common.i 2.0 KB

  1. TestingTorNetwork 1
  2. ## Rapid Bootstrap Testing Options ##
  3. # These typically launch a working minimal Tor network in ~20s
  4. # These parameters make tor networks bootstrap fast,
  5. # but can cause consensus instability and network unreliability
  6. # (Some are also bad for security.)
  7. AssumeReachable 1
  8. # We need at least 3 descriptors to build circuits.
  9. # In a 3 relay network, 0.67 > 2/3, so we try hard to get 3 descriptors.
  10. # In larger networks, 0.67 > 2/N, so we try hard to get >=3 descriptors.
  11. PathsNeededToBuildCircuits 0.67
  12. TestingDirAuthVoteExit *
  13. TestingDirAuthVoteHSDir *
  14. V3AuthNIntervalsValid 2
  15. # This line will be commented out if 'num_cpus' is None
  16. ${num_cpus_line}
  17. ## Always On Testing Options ##
  18. # We enable TestingDirAuthVoteGuard to avoid Guard stability requirements
  19. TestingDirAuthVoteGuard *
  20. # We set TestingMinExitFlagThreshold to 0 to avoid Exit bandwidth requirements
  21. TestingMinExitFlagThreshold 0
  22. # VoteOnHidServDirectoriesV2 needs to be set for HSDirs to get the HSDir flag
  23. #Default VoteOnHidServDirectoriesV2 1
  24. ## Options that we always want to test ##
  25. DataDirectory $dir
  26. RunAsDaemon 1
  27. ConnLimit $connlimit
  28. Nickname $nick
  29. # Let tor close connections gracefully before exiting
  30. ShutdownWaitLength 2
  31. DisableDebuggerAttachment 0
  32. ControlPort $controlport
  33. # Use ControlSocket rather than ControlPort unix: to support older tors
  34. ControlSocket ${dir}/control
  35. CookieAuthentication 1
  36. PidFile ${dir}/pid
  37. Log notice file ${dir}/notice.log
  38. Log info file ${dir}/info.log
  39. # Turn this off to save space
  40. #Log debug file ${dir}/debug.log
  41. ProtocolWarnings 1
  42. SafeLogging 0
  43. LogTimeGranularity 1
  44. # Options that we can disable at runtime, based on env vars
  45. # Use tor's sandbox. Defaults to 1 on Linux, and 0 on other platforms.
  46. # Use CHUTNEY_TOR_SANDBOX=0 to disable, if tor's sandbox doesn't work with
  47. # your glibc.
  48. Sandbox ${sandbox}
  49. # Ask all child tor processes to exit when chutney's exits
  50. # (if the CHUTNEY_*_TIME options leave the network running, this option is
  51. # disabled)
  52. ${owning_controller_process}
  53. ${authorities}