@@ -120,18 +120,18 @@ Section "Documents" Docs
File "..\LICENSE"
-Section "TorButton for FireFox" Torbutton
- SetOutPath $INSTDIR
- File "${BIN}\torbutton-1.0.4-fx+tb.xpi"
- ReadRegStr $1 HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\firefox.exe" "Path"
- StrCmp $1 "" +2 0 ; if Path is empty or null, then skip to an error, otherwise proceed
- Exec '"$1firefox.exe" -install-global-extension "$INSTDIR\torbutton-1.0.4-fx+tb.xpi"'
- DetailPrint "Torbutton installed"
- Goto +2
- MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "FireFox wasn't found on your system. Not installing Torbutton."
- DetailPrint "Firefox NOT found."
+;Section "TorButton for FireFox" Torbutton
+; SetOutPath $INSTDIR
+; File "${BIN}\torbutton-1.0.4-fx+tb.xpi"
+; ReadRegStr $1 HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\firefox.exe" "Path"
+; StrCmp $1 "" +2 0 ; if Path is empty or null, then skip to an error, otherwise proceed
+; Exec '"$1firefox.exe" -install-global-extension "$INSTDIR\torbutton-1.0.4-fx+tb.xpi"'
+; DetailPrint "Torbutton installed"
+; Goto +2
+; MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "FireFox wasn't found on your system. Not installing Torbutton."
+; DetailPrint "Firefox NOT found."
SubSection /e "Shortcuts" Shortcuts