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Merge remote-tracking branch 'onionk/rust-protocommas1' into maint-0.3.5

Nick Mathewson 6 роки тому
2 змінених файлів з 19 додано та 17 видалено
  1. 3 0
  2. 16 17

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+  o Minor bugfixes (protover, rust):
+    - Reject extra commas in version string. Fixes bug 27197; bugfix on

+ 16 - 17

@@ -352,23 +352,25 @@ impl FromStr for ProtoSet {
     /// assert_eq!(Err(ProtoverError::Unparseable), ProtoSet::from_str("3-"));
     /// assert_eq!(Err(ProtoverError::Unparseable), ProtoSet::from_str("1-,4"));
-    /// // Things which would get parsed into an _empty_ `ProtoSet` are,
-    /// // however, legal, and result in an empty `ProtoSet`:
+    /// // An empty string is, however, legal, and results in an
+    /// // empty `ProtoSet`:
     /// assert_eq!(Ok(ProtoSet::default()), ProtoSet::from_str(""));
-    /// assert_eq!(Ok(ProtoSet::default()), ProtoSet::from_str(",,,"));
     /// #
     /// # Ok(protoset)
     /// # }
     /// # fn main() { do_test(); }  // wrap the test so we can use the ? operator
     /// ```
     fn from_str(version_string: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
+        // If we were passed in an empty string, then return an empty ProtoSet.
+        if version_string.is_empty() {
+            return Ok(Self::default());
+        }
         let mut pairs: Vec<(Version, Version)> = Vec::new();
         let pieces: ::std::str::Split<char> = version_string.split(',');
         for p in pieces {
-            if p.is_empty() {
-                continue;
-            } else if p.contains('-') {
+            if p.contains('-') {
                 let mut pair = p.splitn(2, '-');
                 let low = pair.next().ok_or(ProtoverError::Unparseable)?;
@@ -377,24 +379,14 @@ impl FromStr for ProtoSet {
                 let lo: Version = low.parse().or(Err(ProtoverError::Unparseable))?;
                 let hi: Version = high.parse().or(Err(ProtoverError::Unparseable))?;
-                if lo == u32::MAX || hi == u32::MAX {
-                    return Err(ProtoverError::ExceedsMax);
-                }
                 pairs.push((lo, hi));
             } else {
                 let v: u32 = p.parse().or(Err(ProtoverError::Unparseable))?;
-                if v == u32::MAX {
-                    return Err(ProtoverError::ExceedsMax);
-                }
                 pairs.push((v, v));
-        // If we were passed in an empty string, or
-        // simply a comma, or a pile of commas, then return an empty ProtoSet.
-        if pairs.len() == 0 {
-            return Ok(ProtoSet::default());
-        }
@@ -558,6 +550,13 @@ mod test {
         assert_eq!(Err(ProtoverError::Unparseable), ProtoSet::from_str("-1"));
+    #[test]
+    fn test_versions_from_str_commas() {
+        assert_eq!(Err(ProtoverError::Unparseable), ProtoSet::from_str(","));
+        assert_eq!(Err(ProtoverError::Unparseable), ProtoSet::from_str("1,,2"));
+        assert_eq!(Err(ProtoverError::Unparseable), ProtoSet::from_str("1,2,"));
+    }
     fn test_versions_from_str_hyphens() {
         assert_eq!(Err(ProtoverError::Unparseable), ProtoSet::from_str("--1"));