@@ -234,7 +234,38 @@ Discussion: Reducing round-trips
Discussion: Advertising versions in routerdescs and networkstatuses.
Discussion: Advertising versions in routerdescs and networkstatuses.
+ In network-statuses:
+ The networkstatus "v" line now has the format:
+ LINK-VERSION-LIST and CIRCUIT-VERSION-LIST are comma-separated lists of
+ supported version numbers. IMPLEMENTATION is the name of the
+ implementation of the Tor protocol (e.g., "Tor"), and IMPL-VERSION is the
+ version of the implementation.
+ Examples:
+ v Tor Link 0,1,2,3 Circuit 0,2,5
+ v OtherOR 2000+ Link 3 Circuit 5
+ Implementations that release independently of the Tor codebase SHOULD NOT
+ use "Tor" as the value of their IMPLEMENTATION.
+ Additional fields on the "v" line MUSTbe ignored.
+ In router descriptors:
+ The router descriptor should contain a line of the form,
+ Additional fields on the "protocols" line MUST be ignored.
+ [Versions of Tor before rejected router descriptors with
+ unrecognized items; the protocols line should be preceded with an "opt"
+ until these Tors are obsolete.]
Security issues:
Security issues:
@@ -244,8 +275,11 @@ Security issues:
version, it will get a disproportionate amount of traffic from clients who
version, it will get a disproportionate amount of traffic from clients who
prefer that version. We can mitigate this somewhat as follows:
prefer that version. We can mitigate this somewhat as follows:
- - Do not have clients prefer any protocol version by default
+ - Do not have clients prefer any protocol version by default until that
- until that version is widespread.
+ version is widespread. (First introduce the new version to servers,
+ and have clients admit to using it only when configured to do so for
+ testing. Then, once many servers are running the new protocol
+ version, enable its use by default.)
- Do not multiply protocol versions needlessly.
- Do not multiply protocol versions needlessly.