@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ ARMA - arma claims
o clients now have certs, which means we warn when their certs have
incorrect times. we need to stop that.
- - Oct 20 16:45:10.237 [warn] parse_addr_port(): Port '0' out of range
+ o Oct 20 16:45:10.237 [warn] parse_addr_port(): Port '0' out of range
o clean up parse_*_policy code
o when you hup, they're not getting re-parsed
o stop calling a *_policy an exit_policy_t
@@ -23,11 +23,11 @@ ARMA - arma claims
o Function to check whether an option has changed.
o Function to generate the contents for a torrc file.
o Function to safely replace a torrc file.
-R - fix print_usage()
- . Download and use running-routers
+ o fix print_usage()
+ o Download and use running-routers
o Code to download running-routers
- - Decouple DirFetchPeriod, StatusFetchPeriod, DirPostPeriod.
- - Do we really want to send the clients to the authdirservers for
+ o Decouple DirFetchPeriod, StatusFetchPeriod, DirPostPeriod.
+ o Do we really want to send the clients to the authdirservers for
running-routers so often?
R - document signals in man page
o Check for hibernation on startup, hup, etc.
@@ -47,8 +47,6 @@ N . Test hibernation a lot.
o Review website; make important info more prominent.
o merge in the contributed tor.sh
Beyond 0.0.9:
- controller should have 'getinfo' command to query about rephist,
about rendezvous status, etc.