language: python python: - "2.7" os: - linux ## Python versions aren't availabe on macOS Travis #- osx ## The build matrix in the following stanza expands into builds for each ## OS and python version. ## Placeholder #env: # global: # - # matrix: # - ## Add extra builds ## Placeholder #matrix: # include: # - env: ## Uncomment to allow the build to report success (with non-required ## sub-builds continuing to run) if all required sub-builds have ## succeeded. This is somewhat buggy currently: it can cause ## duplicate notifications and prematurely report success if a ## single sub-build has succeeded. See ## #fast_finish: true ## Careful! We use global envs, which makes it hard to exclude or ## allow failures by env: ## #exclude: ## Placeholder #- python: "3.6" # os: linux ## We don't need sudo. (The "apt:" stanza after this allows us to not need ## sudo; otherwise, we would need it for getting dependencies.) sudo: false ## (Linux only) Use the latest Linux image (Ubuntu Trusty) dist: trusty ## (Linux only) Download our dependencies addons: apt: sources: ## Trusty has Tor 0.2.4, so we need a newer version of Tor from the ## torproject repositories, and the torproject key from the keyservers - sourceline: 'deb trusty main' key_url: '' packages: ## Required dependencies - tor ## Is this necessary for a once-off build? #- ## (OSX only) Use the default OSX image ## See ## Default is Xcode 9.4 on macOS 10.13 as of August 2018 #osx_image: xcode9.4 before_install: ## Placeholder - install: ## Placeholder - ## ## Finally, list installed package versions - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then dpkg-query --show; fi - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then brew list --versions; fi - python --version - tor --version script: - tools/ after_failure: ## Re-run chutney in debug mode ## TODO: improve debug mode - tools/ --debug after_success: ## Placeholder - notifications: irc: channels: - "" template: - "%{repository} %{branch} %{commit} - %{author}: %{commit_subject}" - "Build #%{build_number} %{result}. Details: %{build_url}" on_success: change on_failure: change email: on_success: never on_failure: change