@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Important bugfixes in 0.1.2.x:
will then refuse to start even if you fix your clock.
Items for 0.1.2.x:
- - bug #280: getaddrinfo does not set hints
+ o bug #280: getaddrinfo does not set hints
- bug #314: is the fix for this just to check not only
address_is_in_virtual_range(req->address) but also to check whether
ent = strmap_get(addressmap, address) and ent->new_address is set?
@@ -113,7 +113,14 @@ N . Improve memory usage on tight-memory machines.
- Make the Nameservers option documented, and make it work right on
o Fail when we have no configured nameservers!
- - Make it the default on platforms where it works.
+ o Make it the default on platforms where it works.
+ - Add ipv6 support; make API closer to getaddrinfo(). (i.e., allow a
+ single AAAA/A query, return cname as well)
+ - Teach it to be able to listen for A and PTR requests to be processed.
+ Interface should be set_request_listener(sock, cb); [ cb(request) ]
+ send_reply(request, answer);.
+ - Refactor exit side of resolve: do we need a connection_t?
+ - Refactor entry side of resolve: do we need a connection_t?
- Security improvements
- Directory guards
@@ -123,8 +130,10 @@ R - remember the last time we saw one of our entry guards labelled with
- Make reverse DNS work.
- Specify
- - Implement with dnsworkers
- - Implement in eventdns
+ X Implement with dnsworkers
+ (There's no point doing this, since we will throw away dnsworkers once
+ eventdns is confirmed to work everywhere.)
+ o Implement in eventdns
- Connect to resolve cells, server-side.
- Add client-side interface