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r11700@catbus: nickm | 2007-02-08 02:03:50 -0500
Fix several bugs in computing recommended versions. 1) refactor is-this-version-good handling and which-vesions-are-good handling to be in the same place. 2) a version is recommended if more than half of the versioning authorities like it, not >= half. 3) "NEW_IN_SERIES" should mean, "I don't know of an 0.1.1.x this recent, and there are some 0.1.2.x versions out", not "I don't know of an 0.1.1.x this recent, but I know some older ones." This should resolve bug 383.


Nick Mathewson 18 years ago
5 changed files with 77 additions and 50 deletions
  1. 3 0
  2. 2 1
  3. 2 1
  4. 69 47
  5. 1 1

+ 3 - 0

@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ Changes in version - 2007-??-??
     - Report events where a resolve succeeded or where we got a socks
       protocol error correctly, rather than calling both of them "INTERNAL".
+  o Minor bugfixes (other)
+    - Display correct results when reporting which versions are recommended,
+      and how recommended they are.  (Resolves bug 383.)
 Changes in version - 2007-02-06
   o Major bugfixes (rate limiting):

+ 2 - 1

@@ -124,7 +124,8 @@ of their choices.
    Tor servers test reachability of their ORPort on start and whenever
    their IP address changes.
-   XXXX
+   [XXXX arma: write this.] 
 2.1.4. Hidden-service circuits

+ 2 - 1

@@ -2984,7 +2984,8 @@ typedef enum version_status_t {
   VS_OLD=1, /**< This version is older than any recommended version. */
   VS_NEW=2, /**< This version is newer than any recommended version. */
   VS_NEW_IN_SERIES=3, /**< This version is newer than any recommended version
-                       * in its series, and such recommended versions exist. */
+                       * in its series, but later recommended versions exist.
+                       */
   VS_UNRECOMMENDED=4 /**< This version is not recommended (general case) */
 } version_status_t;

