#!/usr/bin/python3 # import throughput_protocols import basic_protocols import useful import os import argparse import logging import socket import time # if __name__ == '__main__': logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) # parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Test the network throughput (optionally through a proxy).') parser.add_argument('ip', type=str, help='destination ip address') parser.add_argument('port', type=int, help='destination port') parser.add_argument('num_bytes', type=useful.parse_bytes, help='number of bytes to send (can also end with \'B\', \'KiB\', \'MiB\', or \'GiB\')', metavar='num-bytes') parser.add_argument('--proxy', type=str, help='proxy ip address and port', metavar=('ip','port'), nargs=2) parser.add_argument('--fake-proxy', action='store_true', help='connecting to a fake-tor proxy') parser.add_argument('--wait', type=int, help='wait until the given time before pushing data (time in seconds since epoch)', metavar='time') parser.add_argument('--buffer-len', type=useful.parse_bytes, help='size of the send and receive buffers (can also end with \'B\', \'KiB\', \'MiB\', or \'GiB\')', metavar='bytes') parser.add_argument('--no-accel', action='store_true', help='don\'t use C acceleration (use pure Python)') args = parser.parse_args() # ''' endpoint = ('', 4741) #endpoint = ('', 8627) #proxy = ('', 9003+int(sys.argv[3])-1) proxy = ('', int(sys.argv[3])) #proxy = ('', 9003) #proxy = ('', 12849) #proxy = None ''' # endpoint = (args.ip, args.port) client_socket = socket.socket() protocols = [] # if args.proxy is None: logging.debug('Socket %d connecting to endpoint %r...', client_socket.fileno(), endpoint) client_socket.connect(endpoint) elif not args.fake_proxy: proxy_username = bytes([x for x in os.urandom(12) if x != 0]) proxy_endpoint = (args.proxy[0], int(args.proxy[1])) # logging.debug('Socket %d connecting to proxy %r...', client_socket.fileno(), proxy_endpoint) client_socket.connect(proxy_endpoint) # proxy_protocol = basic_protocols.Socks4Protocol(client_socket, endpoint, username=proxy_username) protocols.append(proxy_protocol) elif args.fake_proxy: proxy_endpoint = (args.proxy[0], int(args.proxy[1])) # logging.debug('Socket %d connecting to fake proxy %r...', client_socket.fileno(), proxy_endpoint) client_socket.connect(proxy_endpoint) # proxy_protocol = basic_protocols.FakeProxyProtocol(client_socket, endpoint) protocols.append(proxy_protocol) # group_id_bytes = args.wait.to_bytes(8, byteorder='big') if args.wait is not None else b'' if args.wait is not None: push_start_cb = lambda: time.sleep(args.wait-time.time()) else: push_start_cb = None # throughput_protocol = throughput_protocols.ClientProtocol(client_socket, args.num_bytes, custom_data=group_id_bytes, send_buffer_len=args.buffer_len, use_acceleration=(not args.no_accel), push_start_cb=push_start_cb) protocols.append(throughput_protocol) # combined_protocol = basic_protocols.ChainedProtocol(protocols) combined_protocol.run() #