# Copyright (c) 2001-2004, Roger Dingledine # Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Roger Dingledine, Nick Mathewson # Copyright (c) 2007-2015, The Tor Project, Inc. # See LICENSE for licensing information # "foreign" means we don't follow GNU package layout standards # 1.9 means we require automake vesion 1.9 AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = foreign 1.9 subdir-objects ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I m4 noinst_LIBRARIES= EXTRA_DIST= noinst_HEADERS= bin_PROGRAMS= CLEANFILES= TESTS= noinst_PROGRAMS= DISTCLEANFILES= bin_SCRIPTS= AM_CPPFLAGS= AM_CFLAGS = @TOR_SYSTEMD_CFLAGS@ SHELL = @SHELL@ include src/include.am include doc/include.am include contrib/include.am EXTRA_DIST+= \ ChangeLog \ INSTALL \ LICENSE \ Makefile.nmake \ README \ ReleaseNotes if COVERAGE_ENABLED TEST_CFLAGS=-fno-inline -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage TEST_CPPFLAGS=-DTOR_UNIT_TESTS -DTOR_COVERAGE else TEST_CFLAGS= TEST_CPPFLAGS=-DTOR_UNIT_TESTS endif #install-data-local: # $(INSTALL) -m 755 -d $(LOCALSTATEDIR)/lib/tor # Allows to override rpmbuild with rpmbuild-md5 from fedora-packager so that # building for EL5 won't fail on https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=490613 RPMBUILD ?= rpmbuild # Use automake's dist-gzip target to build the tarball dist-rpm: dist-gzip TIMESTAMP=$$(date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H.%M.%S"); \ RPM_BUILD_DIR=$$(mktemp -d "/tmp/tor-rpm-build-$$TIMESTAMP-XXXX"); \ mkdir -p "$$RPM_BUILD_DIR"/{BUILD,RPMS,SOURCES/"tor-$(VERSION)",SPECS,SRPMS}; \ cp -fa "$(distdir).tar.gz" "$$RPM_BUILD_DIR"/SOURCES/; \ LIBS=-lrt $(RPMBUILD) -ba --define "_topdir $$RPM_BUILD_DIR" tor.spec; \ cp -fa "$$RPM_BUILD_DIR"/SRPMS/* .; \ cp -fa "$$RPM_BUILD_DIR"/RPMS/* .; \ rm -rf "$$RPM_BUILD_DIR"; \ echo "RPM build finished"; \ #end of dist-rpm dist: check doxygen: doxygen && cd doc/doxygen/latex && make test: all $(top_builddir)/src/test/test # Note that test-network requires a copy of Chutney in $CHUTNEY_PATH. # Chutney can be cloned from https://git.torproject.org/chutney.git . test-network: all $(top_srcdir)/src/test/test-network.sh test-stem: $(TESTING_TOR_BINARY) @if test -d "$$STEM_SOURCE_DIR"; then \ $(PYTHON) "$$STEM_SOURCE_DIR"/run_tests.py --tor $(TESTING_TOR_BINARY) --all --log notice --target RUN_ALL; \ else \ echo '$$STEM_SOURCE_DIR was not set.'; echo; \ echo "To run these tests, git clone https://git.torproject.org/stem.git/ ; export STEM_SOURCE_DIR=\`pwd\`/stem"; \ fi test-stem-full: $(TESTING_TOR_BINARY) @if test -d "$$STEM_SOURCE_DIR"; then \ "$$STEM_SOURCE_DIR"/run_tests.py --tor $(TESTING_TOR_BINARY) --all --log notice --target RUN_ALL,ONLINE -v; \ else \ echo '$$STEM_SOURCE_DIR was not set.'; echo; \ echo "To run these tests, git clone https://git.torproject.org/stem.git/ ; export STEM_SOURCE_DIR=\`pwd\`/stem"; \ fi reset-gcov: rm -f $(top_builddir)/src/*/*.gcda $(top_builddir)/src/*/*/*.gcda HTML_COVER_DIR=$(top_builddir)/coverage_html coverage-html: all if COVERAGE_ENABLED test -e "`which lcov`" || (echo "lcov must be installed. See <http://ltp.sourceforge.net/coverage/lcov.php>." && false) test -d "$(HTML_COVER_DIR)" || $(MKDIR_P) "$(HTML_COVER_DIR)" lcov --rc lcov_branch_coverage=1 --directory $(top_builddir)/src --zerocounters $(MAKE) reset-gcov $(MAKE) check lcov --capture --rc lcov_branch_coverage=1 --no-external --directory $(top_builddir) --base-directory $(top_srcdir) --output-file "$(HTML_COVER_DIR)/lcov.tmp" lcov --remove "$(HTML_COVER_DIR)/lcov.tmp" --rc lcov_branch_coverage=1 'test/*' 'ext/tinytest*' '/usr/*' --output-file "$(HTML_COVER_DIR)/lcov.info" genhtml --branch-coverage -o "$(HTML_COVER_DIR)" "$(HTML_COVER_DIR)/lcov.info" else @printf "Not configured with --enable-coverage, run ./configure --enable-coverage\n" endif coverage-html-full: all test -e "`which lcov`" || (echo "lcov must be installed. See <http://ltp.sourceforge.net/coverage/lcov.php>." && false) test -d "$(HTML_COVER_DIR)" || mkdir -p "$(HTML_COVER_DIR)" lcov --rc lcov_branch_coverage=1 --directory ./src --zerocounters $(MAKE) reset-gcov $(MAKE) check $(MAKE) test-stem-full CHUTNEY_TOR=tor-cov CHUTNEY_TOR_GENCERT=tor-cov-gencert $(top_srcdir)/src/test/test-network.sh CHUTNEY_TOR=tor-cov CHUTNEY_TOR_GENCERT=tor-cov-gencert $(top_srcdir)/src/test/test-network.sh --flavor hs lcov --capture --rc lcov_branch_coverage=1 --no-external --directory . --output-file "$(HTML_COVER_DIR)/lcov.tmp" lcov --remove "$(HTML_COVER_DIR)/lcov.tmp" --rc lcov_branch_coverage=1 'test/*' 'ext/tinytest*' '/usr/*' --output-file "$(HTML_COVER_DIR)/lcov.info" genhtml --branch-coverage -o "$(HTML_COVER_DIR)" "$(HTML_COVER_DIR)/lcov.info" # Avoid strlcpy.c, strlcat.c, aes.c, OpenBSD_malloc_Linux.c, sha256.c, # eventdns.[hc], tinytest*.[ch] check-spaces: $(top_srcdir)/scripts/maint/checkSpace.pl -C \ $(top_srcdir)/src/common/*.[ch] \ $(top_srcdir)/src/or/*.[ch] \ $(top_srcdir)/src/test/*.[ch] \ $(top_srcdir)/src/tools/*.[ch] \ $(top_srcdir)/src/tools/tor-fw-helper/*.[ch] check-docs: all $(PERL) $(top_builddir)/scripts/maint/checkOptionDocs.pl check-logs: $(top_srcdir)/scripts/maint/checkLogs.pl \ $(top_srcdir)/src/*/*.[ch] | sort -n .PHONY: check-changes check-changes: @if test -d "$(top_srcdir)/changes"; then \ $(PYTHON) $(top_srcdir)/scripts/maint/lintChanges.py $(top_srcdir)/changes/*; \ fi .PHONY: update-versions update-versions: $(PERL) $(top_builddir)/scripts/maint/updateVersions.pl version: @echo "Tor @VERSION@" @if test -d "$(top_srcdir)/.git" && test -x "`which git 2>&1;true`"; then \ echo -n "git: " ;\ (cd "$(top_srcdir)" && git rev-parse --short=16 HEAD); \ fi mostlyclean-local: rm -f $(top_builddir)/src/*/*.gc{da,no} $(top_builddir)/src/*/*/*.gc{da,no} rm -rf $(HTML_COVER_DIR) rm -rf $(top_builddir)/doc/doxygen