/* Copyright (C) 2014 Carlos Aguilar Melchor, Joris Barrier, Marc-Olivier Killijian * This file is part of XPIR. * * XPIR is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * XPIR is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with XPIR. If not, see . */ #include "PIRReplyWriter.hpp" const std::string PIRReplyWriter::kDefaultFolder("reception"); PIRReplyWriter::PIRReplyWriter(PIRParameters& param, boost::signals2::signal &writeListeners_, boost::signals2::signal &messageListeners_) : filePath(kDefaultFolder), pirParams(param), clearChunks("clear_chunks"), writeListeners(writeListeners_), messageListeners(messageListeners_), dontWrite(false) { ;//Marco's boost signals fix ! :-D } void PIRReplyWriter::setdontWrite(bool newvalue) { dontWrite = newvalue; } void PIRReplyWriter::writeAggregatedFileSecurely(uint64_t chosenElement, DESC catalog) { uint64_t firstElement = chosenElement - chosenElement % pirParams.alpha; uint64_t lastElement = firstElement + pirParams.alpha - 1; uint64_t bytestoskip = 0; char *tmp; uint64_t chunkSize = cryptoMethod->getPublicParameters().getAbsorptionBitsize() / GlobalConstant::kBitsPerByte; WriteEvent event(catalog.getMaxFileSize(), 0); if (pirParams.alpha > 1) std::cout << "PIRReplyWriter: Dealing with " << pirParams.alpha << " aggregated files" << std::endl; if (chosenElement != firstElement) std::cout << "PIRReplyWriter: Skipping aggregated files before chosen element ..." << std::endl; // To avoid timing attacks write down all the elements that were aggregated for (uint64_t i = firstElement; i <= lastElement; i++) { #ifdef MORE_SIDE_CHANNEL_RESISTANCE writeFileSecurely(i, catalog, bytestoskip, event); #else if (i == chosenElement && dontWrite == false) { writeFileSecurely(i, catalog, bytestoskip, event); } else { bytestoskip += catalog.getMaxFileSize(); } #endif } if (chosenElement != lastElement) std::cout << "PIRReplyWriter: Skipping aggregated files after chosen element ..." << std::endl; // Empty clearchunk queue and say we finished std::cout << "PIRReplyWriter: Emptying queue ..." << std::endl; while (bytestoskip > chunkSize) { tmp = clearChunks.pop_front(); free(tmp); bytestoskip -= chunkSize; } // ... And remove all of them but the element we are interested in if (truncate(std::string(filePath + "/" + catalog.getFileName(chosenElement)).c_str(), catalog.getFileSize(chosenElement))) { std::cout << "PIRReplyWriter: Unable to truncate retrieved file" << std::endl; } #ifdef MORE_SIDE_CHANNEL_RESISTANCE for (uint64_t i = firstElement; i <= lastElement; i++) { if ( i != chosenElement ) { std::remove(std::string(filePath + "/" + catalog.getFileName(i)).c_str()); } } #endif std::cout << "PIRReplyWriter: FINISHED (This should end the client)" << std::endl << std::endl; } void PIRReplyWriter::writeFileSecurely(uint64_t element, DESC catalog, uint64_t &bytestoskip, WriteEvent &event) { std::string completeFilename(filePath + "/" + catalog.getFileName(element)); std::ofstream file(completeFilename.c_str(), ios::out | ios::binary | ios::trunc); if (file.good()) { char *tmp; uint64_t chunkSize = cryptoMethod->getPublicParameters().getAbsorptionBitsize() / GlobalConstant::kBitsPerByte; uint64_t leftChars = catalog.getMaxFileSize(); #ifdef DEBUG cout << "PIRReplyWriter: Size of the requested file is " << leftChars << endl; cout << "PIRReplyWriter: chunkSize is " << chunkSize << endl; #endif while (bytestoskip > chunkSize) { tmp = clearChunks.pop_front(); free(tmp); bytestoskip -= chunkSize; event.addtoWrittenSize(chunkSize); } writeListeners(event); while (leftChars != 0) { uint64_t writtenchars = 0; uint64_t current_bytesskipped = 0; tmp = clearChunks.front(); if (bytestoskip != 0) { file.write(tmp+bytestoskip , min(leftChars, chunkSize - bytestoskip)); writtenchars = min(leftChars, chunkSize - bytestoskip); bytestoskip = chunkSize - (writtenchars+bytestoskip); if (bytestoskip < 0) std::cout << "PIRReplyWriter: Skipping a negative amount of bytes THIS SHOULD NOT HAPPEN" << std::endl; } else { file.write(tmp , min(leftChars, chunkSize)); writtenchars = min(leftChars, chunkSize); if (writtenchars < chunkSize ) bytestoskip = writtenchars; } if (file.fail()) { MessageEvent mEvent(WARNING,"FAIL DURING FILE WRITTING"); messageListeners(mEvent); file.close(); exit(1); } file.flush(); // Shall we reuse this clear chunk ? if ( bytestoskip == 0 ) { clearChunks.pop_front(); free(tmp); } event.addtoWrittenSize(writtenchars); writeListeners(event); leftChars -= writtenchars; } file.close(); } else { MessageEvent event(ERROR, "PIRReplyWriter: ERROR WHEN WRITING FILE ! Maybe " + completeFilename + " is write protected?", __FUNCTION__); messageListeners(event); } } void PIRReplyWriter::startFileWritting(uint64_t chosenElement, DESC catalog) { writeThread = boost::thread(&PIRReplyWriter::writeAggregatedFileSecurely, this, chosenElement, catalog); } shared_queue* PIRReplyWriter::getClearDataQueue() { return &clearChunks; } void PIRReplyWriter::setCryptoMethod(HomomorphicCrypto* crypto_method) { cryptoMethod = crypto_method; } void PIRReplyWriter::join() { if(writeThread.joinable()) writeThread.join(); } PIRReplyWriter::~PIRReplyWriter() { join(); }