/* Copyright (c) 2014, The Tor Project, Inc. */ /* See LICENSE for licensing information */ #include "torcert.h" #include "crypto.h" #include "ed25519_cert.h" #include "torlog.h" #include "util.h" #include "compat.h" /** Helper for tor_cert_create(): signs any 32 bytes, not just an ed25519 * key. */ static tor_cert_t * tor_cert_sign_impl(const ed25519_keypair_t *signing_key, uint8_t cert_type, uint8_t signed_key_type, const uint8_t signed_key_info[32], time_t now, time_t lifetime, uint32_t flags) { tor_cert_t *torcert = NULL; ed25519_cert_t *cert = ed25519_cert_new(); cert->cert_type = cert_type; cert->exp_field = (uint32_t) CEIL_DIV(now + lifetime, 3600); cert->cert_key_type = signed_key_type; memcpy(cert->certified_key, signed_key_info, 32); if (flags & CERT_FLAG_INCLUDE_SIGNING_KEY) { ed25519_cert_extension_t *ext = ed25519_cert_extension_new(); ext->ext_type = CERTEXT_SIGNED_WITH_KEY; memcpy(ext->un_signing_key, signing_key->pubkey.pubkey, 32); ed25519_cert_add_ext(cert, ext); ++cert->n_extensions; } const ssize_t alloc_len = ed25519_cert_encoded_len(cert); tor_assert(alloc_len > 0); uint8_t *encoded = tor_malloc(alloc_len); const ssize_t real_len = ed25519_cert_encode(encoded, alloc_len, cert); if (real_len < 0) goto err; tor_assert(real_len == alloc_len); tor_assert(real_len > ED25519_SIG_LEN); uint8_t *sig = encoded + (real_len - ED25519_SIG_LEN); tor_assert(tor_mem_is_zero((char*)sig, ED25519_SIG_LEN)); ed25519_signature_t signature; if (ed25519_sign(&signature, encoded, real_len-ED25519_SIG_LEN, signing_key)<0) { log_warn(LD_BUG, "Can't sign certificate"); goto err; } memcpy(sig, signature.sig, ED25519_SIG_LEN); torcert = tor_cert_parse(encoded, real_len); if (! torcert) { log_warn(LD_BUG, "Generated a certificate we cannot parse"); goto err; } if (tor_cert_checksig(torcert, &signing_key->pubkey, now) < 0) { log_warn(LD_BUG, "Generated a certificate whose signature we can't check"); goto err; } tor_free(encoded); return torcert; err: tor_cert_free(torcert); ed25519_cert_free(cert); tor_free(encoded); return NULL; } /** * Create and return a new new certificate of type cert_type to * authenticate signed_key using the key signing_key. The * certificate should remain valid for at least lifetime seconds after * now. * * If CERT_FLAG_INCLUDE_SIGNING_KEY is set in flags, embed * the public part of signing_key in the certificate. */ tor_cert_t * tor_cert_create(const ed25519_keypair_t *signing_key, uint8_t cert_type, const ed25519_public_key_t *signed_key, time_t now, time_t lifetime, uint32_t flags) { return tor_cert_sign_impl(signing_key, cert_type, SIGNED_KEY_TYPE_ED25519, signed_key->pubkey, now, lifetime, flags); } /** Release all storage held for cert. */ void tor_cert_free(tor_cert_t *cert) { if (! cert) return; if (cert->encoded) memwipe(cert->encoded, 0, cert->encoded_len); tor_free(cert->encoded); memwipe(cert, 0, sizeof(tor_cert_t)); tor_free(cert); } /** Parse a certificate encoded with len bytes in encoded. */ tor_cert_t * tor_cert_parse(const uint8_t *encoded, const size_t len) { tor_cert_t *cert = NULL; ed25519_cert_t *parsed = NULL; ssize_t got_len = ed25519_cert_parse(&parsed, encoded, len); if (got_len < 0 || (size_t) got_len != len) goto err; cert = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(tor_cert_t)); cert->encoded = tor_memdup(encoded, len); cert->encoded_len = len; memcpy(cert->signed_key.pubkey, parsed->certified_key, 32); cert->valid_until = parsed->exp_field * 3600; cert->cert_type = parsed->cert_type; for (unsigned i = 0; i < ed25519_cert_getlen_ext(parsed); ++i) { ed25519_cert_extension_t *ext = ed25519_cert_get_ext(parsed, i); if (ext->ext_type == CERTEXT_SIGNED_WITH_KEY) { if (cert->signing_key_included) goto err; cert->signing_key_included = 1; memcpy(cert->signing_key.pubkey, ext->un_signing_key, 32); } else if (ext->ext_flags & CERTEXT_FLAG_AFFECTS_VALIDATION) { /* Unrecognized extension with affects_validation set */ goto err; } } return cert; err: ed25519_cert_free(parsed); tor_cert_free(cert); return NULL; } /** Fill in checkable_out with the information needed to check * the signature on cert with pubkey. */ int tor_cert_get_checkable_sig(ed25519_checkable_t *checkable_out, const tor_cert_t *cert, const ed25519_public_key_t *pubkey) { if (! pubkey) { if (cert->signing_key_included) pubkey = &cert->signing_key; else return -1; } checkable_out->msg = cert->encoded; checkable_out->pubkey = pubkey; tor_assert(cert->encoded_len > ED25519_SIG_LEN); const size_t signed_len = cert->encoded_len - ED25519_SIG_LEN; checkable_out->len = signed_len; memcpy(checkable_out->signature.sig, cert->encoded + signed_len, ED25519_SIG_LEN); return 0; } /** Validates the signature on cert with pubkey relative to * the current time now. Return 0 on success, -1 on failure. * Sets flags in cert as appropriate. */ int tor_cert_checksig(tor_cert_t *cert, const ed25519_public_key_t *pubkey, time_t now) { ed25519_checkable_t checkable; int okay; if (now > cert->valid_until) { cert->cert_expired = 1; return -1; } if (tor_cert_get_checkable_sig(&checkable, cert, pubkey) < 0) return -1; if (ed25519_checksig_batch(&okay, &checkable, 1) < 0) { cert->sig_bad = 1; return -1; } else { cert->sig_ok = 1; memcpy(cert->signing_key.pubkey, checkable.pubkey->pubkey, 32); cert->cert_valid = 1; return 0; } }