t n_i = nvec[i]; cout << "Server: n_i = " << n_i << endl; cout << "Server: expanding " << query[i].size() << " query ctxts" << endl; for (uint32_t j = 0; j < query[i].size(); j++){ uint64_t total = N; if (j == query[i].size() - 1){ total = n_i % N; } cout << "-- expanding one query ctxt into " << total << " ctxts "<< endl; vector<Ciphertext> expanded_query_part = expand_query(query[i][j], total, client_id); expanded_query.insert(expanded_query.end(), std::make_move_iterator(expanded_query_part.begin()), std::make_move_iterator(expanded_query_part.end())); expanded_query_part.clear(); } cout << "Server: expansion done " << endl; if (expanded_query.size() != n_i) { cout << " size mismatch!!! " << expanded_query.size() << ", " << n_i << endl; } // Transform expanded query to NTT, and ... for (uint32_t jj = 0; jj < expanded_query.size(); jj++) { evaluator_->transform_to_ntt_inplace(expanded_query[jj]); } // Transform plaintext to NTT. If database is pre-processed, can skip if ((!is_db_preprocessed_) || i > 0) { for (uint32_t jj = 0; jj < cur->size(); jj++) { evaluator_->transform_to_ntt_inplace((*cur)[jj], context_->first_parms_id()); } } for (uint64_t k = 0; k < product; k++) { if ((*cur)[k].is_zero()){ cout << k + 1 << "/ " << product << "-th ptxt = 0 " << endl; } } product /= n_i; vector<Ciphertext> intermediateCtxts(product); Ciphertext temp; for (uint64_t k = 0; k < product; k++) { evaluator_->multiply_plain(expanded_query[0], (*cur)[k], intermediateCtxts[k]); for (uint64_t j = 1; j < n_i; j++) { evaluator_->multiply_plain(expanded_query[j], (*cur)[k + j * product], temp); evaluator_->add_inplace(intermediateCtxts[k], temp); // Adds to first component. } } for (uint32_t jj = 0; jj < intermediateCtxts.size(); jj++) { evaluator_->transform_from_ntt_inplace(intermediateCtxts[jj]); // print intermediate ctxts? //cout << "const term of ctxt " << jj << " = " << intermediateCtxts[jj][0] << endl; } if (i == nvec.size() - 1) { return intermediateCtxts; } else { intermediate_plain.clear(); intermediate_plain.reserve(pir_params_.expansion_ratio * product); cur = &intermediate_plain; auto tempplain = util::allocate<Plaintext>( pir_params_.expansion_ratio * product, pool, coeff_count); for (uint64_t rr = 0; rr < product; rr++) { decompose_to_plaintexts_ptr(intermediateCtxts[rr], tempplain.get() + rr * pir_params_.expansion_ratio, logt); for (uint32_t jj = 0; jj < pir_params_.expansion_ratio; jj++) { auto offset = rr * pir_params_.expansion_ratio + jj; intermediate_plain.emplace_back(tempplain[offset]); } } product *= pir_params_.expansion_ratio; // multiply by expansion rate. } cout << "Server: " << i + 1 << "-th recursion level finished " << endl; cout << endl; } cout << "reply generated! " << endl; // This should never get here assert(0); vector<Ciphertext> fail(1); return fail; } inline vector<Ciphertext> PIRServer::expand_query(const Ciphertext &encrypted, uint32_t m, uint32_t client_id) { GaloisKeys &galkey = galoisKeys_[client_id]; // Assume that m is a power of 2. If not, round it to the next power of 2. uint32_t logm = ceil(log2(m)); Plaintext two("2"); vector<int> galois_elts; auto n = enc_params_.poly_modulus_degree(); if (logm > ceil(log2(n))){ throw logic_error("m > n is not allowed."); } for (int i = 0; i < ceil(log2(n)); i++) { galois_elts.push_back((n + exponentiate_uint(2, i)) / exponentiate_uint(2, i)); } vector<Ciphertext> temp; temp.push_back(encrypted); Ciphertext tempctxt; Ciphertext tempctxt_rotated; Ciphertext tempctxt_shifted; Ciphertext tempctxt_rotatedshifted; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < logm - 1; i++) { vector<Ciphertext> newtemp(temp.size() << 1); // temp[a] = (j0 = a (mod 2**i) ? ) : Enc(x^{j0 - a}) else Enc(0). With // some scaling.... int index_raw = (n << 1) - (1 << i); int index = (index_raw * galois_elts[i]) % (n << 1); for (uint32_t a = 0; a < temp.size(); a++) { evaluator_->apply_galois(temp[a], galois_elts[i], galkey, tempctxt_rotated); //cout << "rotate " << client.decryptor_->invariant_noise_budget(tempctxt_rotated) << ", "; evaluator_->add(temp[a], tempctxt_rotated, newtemp[a]); multiply_power_of_X(temp[a], tempctxt_shifted, index_raw); //cout << "mul by x^pow: " << client.decryptor_->invariant_noise_budget(tempctxt_shifted) << ", "; multiply_power_of_X(tempctxt_rotated, tempctxt_rotatedshifted, index); // cout << "mul by x^pow: " << client.decryptor_->invariant_noise_budget(tempctxt_rotatedshifted) << ", "; // Enc(2^i x^j) if j = 0 (mod 2**i). evaluator_->add(tempctxt_shifted, tempctxt_rotatedshifted, newtemp[a + temp.size()]); } temp = newtemp; /* cout << "end: "; for (int h = 0; h < temp.size();h++){ cout << client.decryptor_->invariant_noise_budget(temp[h]) << ", "; } cout << endl; */ } // Last step of the loop vector<Ciphertext> newtemp(temp.size() << 1); int index_raw = (n << 1) - (1 << (logm - 1)); int index = (index_raw * galois_elts[logm - 1]) % (n << 1); for (uint32_t a = 0; a < temp.size(); a++) { if (a >= (m - (1 << (logm - 1)))) { // corner case. evaluator_->multiply_plain(temp[a], two, newtemp[a]); // plain multiplication by 2. // cout << client.decryptor_->invariant_noise_budget(newtemp[a]) << ", "; } else { evaluator_->apply_galois(temp[a], galois_elts[logm - 1], galkey, tempctxt_rotated); evaluator_->add(temp[a], tempctxt_rotated, newtemp[a]); multiply_power_of_X(temp[a], tempctxt_shifted, index_raw); multiply_power_of_X(tempctxt_rotated, tempctxt_rotatedshifted, index); evaluator_->add(tempctxt_shifted, tempctxt_rotatedshifted, newtemp[a + temp.size()]); } } vector<Ciphertext>::const_iterator first = newtemp.begin(); vector<Ciphertext>::const_iterator last = newtemp.begin() + m; vector<Ciphertext> newVec(first, last); return newVec; } inline void PIRServer::multiply_power_of_X(const Ciphertext &encrypted, Ciphertext &destination, uint32_t index) { auto coeff_mod_count = enc_params_.coeff_modulus().size() - 1; auto coeff_count = enc_params_.poly_modulus_degree(); auto encrypted_count = encrypted.size(); //cout << "coeff mod count for power of X = " << coeff_mod_count << endl; //cout << "coeff count for power of X = " << coeff_count << endl; // First copy over. destination = encrypted; // Prepare for destination // Multiply X^index for each ciphertext polynomial for (int i = 0; i < encrypted_count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < coeff_mod_count; j++) { negacyclic_shift_poly_coeffmod(encrypted.data(i) + (j * coeff_count), coeff_count, index, enc_params_.coeff_modulus()[j], destination.data(i) + (j * coeff_count)); } } } inline void PIRServer::decompose_to_plaintexts_ptr(const Ciphertext &encrypted, Plaintext *plain_ptr, int logt) { vector<Plaintext> result; auto coeff_count = enc_params_.poly_modulus_degree(); auto coeff_mod_count = enc_params_.coeff_modulus().size(); auto encrypted_count = encrypted.size(); uint64_t t1 = 1 << logt; // t1 <= t. uint64_t t1minusone = t1 -1; // A triple for loop. Going over polys, moduli, and decomposed index. for (int i = 0; i < encrypted_count; i++) { const uint64_t *encrypted_pointer = encrypted.data(i); for (int j = 0; j < coeff_mod_count; j++) { // populate one poly at a time. // create a polynomial to store the current decomposition value // which will be copied into the array to populate it at the current // index. double logqj = log2(enc_params_.coeff_modulus()[j].value()); //int expansion_ratio = ceil(logqj + exponent - 1) / exponent; int expansion_ratio = ceil(logqj / logt); // cout << "local expansion ratio = " << expansion_ratio << endl; uint64_t curexp = 0; for (int k = 0; k < expansion_ratio; k++) { // Decompose here for (int m = 0; m < coeff_count; m++) { plain_ptr[i * coeff_mod_count * expansion_ratio + j * expansion_ratio + k][m] = (*(encrypted_pointer + m + (j * coeff_count)) >> curexp) & t1minusone; } curexp += logt; } } } } vector<Plaintext> PIRServer::decompose_to_plaintexts(const Ciphertext &encrypted) { vector<Plaintext> result; auto coeff_count = enc_params_.poly_modulus_degree(); auto coeff_mod_count = enc_params_.coeff_modulus().size(); auto plain_bit_count = enc_params_.plain_modulus().bit_count(); auto encrypted_count = encrypted.size(); // Generate powers of t. uint64_t plainMod = enc_params_.plain_modulus().value(); // A triple for loop. Going over polys, moduli, and decomposed index. for (int i = 0; i < encrypted_count; i++) { const uint64_t *encrypted_pointer = encrypted.data(i); for (int j = 0; j < coeff_mod_count; j++) { // populate one poly at a time. // create a polynomial to store the current decomposition value // which will be copied into the array to populate it at the current // index. int logqj = log2(enc_params_.coeff_modulus()[j].value()); int expansion_ratio = ceil(logqj / log2(plainMod)); // cout << "expansion ratio = " << expansion_ratio << endl; uint64_t cur = 1; for (int k = 0; k < expansion_ratio; k++) { // Decompose here Plaintext temp(coeff_count); transform(encrypted_pointer + (j * coeff_count), encrypted_pointer + ((j + 1) * coeff_count), temp.data(), [cur, &plainMod](auto &in) { return (in / cur) % plainMod; } ); result.emplace_back(move(temp)); cur *= plainMod; } } } return result; } void PIRServer::simple_set(uint64_t index, Plaintext pt){ if(is_db_preprocessed_){ evaluator_->transform_to_ntt_inplace( pt, context_->first_parms_id()); } db_->operator[](index) = pt; } Ciphertext PIRServer::simple_query(uint64_t index){ //There is no transform_from_ntt that takes a plaintext Ciphertext ct; Plaintext pt = db_->operator[](index); evaluator_->multiply_plain(one_, pt, ct); evaluator_->transform_from_ntt_inplace(ct); return ct; } void PIRServer::set_one_ct(Ciphertext one){ one_ = one; evaluator_->transform_to_ntt_inplace(one_); }