// Copyright (c) The Tor Project, Inc. // See LICENSE for licensing information // This is an asciidoc file used to generate the manpage/html reference. // Learn asciidoc on http://www.methods.co.nz/asciidoc/userguide.html :man source: Tor :man manual: Tor Manual torify(1) ========= NAME ---- torify - wrapper for torsocks and tor SYNOPSIS -------- **torify** __application__ [__application's__ __arguments__] DESCRIPTION ----------- **torify** is a simple wrapper that attempts to find the best underlying Tor wrapper available on a system. It calls torsocks with a tor specific configuration file. + torsocks is an improved wrapper that explicitly rejects UDP, safely resolves DNS lookups and properly socksifies your TCP connections. + Please note that since both method use LD_PRELOAD, torify cannot be applied to suid binaries. WARNING ------- When used with torsocks, torify should not leak DNS requests or UDP data. + Both will leak ICMP data. SEE ALSO -------- **tor**(1), **tor-resolve**(1), **torsocks**(1) AUTHORS ------- Peter Palfrader and Jacob Appelbaum wrote this manual.