#!/usr/bin/env python3 # import gzip import pickle import matplotlib.pylab as plt import numpy as np # def plot_cells(stream, plot_widget, time_offset=None, clickable=False, label=None, color=None): num_bytes = np.cumsum(stream['length']) timestamps = np.asarray(stream['timestamp']) # if time_offset is not None: timestamps = timestamps-time_offset # return ax.step(timestamps, num_bytes/(1024**2), where='post', label=label, color=color, picker=(5 if clickable else None))[0] # def onresize(event): # matplotlib axes size only scales based on fractions (even with tight_layout), so we manually calculate a fixed padding size w = event.width/event.canvas.figure.dpi h = event.height/event.canvas.figure.dpi w_padding = 0.8 # in inches h_padding = 0.6 # in inches # for ax in event.canvas.figure.axes: for item in ([ax.title, ax.xaxis.label, ax.yaxis.label] + ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels()): item.set_fontsize(11+0.5*(w*h/(5**2))) # # event.canvas.figure.subplots_adjust(left=w_padding/w+0.01, right=1-((w_padding/2)/w), top=1-(h_padding/h), bottom=h_padding/h+0.01) # def onscroll(event): scale = 2**(-event.step) ax = event.inaxes mouse_x = event.xdata mouse_y = event.ydata old_xlim = ax.get_xlim() old_ylim = ax.get_ylim() # ax.set_xlim([old_xlim[0]*scale+mouse_x*(1-scale), old_xlim[1]*scale+mouse_x*(1-scale)]) ax.set_ylim([old_ylim[0]*scale+mouse_y*(1-scale), old_ylim[1]*scale+mouse_y*(1-scale)]) # event.canvas.draw() # def onpick(event, lines): this_line = event.artist if event.mouseevent.button == 1 and not event.mouseevent.dblclick and event.mouseevent.key is None: # if the mouse is single-clicked and no keyboard key is held down if this_line.get_visible() and this_line in lines.keys(): this_info = [x[1] for x in lines.items() if x[0] == this_line][0] # for_legend = [] for (line, info) in lines.items(): if info['measureme_id'] != this_info['measureme_id']: line.set_visible(False) else: line.set_visible(True) for_legend.append(line) # # event.mouseevent.inaxes.legend(for_legend, [x.get_label() for x in for_legend], loc='upper right') event.canvas.draw_idle() # # # def onclick(event, lines): if event.button == 1 and event.dblclick and event.key is None: # if the mouse is double-clicked and no keyboard key is held down for (line, info) in lines.items(): if info['is_main_plot']: line.set_visible(True) else: line.set_visible(False) # # event.inaxes.get_legend().remove() event.canvas.draw_idle() # # def onmotion(event, pan_settings): if event.inaxes is not None and event.key == 'control' and event.button == 1: ax = event.inaxes pixel_to_data = ax.transData.inverted() current_pos = pixel_to_data.transform_point((event.x, event.y)) last_pos = pixel_to_data.transform_point((pan_settings['start_x'], pan_settings['start_y'])) # old_xlim = ax.get_xlim() old_ylim = ax.get_ylim() # ax.set_xlim([old_xlim[0]+(last_pos[0]-current_pos[0]), old_xlim[1]+(last_pos[0]-current_pos[0])]) ax.set_ylim([old_ylim[0]+(last_pos[1]-current_pos[1]), old_ylim[1]+(last_pos[1]-current_pos[1])]) # event.canvas.draw_idle() # pan_settings['start_x'] = event.x pan_settings['start_y'] = event.y # def onkeypress(event, lines): if event.key == 'control': num_points = 0 range_x = event.inaxes.xaxis.get_view_interval() range_y = event.inaxes.yaxis.get_view_interval() # for line in [l for l in lines if l.get_visible()]: data_x = line.get_xdata(orig=True) data_y = line.get_ydata(orig=True) # num_points += ((data_x>=range_x[0]) & (data_x<=range_x[1]) & (data_y>=range_y[0]) & (data_y<=range_y[1])).sum() # how many points are being rendered # for (line, info) in lines.items(): data_x = line.get_xdata(orig=True) data_y = line.get_ydata(orig=True) line.orig_x = data_x line.orig_y = data_y line.orig_drawstyle = line.get_drawstyle() # subsample_spacing = max(1, int(num_points/10000)) # the constant can be decreased to speed up plotting on slower computers # mask = np.ones(len(data_x)) mask[::subsample_spacing] = 0 line.set_xdata(data_x[mask==0]) line.set_ydata(data_y[mask==0]) line.set_drawstyle('default') # event.canvas.draw_idle() # # def onkeyrelease(event, lines): if event.key == 'control': for (line, info) in lines.items(): line.set_xdata(line.orig_x) line.set_ydata(line.orig_y) line.set_drawstyle(line.orig_drawstyle) # event.canvas.draw_idle() # # def get_complimentary_color(color_index): return (color_index+1 if color_index%2==0 else color_index-1) # if __name__ == '__main__': with gzip.GzipFile('processed-data.pickle.gz', 'rb') as f: streams = pickle.load(f) # fig, ax = plt.subplots()#constrained_layout=True # start_time = min([hop[t]['timestamp'][0] for m in streams for s in streams[m] for d in streams[m][s] for hop in streams[m][s][d] for t in ('received','sent')]) # lines = {} assigned_colors = [] colormap = plt.get_cmap('tab20') #'tab10' direction_shortforms = {'forward':'fwd', 'backward':'bwd'} transmission_shortforms = {'received':'recv', 'sent':'sent'} # for measureme_id in streams: # for each circuit for stream_id in streams[measureme_id]: # for each stream direction = 'forward' for hop_index in range(len(streams[measureme_id][stream_id][direction])): # for each hop in the circuit (including the OP) for transmission in ('received', 'sent'): data = streams[measureme_id][stream_id][direction][hop_index][transmission] # if hop_index == len(streams[measureme_id][stream_id][direction])-1: guard_fingerprint = streams[measureme_id][stream_id][direction][1]['fingerprint'] if guard_fingerprint not in assigned_colors: assigned_colors.append(guard_fingerprint) # if transmission == 'sent': color_index = assigned_colors.index(guard_fingerprint) else: color_index = get_complimentary_color(assigned_colors.index(guard_fingerprint)) # else: color_index = hop_index*2 + ('received', 'sent').index(transmission) # is_main_plot = (hop_index == len(streams[measureme_id][stream_id][direction])-1 and transmission == 'sent') direction_label = direction_shortforms[direction] transmission_label = transmission_shortforms[transmission] label = 'hop={}, {:.4}, {:.4}, mid={}, sid={}'.format(hop_index, direction_label, transmission_label, measureme_id, stream_id) line = plot_cells(data, ax, time_offset=start_time, clickable=is_main_plot, label=label, color=colormap(color_index)) if not is_main_plot: line.set_visible(False) # lines[line] = {'measureme_id':measureme_id, 'stream_id':stream_id, 'direction':direction, 'hop_index':hop_index, 'transmission':transmission, 'is_main_plot':is_main_plot} # # # # ax.set_xlabel('Time (s)') ax.set_ylabel('Data (MiB)') ax.set_title('Test') fig.tight_layout(pad=0) #ax.set_ylim(0, None) # fig.canvas.mpl_connect('resize_event', onresize) fig.canvas.mpl_connect('scroll_event', onscroll) fig.canvas.mpl_connect('pick_event', lambda event,lines=lines: onpick(event, lines)) fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', lambda event,lines=lines: onclick(event, lines)) fig.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', lambda event,pan_settings={'start_x':0,'start_y':0}: onmotion(event, pan_settings)) fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', lambda event,lines=lines: onkeypress(event, lines)) fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_release_event', lambda event,lines=lines: onkeyrelease(event, lines)) # plt.show(fig) #