+ 69 - 47

@@ -3029,27 +3029,48 @@ networkstatus_get_by_digest(const char *digest)
  * our server is broken, invalid, obsolete, etc. */
 #define SELF_OPINION_INTERVAL (90*60)
+/** Result of checking whether a version is recommended. */
+typedef struct combined_version_status_t {
+  /** How many networkstatuses claim to know about versions? */
+  int n_versioning;
+  /** What do the majority of networkstatuses believe about this version? */
+  version_status_t consensus;
+  /** How many networkstatuses constitute the majority? */
+  int n_concurring;
+} combined_version_status_t;
 /** Return a string naming the versions of Tor recommended by
  * more than half the versioning networkstatuses. */
 static char *
-compute_recommended_versions(time_t now, int client)
+compute_recommended_versions(time_t now, int client,
+                             const char *my_version,
+                             combined_version_status_t *status_out)
   int n_seen;
   char *current;
   smartlist_t *combined, *recommended;
-  int n_versioning;
+  int n_versioning, n_recommending;
   char *result;
-  (void) now; /* right now, we consider *all* ors. */
+  /** holds the compromise status taken among all non-recommending
+   * authorities */
+  version_status_t consensus = VS_RECOMMENDED;
+  (void) now; /* right now, we consider *all* statuses, regardless of age. */
+  tor_assert(my_version);
+  tor_assert(status_out);
+  memset(status_out, 0, sizeof(combined_version_status_t));
   if (!networkstatus_list)
     return tor_strdup("<none>");
   combined = smartlist_create();
-  n_versioning = 0;
+  n_versioning = n_recommending = 0;
   SMARTLIST_FOREACH(networkstatus_list, networkstatus_t *, ns,
       const char *vers;
       smartlist_t *versions;
+      version_status_t status;
       if (! ns->recommends_versions)
@@ -3062,6 +3083,12 @@ compute_recommended_versions(time_t now, int client)
       sort_version_list(versions, 1);
       smartlist_add_all(combined, versions);
+      /* now, check _our_ version */
+      status = tor_version_is_obsolete(my_version, vers);
+      if (status == VS_RECOMMENDED)
+        n_recommending++;
+      consensus = version_status_join(status, consensus);
   sort_version_list(combined, 0);
@@ -3074,13 +3101,13 @@ compute_recommended_versions(time_t now, int client)
       if (current && !strcmp(cp, current)) {
       } else {
-        if (n_seen >= n_versioning/2 && current)
+        if (n_seen > n_versioning/2 && current)
           smartlist_add(recommended, current);
         n_seen = 0;
         current = cp;
-  if (n_seen >= n_versioning/2 && current)
+  if (n_seen > n_versioning/2 && current)
     smartlist_add(recommended, current);
   result = smartlist_join_strings(recommended, ", ", 0, NULL);
@@ -3089,6 +3116,15 @@ compute_recommended_versions(time_t now, int client)
+  status_out->n_versioning = n_versioning;
+  if (n_recommending > n_versioning/2) {
+    status_out->consensus = VS_RECOMMENDED;
+    status_out->n_concurring = n_recommending;
+  } else {
+    status_out->consensus = consensus;
+    status_out->n_concurring = n_versioning - n_recommending;
+  }
   return result;
@@ -3154,64 +3190,50 @@ routers_update_all_from_networkstatus(void)
   if (!have_warned_about_old_version &&
-      have_tried_downloading_all_statuses(4)) {
-    int n_versioning = 0;
-    int n_recommended = 0;
+      have_tried_downloading_all_statuses(4)) { /*XXXX012This 4 is too magic.*/
+    combined_version_status_t st;
     int is_server = server_mode(get_options());
-    version_status_t consensus = VS_RECOMMENDED;
-    SMARTLIST_FOREACH(networkstatus_list, networkstatus_t *, ns,
-    {
-      version_status_t vs;
-      if (!ns->recommends_versions)
-        continue;
-      vs = tor_version_is_obsolete(
-              VERSION, is_server ? ns->server_versions : ns->client_versions);
-      if (vs == VS_RECOMMENDED)
-        ++n_recommended;
-      if (n_versioning++ == 0) {
-        consensus = vs;
-      } else if (consensus != vs) {
-        consensus = version_status_join(consensus, vs);
-      }
-    });
-    if (n_versioning && n_recommended <= n_versioning/2) {
-      if (consensus == VS_NEW || consensus == VS_NEW_IN_SERIES) {
+    char *recommended;
+    recommended = compute_recommended_versions(now, !is_server, VERSION, &st);
+    if (st.n_versioning) {
+      if (st.consensus == VS_RECOMMENDED) {
+        log_info(LD_GENERAL, "%d/%d statements from version-listing "
+                 "directory authorities say my version is ok.",
+                 st.n_concurring, st.n_versioning);
+      } else if (st.consensus == VS_NEW || st.consensus == VS_NEW_IN_SERIES) {
         if (!have_warned_about_new_version) {
-          char *rec = compute_recommended_versions(now, !is_server);
           log_notice(LD_GENERAL, "This version of Tor (%s) is newer than any "
-                 "recommended version%s, according to %d/%d network "
-                 "statuses. Versions recommended by more than %d "
+                 "recommended version%s, according to %d/%d version-listing "
+                 "network statuses. Versions recommended by more than %d "
                  "authorit%s are: %s",
-                 consensus == VS_NEW_IN_SERIES ? " in its series" : "",
-                 n_versioning-n_recommended, n_versioning, n_versioning/2,
-                 n_versioning/2 > 1 ? "ies" : "y", rec);
+                 st.consensus == VS_NEW_IN_SERIES ? " in its series" : "",
+                 st.n_concurring, st.n_versioning, st.n_versioning/2,
+                 st.n_versioning/2 > 1 ? "ies" : "y", recommended);
           have_warned_about_new_version = 1;
           control_event_general_status(LOG_WARN, "DANGEROUS_VERSION "
                  "CURRENT=%s REASON=%s RECOMMENDED=\"%s\"",
-                 VERSION, "NEW", rec);
-          tor_free(rec);
+                 VERSION, "NEW", recommended);
       } else {
-        char *rec = compute_recommended_versions(now, !is_server);
         log_warn(LD_GENERAL, "Please upgrade! "
-                 "This version of Tor (%s) is %s, according to "
-                 "%d/%d network statuses. Versions recommended by "
+                 "This version of Tor (%s) is %s, according to %d/%d version-"
+                 "listing network statuses. Versions recommended by "
                  "at least %d authorit%s are: %s",
-                 VERSION, consensus == VS_OLD ? "obsolete" : "not recommended",
-                 n_versioning-n_recommended, n_versioning, n_versioning/2,
-                 n_versioning/2 > 1 ? "ies" : "y", rec);
+                 VERSION,
+                 st.consensus == VS_OLD ? "obsolete" : "not recommended",
+                 st.n_concurring, st.n_versioning, st.n_versioning/2,
+                 st.n_versioning/2 > 1 ? "ies" : "y", recommended);
         have_warned_about_old_version = 1;
         control_event_general_status(LOG_WARN, "DANGEROUS_VERSION "
                  "CURRENT=%s REASON=%s RECOMMENDED=\"%s\"",
-                 VERSION, consensus == VS_OLD ? "OLD" : "UNRECOMMENDED", rec);
-        tor_free(rec);
+                 VERSION, st.consensus == VS_OLD ? "OLD" : "UNRECOMMENDED",
+                 recommended);
-    } else {
-      log_info(LD_GENERAL, "%d/%d statements from "
-               "directory authorities say my version is ok.",
-               n_recommended, n_versioning);
+    tor_free(recommended);
   routerstatus_list_has_changed = 0;

+ 1 - 1

@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ tor_version_is_obsolete(const char *myversion, const char *versionlist)
   /* We didn't find the listed version. Is it new or old? */
-  if (found_any_in_series && !found_newer_in_series) {
+  if (found_any_in_series && !found_newer_in_series && found_newer) {
     ret = VS_NEW_IN_SERIES;
   } else if (found_newer && !found_older) {
     ret = VS_OLD;