@@ -1,3 +1,83 @@
+Changes in version - 2005-11-01
+ o Usability improvements:
+ - Start calling it FooListenAddress rather than FooBindAddress,
+ since none of our users know what it means to bind an address or
+ port. Warn if you use the old name in your config.
+ - Reduce clutter in server logs. We're going to try to make
+ them actually usable now. New config option ProtocolWarnings that
+ lets you hear about how _other Tors_ are breaking the protocol. Off
+ by default.
+ - Divide log messages into logging domains. Once we put some sort
+ of interface on this, it will let people looking at more verbose
+ log levels specify the topics they want to hear more about.
+ - Make directory servers return better http 404 error messages
+ instead of a generic "Servers unavailable".
+ - Check for even more Windows version flags when writing the platform
+ string for servers, and note any we do not recognize.
+ - Clean up all the OpenSSL memory when exiting, so we can detect
+ memory leaks better.
+ - Make directory authorities be non-versioning, non-naming by
+ default. Now we can add new directory servers without requiring
+ their operators to pay close attention.
+ - Start making directory caches retain old routerinfos, so soon
+ clients can start asking by digest of descriptor rather than by
+ fingerprint of server.
+ o Performance improvements:
+ - Directory servers now silently throw away new descriptors that
+ haven't changed much if the timestamps are similar. We do this to
+ tolerate older Tor servers that upload a new descriptor every 15
+ minutes. (It seemed like a good idea at the time.)
+ - Inline bottleneck smartlist functions; use fast versions by default.
+ - Add a "Map from digest to void*" abstraction digestmap_t so we
+ can do less hex encoding/decoding. Use it in router_get_by_digest()
+ to resolve a performance bottleneck.
+ - Allow tor_gzip_uncompress to extract as much as possible from
+ truncated compressed data. Try to extract as many
+ descriptors as possible from truncated http responses (when
+ - Make circ->onionskin a pointer, not a static array. moria2 was using
+ 125000 circuit_t's after it had been up for a few weeks, which
+ translates to 20+ megs of wasted space.
+ o Security improvements:
+ - Add half our entropy from RAND_poll in OpenSSL. This knows how
+ to use egd (if present), openbsd weirdness (if present), vms/os2
+ weirdness (if we ever port there), and more in the future.
+ o Bugfixes on 0.1.0.x:
+ - Do round-robin writes of at most 16 kB per write. This might be
+ more fair on loaded Tor servers, and it might resolve our Windows
+ crash bug. It might also slow things down.
+ - When a Tor server's IP changes (e.g. from a dyndns address),
+ upload a new descriptor so clients will learn too.
+ - Really busy servers were keeping enough circuits open on stable
+ connections that they were wrapping around the circuit_id
+ space. (It's only two bytes.) This exposed a bug where we would
+ feel free to reuse a circuit_id even if it still exists but has
+ been marked for close. Try to fix this bug.
+ - If we would close a stream early (e.g. it asks for a .exit that
+ we know would refuse it) but the LeaveStreamsUnattached config
+ option is set by the controller, then don't close it.
+ o Bugfixes on
+ - Fix a big pile of memory leaks, some of them serious.
+ - Do not try to download a routerdesc if we would immediately reject
+ it as obsolete.
+ - Resume inserting a newline between all router descriptors when
+ generating (old style) signed directories, since our spec says
+ we do.
+ - When providing content-type application/octet-stream for
+ server descriptors using .z, we were leaving out the
+ content-encoding header. Oops. (Everything tolerated this just fine,
+ but that doesn't mean we need to be part of the problem.)
+ - Fix a potential seg fault in getconf and getinfo using version 1
+ of the controller protocol.
+ - Avoid crash: do not check whether DirPort is reachable when we
+ are suppressing it because of hibernation.
+ - Make --hash-password not crash on exit.
Changes in version - 2005-10-07
o New features (major):
- Clients don't download or use the directory anymore. Now they