@@ -495,28 +495,47 @@ handle_get_frontpage(dir_connection_t *conn, const get_handler_args_t *args)
- * <b>flavor</b> is too old and will not be served to clients. Rate-limit the
- * warning to avoid logging an entry on every request.
+ * <b>flavor</b> too new or too old, based on <b>is_too_new</b>,
+ * and will not be served to clients. Rate-limit the warning to avoid logging
+ * an entry on every request.
static void
-warn_consensus_is_too_old(const struct consensus_cache_entry_t *consensus,
- const char *flavor, time_t now)
+ const struct consensus_cache_entry_t *consensus,
+ const char *flavor, time_t now, bool is_too_new)
- static ratelim_t warned = RATELIM_INIT(TOO_OLD_WARNING_INTERVAL);
+ static ratelim_t warned[2] = { RATELIM_INIT(
char timestamp[ISO_TIME_LEN+1];
- time_t valid_until;
- char *dupes;
+ time_t valid_time = 0;
+ char *dupes = NULL;
- if (consensus_cache_entry_get_valid_until(consensus, &valid_until))
- return;
- if ((dupes = rate_limit_log(&warned, now))) {
- format_local_iso_time(timestamp, valid_until);
- log_warn(LD_DIRSERV, "Our %s%sconsensus is too old, so we will not "
- "serve it to clients. It was valid until %s local time and we "
- "continued to serve it for up to 24 hours after it expired.%s",
- flavor ? flavor : "", flavor ? " " : "", timestamp, dupes);
+ if (is_too_new) {
+ if (consensus_cache_entry_get_valid_after(consensus, &valid_time))
+ return;
+ dupes = rate_limit_log(&warned[1], now);
+ } else {
+ if (consensus_cache_entry_get_valid_until(consensus, &valid_time))
+ return;
+ dupes = rate_limit_log(&warned[0], now);
+ }
+ if (dupes) {
+ format_local_iso_time(timestamp, valid_time);
+ log_warn(LD_DIRSERV, "Our %s%sconsensus is too %s, so we will not "
+ "serve it to clients. It was valid %s %s local time and we "
+ "continued to serve it for up to 24 hours %s.%s",
+ flavor ? flavor : "",
+ flavor ? " " : "",
+ is_too_new ? "new" : "old",
+ is_too_new ? "after" : "until",
+ timestamp,
+ is_too_new ? "before it was valid" : "after it expired",
+ dupes);
@@ -859,7 +878,6 @@ handle_get_current_consensus(dir_connection_t *conn,
if (req.diff_only && !cached_consensus) {
write_short_http_response(conn, 404, "No such diff available");
goto done;
@@ -870,19 +888,30 @@ handle_get_current_consensus(dir_connection_t *conn,
- time_t fresh_until, valid_until;
- int have_fresh_until = 0, have_valid_until = 0;
+ time_t valid_after, fresh_until, valid_until;
+ int have_valid_after = 0, have_fresh_until = 0, have_valid_until = 0;
if (cached_consensus) {
+ have_valid_after =
+ !consensus_cache_entry_get_valid_after(cached_consensus, &valid_after);
have_fresh_until =
!consensus_cache_entry_get_fresh_until(cached_consensus, &fresh_until);
have_valid_until =
!consensus_cache_entry_get_valid_until(cached_consensus, &valid_until);
- if (cached_consensus && have_valid_until &&
+ if (cached_consensus && have_valid_after &&
+ !networkstatus_valid_after_is_reasonably_live(valid_after, now)) {
+ write_short_http_response(conn, 404, "Consensus is too new");
+ warn_consensus_is_not_reasonably_live(cached_consensus, req.flavor, now,
+ 1);
+ geoip_note_ns_response(GEOIP_REJECT_NOT_FOUND);
+ goto done;
+ } else if (
+ cached_consensus && have_valid_until &&
!networkstatus_valid_until_is_reasonably_live(valid_until, now)) {
write_short_http_response(conn, 404, "Consensus is too old");
- warn_consensus_is_too_old(cached_consensus, req.flavor, now);
+ warn_consensus_is_not_reasonably_live(cached_consensus, req.flavor, now,
+ 0);
goto done;