/* Copyright (c) 2012-2015, The Tor Project, Inc. */ /* See LICENSE for licensing information */ #define REPLAYCACHE_PRIVATE #include "orconfig.h" #include "or.h" #include "replaycache.h" #include "test.h" static const char *test_buffer = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed do eiusmod" " tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim" " veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea" " commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate" " velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint" " occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt" " mollit anim id est laborum."; static const char *test_buffer_2 = "At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis" " praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas" " molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique" " sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et" " dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio." " Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil" " impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas" " assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut" " officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates" " repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic" " tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias" " consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat."; static void test_replaycache_alloc(void *arg) { replaycache_t *r = NULL; (void)arg; r = replaycache_new(600, 300); tt_assert(r != NULL); done: if (r) replaycache_free(r); return; } static void test_replaycache_badalloc(void *arg) { replaycache_t *r = NULL; /* Negative horizon should fail */ (void)arg; r = replaycache_new(-600, 300); tt_assert(r == NULL); /* Negative interval should get adjusted to zero */ r = replaycache_new(600, -300); tt_assert(r != NULL); tt_int_op(r->scrub_interval,OP_EQ, 0); replaycache_free(r); /* Negative horizon and negative interval should still fail */ r = replaycache_new(-600, -300); tt_assert(r == NULL); done: if (r) replaycache_free(r); return; } static void test_replaycache_free_null(void *arg) { (void)arg; replaycache_free(NULL); /* Assert that we're here without horrible death */ tt_assert(1); done: return; } static void test_replaycache_miss(void *arg) { replaycache_t *r = NULL; int result; (void)arg; r = replaycache_new(600, 300); tt_assert(r != NULL); result = replaycache_add_and_test_internal(1200, r, test_buffer, strlen(test_buffer), NULL); tt_int_op(result,OP_EQ, 0); /* make sure a different buffer misses as well */ result = replaycache_add_and_test_internal(1200, NULL, test_buffer_2, strlen(test_buffer_2), NULL); tt_int_op(result,OP_EQ, 0); /* poke the bad-parameter error case too */ result = replaycache_add_and_test_internal(1200, NULL, test_buffer, strlen(test_buffer), NULL); tt_int_op(result,OP_EQ, 0); done: if (r) replaycache_free(r); return; } static void test_replaycache_hit(void *arg) { replaycache_t *r = NULL; int result; (void)arg; r = replaycache_new(600, 300); tt_assert(r != NULL); result = replaycache_add_and_test_internal(1200, r, test_buffer, strlen(test_buffer), NULL); tt_int_op(result,OP_EQ, 0); result = replaycache_add_and_test_internal(1300, r, test_buffer, strlen(test_buffer), NULL); tt_int_op(result,OP_EQ, 1); /* make sure a different buffer misses then hits as well */ result = replaycache_add_and_test_internal(1200, r, test_buffer_2, strlen(test_buffer_2), NULL); tt_int_op(result,OP_EQ, 0); result = replaycache_add_and_test_internal(1300, r, test_buffer_2, strlen(test_buffer_2), NULL); tt_int_op(result,OP_EQ, 1); done: if (r) replaycache_free(r); return; } static void test_replaycache_age(void *arg) { replaycache_t *r = NULL; int result; (void)arg; r = replaycache_new(600, 300); tt_assert(r != NULL); result = replaycache_add_and_test_internal(1200, r, test_buffer, strlen(test_buffer), NULL); tt_int_op(result,OP_EQ, 0); result = replaycache_add_and_test_internal(1300, r, test_buffer, strlen(test_buffer), NULL); tt_int_op(result,OP_EQ, 1); result = replaycache_add_and_test_internal(3000, r, test_buffer, strlen(test_buffer), NULL); tt_int_op(result,OP_EQ, 0); done: if (r) replaycache_free(r); return; } static void test_replaycache_elapsed(void *arg) { replaycache_t *r = NULL; int result; time_t elapsed; (void)arg; r = replaycache_new(600, 300); tt_assert(r != NULL); result = replaycache_add_and_test_internal(1200, r, test_buffer, strlen(test_buffer), NULL); tt_int_op(result,OP_EQ, 0); result = replaycache_add_and_test_internal(1300, r, test_buffer, strlen(test_buffer), &elapsed); tt_int_op(result,OP_EQ, 1); tt_int_op(elapsed,OP_EQ, 100); done: if (r) replaycache_free(r); return; } static void test_replaycache_noexpire(void *arg) { replaycache_t *r = NULL; int result; (void)arg; r = replaycache_new(0, 0); tt_assert(r != NULL); result = replaycache_add_and_test_internal(1200, r, test_buffer, strlen(test_buffer), NULL); tt_int_op(result,OP_EQ, 0); result = replaycache_add_and_test_internal(1300, r, test_buffer, strlen(test_buffer), NULL); tt_int_op(result,OP_EQ, 1); result = replaycache_add_and_test_internal(3000, r, test_buffer, strlen(test_buffer), NULL); tt_int_op(result,OP_EQ, 1); done: if (r) replaycache_free(r); return; } static void test_replaycache_scrub(void *arg) { replaycache_t *r = NULL; int result; (void)arg; r = replaycache_new(600, 300); tt_assert(r != NULL); /* Set up like in test_replaycache_hit() */ result = replaycache_add_and_test_internal(100, r, test_buffer, strlen(test_buffer), NULL); tt_int_op(result,OP_EQ, 0); result = replaycache_add_and_test_internal(200, r, test_buffer, strlen(test_buffer), NULL); tt_int_op(result,OP_EQ, 1); /* * Poke a few replaycache_scrub_if_needed_internal() error cases that * can't happen through replaycache_add_and_test_internal() */ /* Null cache */ replaycache_scrub_if_needed_internal(300, NULL); /* Assert we're still here */ tt_assert(1); /* Make sure we hit the aging-out case too */ replaycache_scrub_if_needed_internal(1500, r); /* Assert that we aged it */ tt_int_op(digest256map_size(r->digests_seen),OP_EQ, 0); done: if (r) replaycache_free(r); return; } static void test_replaycache_future(void *arg) { replaycache_t *r = NULL; int result; time_t elapsed = 0; (void)arg; r = replaycache_new(600, 300); tt_assert(r != NULL); /* Set up like in test_replaycache_hit() */ result = replaycache_add_and_test_internal(100, r, test_buffer, strlen(test_buffer), &elapsed); tt_int_op(result,OP_EQ, 0); /* elapsed should still be 0, since it wasn't written */ tt_int_op(elapsed,OP_EQ, 0); result = replaycache_add_and_test_internal(200, r, test_buffer, strlen(test_buffer), &elapsed); tt_int_op(result,OP_EQ, 1); /* elapsed should be the time since the last hit */ tt_int_op(elapsed,OP_EQ, 100); /* * Now let's turn the clock back to get coverage on the cache entry from the * future not-supposed-to-happen case. */ result = replaycache_add_and_test_internal(150, r, test_buffer, strlen(test_buffer), &elapsed); /* We should still get a hit */ tt_int_op(result,OP_EQ, 1); /* ...but it shouldn't let us see a negative elapsed time */ tt_int_op(elapsed,OP_EQ, 0); done: if (r) replaycache_free(r); return; } static void test_replaycache_realtime(void *arg) { replaycache_t *r = NULL; /* * Negative so we fail if replaycache_add_test_and_elapsed() doesn't * write to elapsed. */ time_t elapsed = -1; int result; /* Test the realtime as well as *_internal() entry points */ (void)arg; r = replaycache_new(600, 300); tt_assert(r != NULL); /* This should miss */ result = replaycache_add_and_test(r, test_buffer, strlen(test_buffer)); tt_int_op(result,OP_EQ, 0); /* This should hit */ result = replaycache_add_and_test(r, test_buffer, strlen(test_buffer)); tt_int_op(result,OP_EQ, 1); /* This should hit and return a small elapsed time */ result = replaycache_add_test_and_elapsed(r, test_buffer, strlen(test_buffer), &elapsed); tt_int_op(result,OP_EQ, 1); tt_assert(elapsed >= 0); tt_assert(elapsed <= 5); /* Scrub it to exercise that entry point too */ replaycache_scrub_if_needed(r); done: if (r) replaycache_free(r); return; } #define REPLAYCACHE_LEGACY(name) \ { #name, test_replaycache_ ## name , 0, NULL, NULL } struct testcase_t replaycache_tests[] = { REPLAYCACHE_LEGACY(alloc), REPLAYCACHE_LEGACY(badalloc), REPLAYCACHE_LEGACY(free_null), REPLAYCACHE_LEGACY(miss), REPLAYCACHE_LEGACY(hit), REPLAYCACHE_LEGACY(age), REPLAYCACHE_LEGACY(elapsed), REPLAYCACHE_LEGACY(noexpire), REPLAYCACHE_LEGACY(scrub), REPLAYCACHE_LEGACY(future), REPLAYCACHE_LEGACY(realtime), END_OF_TESTCASES };