@@ -764,19 +764,23 @@ run_connection_housekeeping(int i, time_t now)
the connection or send a keepalive, depending. */
if (now >= conn->timestamp_lastwritten + options->KeepalivePeriod) {
routerinfo_t *router = router_get_by_digest(or_conn->identity_digest);
+ int maxCircuitlessPeriod = options->MaxCircuitDirtiness*3/2;
if (!connection_state_is_open(conn)) {
log_info(LD_OR,"Expiring non-open OR connection to fd %d (%s:%d).",
conn->s,conn->address, conn->port);
conn->hold_open_until_flushed = 1;
} else if (we_are_hibernating() && !or_conn->n_circuits &&
!buf_datalen(conn->outbuf)) {
log_info(LD_OR,"Expiring non-used OR connection to fd %d (%s:%d) "
"[Hibernating or exiting].",
conn->s,conn->address, conn->port);
conn->hold_open_until_flushed = 1;
} else if (!clique_mode(options) && !or_conn->n_circuits &&
+ now >= conn->timestamp_lastwritten + maxCircuitlessPeriod &&
(!router || !server_mode(options) ||
!router_is_clique_mode(router))) {
log_info(LD_OR,"Expiring non-used OR connection to fd %d (%s:%d) "