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Updated OSX binary un-installer for testing.

Andrew Lewman 18 лет назад

+ 1 - 1

@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ EXTRA_DIST = PrivoxyConfDesc.plist PrivoxyConfInfo.plist    \
     TorInfo.plist.in TorStartupDesc.plist.in TorStartupInfo.plist            \
     package.sh privoxy.config TorPostflight addsysuser 	\
     Tor_Uninstaller.applescript uninstall_tor_bundle.sh \
-    package_list.txt tor_logo.gif Tor_Uninstaller_bin.app
+    package_list.txt tor_logo.gif Tor_Uninstaller.app.tar.gz

+ 7 - 0

@@ -83,6 +83,13 @@ if [ -f $PACKAGE_PATH/Contents/Resources/Tor_Uninstaller.applescript ]; then
    chmod 755 $TARGET/Tor_Uninstaller.applescript
+if [ -f $PACKAGE_PATH/Contents/Resources/Tor_Uninstaller.app.tar.gz ]; then 
+   cp $PACKAGE_PATH/Contents/Resources/Tor_Uninstaller.app.tar.gz $TARGET/Tor_Uninstaller.app.tar.gz
+   cd $TARGET && tar zxf Tor_Uninstaller.app.tar.gz 
+   chmod -R 755 $TARGET/Tor_Uninstaller.app
+   chown -R _tor:_tor Tor_Uninstaller.app
 if [ -f $PACKAGE_PATH/Contents/Resources/uninstall_tor_bundle.sh ]; then
    cp $PACKAGE_PATH/Contents/Resources/uninstall_tor_bundle.sh $TARGET/uninstall_tor_bundle.sh
    chmod 755 $TARGET/uninstall_tor_bundle.sh

+ 30 - 27

@@ -35,31 +35,34 @@
 -- ===============================================================================
--- Validate & find disk paths
-set boot_disk to (path to startup disk) as string
-set default_tor_path to boot_disk & "Library:Tor"
-set default_privoxy_path to boot_disk & "Library:Privoxy"
-set default_tor_startup_path to boot_disk & "Library:StartupItems:Tor"
-set default_privoxy_startup_path to boot_disk & "Library:StartupItems:Privoxy"
-set shell_script to default_tor_path & ":uninstall_tor_bundle.sh"
-set doomed_path_list to {default_tor_path, default_privoxy_path, default_tor_startup_path, default_privoxy_startup_path}
--- Display what we're removing and ask for validation
--- this is the simplest way to do this
-set remove_me to display dialog "Welcome to the Tor + Privoxy Uninstaller.  This program will remove:" & return & default_tor_path & return & default_privoxy_path & return & default_tor_startup_path & return & default_privoxy_startup_path & return & return & "If this does not look right, choose Yes.  Otherwise, choose No." buttons {"Yes", "No"} default button "No"
--- Run a shell script to do all the unix work since applescript can't see it at all
-if button returned of result is "Yes" then
-	try
-		do shell script (shell_script) with administrator privileges
-	on error
-		display dialog "Too many errors, quitting." buttons {"Quit"} default button "Quit" with icon stop giving up after 5
-		quit
-	end try
-	-- So Long and Thanks for all the Fish!
-	display dialog "Thank you for using tor!" buttons {"Ok"} giving up after 5
-	display dialog "Thank you for your continued use of Tor & Privoxy" buttons {"You're welcome."}
-end if
+on run
+	-- Validate & find disk paths
+	set boot_disk to (path to startup disk) as string
+	set default_tor_path to boot_disk & "Library:Tor"
+	set default_privoxy_path to boot_disk & "Library:Privoxy"
+	set default_tor_startup_path to boot_disk & "Library:StartupItems:Tor"
+	set default_privoxy_startup_path to boot_disk & "Library:StartupItems:Privoxy"
+	set shell_script to default_tor_path & ":uninstall_tor_bundle.sh"
+	set doomed_path_list to {default_tor_path, default_privoxy_path, default_tor_startup_path, default_privoxy_startup_path}
+	-- Display what we're removing and ask for validation
+	-- this is the simplest way to do this
+	set remove_me to display dialog "Welcome to the Tor + Privoxy Uninstaller.  This program will remove:" & return & return & POSIX path of default_tor_path & return & POSIX path of default_privoxy_path & return & POSIX path of default_tor_startup_path & return & POSIX path of default_privoxy_startup_path & return & return & "If this looks correct, choose Yes.  Otherwise, choose No." buttons {"Yes", "No"} default button "No"
+	-- Run a shell script to do all the unix work since applescript can't see it at all
+	if button returned of result is "Yes" then
+		try
+			do shell script (POSIX path of shell_script) with administrator privileges
+		on error
+			display dialog "Too many errors, quitting." buttons {"Quit"} default button "Quit" with icon stop giving up after 3
+			quit
+		end try
+		-- So Long and Thanks for all the Fish!
+		display dialog "Thank you for using tor!" buttons {"Ok"} giving up after 3
+	else
+		display dialog "Thank you for your continued use of Tor & Privoxy" buttons {"You're welcome."} giving up after 3
+	end if
+end run
 -- We're done

+ 1 - 0

@@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ chmod 755 contrib/osx/TorPostflight
 cp contrib/osx/TorPostflight $BUILD_DIR/tor_resources/postflight
 cp contrib/osx/addsysuser $BUILD_DIR/tor_resources/addsysuser
 cp contrib/osx/Tor_Uninstaller.applescript $BUILD_DIR/tor_resources/Tor_Uninstaller.applescript
+cp contrib/osx/Tor_Uninstaller.app.tar.gz $BUILD_DIR/tor_resources/Tor_Uninstaller.app.tar.gz
 cp contrib/osx/uninstall_tor_bundle.sh $BUILD_DIR/tor_resources/uninstall_tor_bundle.sh
 cp contrib/osx/package_list.txt $BUILD_DIR/tor_resources/package_list.txt
 cp contrib/osx/tor_logo.gif $BUILD_DIR/tor_resources/background.gif