/* Copyright (C) 2014 Carlos Aguilar Melchor, Joris Barrier, Marc-Olivier Killijian * This file is part of XPIR. * * XPIR is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * XPIR is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with XPIR. If not, see . */ #include "PIRReplyGeneratorNFL_internal.hpp" #include "sys/time.h" //#define SIMULATE_PRE_NFL_DATA //Use this to simulate imported data is in NFL form //#define TEST_NFL_PERF_ITERATIONS //Loop to simulate very large databases //#define SNIFFER_CHUNK_BYTESIZE 12800 //#define SNIFFER_CHUNK_BYTESIZE 2560 //#define SNIFFER_CHUNK_BYTESIZE 1500 //#define SNIFFER_CHUNK_BYTESIZE 600 //#define SNIFFER //Use this to activate a sniffer like behavior PIRReplyGeneratorNFL_internal::PIRReplyGeneratorNFL_internal(): lwe(false) { } /** * Constructor of the class. * Params : * - vector & database : reference of a File pointer vector. * - PIRParameters& param : reference to a PIRParameters object. **/ PIRReplyGeneratorNFL_internal::PIRReplyGeneratorNFL_internal( PIRParameters& param, DBHandler* db): lwe(false), currentMaxNbPolys(1), GenericPIRReplyGenerator(param,db), current_query_index(0), current_dim_index(0) { // cryptoMethod will be set later by setCryptoMethod } void PIRReplyGeneratorNFL_internal::importFakeData(uint64_t plaintext_nbr) { uint64_t files_nbr = 1; for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < pirParam.d ; i++) files_nbr *= pirParam.n[i]; uint64_t plain_bytesize = cryptoMethod->getnflInstance().getpolyDegree()*cryptoMethod->getnflInstance().getnbModuli()*8; dbhandler = new DBGenerator(files_nbr, plaintext_nbr*plain_bytesize, true); currentMaxNbPolys = plaintext_nbr; importDataNFL(0, plaintext_nbr*plain_bytesize); } /** * Convert raw data from file in usable NFL data. **/ void PIRReplyGeneratorNFL_internal::importDataNFL(uint64_t offset, uint64_t bytes_per_file) { uint64_t fileByteSize = min(bytes_per_file, dbhandler->getmaxFileBytesize()-offset); uint64_t theoretical_files_nbr = 1; uint64_t nbFiles = dbhandler->getNbStream(); for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < pirParam.d ; i++) theoretical_files_nbr *= pirParam.n[i]; input_data = new lwe_in_data[theoretical_files_nbr]; char *rawBits = (char*)calloc(fileByteSize*pirParam.alpha, sizeof(char)); currentMaxNbPolys=0; #ifdef PERF_TIMERS double vtstart = omp_get_wtime(); bool wasVerbose = false; uint64_t lastindex = 0; #endif // For global time measurement double start = omp_get_wtime();double now,delta; int nbruns=ceil((double)nbFiles/pirParam.alpha); // WARNING this section should not be multithreade as rawbits is shared and readAggregatedStream // is not threadsafe for (int i=0; i < nbruns; i++) { dbhandler->readAggregatedStream(i, pirParam.alpha, offset, bytes_per_file, rawBits); #ifdef SIMULATE_PRE_NFL_DATA uint64_t abssize = cryptoMethod->getPublicParameters().getAbsorptionBitsize(); uint64_t polysize = cryptoMethod->getpolyDegree() * cryptoMethod->getnbModuli()*sizeof(uint64_t); uint64_t nbpolys = ceil((double)fileByteSize * pirParam.alpha * 8 / abssize); input_data[i].p = (poly64*) malloc(nbpolys*sizeof(poly64*)); input_data[i].p[0] = (poly64) malloc(nbpolys*polysize); for (unsigned j = 0; j < nbpolys ; j++) { input_data[i].p[j] = input_data[i].p[0]+j*polysize/8; memcpy(input_data[i].p[j], rawBits, min(fileByteSize, polysize)); } input_data[i].nbPolys = nbpolys; #else input_data[i].p = cryptoMethod->deserializeDataNFL((unsigned char**)&rawBits, (uint64_t) 1, fileByteSize*pirParam.alpha*GlobalConstant::kBitsPerByte, input_data[i].nbPolys); #endif #ifdef PERF_TIMERS // Give some feedback if it takes too long double vtstop = omp_get_wtime(); if (vtstop - vtstart > 1) { vtstart = vtstop; std::cout <<"PIRReplyGeneratorNFL_internal: Element " << i+1 << "/" << nbruns << " imported\r" << std::flush; wasVerbose = true; lastindex = i+1; } #endif } for (int i=0; i < nbruns; i++) if (input_data[i].nbPolys>currentMaxNbPolys) currentMaxNbPolys=input_data[i].nbPolys; #ifdef PERF_TIMERS // If feedback was given say we finished if (wasVerbose && lastindex != nbFiles) std::cout <<"PIRReplyGeneratorNFL_internal: Element " << nbruns << "/" << nbFiles/pirParam.alpha << " imported" << std::endl; #endif /** FILE PADDING **/ for (uint64_t i = ceil((double)nbFiles/pirParam.alpha) ; i < theoretical_files_nbr ; i++) { input_data[i].p = (poly64 *) malloc(currentMaxNbPolys*sizeof(poly64)); input_data[i].p[0] = (poly64) calloc(cryptoMethod->getpolyDegree()*cryptoMethod->getnbModuli()*currentMaxNbPolys,sizeof(uint64_t)); for (uint64_t j = 1 ; j < currentMaxNbPolys ; j++) input_data[i].p[j] = input_data[i].p[0]+cryptoMethod->getpolyDegree()*cryptoMethod->getnbModuli()*j; input_data[i].nbPolys = currentMaxNbPolys; } free(rawBits); std::cout<<"PIRReplyGeneratorNFL_internal: Finished importing the database in " << omp_get_wtime() - start << " seconds" << std::endl; } #ifdef SNIFFER imported_database_t PIRReplyGeneratorNFL_internal::generateReplyGeneric(bool keep_imported_data) { imported_database_t database_wrapper; boost::mutex::scoped_lock l(mutex); const uint64_t chunkBytesize = SNIFFER_CHUNK_BYTESIZE; const uint64_t iterations = dbhandler->getmaxFileBytesize()/(chunkBytesize+1); // std::ifstream *is = dbhandler->openStream(0,0); const uint64_t nbFiles = dbhandler->getNbStream(); const unsigned int polysize = cryptoMethod->getpolyDegree()*cryptoMethod->getnbModuli(); const unsigned int jumpcipher = 2*polysize / sizeof(uint64_t); currentMaxNbPolys=0; lwe_in_data *input = new lwe_in_data[iterations]; lwe_cipher *resul = new lwe_cipher[iterations]; uint64_t index; lwe_query **queries; char **rawBits = (char**) malloc(iterations*sizeof(char*)); cryptoMethod->setandgetAbsBitPerCiphertext(1); queries = queriesBuf[0]; const uint64_t mask = (1<<((int)log2(nbFiles)))-1; for (uint64_t it = 0 ; it < iterations ; it++) { resul[it].a = (uint64_t *) malloc(2*polysize*sizeof(uint64_t)); resul[it].b = (uint64_t *) resul[it].a + polysize; rawBits[it] = (char*)malloc(((chunkBytesize)*sizeof(char)+sizeof(int))); } double start = omp_get_wtime(); #pragma omp parallel for firstprivate(input,queries,resul) for (uint64_t it = 0 ; it < iterations ; it++) { dbhandler->readStream(0, rawBits[it], chunkBytesize+sizeof(int)); input[it].p = cryptoMethod->deserializeDataNFL((unsigned char**)&(rawBits[it]), (uint64_t) 1, chunkBytesize*GlobalConstant::kBitsPerByte, input[it].nbPolys); index = *(int *)(rawBits[it]+chunkBytesize) & mask; cryptoMethod->mul(resul[it], input[it], queries[0][index],queries[1][index], 0, 0); } double end = omp_get_wtime(); std::cout<<"PIRReplyGeneratorNFL_internal: Finished processing the sniffed data in " << end - start << " seconds" << std::endl; std::cout<<"PIRReplyGeneratorNFL_internal: Processing throughput " << (double)chunkBytesize*8*iterations / ((end - start)*1000000000ULL) << " Gbps" << std::endl; return database_wrapper; } #else imported_database_t PIRReplyGeneratorNFL_internal::generateReplyGeneric(bool keep_imported_data) { imported_database_t database_wrapper; uint64_t usable_memory, database_size, max_memory_per_file, max_readable_size, nbr_of_iterations; double start, end; // Init database_wrapper to NULL values so that we are able to know if it has been initialized database_wrapper.imported_database_ptr = NULL; database_wrapper.nbElements = 0; database_wrapper.polysPerElement = 0; // Don't use more than half of the computer's memory usable_memory = getTotalSystemMemory()/2; database_size = dbhandler->getmaxFileBytesize() * dbhandler->getNbStream(); #ifndef TEST_NFL_PERF_ITERATIONS // This is the maximum amount of data per file we can get in memory max_memory_per_file = usable_memory / dbhandler->getNbStream(); // Given the expansion factor of importation we get the max we can read per file max_readable_size = max_memory_per_file / 4 ; // Reduce it so that we have full absorption in all the ciphertexts sent max_readable_size = (max_readable_size * GlobalConstant::kBitsPerByte / cryptoMethod->getPublicParameters().getAbsorptionBitsize(0)) * cryptoMethod->getPublicParameters().getAbsorptionBitsize(0)/GlobalConstant::kBitsPerByte; #else // For our tests we will need to have databases of an integer amount of gigabits max_readable_size = 1280000000UL/dbhandler->getNbStream(); #endif // If we reduced it too much set it at least to a ciphertext if (max_readable_size == 0) max_readable_size = cryptoMethod->getPublicParameters().getAbsorptionBitsize(0); // Ensure it is not larger than maxfilebytesize max_readable_size = min(max_readable_size, dbhandler->getmaxFileBytesize()); // Given readable size we get how many iterations we need nbr_of_iterations = ceil((double)dbhandler->getmaxFileBytesize()/max_readable_size); #ifndef TEST_NFL_PERF_ITERATIONS // If aggregation is used we cannot iterate if ((pirParam.alpha != 1 || pirParam.d > 1) && nbr_of_iterations > 1) { std::cout << "PIRReplyGeneratorNFL_internal: Cannot handle aggregation or dimensions on databases requiring multiple iterations" << std::endl; std::cout << "PIRReplyGeneratorNFL_internal: Handling the database on a single iteration, this can cause memory issues ..." << std::endl; nbr_of_iterations = 1; max_readable_size = dbhandler->getmaxFileBytesize(); } // If we cannot read the whole database we cannot store it precomputed if (nbr_of_iterations > 1) keep_imported_data = false; #endif // If we need to do more than an iteration say it if (nbr_of_iterations > 1) { std::cout << "PIRReplyGeneratorNFL_internal: Database is considered too large, processing it in " << nbr_of_iterations << " iterations" << std::endl; } start = omp_get_wtime(); // #pragma omp parallel for for (unsigned iteration = 0; iteration < nbr_of_iterations; iteration++) { if (nbr_of_iterations > 1) cout << "PIRReplyGeneratorNFL_internal: Iteration " << iteration << endl; repliesIndex = computeReplySizeInChunks(iteration*max_readable_size); // Import a chunk of max_readable_size bytes per file with an adapted offset importDataNFL(iteration*max_readable_size, max_readable_size); if(keep_imported_data && iteration == nbr_of_iterations - 1) // && added for Perf test but is no harmful { database_wrapper.polysPerElement = currentMaxNbPolys; } boost::mutex::scoped_lock l(mutex); generateReply(); end = omp_get_wtime(); if(keep_imported_data && iteration == nbr_of_iterations - 1) // && added for Perf test but is no harmful { database_wrapper.imported_database_ptr = (void*)input_data; } else { freeInputData(); } } std::cout<<"PIRReplyGeneratorNFL_internal: Total process time " << end - start << " seconds" << std::endl; std::cout<<"PIRReplyGeneratorNFL_internal: DB processing throughput " << 8*database_size/(end - start) << "bps" << std::endl; std::cout<<"PIRReplyGeneratorNFL_internal: Client cleartext reception throughput " << 8*dbhandler->getmaxFileBytesize()/(end - start) << "bps" << std::endl; freeQuery(); return database_wrapper; } #endif // Function used to generate a PIR reply if: // - database is small enough to be kept in memory // - it has already been imported to it void PIRReplyGeneratorNFL_internal::generateReplyGenericFromData(const imported_database_t database) { #ifndef TEST_NFL_PERF_ITERATIONS input_data = (lwe_in_data*) database.imported_database_ptr; currentMaxNbPolys = database.polysPerElement; boost::mutex::scoped_lock l(mutex); double start = omp_get_wtime(); generateReply(); #else uint64_t max_readable_size, database_size, nbr_of_iterations; database_size = dbhandler->getmaxFileBytesize() * dbhandler->getNbStream(); max_readable_size = 1280000000UL/dbhandler->getNbStream(); // Ensure it is not larger than maxfilebytesize max_readable_size = min(max_readable_size, dbhandler->getmaxFileBytesize()); // Given readable size we get how many iterations we need nbr_of_iterations = ceil((double)dbhandler->getmaxFileBytesize()/max_readable_size); boost::mutex::scoped_lock l(mutex); double start = omp_get_wtime(); for (unsigned iteration = 0; iteration < nbr_of_iterations; iteration++) { input_data = (lwe_in_data*) database.imported_database_ptr; currentMaxNbPolys = database.polysPerElement; generateReply(); } freeInputData(); #endif double end = omp_get_wtime(); std::cout<<"PIRReplyGeneratorNFL_internal: Total process time " << end - start << " seconds" << std::endl; std::cout<<"PIRReplyGeneratorNFL_internal: DB processing throughput " << 8*dbhandler->getmaxFileBytesize()*dbhandler->getNbStream()/(end - start) << "bps" << std::endl; std::cout<<"PIRReplyGeneratorNFL_internal: Client cleartext reception throughput " << 8*dbhandler->getmaxFileBytesize()/(end - start) << "bps" << std::endl; freeQuery(); } // Function used to generate a PIR reply if: // - database is small enough to be kept in memory // - it has already been imported to it void PIRReplyGeneratorNFL_internal::generateReplyExternal(imported_database_t* database) { uint64_t max_readable_size, database_size, nbr_of_iterations; database_size = dbhandler->getmaxFileBytesize() * dbhandler->getNbStream(); max_readable_size = 1280000000UL/dbhandler->getNbStream(); // Ensure it is not larger than maxfilebytesize max_readable_size = min(max_readable_size, dbhandler->getmaxFileBytesize()); // Given readable size we get how many iterations we need nbr_of_iterations = ceil((double)dbhandler->getmaxFileBytesize()/max_readable_size); boost::mutex::scoped_lock l(mutex); double start = omp_get_wtime(); for (unsigned iteration = 0; iteration < nbr_of_iterations; iteration++) { input_data = (lwe_in_data*) database->imported_database_ptr; currentMaxNbPolys = database->polysPerElement; generateReply(); } freeInputData(); double end = omp_get_wtime(); std::cout<<"PIRReplyGeneratorNFL_internal: Total process time " << end - start << " seconds" << std::endl; std::cout<<"PIRReplyGeneratorNFL_internal: DB processing throughput " << 8*dbhandler->getmaxFileBytesize()*dbhandler->getNbStream()/(end - start) << "bps" << std::endl; std::cout<<"PIRReplyGeneratorNFL_internal: Client cleartext reception throughput " << 8*dbhandler->getmaxFileBytesize()/(end - start) << "bps" << std::endl; freeQuery(); } /** * Prepare reply and start absoptions. **/ void PIRReplyGeneratorNFL_internal::generateReply() { lwe_in_data *in_data = input_data; lwe_cipher **inter_reply; #ifdef SHOUP lwe_query **queries; #else lwe_query *queries; #endif uint64_t old_reply_elt_nbr = 0; uint64_t reply_elt_nbr = 1; uint64_t old_poly_nbr = 1; // Allocate memory for the reply array repliesAmount = computeReplySizeInChunks(dbhandler->getmaxFileBytesize()); repliesArray = (char**)calloc(repliesAmount,sizeof(char*)); // Start global timers double start = omp_get_wtime(); #ifdef PERF_TIMERS double vtstart = start; bool wasVerbose = false; #endif for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < pirParam.d ; i++) // For each recursion level { old_reply_elt_nbr = reply_elt_nbr; reply_elt_nbr = 1; for (unsigned int j = i + 1 ; j < pirParam.d ; j++ ) reply_elt_nbr *= pirParam.n[j]; #ifdef DEBUG cout << "PIRReplyGeneratorNFL_internal: currentMaxNbPolys = " << currentMaxNbPolys << endl; #endif inter_reply = new lwe_cipher*[reply_elt_nbr](); queries = queriesBuf[i]; for (uint64_t j = 0 ; j < reply_elt_nbr ; j++) // Boucle de reply_elt_nbr PIR { inter_reply[j] = new lwe_cipher[currentMaxNbPolys]; // Warning of the trick in case SHOUP is defined : we cast quesries to a (lwe_query*) and will have to uncast it generateReply((lwe_query*)queries , in_data + (pirParam.n[i] * j ), i, inter_reply[j]); #ifdef DEBUG_WITH_FILE_OUTPUT if (i ==0 && j==1) { std::ofstream file(std::string("output_level_"+ std::to_string(i)).c_str(), std::ios::out| std::ios::binary); for (int k = 0 ; k < currentMaxNbPolys ; k++) { file.write((char*)inter_reply[j][k].a,1024*2*8); } file.close(); } #endif #ifdef PERF_TIMERS // Give some feedback if it takes too long double vtstop = omp_get_wtime(); if (vtstop - vtstart > 1) { vtstart = vtstop; std::cout <<"PIRReplyGeneratorNFL_internal: Reply " << j+1 << "/" << reply_elt_nbr << " generated\r" << std::flush; wasVerbose = true; } #endif } /*****************/ /*MEMORY CLEANING*/ /*****************/ if ( i > 0) { #ifdef DEBUG cout << "PIRReplyGeneratorNFL_internal: reply_elt_nbr_OLD: " << old_reply_elt_nbr << endl; #endif // for (unsigned int j = 0 ; j < old_reply_elt_nbr ; j++) { // free(in_data[j].p[0]); // free(in_data[j].p); // } // delete[] in_data; } // When i i=> 2 clean old in_data. if (i < pirParam.d - 1) { old_poly_nbr = currentMaxNbPolys; in_data = fromResulttoInData(inter_reply, reply_elt_nbr, i); } for (uint64_t j = 0 ; j < reply_elt_nbr ; j++) { for (uint64_t k = 0 ; (k < old_poly_nbr) && (i < pirParam.d - 1); k++) free(inter_reply[j][k].a); delete[] inter_reply[j]; } delete[] inter_reply; // allocated with a 'new' above. } // Compute execution time printf( "PIRReplyGeneratorNFL_internal: Global reply generation took %f (omp)seconds\n", omp_get_wtime() - start); } double PIRReplyGeneratorNFL_internal::generateReplySimulation(const PIRParameters& pir_params, uint64_t plaintext_nbr) { setPirParams((PIRParameters&)pir_params); initQueriesBuffer(); pushFakeQuery(); importFakeData(plaintext_nbr); uint64_t repliesAmount = computeReplySizeInChunks(cryptoMethod->getPublicParameters().getCiphertextBitsize() / CHAR_BIT); repliesArray = (char**)calloc(repliesAmount,sizeof(char*)); repliesIndex = 0; double start = omp_get_wtime(); generateReply(); double result = omp_get_wtime() - start; freeQuery(); freeInputData(); freeResult(); delete dbhandler; return result; } double PIRReplyGeneratorNFL_internal::precomputationSimulation(const PIRParameters& pir_params, uint64_t plaintext_nbr) { NFLlib *nflptr = &(cryptoMethod->getnflInstance()); setPirParams((PIRParameters&)pir_params); initQueriesBuffer(); pushFakeQuery(); importFakeData(plaintext_nbr); uint64_t files_nbr = 1; for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < pir_params.d ; i++) files_nbr *= pir_params.n[i]; double start = omp_get_wtime(); for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < files_nbr ; i++) { { poly64 *tmp; tmp= cryptoMethod->deserializeDataNFL((unsigned char**)(input_data[i].p), (uint64_t) plaintext_nbr, cryptoMethod->getPublicParameters().getCiphertextBitsize()/2 , input_data[i].nbPolys); free(tmp[0]); } } double result = omp_get_wtime() - start; std::cout << "PIRReplyGeneratorNFL_internal: Deserialize took " << result << " (omp)seconds" << std::endl; freeQuery(); freeInputData(); freeResult(); delete dbhandler; return result; } /** * Multiply each query parts by each files and sum the result. * Params : * - lwe_queries* : the query ; * - lwe_in_data* : data to be processed. * - int begin_data : index where begins the data absorption * - int lvl : recursion level ; * - lwe_cipher* result : Array to store the result. **/ void PIRReplyGeneratorNFL_internal::generateReply( lwe_query *queries_, lwe_in_data* data, unsigned int lvl, lwe_cipher* result) { #ifdef SHOUP lwe_query **queries=(lwe_query**)queries_; #else lwe_query *queries=queries_; #endif unsigned int query_size = pirParam.n[lvl]; #ifdef PERF_TIMERS bool wasVerbose = false; double vtstart = omp_get_wtime(); #endif // In order to parallelize we must ensure replies are somehow ordered // (see comment at the end of PIRReplyExtraction) //#pragma omp parallel for firstprivate(result,data, lvl, queries) #ifdef MULTI_THREAD # pragma omp parallel for #endif for (unsigned int current_poly=0 ; current_poly < currentMaxNbPolys ; current_poly++) { posix_memalign((void**) &(result[current_poly].a), 32, 2*cryptoMethod->getpolyDegree()*cryptoMethod->getnbModuli()*sizeof(uint64_t)); memset(result[current_poly].a,0, 2*cryptoMethod->getpolyDegree()*cryptoMethod->getnbModuli()*sizeof(uint64_t)); result[current_poly].b = (uint64_t *) result[current_poly].a + cryptoMethod->getpolyDegree()*cryptoMethod->getnbModuli(); for (unsigned int offset = 0; offset < query_size; offset += 200) { for (unsigned int query_index = offset, ggg=0; query_index < query_size && ggg < 200 ; query_index++, ggg++) { #ifdef SHOUP #ifdef CRYPTO_DEBUG if(current_poly==0) { std::cout<<"Query poped.a ";NFLTools::print_poly64hex(queries[0][query_index].a,4); if (lwe) { std::cout<<"Query poped.b ";NFLTools::print_poly64hex(queries[0][query_index].b,4); } std::cout<<"Query poped.a' ";NFLTools::print_poly64hex(queries[1][query_index].a,4); if (lwe) { std::cout<<"Query poped.b' ";NFLTools::print_poly64hex(queries[1][query_index].b,4); } } #endif cryptoMethod->mulandadd(result[current_poly], data[query_index], queries[0][query_index], queries[1][query_index], current_poly, lvl); #else cryptoMethod->mulandadd(result[current_poly], data[query_index], queries[query_index], current_poly, lvl); #endif } if ( lvl == pirParam.d-1 && offset + 200 >= query_size) { // Watchout lwe_cipher.a and .b need to be allocated contiguously repliesArray[repliesIndex+current_poly] = (char*)result[current_poly].a; } #ifdef PERF_TIMERS // Give some feedback if it takes too long double vtstop = omp_get_wtime(); if (vtstop - vtstart > 1) { vtstart = vtstop; if(currentMaxNbPolys != 1) std::cout <<"PIRReplyGeneratorNFL_internal: Dealt with chunk " << current_poly+1 << "/" << currentMaxNbPolys << "\r" << std::flush; wasVerbose = true; } #endif } } #ifdef PERF_TIMERS if (wasVerbose) std::cout <<" \r" << std::flush; #endif } // New version using the multiple buffer serialize function lwe_in_data* PIRReplyGeneratorNFL_internal::fromResulttoInData(lwe_cipher** inter_reply, uint64_t reply_elt_nbr, unsigned int reply_rec_lvl) { uint64_t in_data2b_bytes = cryptoMethod->getPublicParameters().getAbsorptionBitsize()/8; uint64_t in_data2b_nbr_polys = ceil((double(currentMaxNbPolys * cryptoMethod->getPublicParameters().getCiphertextBitsize())/8.)/double(in_data2b_bytes)); lwe_in_data *in_data2b = new lwe_in_data[reply_elt_nbr](); uint64_t **bufferOfBuffers = (uint64_t **) calloc(currentMaxNbPolys,sizeof(uint64_t*)); //For each element in the reply for (uint64_t i = 0 ; i < reply_elt_nbr ; i++) { //Build the buffer of buffers for (uint64_t j = 0 ; j < currentMaxNbPolys ; j++) { bufferOfBuffers[j]=inter_reply[i][j].a; } // Ciphertexts can be serialized in a single block as a,b are allocatted contiguously in_data2b[i].p = cryptoMethod->deserializeDataNFL((unsigned char**)bufferOfBuffers, currentMaxNbPolys, cryptoMethod->getPublicParameters().getCiphertextBitsize(), in_data2b[i].nbPolys); //delete[] inter_reply[i]; free in generateReplyGeneric } //delete[] inter_reply; free(bufferOfBuffers); currentMaxNbPolys = in_data2b_nbr_polys; return in_data2b; } //// Original function //lwe_in_data* PIRReplyGeneratorNFL_internal::fromResulttoInData(lwe_cipher** inter_reply, uint64_t reply_elt_nbr, unsigned int reply_rec_lvl) //{ // uint64_t in_data2b_bytes = cryptoMethod->getPublicParameters().getAbsorptionBitsize()/8; // uint64_t in_data2b_polys_per_reply_poly = ceil((double)(cryptoMethod->getPublicParameters().getCiphertextBitsize()/8)/in_data2b_bytes); // uint64_t in_data2b_nbr_polys = currentMaxNbPolys * in_data2b_polys_per_reply_poly; // // lwe_in_data *in_data2b = new lwe_in_data[reply_elt_nbr](); // lwe_in_data tmp_in_data; // // //For each element in the reply // for (uint64_t i = 0 ; i < reply_elt_nbr ; i++) // { // in_data2b[i].p = (poly64 *) malloc(in_data2b_nbr_polys*sizeof(poly64)); // in_data2b[i].nbPolys = 0; // // // For each polynomial in a reply element // for (uint64_t j = 0 ; j < currentMaxNbPolys ; j++) // { // // Ciphertexts can be serialized in a single block as a,b are allocatted contiguously // tmp_in_data.p = cryptoMethod->deserializeDataNFL((unsigned char*)inter_reply[i][j].a, cryptoMethod->getPublicParameters().getCiphertextBitsize(), tmp_in_data.nbPolys); // for (uint64_t k = 0 ; k < in_data2b_polys_per_reply_poly; k++) // { // in_data2b[i].p[k + j * in_data2b_polys_per_reply_poly] = tmp_in_data.p[k]; // } // in_data2b[i].nbPolys += in_data2b_polys_per_reply_poly; // } // delete[] inter_reply[i]; // } // delete[] inter_reply; // // currentMaxNbPolys = in_data2b_nbr_polys; // return in_data2b; //} /** * Compute Reply Size une chunks. * WARNING blocking function. **/ unsigned long PIRReplyGeneratorNFL_internal::computeReplySizeInChunks(unsigned long int maxFileBytesize) { using namespace GlobalConstant; unsigned int out = ceil((double)maxFileBytesize*kBitsPerByte*pirParam.alpha/cryptoMethod->getPublicParameters().getAbsorptionBitsize(0)); for (unsigned int i = 1; i < pirParam.d; i++) { out = ceil(out * double(cryptoMethod->getPublicParameters().getCiphBitsizeFromRecLvl(i)/kBitsPerByte) / double(cryptoMethod->getPublicParameters().getAbsorptionBitsize(i) / kBitsPerByte)); } return out; } /** * Overloaded fonction from GenericPIRReplyGenerator. * Initalise queriesBuf. **/ void PIRReplyGeneratorNFL_internal::initQueriesBuffer() { const unsigned int nbQueriesBuf=pirParam.d;; #ifdef SHOUP queriesBuf = new lwe_query**[nbQueriesBuf](); for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < nbQueriesBuf ; i++) { queriesBuf[i] = new lwe_query*[2]; queriesBuf[i][0] = new lwe_query[pirParam.n[i]](); queriesBuf[i][1] = new lwe_query[pirParam.n[i]](); } #else queriesBuf = new lwe_query*[nbQueriesBuf](); for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < nbQueriesBuf ; i++) { queriesBuf[i] = new lwe_query[pirParam.n[i]](); } #endif #ifdef DEBUG std::cout<<"Created a queriesBuf for "<encrypt(0, 1); for (unsigned int dim = 0 ; dim < pirParam.d ; dim++) { for(unsigned int j = 0 ; j < pirParam.n[dim] ; j++) { pushQuery(query_element, cryptoMethod->getPublicParameters().getCiphertextBitsize()/8, dim, j); } } free(query_element); } void PIRReplyGeneratorNFL_internal::pushQuery(char* rawQuery) { pushQuery(rawQuery, cryptoMethod->getPublicParameters().getCiphertextBitsize()/8, current_dim_index, current_query_index); current_query_index++; if (current_query_index >= pirParam.n[current_dim_index]) { current_query_index = 0; current_dim_index++; } if (current_dim_index >= pirParam.d) { std::cout << "PIRReplyGeneratorNFL: Finished importing query (this message should appear only once)" << std::endl; } } void PIRReplyGeneratorNFL_internal::pushQuery(char* rawQuery, unsigned int size, int dim, int nbr) { unsigned int polyDegree = cryptoMethod->getpolyDegree(); unsigned int nbModuli = cryptoMethod->getnbModuli(); // Trick, we get both a and b at the same time, b needs to be set afterwards uint64_t *a,*b; a = (poly64) calloc(size, 1); memcpy(a,rawQuery,size); if (lwe) b = a+nbModuli*polyDegree; #ifdef CRYPTO_DEBUG std::cout<<"\nQuery received.a ";NFLTools::print_poly64(a,4); if (lwe) {std::cout<<"Query received.b ";NFLTools::print_poly64hex(b,4);} #endif #ifdef SHOUP uint64_t *ap,*bp; ap = (poly64) calloc(size, 1); if (lwe) bp = ap+nbModuli*polyDegree; for (unsigned int cm = 0 ; cm < nbModuli ; cm++) { for (unsigned i = 0 ; i < polyDegree ;i++) { ap[i+cm*polyDegree] = ((uint128_t) a[i+cm*polyDegree] << 64) / cryptoMethod->getmoduli()[cm]; if (lwe) bp[i+cm*polyDegree] = ((uint128_t) b[i+cm*polyDegree] << 64) / cryptoMethod->getmoduli()[cm]; } } queriesBuf[dim][0][nbr].a = a; queriesBuf[dim][0][nbr].b = b; queriesBuf[dim][1][nbr].a = ap; queriesBuf[dim][1][nbr].b = bp; #ifdef CRYPTO_DEBUG std::cout << "Query NFL pushed.a' "; NFLTools::print_poly64hex(queriesBuf[dim][1][nbr].a,4); if (lwe) { std::cout << "Query NFL pushed.b' "; NFLTools::print_poly64hex(queriesBuf[dim][1][nbr].b,4);} #endif #else queriesBuf[dim][nbr].a = a; queriesBuf[dim][nbr].b = b; #endif } size_t PIRReplyGeneratorNFL_internal::getTotalSystemMemory() { #ifdef __APPLE__ int m[2]; m[0] = CTL_HW; m[1] = HW_MEMSIZE; int64_t size = 0; size_t len = sizeof( size ); sysctl( m, 2, &size, &len, NULL, 0 ); return (size_t)size; #else long pages = /*get_phys_pages();*/sysconf(_SC_PHYS_PAGES); long page_size = /*getpagesize();*/sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE); return pages * page_size; #endif } PIRReplyGeneratorNFL_internal::~PIRReplyGeneratorNFL_internal() { freeResult(); } void PIRReplyGeneratorNFL_internal::setPirParams(PIRParameters& param) { pirParam = param; cryptoMethod->setandgetAbsBitPerCiphertext(pirParam.n[0]); } void PIRReplyGeneratorNFL_internal::setCryptoMethod(CryptographicSystem* cm) { //cryptoMethod = (NFLLWE*) cm; cryptoMethod = (LatticesBasedCryptosystem*) cm; lwe = (cryptoMethod->toString() == "LWE") ? true : false; } void PIRReplyGeneratorNFL_internal::freeInputData() { uint64_t theoretical_files_nbr = 1; for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < pirParam.d ; i++) theoretical_files_nbr *= pirParam.n[i]; for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < theoretical_files_nbr ; i++){ #ifdef DEBUG printf( "PIRReplyGeneratorNFL_internal: freeing input_data[%d]\n",i); #endif free(input_data[i].p[0]); free(input_data[i].p); } delete[] input_data; #ifdef DEBUG printf( "PIRReplyGeneratorNFL_internal: input_data freed\n"); #endif } void PIRReplyGeneratorNFL_internal::freeQuery() { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pirParam.d; i++) { #ifdef SHOUP for (unsigned int j = 0 ; j < pirParam.n[i] ; j++) { free(queriesBuf[i][0][j].a); //only free a because a and b and contingus, see pushQuery free(queriesBuf[i][1][j].a); //only free a because a and b and contingus, see pushQuery } delete[] queriesBuf[i][0]; //allocated in intQueriesBuf with new. delete[] queriesBuf[i][1]; //allocated in intQueriesBuf with new. delete[] queriesBuf[i]; #else for (unsigned int j = 0 ; j < pirParam.n[i] ; j++) free(queriesBuf[i][j].a); //only free a because a and b and contingus, see pushQuery delete[] queriesBuf[i]; //allocated in intQueriesBuf with new. #endif } delete[] queriesBuf;//allocated in intQueriesBuf with new. #ifdef DEBUG printf( "queriesBuf freed\n"); #endif } void PIRReplyGeneratorNFL_internal::freeResult() { if(repliesArray!=NULL) { for(unsigned i=0 ; i < repliesAmount; i++) { if(repliesArray[i]!=NULL) free(repliesArray[i]); repliesArray[i] = NULL; } free(repliesArray); repliesArray=NULL; } }